Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 47


Wu Xingyun stretched out his hand and gently held Ye Fan's hand. After a while, he said, "Just get used to it. You... you should get used to it soon."

Ye Fan held Wu Xingyun's hand tightly, as if this hand was the only straw floating on the sea.

boom! The ground shook again, and a huge wave hit, throwing all the people who hadn't had time to enter the road tunnel to the ground.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun jumped towards Ye Fan together, and the two fell to the ground together.

Dust, cement debris, and broken steel bars flew towards the two of them, passed over their heads, and fell heavily to the ground.

Wu Xingyun felt the smoke and dust choke into his lungs, and Ye Fan also coughed.

After the smoke cleared, the two looked up together.

Among the people who did not come and entered the road tunnel, many were hit by the splashing steel bars. Because they did not know how to dodge, they could only fall to the ground and moan at this moment.

And in front of the two of them, on the square about a kilometer away, was a huge lizard.

The lizard was about ten meters tall, and its movements were very sensitive. Sometimes it would hide in the jungle made of reinforced concrete, and sometimes it would jump up, tearing apart all the things that tried to attack it.

Surrounding the lizard were fighter jets, tanks, and countless soldiers dispatched by the Southwest Military Region.

The bullets hit the mutated monitor lizard, but ordinary bullets couldn't penetrate his tough skin at all, and more bullets got stuck in his scales, making his skin a steel fortress, which actually strengthened the lizard. The anti-strike ability of monitor lizards.

Not only that, but it can also stick out its tongue when necessary, and its flexible tongue streaks across the sky, like a lightning bolt, like a red dragon, sticking its tongue to the fighter jet, easily destroying it.

The huge waves just now were the effect of the military using missiles when ordinary weapons were ineffective.

Rumble! The giant lizard was shot, and the missile shot into his flesh and cracked and exploded, causing a huge gash in its chest, and its flesh and blood flew across the square.

The giant lizard froze in the air for half a second, and then slowly fell down. Its huge body crushed countless steel buildings, causing the ground to tremble.

Those who escaped no longer ran out of their lives, but turned their heads at the same time. When they saw that the monitor lizard was killed, cheers broke out.

Ye Fan also got up from the ground, and he cheered loudly, but he had just yelled halfway before an extremely strange look appeared on his face.

His perception is more sensitive than others, and he is the first person to feel that the situation is not good.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt it. The shaking of the ground didn't stop after the monitor lizard's body hit the ground. Instead, it became bigger and bigger. One, two, more than a dozen monitor lizards poked their heads out of the steel jungle city.

The crowd began to panic again, even the commander of the army panicked.

They had just spent a lot of effort and lost almost half of the combatants and most of the shells before killing a monitor lizard, but now...

One fell and ten stood up.

Wu Xingyun murmured: "God... there are so many!"

Ye Fan turned around and grabbed Wu Xingyun's hand, his palms were sweating a little, because - all he could feel was more.

"Cloud... cloud..." he said it twice, without even calling out all the titles. "There are more than ten, there are... at least fifty... no, sixty... and they are still increasing..."

Sure enough, as Ye Fan said, monitor lizards have more and more heads, some are smaller than the one just now, but some are bigger than the one just now.

They can even form a formation and slowly move towards the human army. Every time they take a step, the ground will cause shocks, and even bring wind currents.

What's even more frightening is that these monitor lizards are walking in unison.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a rhythmic vibration.

The entire city became ruins at this moment, those lizards easily crushed the buildings, tore the iron sheet with their claws, grabbed the people inside, and then swallowed them into their stomachs.

The appearance of these monitor lizards made the crowd even more confused and panicked. Some people desperately climbed onto the high-voltage power grid, trying to tear through the high-voltage power grid and escape to heaven, but when they got close to the high-voltage power grid, they would be beaten by huge currents. There was a slap, and it instantly became a powder.

The high-voltage power grid that almost covered the entire city was supposed to prevent monsters from outside from invading, but when a large number of mutated monsters appeared in the city, the high-voltage power grid became the most terrifying thing. It blocked the way of human survival and shrouded the city in the darkness of hell.

