Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 51: miasma forest


After Wu Xingyun finished speaking, he walked out of the big rock and went outside to blow the cold wind, leaving Ye Fan silently depressed.

"He's so fierce!" This was Ye Fan's first feeling.

"He doesn't like me, it seems that I really deserve to be beaten." Ye Fan had second thoughts.

But when he secretly turned his head and saw Wu Xingyun's trembling shoulders in the darkness, Ye Fan had a different feeling.

Is that Wu Xingyun sad? For whom

Ye Fan didn't know, he just felt that there was an inexplicable distress in his heart.

The next day the sky was still not bright, and everyone got used to the disappearance of the sun. After Luo Yaoguo got up, the three of them began to prepare to go down the mountain.

Luo Yaoguo was the first to go down the mountain this time, followed by Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun last.

Wu Xingyun was also the most difficult, because he had to keep his pace steady in order to protect the other two when they missed.

After all, Luo Yaoguo was old and weak, and he missed and fell several times when going down the mountain. Once Ye Fan failed to hold him back and was taken down. Fortunately, Wu Xingyun caught the two of them in time at the end.

The three went down the mountain very fast, and it took about three hours to reach the valley of the mountain.

A small stream flows through the valley, and some strange fish appear in the stream from time to time.

In this case, fetching water became Ye Fan's job, and he had to get water while those strange fish were away. Once, there were too many strange fish in the stream, and he couldn't find the right time, so he ventured up, but was almost attacked by a strange fish.

It was Wu Xingyun who jumped forward to him in time, and rolled on the ground with him twice before rolling away from the strange fish's attack range.

Since the incident at the top of the cliff that night, the two haven't spoken to each other much. Although they were very close at this time, they only looked at each other and then separated.

It was Luo Yaoguo who cried out, "Ah! I was bitten!"

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan rushed over and found that Luo Yaoguo, who was walking by the river, accidentally stepped into the water and his ankle was bitten.

Ye Fan helped him to sit on the rocks on the bank. Wu Xingyun rolled up his trouser legs and found that Luo Yaoguo's heel had been bitten off.

There were more one-meter-long fishes that smelled the smell of blood and tried to jump ashore, and some even used their fins to draw two steps on the ground, but they all failed to land.

Luo Yaoguo's head was covered in cold sweat from the pain, and when he saw his wound clearly, his face turned pale.

His entire heel had been bitten off, and some deep tooth marks could even be seen vaguely.

Now, it is impossible for Luo Yaoguo to walk.

Wu Xingyun didn't say anything, he took out the medicine he was carrying, but the medicine was also pitiful, he applied the last iodine tincture to Luo Yaoguo, and then used the last bit of bandage left to wrap his wound well.

But the wound soon oozes blood.

Luo Yaoguo was a little frustrated. He looked at himself, then at the two young men in front of him, and finally said: "I can't go... Looking at the map, I still have to go through a large forest before I can reach Hanzhong. I went there, and it’s still far away from Xi’an. I don’t want to leave, so please leave me here!”

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, and the three of them trekked through mountains and rivers, exhausting their physical strength. Luo Yaoguo was a big burden when he was healthy, but now that he is injured, it is even more of a heavy burden.

He didn't intend to leave Luo Yaoguo behind, but he couldn't comfort others, and he didn't know how to say it.

Instead, Ye Fan bent down and carried Luo Yaoguo on his back, and said, "Uncle Luo, our journey is quite boring, so you can tell us stories to pass the time."

Luo Yaoguo was a little ashamed, he tried to struggle, but Ye Fan supported his buttocks with one hand, and pulled his arms with the other, his strength was much stronger than that of people in their fifties, Luo Yaoguo couldn't struggle, but he just felt very sorry.

Ye Fan smiled and said, "If Brother Yun and I were the only ones on the road, we don't know what it would be like to be bored. We would probably be suffocated to death before arriving in Hanzhong."

He said as he walked, Wu Xingyun would help Ye Fan carry the burden.

The three continued to walk forward, and after wading across the river at the shallows, they finally came to the last dense forest.

The three planned to rest in the forest. After Ye Fan went to check the terrain, he came back to discuss with the two of them: "I checked, there are two roads ahead, and you can go to the road through this forest." Said here Then, Ye Fan paused.

Wu Xingyun asked: "Is there something in the forest?"

"Well." Ye Fan nodded, "There is a big guy on a road. I don't know what it is, but the level of danger is very high. I think we will definitely die if we encounter it."

"The other road is a very deep virgin forest, a miasma forest, the forest is very humid, and there is this..." Ye Fan said, took out something from his bag, and handed it to the two of them.

I saw a black leech corpse lying on Ye Fan's palm, which was as big as a palm.

