Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 46: the first time


Tonight, it was really different. The mouse evolved higher intelligence and killed the cat.

And attempt to occupy the city.

Wu Xingyun handed over the steering wheel to Ye Fan, and the car had to drive quickly, but in the surrounding white fog, he couldn't see anything, so it was impossible to drive.

Ye Fan has just turned eighteen, not even old enough to drive, and graduated from Wu Xingyun Driving School.

His car skills were worse than Wu Xingyun's.

Although he knew the road conditions, he would keep bumping into something as he was moving forward.

Wu Xingyun held his own gun and sat on the back seat, staring at the back.

It was pitch black behind him, the car's taillights could only illuminate a small area, and there was still white fog around.

Once the mouse appeared in Wu Xingyun's field of vision, if they couldn't kill it with one blow, the two of them would fall into the rat wave again.

Suddenly, something came out of the darkness, and Wu Xingyun shot without seeing it clearly.

"Aww~" It's a dog.

As the car drove forward quickly, Wu Xingyun heard an even more terrifying bark from the dog at that moment, and even heard the sound of its bones being crushed by something.

Bang! Ye Fan drove the car into a tree again.

He reversed the car immediately, but something was after him. Wu Xingyun still didn't see clearly, he just shot based on feeling.

There were more and more of those things, and there was even an intention to surround the car. In Wu Xingyun's ears, he could hear the rustling and creaking sounds that almost drowned the sky and the earth.

He doesn't know how many rats there are... What's more frightening is that he knows the abnormal reproductive ability of rats.

This group of mice will be at least several times larger than when the two met for the first time. Once they are surrounded, the consequences will be unimaginable.

boom! Ye Fan finally started the car again, crushing the mouse in front of him, causing the whole car to heave.

The smell of blood in the air immediately permeated. Along the way, things kept bumping into the car, staining the front glass of the car red, and the windshield wipers failed. Ye Fan couldn't see anything at all, so he just closed his eyes , and drive only with a keen sense.

Wu Xingyun was in charge of the mice chasing after him.

As he kept shooting, and Ye Fan drove faster and faster, the creaking sound gradually left the hearing range of the two.

The disappearance of the last building meant that the two had left the small town.

Wu Xingyun believed that the small town must be completely occupied by rats. Moreover, in terms of the abnormal reproduction speed of rats, those rats have no world, and they will become more and more terrifying in a short period of time.

Ten minutes after the two of them drove out of the small town, the sun finally showed its face.

This is the first time the sun has appeared a month after it disappeared.

The faint light shone through the white mist, making everything seem unreal. The air was even refracted with colorful psychedelic lights. As the sun jumped higher and higher, the light became stronger and stronger, and the white mist began to slowly dissipate.

The whole world showed its true colors.

Wu Xingyun looked behind, but there were no mice chasing after him.

He breathed a sigh of relief and almost collapsed on the back seat.

Such a highly tense shooting never happened even when he was ambushing Ye Suikong.

At that time, he had all kinds of high-tech instruments and indicators, he had a calm mind, and most importantly... Ye Suikong might still be reasonable if he had a brain twitch occasionally, and he didn't necessarily die if he missed it.

But now, for the first time, he faced such a situation where there was a bad driver driving, almost blind shooting, facing the alien species that devoured everything.

This feeling made Wu Xingyun's stomach churn a little, and he felt his back was wet with sweat.

Moreover, because of the appearance of the sun, the temperature rose little by little, and soon, Wu Xingyun took off only his T-shirt.

He climbed to the passenger seat and saw that Ye Fan was also sweating profusely, with his eyes closed, driving entirely by perception.

The window glass, front and back, was stained with blood, especially the front glass, and the road ahead could not be seen at all.

It wasn't until Wu Xingyun told Ye Fan that he could stop the car that Ye Fan opened his eyes and stopped the car.

The two got out of the car, and soon Ye Fan felt the temperature that summer should have. He took off all his coats and sweaters, leaving only a short-sleeved shirt completely soaked in sweat.

The two wiped the windows with the water they had in the car, but there was no excess water to clean the body.

