Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 5: big shot


Wu Xingyun slept until dawn, and when he opened his eyes, he found Wen Nuo standing by the bedroom window looking out.

Wu Xingyun got up from the bed with a grunt, touched his head, and muttered to himself: "Why is there no wake-up number?"

Wen Nuo turned around and said: "The staff department doesn't have these. Many combat staff officers work late at night. War is also a job that requires inspiration, so there is no requirement to work and rest on time here."

Wu Xingyun snorted, he was not used to the seemingly loose life here. After he folded the quilt, he quickly finished dressing and washing, and finally arranged his uniform in the mirror at the door of the bedroom, buttoned the top button, and put on his hat.

This is a mild environment suitable for human survival, and you don’t need combat uniforms when you go out. Wu Xingyun’s federal military uniform is dark gray, and the hairy young man who looks like a piece of coal in the mirror grinned and showed a shining smile.

Wen Nuo stood beside Wu Xingyun, silently watching him tidy himself up, and when he was done, Wen Nuo said, "It looks good already, so you don't need to look in the mirror anymore. Hurry up, your plan today is to go to Meet the high-ranking officials of the Federation in the Federal Building, and get to know the instructors who teach you."

Wu Xingyun was about to go to the arsenal to get his own weapon, but was stopped by Wen Nuo: "I'm not going to fight, I don't need a weapon, you... don't look so serious."

"Yes!" Wu Xingyun replied standing at attention.

The two went downstairs and entered the parking lot of the dormitory area. The driver of a military armored vehicle greeted Wen Nuo: "Major, non-commissioned officer, here you are!"

Military armored vehicles are the most common means of transportation in the federal army. They are amphibious and can also fly for short periods of time. This kind of car can be used as a chariot during combat, and it can also be used as a car in normal times. Everyone usually uses this kind of car when traveling. Besides, at the supply base on the front line, apart from this kind of vehicle, there are no ordinary military vehicles or civilian vehicles that can be used.

Wen Nuo and Wu Xingyun got into the car and greeted the driver: "Sorry, we're late."

The driver let out a casual oh, ignoring the two of them.

Wen Nuo and Wu Xingyun fastened their seat belts. After waiting for a while, they didn't see the driver driving. Wen Nuo couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you leave? What are you waiting for?"

The driver said, "There's a guy who's going to the federal building too, give a ride, and we'll leave when he comes."

Wen Nuo was a little strange. Before he could ask, he saw a captain with his hat tilted, Ouyang Liu, running in the distance.

Ouyang Liu ran up to him and said to the driver: "I didn't mean to be late on purpose, I was teased by a villain yesterday, so..."

But the driver impatiently listened to his explanation and said, "If you are late, you will be late. What excuses do you have? Get in the car!"

Ouyang Liu laughed awkwardly, then got in from the rear of the car.

Wu Xingyun felt uncomfortable when he saw Ouyang Liu, so he forced a smile to Ouyang, and Ouyang Liu responded with a white eye and a raised middle finger.

The three people in the car didn't say anything. With the start of the car, the observation window in the car was also closed, and the car entered the stage of full-speed driving. The street, flew over the river in the city, and finally flew at full speed, passing through layers of clouds and fog, and finally landed in front of the Federal Building.

The door of the carapace opened slowly, and the driver left the car to rest when he arrived at the destination. The three of them got out of the car. It was the first time Wu Xingyun saw the federal building set up on the front line, and he thought there would be something wrong. It is different, but it is found that there is no difference from the federal buildings in other places. They are all semi-circular buildings that protrude from the surface, part of which is exposed on the surface, and most of them are underground.

The building had already arranged reception staff, and a beautiful receptionist stepped forward and said to Wen Nuo with a smile, "Are you Major Wen Nuo from the A-level staff department?"

Wen Nuo nodded: "Yes, I sent him here." He pointed at Wu Xingyun as he said.

The beautiful receptionist smiled at Wu Xingyun, extended her right hand generously, and made a gesture of shaking hands: "Hello, I heard that you are the hero who sacrificed himself to save the Federation. It is an honor to meet you. We thank you I admire them all."

Wu Xingyun scratched his head. He was already stupid, but when he saw a beautiful woman, he became even more stupid. He didn't realize that the other party wanted to shake hands with him, so he blushed and said, "I... I... I'm not..."

