Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 54: Evolution 2


The team stopped about a hundred meters away from the woods. Ye Fan, Luo Ying and Ouyang Yi were about 500 meters away from the woods. The three of them had no fighting power, and the two were still very important scientists. The company commander Lu Shi sent a ten-man team to protect them and gave them A jeep that came out this time.

The rest of the company began to gradually go deep into the forest, and Wu Xingyun was incorporated into a team with combat effectiveness.

The company drove into the forest with a tank and an armored vehicle. This time they were fully equipped with a large number of rocket launchers and other weapons. Ye Fan was not too worried about Wu Xingyun's safety.

The ten soldiers who stayed behind to protect the three formed a circle with guns and guarded the periphery.

Luo Ying and Ouyang Yi were sitting in the front row of the jeep, and Ye Fan was sitting in the back seat. The atmosphere between the three seemed a bit delicate. Ye Fan tried to start a conversation with Ouyang Yi, but Ouyang Yi's attitude was very cold. Worked in the world's largest genetic company Monsilon Corporation, is one of its shareholders, and concurrently serves as technical support.

In this global life mutation, the headquarters of Monsilon Company was completely scrapped. After paying a large sum of money and willing to share the latest technology, they transferred most of the equipment and personnel here to continue research.

Meng Silong's company's reputation is not very good, at least Ye Fan doesn't like this profit-seeking company very much, and with Ouyang Yi's arrogant and indifferent attitude, Ye Fan has nothing in common with him.

The three of them waited silently for the team to move forward, Ouyang Yi patted the steering wheel with his hands in boredom, and Luo Ying lay on the passenger seat in a daze.

Ye Fan asked Luo Ying: "Sister, will it be dangerous for them to go in?"

Luo Ying said: "Don't worry, your brother-in-law and I estimated that the people and weapons we brought this time are enough to catch them alive. Even if they can't be caught alive, it's okay to kill them."

Ye Fan let out an oh, and stopped talking.

He still had some questions in his mind that he wanted to ask, but it was not good to pester his wife all the time when his husband was around, so after talking to Luo Ying, Ye Fan also fell silent.

The three of them were thinking about their own thoughts, but at this moment, there were lights of fire in the woods, and the roar of firing.

All three of them looked towards the forest at the same time. In the dark night, everything seemed so strange.

The screams began to come from the forest intermittently, Ye Fan's heart tightened suddenly, he opened the car door, trying to run towards the forest. He was really worried about Wu Xingyun, because he heard someone screaming inside.

Although he knew very well that he might not be able to help if he went, but... he always felt that Wu Xingyun could not face the danger alone.

But when he ran past Luo Ying, he tripped over something and fell down with a bang.

Ye Fan got up from the ground and saw that what tripped him was a root of a tree exposed out of the soil.

This thing came without any life, and it was as sensitive as Ye Fan, so he didn't even feel it.

Ye Fan scratched his head, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, and when he was about to speak out, he suddenly felt a strong vibration on the ground.

The soldiers apparently also noticed all this. They saw huge soil surging out of the forest, thick roots breaking through the ground, and countless vines spreading towards this side at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The soldiers began to raise their guns and shoot, and behind them, the sound of a jeep starting.

Ye Fan turned his head and saw that Ouyang Yi had started the jeep and was turning around.

Luo Ying yelled from the passenger seat: "Stop hitting, get in the car!"

The soldiers heard Luo Ying's voice and prepared to retreat in an orderly manner without hesitation.

But there is only one jeep, but there are more than ten people.

Ouyang Yi had no intention of picking up these soldiers into the car, he turned around and flew away, Ye Fan could faintly hear Luo Ying arguing with him.

"They're still there and will die!"

"If we don't run away, we will die! It's not like you don't know what it is!"

Then, seeing a terrible scene, those vines stretched in the air over the soldiers and himself.

They stretched high towards the sky, pierced through the clouds, and then drooped down, chasing after the flying jeep.

Crack, a cane hit the rear of the jeep, but missed.

The vines catch up faster.

Snapped! The rattan grabbed Ouyang Yi's arm and was cut off by Luo Ying with a dagger.