Wu Xingyun had never seen a leech before. He frowned and looked at it for a while, then said, "Is this a mutant species?"

Ye Fan didn't know either, he had never seen such a big leech before, the average leech was only two to three centimeters, this one was several times bigger than the average leech.

Only Luo Yaoguo shook his head and said, "No, this is an ordinary leech, and it hasn't mutated. I've seen this kind of species before. Are there other dangerous creatures besides this kind of leech on that road?"

Ye Fan thought for a while and said, "There are some other small things... But this is the largest and most. Shall we... go this way?"

Luo Yaoguo nodded: "This road is considered safe." After a while, he added: "I think the big guy on the other road is afraid to come over because of these leeches and the miasma in the forest. We have to be careful point."

That night, Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun began to prepare for the next day's journey through the miasma forest.

Because there are leeches inside, and the blood sucking is very powerful, and the humidity is very heavy, so the two need to prepare a full set of waterproof clothes.

But the three of them rummaged in the backpack for a long time, and there was no waterproof clothing in it.

They have nothing to do but tighten their trouser legs and cuffs.

Wu Xingyun cut the blanket and made six gloves and hats, which tightly wrapped the three of them, only the eyes and nose were exposed.

In view of Luo Yaoguo's particularity, the three of them tied the rope around Luo Yaoguo's waist, and the other end tied around Ye Fan's waist, in case Luo Yaoguo was wiped out, they could follow the vine.

After everything was ready, Luo Yaoguo put on his clothes and leaned against the tree to breathe. The wound on his ankle had deteriorated severely, and the festering could not be treated at all. Now almost half of his leg has no feeling at all.

Ye Fan bent down, went to Luo Yaoguo, and said, "Uncle Luo, don't worry, we can go to the city after walking through this forest, and we can find a hospital to treat your wounds."

Luo Yaoguo let out an "um", and after a while said sincerely, "Thank you, Ye Fan."

The three started to set off, Luo Yaoguo and Wu Xingyun held torches, and after a short journey, they came to the miasma forest.

Wu Xingyun threw the torch in his hand into the forest, illuminating the vines, branches and leaves in the forest, as well as the mud underground.

The torch burned for less than three seconds before it went out. The oxygen inside was thin, but the poisonous gas was very powerful. And now that it was so dark that they couldn't see anything, the three of them once again realized why there were no other creatures in this forest.

No matter what kind of creature comes in, it will either be poisoned to death, or be sucked to death by leeches.

The three of them stood on the edge of the forest for a long time, but they didn't dare to go in. It was really scary inside!

Wu Xingyun felt a little timid, especially when he heard the unknown crackling sound coming from the forest, his teeth felt a little sour.

Luo Yaoguo whispered: "How about... take another road?"

This opinion was categorically rejected by Ye Fan.

When he went to explore the road yesterday, he already felt that there was a very terrible life on another road. And the life value of that life has exceeded hundreds of times of the most powerful species they have ever encountered.

There must be a monster on that road. If you go, you will definitely die.

Ye Fan took a deep breath outside the forest and whispered, "Let's go!"

The three of them covered their noses with wet towels and walked into the miasma forest.

The three of them walked all the way, feeling that something was constantly ejected towards them, and it landed on their bodies and was ejected again, forming a popping sound. It was just the leeches trying to suck blood, but they bumped into all the sealed three human body. Wu Xingyun couldn't see anything in this darkness, Ye Fan stretched out a hand and took Wu Xingyun's hand.

The three of them walked in the mud with one foot deep and the other shallow.

Wu Xingyun felt a little dizzy, his wet towel could not filter the miasma very well, just when he was feeling dizzy, he suddenly heard Ye Fan yelled in a low voice: "No, something is coming! "

Then, the three of them felt the faint shaking of the ground at the same time.

Wu Xingyun turned his head, but he couldn't see anything, but he could hear those strange and weird voices.

Boom, boom, as the ground trembled, Wu Xingyun felt more things coming out of the mud where he was standing, but he couldn't see what it was until there was a strange scream When the sound sounded beside him, he realized that it seemed to be the cry of a field mouse.

Ye Fan also stopped. He let go of Wu Xingyun's hand, supported Luo Yaoguo on his back with both hands, inhaled a big mouthful of miasma, and then shouted: "Run! That big guy is here!"

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he started to run. Wu Xingyun could hear his footsteps and followed closely behind.

But then there was a thud, and he heard Ye Fan fall.

Wu Xingyun hurried forward to help Ye Fan up, but felt that Ye Fan's body was covered with greasy bugs, and Ye Fan was still carrying Luo Yaoguo.

Luo Yaoguo's throat made a lotus sound, no one knew what he was going to say.

Wu Xingyun pulled Ye Fan and began to run, but Ye Fan was carrying a person on his back. He fell down several times and got up several times. When he fell for the last time, he found that Wu Xingyun was gone.