The reception officer was taken aback, thinking that he had identified the wrong person, and when he was a little embarrassed, Ouyang Liu immediately extended his hand, shook hands with the reception officer, and said, "Hello, I am the recorder of the combat staff department, and my name is Ouyang Liu. "

The receptionist nodded to Ouyang Liu, she gracefully withdrew her hand, and still asked Wu Xingyun, "Excuse me, are you the legendary ghost soldier, Wu Xingyun?"

Wu Xingyun hurriedly shook his head: "No... there are no legends... I am... Wu Xingyun." He said a few words in a hurry, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

The receptionist smiled and said, "Please come with me. The President has been waiting for you for a long time. I heard that Night Breaker will come over to see you."

The three of them walked towards the federal building together. When they were about to reach the door, the receptionist suddenly stopped and said to Ouyang Liu, "What are you doing here?"

Ouyang Liu said: "I am an officer who was selected to marry off the team. Didn't you just say..."

The receptionist interrupted Ouyang Liu, pointed to another passage leading to the external training ground, and said, "Please go over there for the screening site for sending off soldiers. There are 10,000 candidates this time, and only the ones will be selected in the end." A hundred of the best soldiers are here to escort our great hero. You may not be able to squeeze into the wedding procession, so don’t talk too much about some things.”

Ouyang Liu glanced at Wu Xingyun unwillingly, he took two steps towards the receptionist, and said in a low voice, "Be accommodating, I used to know Ye Suikong and they have a good relationship, he met me..."

The reception officer's voice was a bit loud: "Soldiers participating in the screening, please go out and turn left!"

Ouyang Liu said: "Do you know who I am... I am..."

The receptionist glared at Ouyang Liu viciously: "I don't know who you are, I only know that the person the president wants to meet is Wu Xingyun, and it has nothing to do with you! The screening is coming to an end soon, if you don't go, I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to marry!"

Ouyang Liu was a little annoyed by the reception officer's face-refusing. He pointed at the reception officer and said three times: "" After that, he ran towards another passage.

The receptionist looked at Ouyang Liu's back and snorted, and muttered in a low voice: "What the hell, isn't it the illegitimate son of Vice President Ouyang who had a conversation with Ye Suicong? It's disgusting, who do you think you are!"

After muttering to himself for a while, the reception officer realized that there were still two people who wanted to receive him by himself, so he quickly put away his emotions and put on a professional smile: "Major, non-commissioned officer, please follow me."

Wu Xingyun followed behind the reception officer, carefully maintaining his military appearance, walked through the corridor, entered the elevator, arrived at the underground passage, and turned around N times before stopping outside a hall.

The door of the hall was open, and there were two soldiers with live ammunition standing outside the hall. There was a large round table in the hall, and a few people were scattered around the round table. There were men and women, some with military ranks, and some without.

Wu Xingyun recognized the seat facing the door at the round table as Federal President Hobbs, and he also knew all the people around him.

Those are people who often appear on TV or in textbooks. President Hobbs alone makes the legs of Wu Xingyun, who has never seen anything in the world, tremble a little, let alone other big names.

Wen Nuo pushed Wu Xingyun from behind and said, "Go in, I'll wait for you outside."

Wu Xingyun refused to go forward, saying, "I'm afraid..."

Wen Nuo originally wanted to give Wu Xingyun a kick, but when he saw his slightly frightened and helpless eyes, he surrendered. He reached out and touched Wu Xingyun's head, held his face, looked into his eyes, and said in a gentle voice, "You are the best soldier, the ghost lock soldier who lurks the deepest in history. You are the one who can shoot The battle hero who hurt the enemy chieftain. Don't be afraid, ah!"

Wu Xingyun said: "I... I want to touch the gun, I'm nervous..."

Wen Nuo continued to gently comfort him and cheer him up: "How can you bring a gun when you go to see the chief? There is nothing to be afraid of, just go to meet a few people, and they won't eat you. I'll wait for you here, you are afraid Just think of me, I will wait for you here, and wait for you until you come out."

Wen Nuo's gentle words made Wu Xingyun's flustered and bewildered heart to rely on. He put his hand on Wen Nuo's and said solemnly: "Well! I have nothing to be afraid of, I will definitely complete the task .”

Wen Nuo let go of his hand slowly, patted Wu Xingyun's shoulder, and shouted in a low voice: "Turn back! Walk together!"

Wu Xingyun turned back abruptly, walked into the hall in unison, and shouted outside the door: "Report! Wu Xingyun, second-level non-commissioned officer of the Ghost Locker of the Special Arms Department, report to the president!"

The silver-haired President Hobbs slowly stood up and waved to Wu Xingyun with a gentle voice: "Good boy, come in."