This kind of pursuit made Ye Fan have an illusion that this thing seemed to be aimed at Luo Ying and his wife.

Then, the rattan finally grabbed Luo Ying's wrist, which Yang could not put down in mid-air.

Those white vines that looked like human skin quickly wrapped around Luo Ying's wrist and pulled it back.

Luo Ying's body was pulled up, and her other arm was tightly gripping the back seat of the jeep.

The jeep that had been running was slowed down because the vines caught Luo Ying. Ye Fan and other soldiers quickly ran towards the jeep, trying to rescue Luo Ying, but unexpectedly, Ouyang Yi, who had been driving, turned around and saw The vines that were getting closer and closer, and Luo Ying who was entangled in the vines and was still holding on to the armrest of the car seat and refused to let go.

Ouyang Yi glanced at Luo Ying and said, "I'm sorry, disaster is imminent, and the birds in the same forest will fly separately!" After speaking, he stretched out his hand and broke away Luo Ying's hand holding the armrest of the seat.

Luo Ying's screams sounded, and she was thrown backwards by the rattan. In mid-air, the red mountaineering suit looked particularly dazzling. , And at this moment, the jeep accelerated sharply and rushed forward, and finally ran out of the range of the trees and vines.

After the vines caught Luo Ying, they retreated quickly. In an instant, where Ye Fan was standing, there was only black soil and stunned soldiers left.

"What to do?" This was the first question those soldiers asked.

In the woods, the sound of the artillery fire had disappeared, and the corpses were sent out of the forest one by one by the vines. Those corpses had no heads, and the necks seemed to be cut off by something, very neat.

Everyone went up to check the corpses together, and identified the identities of these people from their identification tags.

Ye Fan was anxious and worried at the same time. He checked these corpses one by one, but found that Wu Xingyun's corpse was not among them.

After discussing for a while, the soldiers who stayed outside the forest decided to return to the base and report to their superiors.

Although they said so, everyone knew in their hearts that they didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices and go in to die.

Their mission to stay outside is to protect Luo Ying and Ouyang Yi.

Now that Ouyang Yi has run away and Luo Ying has been captured, the weapons in their hands can't help them do anything at all.

Seeing Ye Fan putting on his trouser legs, a soldier kindly persuaded him, "Ye Fan, everyone who goes in must be can go back with us."

Ye Fan found that those vines were still sending out corpses, but there were no Wu Xingyun's or Luo Ying's.

He said: "Wait a minute, if their bodies... I'll go."

Eleven people waited in place for about an hour, but no corpse was brought out.

After counting the number of people, the company commander Lu Shi and the other four did not see the body, nor did Wu Xingyun and Luo Ying.

Ye Fan said: "They must have been caught! No matter what you decide, I will go in and find my partner."

Several soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, they decided to send two people back to report the news, and the rest followed Ye Fan in.

Although the hope is slim, Ye Fan has a feeling that those people are not dead.

There were a total of nine people entering the forest, and Ye Fan walked in the front. He didn't need night vision goggles, and felt everything in the forest carefully.

The forest is... very clean.

This is Ye Fan's first understanding.

There are no other living things in the clean one except for the leaves.

He kept beckoning others to get closer to him.

Several people followed Ye Fan around in the forest, and no one knew what Ye Fan was looking for.

Ye Fan himself was a little uncertain, he sniffed the smell in the air vigorously.

There were all kinds of woodsy smells, and some human smells, but they were not obvious, and he couldn't tell them apart at all.

He closed his eyes, trying to find it with his perception, but couldn't find it either.

He went to see by himself, but there was silence in the woods, and he couldn't hear anything except the sound of a few people walking.

But suddenly, an unusually strange smell entered Ye Fan's nose.

It's a foul smell, to be precise, it's the smell of urine.

Ye Fan ran towards the smell and found the source of the smell within two turns. He squatted down and sniffed carefully.

He was absolutely sure that this was the smell left by Wu Xingyun. Although, it was somewhat different from the smell of his body, but it was very obvious.

Ye Fan led the people towards the smell left behind.

Soon, they found people unconscious in the woods, and even Chang Lushi was among them.