Ye Fan looked around the car, he even bent down to look at the bottom of the car, Wu Xingyun asked him what he was doing, he said: "I must have hit something... I hit it more than once along the way... I tried to avoid it , but too soon... I don't know what that is. I'll see if there's anything left here."

Wu Xingyun saw a little finger stuck in the wheel hole at his feet.

Those are human fingers.

Wu Xingyun squatted down, secretly hid the little finger in his purse, and said, "Don't worry, I think it's probably some wild dogs or mutant monsters."

Ye Fan snorted, feeling uneasy in his heart, but he didn't dare to turn around and go back to confirm.

Wu Xingyun sat in the driver's seat, and now the light is very sufficient, he is completely competent for the job of driving.

The car started up again, Wu Xingyun didn't want to tell Ye Fan about it, and he could completely determine when he hit the person based on the corpse spot on the little finger.

That person, even if he doesn't die, will become food for rats.

For the first time, Wu Xingyun discovered that he had learned to deal with these things unconsciously. The little soldier who hid in the room almost demented after the first murder was long gone.

The car continued to drive forward, and after going through the last safe tunnel, the two saw the high-speed road into the city.

It only takes an hour to enter the city. Perhaps some inspections were needed, but Wu Xingyun believed that the two of them would arrive at their destination safely.

During this period of time, both of them were in a relatively relaxed mood. Wu Xingyun even turned on the tape recorder in the car.

Soothing music came from the tape recorder, and occasionally other cars passed by the two of them. The sun was the same as usual, and the trees on both sides of the road did not change much except that they were stronger.

This gave both of them the illusion that everything was normal.

The two soon arrived at the toll booth. The staff of the toll booth were the first real people they encountered.

Ye Fan almost let out a groan from his throat. In front of the toll booth is the road covered with steel wire mesh, and Luka is made of iron gates and steel thorns.

The staff at the toll booth explained that all of these are used to resist those mutated monsters, and those that net the road are high-voltage current grids, in order to prevent the mutated monsters from disrupting traffic.

Not only that, the staff at the toll station also said that the city was cleaned up very clean, and that every day troops would come out to hunt and distribute them to the citizens in the city. City C is one of the best managed cities in the country.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan obtained temporary city entry cards here, and they drove into the road, with occasional electric arcs passing through the barbed wire fences on both sides.

Wu Xingyun frowned, and said, "This is very dangerous... There should be isolation measures. What if someone is hit?"

Ye Fan said: "It probably didn't have time to build the isolation equipment. After all... It's only been less than two months since the accident. Look, the isolation equipment has started to be built there."

Wu Xingyun looked in the direction Ye Fan pointed, and there were indeed workers building in the distance.

Live construction is also very dangerous, but Wu Xingyun didn't say anything.

Up to now, although Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan have not seen City C, let alone entered the urban area, they both feel relieved to see that the whole city is in crisis and can quickly build such defense measures.

Wu Xingyun was even more thankful that he came to the right place.

However, within half a minute of this peace of mind, Ye Fan suddenly jumped up from the car seat: "Brother Yun! Turn around!"

Wu Xingyun turned around and found that there was a car behind him, so he couldn't turn around at all.

Seeing Ye Fan's nervous expression, he asked, "What's ahead?"

Ye Fan lowered his head slightly, trying to feel it, and then he smiled: "It's a person, it scared me, I thought it was something!"

Wu Xingyun also heaved a sigh of relief. When the two came to the city, they would of course meet a lot of people. He continued to drive, and the number of cars in front and behind gradually increased.

Finally, he saw that the cars in front of him had stopped, as if... a traffic jam.

Wu Xingyun stopped the car, turned around and asked Ye Fan again: "Is there... nothing in front?"

Ye Fan nodded with certainty: "Well, I'm sure there must be no monsters ahead."

Wu Xingyun still felt a little uneasy, he locked the car doors, took the rifle himself, and stuffed Ye Fan with a pistol.

"If you are in danger, shoot." Wu Xingyun roughly explained to Ye Fan how to use the pistol.

But before he finished speaking, he heard a voice.

It was crying, shouting, cursing, and noisy discussions.

This kind of sound can only be heard in crowded places.

Wu Xingyun opened the roof of the car, leaned out half of his body, and looked outside.