The sound of gunfire, screams, and the faint vibration of the ground continued to come. The only way out of the city was the passage into the city.

But the access to the city has long been blocked, and Shura, who is more terrifying than the outside, is present.

Ye Fan's hands were shaking, he and Wu Xingyun got up from the ground together, there was nowhere to escape.

The commander standing on the military vehicle slightly raised his head and looked at everything in front of him. He couldn't believe what he saw. Where did these giant lizards come from overnight

Someone is asking: "Mr. Liu, do you want to retreat?"

The man called Master Liu looked about in his early thirties, he fell into a huge panic, and after a while, he looked around and realized that the existing army was absolutely impossible to fight against these monitor lizards.

However, does the retreat mean to abandon these citizens

Master Liu shook his head. He grabbed the walkie-talkie in his hand and gave an order: "Team one and two, destroy the power grid and open the passage out of the city!"

When he issued this order, his staff immediately objected: "You can't do this! Those mutated monsters outside the city..."

Master Liu shook his head: "It's the one who can escape, otherwise they will all die..." After saying this, he shouted into the walkie-talkie: "The rest of the soldiers, do you have the consciousness to sacrifice with me? "

"Shoot!" Master Liu yelled loudly.

Countless shells were fired at the monitor lizards, but the damage caused was very limited. It can only temporarily block the monitor lizard's footsteps.

A fighter plane flew out of this combat team, and the fuselage fired shells, hitting the power system that controls the high-voltage power grid.

Zi~~~~~! Blue arcs cut through those iron grids, and then disappeared.

The muzzle of a tank aimed at the power grids, and with a bang, the road out of the city was opened. The tank crushed the barbed wire and smashed the wall at the bottom. Countless people rushed out from this exit.

When the tanks and warplanes were done, they returned to join the fight against the monitor lizards.

Countless civilians flocked towards the newly opened entrance again, Wu Xingyun was stunned by the scene in front of him.

He has always lived in an orderly world, and has never seen such panic and chaos.

Ye Fan held Wu Xingyun's hand tightly, and rushed towards the newly opened passage along with the flow of people.

Everyone fell into a state of involuntary control. Ye Fan felt as if he had bumped into someone. He kept reaching out to help those people. Sometimes he was insulted, sometimes he was thanked, but most of the time, he couldn't help at all. those people.

The people who were pushed to the ground were not strong enough, and they would be pushed down by others the next second when they were lifted up by Ye Fan.

Ye Fan didn't know what happened behind him, when he stretched out his hand again to support a person who was staggered by others, he was surprised to find that he was supporting a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was about forty years old, with gray hair, and one lens of his glasses was broken.

"Uncle Luo!" Ye Fan was surprised to see an acquaintance here.

Luo Yaoguo squinted his eyes and looked at the young man who helped him, and remembered after a while: "It's you! Ye Fan!"

Ye Fan nodded, and before he could speak, he felt another huge wave coming.

Everyone was overturned to the ground, and the hissing of the monitor lizard made people stand on end. Ye Fan turned his head and saw the army jeep being snatched away by the monitor lizard, and a man who looked like a commander was struggling and screaming in the monitor lizard's mouth.

"Run, run!" Luo Yaoguo said, "Run to the north!"

Ye Fan supported Luo Yaoguo, Wu Xingyun opened the way ahead, and the three of them followed the crowd and ran desperately.

I don't know how long they ran, but they didn't stop until the crowd was no longer crowded and there was a forest around them.

The sun was already westward, and the weird white mist began to descend again.

The people who had escaped from the city sat together in twos and threes, raised a fire, and they were going to spend the night in the wild.

Wu Xingyun also came back with a pile of dry firewood, and he sat by the fire with Ye Fan and Luo Yaoguo.

Luo Yaoguo sighed while warming up the fire: "Xiaofan, thanks to you this time... If it weren't for you, I would have been trampled to death just now. Are your parents okay?"