In the darkness, the roar behind him was getting louder and louder. He tried to open his mouth to shout, but when he opened his mouth, something tried to get into his mouth and leave. Ye Fan had to close his mouth tightly, carrying Luo Yaoguo continued to advance in the dark.

Immediately afterwards, he felt himself stuck in the mud, so he could only let go of Luo Yaoguo on his back.

Luo Yaoguo was inexperienced, he struggled desperately as soon as he got stuck in the mud, Ye Fan didn't care about Luo Yaoguo at this time, he spread his limbs as much as possible, moved slowly, after crawling out of the mud, he pulled the belt around his waist again, trying to pull the Luo Yaoguo pulled out of the swamp.

The vibrating sound at the back was getting louder, and Ye Fan felt countless insects rushing out of the mud and fleeing from the miasma forest one after another. He even felt the crackling sound of those leeches getting louder.

But Luo Yaoguo got deeper and deeper, and with a bang, the belt around their waists was cut by something.

Luo Yaoguo made a lot of noise in the swamp mud, and Ye Fan felt that thing was getting closer to him.

Two hundred meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters...

Getting closer and closer, when the big thing was thirty meters away from Ye Fan, he finally felt what it was.

He couldn't see, couldn't tell the direction at all, but in the dark, he was able to describe the shape of that big thing in his mind through the vibration of sound, smell, and some echoes.

It was a monster in human form, but with a long tail and long branches and vines growing from its body.

Ye Fan didn't know the color of that thing, but he could feel that although that thing looked like a human, it couldn't be called a human at all. It was like a hybrid between a human and a tree.

Countless roots surged from the ground, devouring all living flesh and blood.

The leeches, snakes, rats and ants that were too late to escape were all swallowed by it and became the nourishment of that thing.

But now, Ye Fan felt that the roots of that thing were coming towards him.

At that moment, Ye Fan wanted to leave Luo Yaoguo and run away, but the thought was just a flash, and he rushed towards the swamp where Luo Yaoguo was. With gloves on, he couldn't touch the other end of the rope at all, so He took off his gloves and touched a few in the mud.

In the mud, those unknown bugs stung his skin, and even some slimy, wet things wrapped around his hands.

Ye Fan searched around inside, and finally caught the other end of the rope.

The monster was getting closer and closer with intertwined roots. Ye Fan felt that his feet were entangled by something. He stepped forward vigorously, kicked away the thing that entangled his feet, and dragged Luo Yaoguo vigorously.

Luo Yaoguo forcefully uttered a lotus sound, and there were some shapeless syllables. Ye Fan recognized the meaning of those syllables: "Leave me alone, run for your life."

Ye Fan gritted his teeth and roared loudly. No one could see his expression and movements in the dark, but with a loud bang, a black, human-shaped thing flew out of the mud and hit Ye Fan. Fan body.

Ye Fan staggered from being hit, and he roughly felt that it was Luo Yaoguo who was pulled out. He carried it on his back, and felt that something was missing, but he had no time to figure out what was missing.

Because he already smelled the strong smell of blood in the air, and felt the dizziness brought by the miasma.

With Luo Yaoguo behind his back, Ye Fan ran with one foot deep and one foot shallow, rolling and crawling.

And the monster was slowly chasing after him.

When Ye Fan finally ran out of the forest, the sun that had disappeared for a long time finally showed his true face.

Ye Fan suddenly turned his head, and for the first time saw clearly what the monster that made him feel extremely dangerous and attacked him was in the depths of the forest in the distance.

That's a Treant!

It has a huge canopy, countless branches, and tens of thousands of vines hanging from the branches.

On the trunk, there is a human face, and even the basic features of the human body, waist, buttocks, and legs.

But the thing's feet were intertwined roots that resembled banyan trees. Those black roots penetrated into the swamp and mud. The black mud was surging, and all the creatures in the mud were sent into the air of the monster and then swallowed.

The moment Ye Fan saw the monster treant, the tree man also saw Ye Fan.

A person and a monster looked at each other. At that moment, Ye Fan suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart. He lowered his head and found that a vine had somehow entangled his foot.

He seemed to hear the sound of the monster's brainwaves.

"Why? What did I do wrong?"

"Why am I like this?"

"Monster, I'm not a monster!"

"Why are you human? I am..."

Ye Fan saw that the monster's mouth was opening and closing, as if it was about to speak, but it couldn't speak at all.

But at the moment when the monster's vines wrapped around his feet, Ye Fan seemed to be able to see its thoughts.

The rattan moved slowly, pulling Ye Fan towards its body.

At this moment, Ye Fan seemed to be bewitched by the tree man, completely forgot about himself, and just stood there blankly.

