Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 48


After the three of them finished eating, they followed the crowd on the road again.

After a meal, there are far fewer people who can keep up, and—there is already a preliminary level and order.

Animals that live in groups can always build a new social system in the shortest time.

After about four hours of marching, hunger struck again.

The human body is more impatient with hunger than any species, and every movement they make consumes an incomparably large amount of calories.

Another round of snatching and eating.

This time, in the dark, the strong man was full of strength because he had eaten enough food.

And the weak, already hungry for a meal, become weaker.

The crowd began to divide into two levels, and it only took two days.

There are very few well-intentioned people, and almost no one will share their food with others when they understand that food is limited.

Ye Fan was still squatting next to the corpse to eat, but no one dared to harass him anymore.

After eating, it was already early morning, and the sun has not come out, but human energy is always limited, and they need to rest.

The crowd has always been moving along the road. Although they are still loosely organized, some stronger people have already occupied the middle of the road as a resting place. But those who were weak were squeezed to the periphery.

Sleeping on the concrete floor on the road is more comfortable than grass and soil. Ye Fan also planned to grab a piece of concrete floor to sleep on, but Wu Xingyun said: "Eating is a last resort. You can sleep anywhere. Don't go to sleep just because of this." It's not good to beat people up and bully people because of your own strength..."

Ye Fan was not reconciled, he felt that he had the strength to fight for it, but when he turned his head and saw Wu Xingyun, he changed his mind.

The three went to rest in the grass away from the road.

Little fires lit up the whole wilderness, and some sturdy and burly people fell asleep on the winding road.

In the haystacks around the road, some young men who were not very strong fell asleep.

And in the outermost and most dangerous places, there are some old, weak, sick and disabled who are simply unable to fight for it.

Wu Xingyun and the others were on the periphery, and the two young men gave up their blankets and coats to the elders, but the cold temperature at night made it difficult for them to sleep.

A small fire was raised in front of the three of them, Luo Yaoguo had already fallen asleep wrapped in a blanket and overcoat, Wu Xingyun hugged his arm tightly from the cold.

Ye Fan was sitting next to him, and after struggling for a long time, he said, "It might be a little better if we hug each other to sleep. You...don't mind?"

Wu Xingyun raised his head slightly and saw Ye Fan's face illuminated by the bonfire.

The childishness on this face has basically disappeared, and I don't know if it is because of the mutation, Ye Fan's facial features are extremely handsome, and there is a hint of danger in the handsomeness that has killed people.

Wu Xingyun said: "Well, you should take a good rest." His words were ambiguous, and it took Ye Fan a while to realize what he meant.

So Ye Fan moved towards Wu Xingyun, stretched out his hand, and carried it on his shoulder.

Seeing that the other party had no objection, Ye Fan's hand tightened slightly, and he pulled him into his arms.

Ye Fan lowered his head, and he saw the other party nestled quietly in his arms, the firelight illuminating his face. Even in such a cruel environment, Ye Fan found that the person in his arms still had a pair of bright eyes and a bottom line that never changed.

Ye Fan's arms were slightly tightened, and his voice was gentle: "Let me lean on my chest, and it won't be cold anymore... I'll be on guard."

Wu Xingyun closed his eyes slightly, and he felt the other person's body temperature transfer to his body, very warm. He snored lightly.

And Ye Fan looked at Wu Xingyun for a long time, but couldn't fall asleep. To be honest, until just now, he was still unwilling to give up the concrete floor that he could have snatched. The wild grass is not a suitable place to sleep, not to mention the damp and cold, and many small bugs will take the opportunity to get into the pants.

But now, when he hugged Wu Xingyun and watched him fall asleep in his arms, he felt that the choice he made just now was extremely correct. Ye Fan looked up and found that there were many people sleeping in the same position as the two of them.

Whether they are father and son, or husband and wife, they all hold their most important relatives, friends, and caretakers in their arms. On this cold night, they use their own body temperature to support their family members.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Fan's mouth, and he rubbed his chin against Wu Xingyun's forehead, remembering what the other person said, "Eating is a last resort, don't bully others because of your own strength, it's not good..."

Ye Fan felt that the stronger soldier in front of him was much kinder than himself. Many times he would rather suffer a loss than hurt others, even in the last days...

Gradually, most of the bonfires were extinguished, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

Ye Fan's vision was not damaged in the dark, and his perception became more acute. When the last bonfire went out, he heard strange footsteps.