Ye Fan fiddled with the fire with a wooden stick in his hand: "They... died in Tibet. They were bitten to death by Tibetan mastiffs."

Luo Yaoguo sighed and said, "Hey..."

The two stopped talking, but Wu Xingyun interrupted and asked, "Uncle Luo, don't you work in the research institute? This time... what's going on?"

Luo Yaoguo took off his glasses, wiped them, put them on again, and said: "There was an accident in the laboratory, those little lizards were originally our test subjects... Let alone, I was lucky to be able to escape, the others ... all dead."

Wu Xingyun was not very satisfied with this answer. He thought that Luo Yaoguo must know a lot. When he wanted to ask more, Luo Yaoguo said: "There are some things I can't say. What I can tell you is to get out of here as soon as possible. Well, because... things are bound to get worse, and this is just the beginning."

All three fell silent. After a while, Ye Fan asked, "The farther the better? Then, where are you going?"

Luo Yaoguo leaned against the tree pole and raised his head slightly. Before he could answer, someone came over and talked to Ye Fan and the others.

It was a middle-aged man who seemed to have a certain style. He said to the three of them: "We are going to take the road from the west. There are already 300 people joining our team. Are you willing to go with us?"

Ye Fan said: "There are mutated mice on the road to the west, so you can't go there."

The middle-aged man shrugged regretfully, and asked others again.

Ye Fan also stood up and looked around for news. He told others about the mutated rats in the west, and brought back new news.

"Now there are two passages to choose from. One is the road full of rats when we came here. A wave of people are going to go to Tibet through it. They think the plateau snow peaks are safer. They don't want to go to big cities anymore."

Wu Xingyun was adding firewood to the fire in front of him, he said: "The path of the mouse is too scary, what about the other path?"

Ye Fan said: "The other one goes to Xi'an, head north... But I heard that that road is blocked, and there are armed police with machine guns, and no one is allowed to go out. Anyone who comes close will be shot."

Wu Xingyun frowned slightly: "Why?"

Ye Fan shook his head: "I don't know, which way should we choose?"

Luo Yaoguo said: "Let's go to Xi'an, Xiaoying happens to be there too." Luo Yaoguo's daughter is called Luo Ying.

Ye Fan was a little surprised: "Sister Luo is in Xi'an? Didn't you say she works in Beijing?"

"I've already been transferred to Xi'an."

"But there will be armed police stopping you on the road..."

Luo Yaoguo stopped talking.

Wu Xingyun said: "I'm planning to go to Xi'an. Armed police are always better than mice. Ye Fan, you...will you go with me?"

Although both paths are dangerous, Wu Xingyun is more concerned about Ye Fan's future after the nuclear explosion. He hoped to send Ye Fan to the Noah's Ark of the Federation.

These days, he knew that Xi'an was closer to the satellite launch center, and there was also a military base there, so it was a good choice.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "I'll be with you, I'll go wherever you go."

Luo Yaoguo said: "Then let's go to Xi'an. Although it is said that there are armed police guarding the intersection, it may not be impossible to pass... I am from the laboratory, so I may be able to pass."

The people who escaped from the city were divided into two groups, and they set off before dawn.

There used to be a million people in the city, but about one-tenth of them escaped this time.

Most of them are young and strong. Luo Yaoguo is still wearing glasses at this age, so he is a bit conspicuous in the team.

Of the 100,000 young and middle-aged men who escaped, about 60,000 were ready to fight the rats, while the rest tried to go north. They did not believe that the armed police would stop so many of them, and more people believed that the machine gun shooting at the pass was a rumor.

Wu Xingyun, Ye Fan, and Luo Yaoguo also set off this morning. The road going north will pass through three medium-sized cities before arriving at the pass where the two provinces meet.

The two groups of people walked towards each other. Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan walked along the road for a long time, but they didn't see the sun rise again.

Soon, there was a problem with the 40,000-strong team.