Ye Fan ran over to look through them one by one, but couldn't find Wu Xingyun.

Because of the small number of people coming in, they couldn't bring these unconscious people forward.

After several people discussed, one soldier voluntarily stayed with Ye Fan to continue looking for someone, and the others sent the unconscious people back the way they came.

Ye Fan led the soldier to walk in the forest, chatting with the man while walking: "What's your name?"

The soldier said, "David Peng, I used to be a photographer. I just joined the army half a month ago. What about you?"

Ye Fan didn't pay much attention, and said casually, "I just graduated from high school this year... By the way, I can take pictures with you in the future."

David Peng smiled and said: "No problem! I can take wedding photos for you, you must be very handsome!" Speaking of this, David Peng showed a look of melancholy: "I don't know when it will end, they are all ready to run away."

At this time, Ye Fan had followed the scent to a forest, and he stopped in front of him, closing his eyes slightly.

David Peng wore night vision goggles and looked inside, feeling horrified.

This is a completely different forest from the surrounding ones. The surrounding forests are all dark brown, but here, it seems to be a channel made with branches. The difference is that those branches are all the color of human skin, and there is a head hanging from the end of the branches.

Some were animals, some were human, and David Peng found that many of those heads were heads of headless corpses sent out.

Ye Fan opened his eyes, very sure: "It's inside! They are still alive, not dead."

David Peng's legs trembled a little. Although he had seen many things in the last days, these heads that were hung high made him feel trembling from the bottom of his heart.

Ye Fan raised his foot and walked inside. Before stepping into the passage made of human skin, he heard the gurgling sound of the suspended heads.

With a bang, David Peng became weak all over and collapsed to the ground.

Ye Fan looked back at him and said, "Why don't you wait for me here, and I'll go in by myself."

David Peng simply swallowed his saliva, and handed his gun and night vision goggles to Ye Fan, who refused: "These things are useless to me. I don't know how to shoot..."

After speaking, Ye Fan turned around and walked into the passage.

The heads on both sides moved their mouths, as if they were trying to make some noise, but they could only make a cooing sound.

The passage is a corner at ten meters.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Ye Fan also felt a little creepy, so he simply closed his glasses and moved forward.

He could feel a narrower passage ahead, but there was no Wu Xingyun's aura around him, but Luo Ying's aura was clearly ahead.

He kept walking until he came to a place that resembled a hall.

Then, Ye Fan opened his eyes and saw everything in front of him.

This is a space of about 30 square meters, with a huge tree-trunk-like thing in the center, which is bigger than when Ye Fan first saw him, with glasses, a nose, and human hands.

It was even shaking non-stop, with its hands waving its teeth and claws in the air, as if roaring towards a woman in front of it.

That woman was of course Luo Ying. Luo Ying's coat was torn, revealing the sweater inside, her hair was disheveled, her face was full of horror, and there was a trace of shock and surprise in the panic.

Luo Ying was half kneeling on the ground. Ye Fan reached out and touched it, and found that the touch of the ground was exactly the same as his character.

The ground is pitted and uneven.

The arm of the giant humanoid pillar first waved towards Luo Ying in the air, and made a weird cooing sound, but when Ye Fan came in, its arm suddenly stopped, and then the two arms transformed into a Countless vines stretched out towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan didn't run away, he stood still and let the vines entangle him.

The moment those vines entangled him, he suddenly felt that feeling again.

I feel that at this moment, I can communicate with this monster's thoughts.

Luo Ying screamed, and she ran towards Ye Fan, but was held back by the vine.

At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly felt something.

It was the aura emanating from a piece of skin. He was very familiar with that aura. It took almost a moment for him to understand where Wu Xingyun was.

He knew that Wu Xingyun's hiding ability was very good, but he didn't expect it to be so good.

Ye Fan yelled in the direction of Wu Xingyun: "Don't move! I'm fine!"

The slight fluctuation just now disappeared quickly, and Ye Fan felt that some words ran into his head, and he knew that it was the words of this monster.

"So it's you... You came just in time, we met."

Ye Fan's lips parted slightly: "Yes... I think, I know what you're thinking."