Ye Fan looked towards the place where the voices came from, and then he saw a terrifying scene.

In the darkness, some people sleeping in the grass moved towards the road.

The man's footsteps were very light, and there were injuries on his face. He was bullied while eating and grabbing food.

There is more than one such person, all of them are spontaneous.

Some of those people had more or less weapons in their hands. They touched the side of the road lightly, and found people who had bullied themselves, robbed them of food, or just occupied the road.

Revenge, hatred, counterattack, not reconciled to being first-class than others, and expecting to stand at the top of the gregarious society.

All kinds of reasons were entangled together, resulting in a large-scale murder on this night.

Weapons were inserted into the chests of those who were sleeping on the road. There were screams on the road. Many people woke up immediately, but many more died. Their food and supplies were robbed and they died.

Many people were awakened by this scene. Some of them lit their own fires and looked around vigilantly, while others took the opportunity to make trouble and take revenge on those who had bullied them.

In such a world that has lost its order, many orders need to be re-established, and many people are vying for the right to formulate this order.

At this time, Ye Fan was glad that he listened to Wu Xingyun's words and didn't go to sleep on the road. He didn't snatch other people's things, but he had a grudge.

If he wasn't on the edge, it's hard to guarantee that he would be the protagonist of this incident. Maybe he hacked someone to death, or maybe he was hacked to death.

The rest was interrupted, and some people hurried on their way, but more people chose to stay and walk with everyone.

Wu Xingyun also woke up, he was still nestled in Ye Fan's arms, his voice was a bit vague: "Did something happen?"

Ye Fan hummed, and said, "It's none of our business, if you sleep a little longer, I'll be on guard."

Wu Xingyun closed his eyes again, and when his slight snoring sounded, Ye Fan stared at him for a long time, and the sleeping person seemed particularly well-behaved and docile. The dark skin is very elastic, but the lips are a little chapped.

Ye Fan lowered his head slightly, gently, secretly, and quickly kissed his lips.

The sun never came out, so no one knew how many people died in the murder case that night.

But Ye Fan found that there were almost no people who robbed things.

People spontaneously formed small groups one after another, or according to blood relationship, or according to communication relationship.

These small groups formed into larger groups.

A man named Wang Qiang became the person at the top of the pyramid of this group.

Wang Qiang was extremely strong, and during the march, he killed a mutant cat by himself. His strength is undoubtedly the strongest in this group.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan both guessed Wang Qiang's skill in private.

Wang Qiang is bald, with old scars on his forehead, and his fighting skills are very good.

He was very agile, and Ye Fan felt that Wang Qiang's energy was particularly strong, and he should be a mutant.

A mutant who is much stronger than himself.

The team marched slowly, the initial chaos had gradually disappeared, and there were almost no murders and revenge while sleeping.

As they passed through small towns along the way, they picked up some more cars and were joined by more survivors.

As the team continued to move forward, the food brought by the people was simply not enough, and hunting must be organized to maintain the supplement of calories.

Because of his own strength, Wang Qiang can get the most and the most abundant prey. With food and violence, he has received many younger brothers, and has the right to distribute food at will.

Because of this power, many girls also fell into his arms.

At night, when everyone can't find a place to sleep, he can already set up a tent and have sex, and there is a younger brother who is attached to him who is willing to help him keep watch.

In the whole team, apart from Wang Qiang, there were also some people who could hunt. For one reason or another, they could not understand Wang Qiang's actions and were unwilling to be with him.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan belonged to these people.

So when Wang Qiang saw Wu Xingyun's marksmanship and wanted to win him over, Ye Fan flatly rejected him: "We just want to go to Xi'an to join our relatives, and we don't think about anything else."

Wang Qiang continued to persuade: "What is Xi'an? You don't want to go to the army, do you? Don't dream, look at the military area in city C is in chaos... Do it with brother, brother will not treat you badly. Brother is a mutant! "

Ye Fan shook his head with a smile and refused.

Wang Qiang's face changed, and he walked away after scolding him for being ignorant.

Ever since the two rejected Wang Qiang's offer, most of the team had intentionally or unintentionally squeezed them out. Wang Qiang even sent someone to try to kill the two ignorant guys when he was resting in the middle of the night. A guy who is a threat to his status.

But Ye Fan's perception is extremely sharp, and anyone who tries to approach him will be noticed.

The opponent couldn't succeed, so he could only feel unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

After Luo Yaoguo learned of the situation, he sighed: "The frog in the well!"