The first thing was to fall behind. After walking in the dark for about two hours, Wu Xingyun felt that the number of people seemed to be much smaller. He turned to Ye Fan and said, "It seems that many people have not followed."

Ye Fan hummed, and said after a while: "Some were injured, and some were physically weak. Or they walked in the wrong direction."

As soon as the words fell, there were screams from a distance.

Someone got lost in the jungle and was attacked by something.

The crowd was frightened, and began to run aimlessly along the road again, ran for a while, and stopped again.

The whole crowd was like a mess of headless flies, without command or leadership, and they couldn't see the direction and road in the dark, it was a mess.

Then, the crowd stopped, and everyone started to commotion, guessing what was going on, and a loudspeaker shouted in the air: "Everyone listen to me, this is not going to work, we elect a leader to take charge , let’s plan the next itinerary.”

"I suggest that we all take out the food we brought and share it equally."

Immediately someone shouted: "What are you! Why do you listen to me?"

With a bang, someone screamed.

"Oh, why did you hit someone?" Someone yelled dissatisfied.

Wu Xingyun muttered: "What the hell is going on!"

Luo Yaoguo sighed: "Hey, what time is it, they are not in harmony!"

Ye Fan sneered slightly, and said, "It's probably because I'm hungry, and someone wants to grab something to eat."

Wu Xingyun asked: "Are you hungry?"

Ye Fan shook his head, and before he could speak, he heard someone in the crowd shouting: "Oh, this is mine! How can you snatch it?"

Immediately afterwards, the crowd became chaotic, and someone shouted: "Don't rush, everyone is a civilized person!"

But soon, this sentence was drowned in people's fighting.

Ye Fan didn't go to fight with others, he and Wu Xingyun protected Luo Yaoguo, one left and one right, trying to avoid this kind of crowd looting dispute, but someone grabbed Ye Fan's backpack in the dark.

"Boy, what's in the bag?"

When Wu Xingyun turned his head, he saw a burly guy holding two breads in his hand, and was about to grab Ye Fan's bag.

Wu Xingyun said: "Why are you so unreasonable? You have something to eat..."

That person ignored Wu Xingyun at all, he was already arguing with Ye Fan.

Boom! Ye Fan punched the man in the face, causing his nose to bleed profusely.

"Get out!" Ye Fan's voice sounded a bit hideous, but it had a very good effect.

The man left quickly and did not bother again.

In this way, the three of Ye Fan walked towards the place where the crowd was relatively sparse, and only took out the food in the bag when they were sure that there was no danger around them.

Ye Fan brought a whole large compressed biscuit, enough for three people to eat for a week.

The three will also be disturbed while eating, and there are constant people coveting, stealing or snatching the leftover biscuits.

Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun had to face this kind of trouble. Wu Xingyun would not argue with others, let alone fight with these civilians. Most of the time he said: "I can give you some, but you don't want to grab it..."

Wu Xingyun's words had no effect, he felt that he could not adapt to this kind of life at all.

Although he has a gun in his hand, even though he can easily break the necks of people who come to snatch things, he can't compete with ordinary people on this issue, and can only hold his own food tightly.

Contrary to Wu Xingyun, Ye Fan adapted quickly.

He went to the crowd fighting for food and dragged a fat man who had been stabbed to death.

Whenever someone tried to grab something, Ye Fan would stab the fat man who had been stabbed to death again as a deterrent.

After Ye Fan cut off a finger of the person who came to grab the food, no one came to harass them anymore.

Those who could not grab food looked at those who could eat from a distance, begging or begging.

Although Wu Xingyun felt that Ye Fan's method was not very good, but he couldn't cook a better meal, and he was very unhappy with this meal.

He turned his head and looked at Ye Fan. The big boy was vomiting a day ago because of killing someone by accident. After only one day and one night, he was able to eat beside the corpse without any problems.

Ye Fan has long since lost the dazed and helpless feeling he had when we met for the first time. Even when the crowd was chaotic, he quickly discovered his ability and position, and quickly adapted to it.