The human-shaped trunk was shaking all over, and his questions kept pouring into Ye Fan's head, almost blowing his head off.

"who am I?"

"Why did my parents abandon me?"

"What the hell am I?"

"Why can't I talk?"

"what are you?"

Ye Fan's eyes opened slightly, and he looked at Luo Ying: "Sister, this thing... is your... child?" Ye Fan asked with difficulty.

Luo Ying didn't speak, Ye Fan said: "It wants to know what it is... He said he arrested you for this."

Luo Ying's emotions gradually calmed down, and she looked up and down at Ye Fan: "How can you talk to it?"

Ye Fan said: "I don't know, I feel that I can know what he wants to say..."

Luo Ying took a deep breath, her hands were trembling, and after a while, she said: "In a sense, it can be said that it is my child..."

"What do I exist for? Why is it different from others?" The tree man asked through Ye Fan.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Luo Ying's mouth: "I took my own cells to make this, because of the secretive nature of the research and development, I can only use my own... because this thing exists to provide food... Yes, my husband idea."

"Am I being eaten?" The trunk trembled again, and the intense brain energy made Ye Fan almost vomit.

It took Ye Fan a lot of effort to restrain the gushing energy.

Luo Ying was silent for a while, and said: "I didn't expect you to be intelligent. You shouldn't have perception. But... maybe I made a miscalculation somewhere, or maybe there is a problem with this project itself." Luo Ying said, "You Just a failed experiment, of no use to us."

"Then will I be killed?"

"My destiny is to be eaten and killed?"

"You hateful people!"

"Was the one who created me just to eat me?"

A huge sense of anger poured into Ye Fan's brain again, and Ye Fan couldn't resist it alone, feeling a tide rushing into his mind. Submerging everything, in an instant, he could even feel a dull pain in the center of his brow.

However, after the pain passed, he felt darkness in front of his eyes, countless red tides rushed towards him, and his whole body was in extreme pain.

Ye Fan no longer knew where he was, he couldn't see his body was entangled by vines, rising slowly in mid-air, a huge sound of pain came from Ye Fan's chest, Ye Fan's face was painful extreme.

Luo Ying ran towards Ye Fan, trying to pull away the vines wrapped around him, but it was all in vain.

Wu Xingyun slowly raised the sniper rifle he was assigned. His breath was very steady, his heartbeat didn't speed up, and the temperature of his skin didn't even rise.

The tree monster couldn't tell whether it was itself or something else, it didn't care, it just instinctively wanted to plunder this more delicious and useful brain.

Ye Fan's painful wailing became louder and louder, and even at the end, he actually uttered that dying cry.

At the same moment when this cry was issued, his eyes suddenly opened, and the fundus of his eyes became red. His eyes were wide open, but he couldn't see anything in front of him.

A scarlet vine emerged from the body of the central trunk. The end of the vine changed rapidly in the air, and the top formed a bayonet shape, piercing towards the center of Ye Fan's eyebrows.

Boom! Wu Xingyun, who had been lying in ambush all this time, shot. His marksmanship was so precise that he almost brushed Ye Fan's forehead and hit the vine.

puff! Huge red juice spewed out with a bloody smell. When the bloody juice touched Ye Fan's eyebrows, he suddenly felt a white light emanating from the eyebrows.

This light has this scorching feeling, slowly expanding, as if burning everything.

When this light illuminated the place, the red tide that made him painful before quickly receded.

Ye Fan didn't know what happened, he just felt much more comfortable, but Wu Xingyun and Luo Ying who were watching this scene were stunned.

Ye Fan's eyes were red, but his whole body was surrounded by golden energy light. His face looked a little ferocious, even with a hint of evil.

Wu Xingyun is very familiar with Ye Fan's appearance. He has seen it with his own eyes.

It was the same way when he quarreled with Ye Suikong and Ye Suikong got angry and tried to explode a gamma ray burst.

Then, Wu Xingyun watched helplessly as the vines wrapped around Ye Fan's body quickly turned black and withered into powder.

The whole space began to shake, and vines kept entangled Ye Fan, but when those vines touched Ye Fan's body, they all withered.