A month later, a group of people finally came to the pass.

Although everyone had heard that there were people guarding this place and no one was allowed to leave, they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

On both sides of the high cliff, there are all built fortresses, which seem to be newly built.

The pass was a tourist attraction before, all of which were ancient style wooden doors, but now, they have all been replaced by heavily guarded iron gates, forts and machine guns are mounted on the towers, and there is a huge protective grid in the sky.

The high-voltage current network is much higher than that of City C, and it penetrates straight into the sky. Under the black night, you can't see the end at all.

When everyone approached the pass, they had already heard the trumpet propaganda.

"Everyone, please pay attention. According to the test report, the entire area is infected. Please stay at your home and don't run around. Passage is prohibited here."

Wang Qiang is at the forefront, his career as a leader this month has made him extremely inflated. Especially when he realized that he was a mutant with power, he became even more self-inflated.

Wang Qiang yelled at the people behind him: "Leave them alone, let's go! Let's see who stops us!"

But no one took the initiative to step forward. Three months ago, everyone was still an ordinary citizen. To be precise, one month ago, they were still living an orderly life.

No one really dared to clash with the army.

Wang Qiang stretched out his hand and said to the younger brother who was closest to him, "Go forward and tell them that we can't wait for any inspections! The monsters behind can't be dealt with, they must give us a way out, right?"

Someone walked forward tremblingly, but after only taking two steps, there was a burst of shooting.

Bullets rained down on the road ahead of the crowd, causing screams and panic.

"Damn it!" Wang Qiang scolded, "Why do you say we were infected?"

No one answered him, those mechanical words were still heard in the cold loudspeaker. "It is forbidden to pass here, if you approach forcibly, you will be shot."

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan were also in the team, stunned by this scene, Wu Xingyun turned his head and asked Luo Yaoguo: "Uncle Luo, what's going on?"

Luo Yaoguo didn't speak, he squeezed out from the team with the help of the two, and shouted towards the tower: "I'm Luo Yaoguo from the XX Research Institute in City C, and I have a pass!"

This time, a different voice came from the cold loudspeaker.

"According to reports, the entire area has been infected and is impassable. Scientists from the xx Research Institute have long since died, and their passes have also been cancelled."

Luo Yaoguo said loudly: "Where are your leaders? I want to talk to your leaders!"

The loudspeaker paused for a while, and then a voice came out: "Then come here, come alone."

Luo Yaoguo started to walk forward without any bullets being fired. When he walked about ten meters away, a soldier wearing a protective suit came down the pass with a loaded gun and live ammunition.

The soldier took a device and scanned Luo Yaoguo's body.

The instrument immediately alarmed, and the soldier bowed to Luo Yaoguo to express his regret: "I'm sorry, you are infected... you cannot pass."

Luo Yaoguo was shocked, almost unbelievable, he even stepped forward and grabbed the soldier: "What am I infected? What is it that I am infected with, tell me clearly!"

But the soldier broke free easily, and he ran towards the passage behind him.

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Brothers, go! These guys are going to force us to death here!"

Ye Fan turned his head sharply, and then saw Wang Qiang encouraging his younger brothers to attack the sentry post.

Immediately afterwards, someone in the team shouted again: "We want to go out!"

"Rush forward! They dare not shoot!"

"The elites are gone, just fool us poor people!"

Wang Qiang pressed the horn and drove towards the pass.

As soon as he walked like this, more people rushed forward after him.

The bullets on the attic were firing, but soon, people discovered that those bullets didn't hit themselves at all, they just hit the road ahead.

And as the team moved forward, the places where the bullets landed were constantly retreating.

The crowd began to feel confident and rushed towards the closed iron gate. Some people were beating on the iron gate, and some were carrying cars and hitting it.

Wang Qiang was still using an iron rod to pry the iron door, and the one-meter-thick iron door was unexpectedly opened by him.

Wu Xingyun slightly raised his head and looked towards the cliffs on both sides of the pass. He felt a metallic chill in the darkness.

It was a strange directness. He saw that Ye Fan was among the group of people trying to break through the barrier, and Luo Yaoguo was among them, so he rushed forward, grabbed Luo Yaoguo and Ye Fan, turned around and ran back.

When he was halfway running, he heard the machine gun on the tower, and the chug sounded.

There were screams from the crowd, and the heavy iron door that had been pushed open was closed again with greater force.

Wang Qiang grabbed a human shield at random and started running back.