Then, I saw a large number of people coming from the intersection of the road in the distance.

Some of those people were carrying backpacks, some were holding children, and their expressions were either frightened or anxious, and they were rushing towards this side.

It doesn't look like there are too many people, no wonder it didn't attract Ye Fan's attention, but... if these people are all crowded on the road, there will be a lot.

Ye Fan also saw the scene ahead, and he said, "Probably something happened up front, should we go back?"

Wu Xingyun turned his head and saw that the cars behind him were already packed, and he was blocked in the middle of the road.

It takes more than half an hour to drive back, and it will be slower on foot.

Moreover, returning means facing a rat wave.

Wu Xingyun said: "Let's take our things and get out of the car, and go to a more open place. The road is full of high-voltage power grids, and it's too dangerous if something happens.

Ye Fan packed the two people's things into a backpack and got out of the car.

When they got out of the car, more and more people crowded in front of them, and more people who were blocked on the road also got out of the car, and they all asked, "What's the matter? Why is it suddenly blocked?"

But they couldn't find the answer, so Wu Xingyun pulled Ye Fan to squeeze forward in this crowd, and Ye Fan accidentally bumped into a middle-aged woman.

He stretched out his hand to help her up, said sorry repeatedly, and got nothing but cursing.

There were more and more people, and soon the entire tunnel was filled. Wu Xingyun tried to ask what happened to the person who fell on the ground in front of him, but no one paid any attention to him. Those who want to enter the city are like a small boat sailing against the rapids, they must break through the waves before they can move forward.

Wu Xingyun didn't care about Ye Fan at all at this time. He managed to squeeze out of the crowd and came to a slightly open place. When he turned around, he found that the entrance of the road was surrounded by a dense crowd of people. Frantically squeezed towards the blocked road.

Wu Xingyun shouted vigorously: "Ye Fan? Ye Fan!"

Ye Fan didn't hear Wu Xingyun's cry. He found himself stepping on another little girl in the crowd, so he lifted the little girl up and returned it to her parents, but he was almost squeezed on the ground.

He pushed hard towards Wu Xingyun's direction, but when he was at the entrance of the tunnel, he suddenly heard someone shout: "The monster is coming this way!"

Then, the crowd became even crazier, cursing and crying, and they were already noisy. People frantically rushed towards the road out of the city, regardless of how crowded the road was and what was outside the city.

When Ye Fan heard someone screaming, he turned his head and saw a person three meters away from him being squeezed to the ground, and his whole body was trampled on.

Ye Fan wanted to go over to help him, but he couldn't squeeze at all, and even stepped on his own feet several times.

Then, he watched helplessly as the man was continuously trampled on, and blood gushed out of the man's mouth.

Ye Fan pushed towards the outside more forcefully, no one knew better than him what was outside the city. There may be dangers in the city, but right now, the crowds are surging, and the passage out of the city where the stampede has already occurred is the most dangerous.

Then Ye Fan found out that he was stepped on by someone, it should be a woman, or by a high-heeled shoe, and he felt his feet hurt from being stepped on.

Then, someone scolded him again.

Someone else was crying, and a strong man pushed him: "Squeeze your fart!"

There are also girls screaming in the crowd: "Who touched my ass!"

More screams sounded, and Ye Fan felt that the ground seemed to be shaking faintly, and he intuitively felt that a big guy seemed to be coming from outside.

The bloody smell began to appear in the narrow passage. Ye Fan lowered his head and found that he was also stepping on someone, and that person was staring at him.

do not care! Ye Fan found that he could no longer see Wu Xingyun, and the two seemed to be separated. , This kind of cognition made Ye Fan flustered, and he heard that someone's quarrel had escalated.

"Get out of the way, block my way, I will stab you to death!"

He turned his head and saw a middle-aged man pushing an old man to the ground, and then squeezed into the passage taking advantage of the extra space.

He turned his head again, and saw two bald tattooed people on the other road holding knives and slashing people blocking the road, shouting while cutting: "The monster is coming, if you don't run or die! Don't block me!"

Then, Ye Fan found himself slapped inexplicably.

He bowed his head, it was a girl.

Ye Fan said: "I'm sorry..." He didn't know why he was being slapped.