Zizi, Zizi.

The rattan dragged Ye Fan to walk in the mud, making strange noises.

Two hundred meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters...

Ye Fan was getting closer and closer to the treant, but at this moment, there was a soft puff, and a sharp blade slashed through the air, cutting off the vine holding Ye Fan's calf.

A green, thick sap gushes from the section of the cane, like blood.

Ye Fan turned his head and saw Wu Xingyun approaching him at some point.

Wu Xingyun reached out to hold his hand, and said briefly, "Run!"

The two ran wildly again, running more than 5,000 meters in one breath, before stopping on a grass that looked completely harmless.

At this time, the sun had already risen, and the bright sunlight shone on the earth, making everything clearly visible. Ye Fan put Luo Yaoguo on his back.

At that time, no one saw Luo Yaoguo's appearance, neither did Ye Fan, only felt that there was a clay figurine on his back.

But when he put Luo Yaoguo down and looked at him, both Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun were stunned.

Luo Yaoguo's two legs are gone, and the calf disappeared from the knee, probably cut off by something, or eaten by something.

And the broken part of his calf was absorbed by hundreds of leeches.

Those leeches were still desperately washing their blood, their distorted bodies continued to swell, ugly and disgusting.

Ye Fan reached out and slapped those leeches non-stop. Those leeches were knocked off and trampled to death.

Luo Yaoguo's eyes were wide open, and Ye Fan wiped his face with the water prepared by the three of them before entering the forest, and found that one of his eyes had been eaten clean by a small, transparent insect that looked like an ant.

Luo Yaoguo's throat made a sound in Hehe, and finally formed a complete syllable: "Kill... kill me... please..."

Ye Fan never imagined that the person he rescued with all his life would look like this.

He looked at Luo Yaoguo's appearance, then suddenly reached out and ripped off his clothes.

Then, I saw that the inside of the clothes that had lost their seal and the skin were sucked full of leeches.

There are even some leeches burrowing into the flesh and blood.

Ye Fan reached out to take pictures, but there were too many and it was impossible to take them off.

He wanted to take out his lighter to burn those leeches, but the lighter wouldn't burn at all.

And those gaps in the flesh, some small transparent beetles, are greedily drilling along the blood vessels, and then lay their eggs in the blood vessels.

Ye Fan even saw some small bugs coming out of the skin. The life cycle of those bugs was abnormally fast, and they all took Luo Yaoguo's flesh and blood as nourishment.

"Kill... kill me... good boy... help me..." The intermittent syllables were still coming out of Luo Yaoguo's mouth. Ye Fan only felt that something was strangling his chest, and he couldn't help howling loudly.

"Ah!!!!" The whole voice echoed in the valley under the sun, and it seemed sad and heartbroken.

Wu Xingyun knelt beside Luo Yaoguo, comforting him non-stop, and still trying to pull those leeches one by one, but he couldn't get them off no matter what.

He looked around, there was no one around except Ye Fan, it was a wilderness.

Perhaps in Luo Yaoguo's situation, it would be a piece of cake for the federal medical team, but now, his ankle wound cannot be healed, let alone his two calves are completely missing, his whole body is crazily sucked blood by leeches, and there are countless little... The worms were devouring its flesh, as well as those eggs that were hard to identify with the naked eye that were laid in the blood.

Wu Xingyun could only comfort in a low voice: "It's okay, it will be fine...Uncle Luo, you will be fine... Hold on, we will find a way..."

Then, Wu Xingyun felt that he was pushed away by someone. The person pushed him so hard that he staggered.

Wu Xingyun took two steps back before standing still, and then he saw Ye Fan's shadow appear in his field of vision.

Ye Fan was covered in mud and blood, and there were leeches sucking blood on his hands, but he didn't seem to care.

He was just holding the pistol in his hand, which seemed unusually steady.

Ye Fan's voice didn't tremble in the slightest, and even less sad.

His voice was terrifyingly calm, and his attitude was so calm that it made people tremble.

Ye Fan knelt down slowly, and only said one word to Luo Yaoguo: "Uncle Luo, don't worry, I will take care of Sister Luo for you in the future, and I will definitely not let anyone bully her."

After saying this, he pulled the trigger.

With a bang, the bullet shot into Luo Yaoguo's brain from between his eyebrows.

Luo Yaoguo could no longer make any sound.

Ye Fan stretched out his other hand, and closed Luo Yaoguo's eyes that had not been closed all this time.

Four months ago, he never imagined the world would be like this.

Three months ago, he never thought he would kill someone.

Even two months ago, after he had killed someone, he never thought that one day, he would kill his own father.

But now, he's done it all.

Ye Fan raised his eyes slightly. Although he could see the sun, he felt that he had never lived in such a dark night.