In less than a minute, the valley was covered with corpses. The only ones who could escape and ascend to heaven were mutants like Wang Qiang and some extremely strong people with combat experience.

Everyone has gone through untold hardships to get to the pass, and even in this month, the order has been rebuilt several times, but it was completely destroyed in just one minute.

Some people ran away, and some wandered around unwillingly.

Luo Yaoguo lost one of his shoes, walking hop by hop.

In the end, Ye Fan found a shoe on the dead man for Luo Yaoguo to wear. The three of them finally got together intact. They couldn't go out through the gate, and most of the crowd dispersed. Even Wang Qiang, who was extremely self-inflated, hugged his head. Shu Chuan didn't care about those younger brothers anymore.

In the dark world, it seems to be full of malice everywhere.

Wu Xingyun found a grassland to light a fire, and began to discuss the future.

Wu Xingyun and Luo Yaoguo squatted beside the fire, and Ye Fan still hasn't recovered.

He couldn't believe it at all that the army would shoot at unarmed civilians.

Moreover, the speed of the dead is so fast, it seems to be slaughtering so fast.

Luo Yaoguo took a breath and said, "If it wasn't for Xiaoyun's quick reaction, we would all die here today! I never thought they would actually shoot..."

Ye Fan had lingering fears. He was also at the front. If Wu Xingyun hadn't pulled him back to run back, he would have become a corpse.

Wu Xingyun lowered his head and didn't speak. He didn't feel much when he saw nuclear explosions in cities in his history textbooks.

But now, when he began to experience all this himself, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Ye Fan said: "Uncle Luo, do you know why they said we were infected?"

Luo Yaoguo shook his head: "I don't know... But their attitude towards us is almost like the attitude towards zombies in Resident Evil. After living for such a long time, this is the first time we have encountered such a ridiculous thing!"

Ye Fan frowned, he didn't understand, but he couldn't understand this problem by thinking alone.

Ye Fan said: "Then if we want to go to Xi'an now, there is only one way, over the mountains and over the mountains, through the primeval forests of the Qinling Mountains alone... Do we want to go?"

Wu Xingyun squatted by the fire with his gun in his arms, his hands were purple from the cold, and he said, "I can go."

Luo Yaoguo adjusted his glasses, and said: "Looking at their attitude, you know that staying in the basin is definitely not a good choice. Although it is dangerous to go through the primeval forest, but... it's better than staying and waiting to die!"

Ye Fan hummed, he stood up and walked back and forth a little restlessly.

When he closed his eyes, all the images he encountered today appeared in front of his eyes.

To be honest, this kind of thing has completely broken through his bottom line and completely subverted his perception of the world in the past eighteen years.

He also inexplicably remembered the zombie apocalypse movies he had watched, and it seemed that the government's solution was, without exception, a nuclear explosion.

So, will this basin be detonated

Ye Fan squatted down again, feeling exhausted for a while.

Wu Xingyun was right next to Ye Fan. Ever since the two of them started on the road, Ye Fan had been full of energy. This was the first time he had shown that he was exhausted.

Wu Xingyun reached out and patted Ye Fan's back: "Ye Fan, I'll be on guard at night, you go to sleep."

"Okay." Ye Fan nodded. He was resting on Wu Xingyun's thigh, smelling his scent, and felt relieved, so he couldn't help stretching out his hand, wrapping his arms around Wu Xingyun's waist, and buried his head in his. Under the belly.

Wu Xingyun reached out and hugged Ye Fan's back, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

"You are also a soldier. If...your superior ordered you to do what you did today, would you carry it out?" Ye Fan's voice was muffled.

Wu Xingyun didn't speak. After a while, he said: "It is the bounden duty of a soldier to obey orders. No matter what kind of order there is, there will be reasons and reasons for it, and these... I can't control it."

Ye Fan felt even more depressed. He said, "Then, if I'm inside, will you shoot me?"

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, Ye Fan lay on his back and looked at him, after a while he reached out and hugged Wu Xingyun's neck, but still felt uncomfortable, finally he found that the metal buckle on Wu Xingyun's trouser belt was stuck on his head up.

So Ye Fan said: "Could you loosen your belt? The buttons make your head hurt."

Wu Xingyun didn't answer, so Ye Fan stretched out his hand to untie the belt, and pulled it out with a bang. When he put it on the pillow again, he felt much more comfortable, and soon fell asleep.

But when he was in his dream, he heard the answer from the other party: "I won't carry out that kind of order again."