But in the next second, a fist landed on his nose.

A strong man next to the girl punched him and pushed Ye Fan to the ground.

Someone stepped on Ye Fan, more than one.

Ye Fan tried to struggle, but it was useless, a dozen feet kept stepping on him.

Following what Wu Xingyun taught him, he tightened his muscles tightly, and unconsciously touched his trouser pocket.

Ye Fan shot when he saw a leather boot stepping on his face in front of him.

There was a bang.

A man fell down and fired several shots. More than a dozen people stepped on him, and two or three fell down.

He finally got a little space, got up from the ground, and those who stepped on him fell to the ground one after another, and were quickly rushed by more people behind, making even more terrifying screams.

Ye Fan still squeezed towards the place where Wu Xingyun left, his whole body trembling violently, the corners of his mouth and face were covered with blood.

He couldn't feel the cries, cursing, the faint deafening voices outside, and the slight vibration of the ground. There was only one thing in his head, and that was—I killed... and... more than killed One…

He felt that he was being pushed, and then he pushed others harder. It was only at this time that he realized that he was very strong. Those old, weak, women, children, and even men who were not strong were no match for him.

He felt that there were fewer and fewer people in front of him, but there were still stampedes around him. Ye Fan held a gun in his hand, and the gun might fire at any time.

Finally, he felt a sudden brightening before his eyes.

Finally, he squeezed out the flow of people and the passage that was already full of blood.

He looked up and looked around, and he saw the person he wanted to see.

At the same moment, Wu Xingyun also found Ye Fan covered in blood.

After Wu Xingyun was pushed away by the crowd, he waited at the exit. He heard the screams inside and saw the blood spreading out along the ground, so he almost guessed what happened inside.

He wanted to go in to find Ye Fan, but there were too many people, and it was impossible for him to squeeze in.

He can only wait at the exit.

He heard gunshots inside, more than one.

There were even gunshots in more than one place.

When the screams and the smell of blood began to spread, he saw that person come out.

The man had disheveled hair, a gun in his hand, blood all over his body, and even footprints.

His face was stained with ashes, his mouth was bloody, and his eyes were numb and cold.

If someone pushes him, he will push others with greater strength.

If someone hit him, he would punch without hesitation.

There was blood on the hand holding the gun, but he didn't seem to realize what he had done.

He finally walked out of the crowd, and no one dared to approach him again.

Wu Xingyun hurried up, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Ye Fan stared blankly at Wu Xingyun, the numbness and cold expression on his face did not disappear, but his voice was trembling: "I... killed..."

Wu Xingyun grabbed his hand, trying to pull him away from the crowd completely.

Ye Fan followed Wu Xingyun as he stumbled, and the two found a corner and stopped.

The ground was still shaking faintly, and Ye Fan stared blankly ahead.

"My... the blood on my hand is someone else's..." He couldn't hold his hand tightly.

Wu Xingyun took out the little finger from his purse and brought it to Ye Fan: "You've already done it..."

Ye Fan looked at the human little finger in the palm in disbelief, his hands were tightly closed, and then pressed against his forehead.

His whole body was trembling: "I... I actually killed others to keep myself alive... I stepped on other people's corpses to get out..."

He bit his lip tightly with his teeth, as if he was about to bleed. When he was now temporarily out of danger, he felt a churn in his stomach and almost vomited as he remembered what he had done. The whole person felt so weak that he couldn't even stand up.

Before today, he never thought that he would become such a person.

Although the end of the world has come for many days, Ye Fan felt its horror for the first time today.

Because it not only mutates creatures, it also turns itself into someone else, someone it doesn't even recognize.

Ye Fan finally couldn't help but spit it out, he took a big mouthful of air.

Wu Xingyun didn't know how to comfort him, and he had never seen such a situation, even now, he could already smell the bloody smell coming from the entrance. It's just that he has experienced cruel battlefields, and his adaptability is stronger. But even so, he felt a pang of discomfort.

He remembered the first time he killed someone, it took a whole month to recover, so what about Ye Fan now

Wu Xingyun stretched out his hand and gently held Ye Fan's hand. After a while, he said, "Just get used to it. You... you should get used to it soon."