"Yes!" Wu Xingyun walked into the hall, and the door of the hall closed slowly. Wen Nuo looked at the door that was gradually closing, and felt that something in his heart was also closed.

He didn't wait for Wu Xingyun outside according to his own agreement, but walked towards the outside of the federal building, because he knew that even a major of the staff department was not eligible to stay there without reason. Wen Nuo was a little frustrated, but the moment he walked to the door of the building, a voice sounded in his heart: "I must, try my best to sit in that hall, I must have a place in that hall, I must, in my lifetime , end this ridiculous marriage, and snatch him back. Definitely!"

Wu Xingyun was in the hall, without the slightest idea that the pillar of his heart had left here, and he temporarily forgot about those things now, because he was too nervous.

Hobbs stood up, and everyone in the hall also stood up. Everyone applauded Wu Xingyun. Wu Xingyun didn't dare to show his air, his head was blank, and his vest was soaked with sweat.

Then, the applause stopped, and Hobbs still said in a gentle voice, "Sir, sit down."

Everyone sat down, but Wu Xingyun's brain was still a little short-circuited, and he stood where he was.

Hobbs said: "Don't be nervous, I called you here this time, I just want to chat with you, sit down and talk."

Wu Xingyun's brain was still blank, because he recognized that the Star Marshal Shi Fei of the Federation was also present. Wu Xingyun's calf was a little weak, because he saw Shi Fei frowning at him.

Wu Xingyun didn't know what he did wrong again, so he became even more nervous. When he was so nervous that he was about to collapse, Shi Fei suddenly shouted: "Sit down!"

Wu Xingyun instinctively stood at attention: "Yes!" Then he sat down on the chair closest to him.

Everyone laughed when they saw this scene, but the laughter only lasted for a moment, and then stopped, because everyone realized that due to their own incompetence, the simple, honest, cute and brave soldier in front of them was about to be married up.

It wasn't until Wu Xingyun's butt touched the chair that his head became a little clearer. He regretted that he didn't bring his own gun before he set off. He couldn't bring the real thing with him, so he might as well bring a model. Touching the gun when you are nervous can also calm you down.

Among all the people, President Hobbs was the first to speak: "Sergeant, I think Major Wen has already explained your mission to you. There are several reasons for calling you here this time. First, I want to see you. As soon as I see you, you can take the opportunity to raise any requirements you have for the Federation, and we will do our best to satisfy whatever we can."

Wu Xingyun immediately stood at attention: "Report, obeying orders is the bounden duty of a soldier, and I will definitely work hard to complete the tasks entrusted to me by the people of the Federation! I don't have any requirements."

Hobbs nodded and said, "You should go back and think about it carefully, and it won't be too late to tell me after you think about it.

Let me talk about the second thing. We have reached an agreement with the magic army on the details of the peace negotiation. The date of the marriage is set on October 1st, which is one month later. Your wedding team will escort you to the residence of Yeshakong. At this point, Hobbs paused and said, "Sergeant, can you understand me?" "

Wu Xingyun nodded, and then he was a little puzzled: "I understand, but what does this have to do with me?"

Hobbs glanced at Interstellar Marshal Shi Fei, and Shi Fei said: "There are 10,000 candidates, and they are doing preliminary screening in the training ground outside. After you go out for a while, you can choose your wedding team by yourself. You Pick whoever you like."

Wu Xingyun was nervous when he saw Shi Fei, he stood up, stood at attention and saluted: "Complete the task resolutely!"

Shi Fei scolded: "Stand at attention!"

Wu Xingyun immediately stood at attention.


Wu Xingyun moved his feet reflexively.

"sit down!"

Wu Xingyun sat down reflexively.

"You are not allowed to fucking stand up from now on, this is an order!" Shi Fei roared angrily.

Wu Xingyun shivered, sat on the chair and replied, "Yes!"

Hobbs continued: "The third thing, and the most important thing. Nightshatter Sky will come over in person today to take a look at you. That's... um..." The President searched for words.

The female scientist present here who studies biology answered immediately: "It's a blind date! He's here to meet you."

Wu Xingyun lifted his spirits and couldn't help saying, "That's great!"

Everyone looked at each other, Star Marshal Shi Fei was very annoyed: "What's the matter? Are you a soldier? Are you so eager to marry? Who taught you your political thoughts? You should be dragged out and shot!"

After being scolded by the marshal, Xiaobing immediately bowed his head and said in a low voice, "I... I mean... I can take this opportunity to ambush and kill him..."