In the end, this kind of withering seemed to be contagious and spread rapidly, and the golden energy around Ye Fan's body surged, and it radiated towards the surroundings like radiation.

Within a radius of 50 meters, all the vines that looked like skin were all withered. Wu Xingyun felt his ears ringing and his heart beating, and his head was about to split open. He felt that he was bleeding from the nose.

With a plop, he fell to the ground.

Luo Ying was also affected by this wave. Her physical fitness was much worse than that of Wu Xingyun, and she had already passed out on the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices.

When Ye Fan opened his eyes, what he saw was the thick dead branches and fallen leaves, and the two people who were buried under the fallen leaves.

He shook his head, feeling that something was different, but he couldn't say exactly what it was.

But Ye Fan didn't have the heart to think about it at all. He fished Luo Ying out first, and found that Luo Ying was in a coma. He ran out with Luo Ying in his arms, and after handing Luo Ying to David Peng, he went back to dig Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun's state was similar to what Ye Fan expected. He was completely naked in the dust, his short hair was gone, and the gun in his hand was camouflaged with human skin.

To sneak into the space made by the whole human skin, human skin is the best protective color.

After Ye Fan took off his coat and put it on Wu Xingyun, he carried him outside, and David Peng was waiting for them outside.

"What happened?" David Peng asked, "I just heard screams and shocks inside, but all of a sudden, everything disappeared."

Ye Fan said: "I don't know... I just passed out, and it's like this when I woke up." In fact, he vaguely knew that he might have mutated again, but he didn't want to tell others before he figured out all this.

The two walked one after the other, and they walked out of the woods not long after.

After the two walked out of the forest, the forest also began to wither rapidly, and the black soil outside was once again covered with snow.

Ye Fan put Wu Xingyun on the ground and asked in a low voice, "How are you doing?"

Wu Xingyun felt that his whole body was in extreme pain. He wanted to vomit and felt dizzy.

He knew very well that Ye Fan had emitted very weak gamma rays just now, but he himself did not wear any protective clothing, and even the weakest gamma rays could not be resisted.

Now Wu Xingyun only felt that his whole body was falling apart, and he didn't feel any sensation in his whole body. He doubted whether he would die like those plants soon.

Seeing that Wu Xingyun didn't speak, Ye Fan was stunned. He patted Wu Xingyun's face with his hand, and said in an anxious voice, "Yun, what's wrong with you? Are you okay! God, you must be okay."

Wu Xingyun forced a smile and wanted to drink water, but couldn't speak at all.

Ye Fan hugged Wu Xingyun tightly, looking around in the snow in a daze.

In the distance, a long dragon-like team was driving towards this side, and David Peng shouted loudly: "It's the big army!"

Half an hour later, Wu Xingyun was lying in the truck, and Ye Fan sat beside him and fed him water.

Ye Fan saw that Wu Xingyun's face was peeling off. He was very anxious and kept asking the military doctor beside him, "Doctor, what's the matter with him?"

The military doctor was a little impatient: "What's going on, I was irradiated."

"Will it be alright?" Ye Fan was going crazy.

The military doctor put away his medical box: "The whole body is peeling off a layer of skin, it's not serious, and it won't die."

After finishing speaking, the military doctor went to see Luo Ying in another car.

Luo Ying's situation was a little better. She was dressed, and before coming, because she was prepared, she also wore isolation underwear.

At this moment, it was only the shock in the head, but it recovered faster than Wu Xingyun.

"Has that thing been solved?" the team leader who led the team asked Luo Ying.

Luo Ying nodded: "Well, it's solved... However, this project is too dangerous. I suggest stopping the research and development and using new things as a substitute."

Yu Feng, the head of the group, sighed: "Well, it's best to get safe food quickly. You know, we're running out of time."

Luo Ying was silent for a while, and said: "I have a younger brother, who is not a blood relative. According to the rules, he is not allowed to join the internal guard team. But... this time he saved me, and I want to take him away. This is my personal application, and if I do not agree, I would rather withdraw from the study."

Yu Feng patted Luo Ying's hand, signaling her not to get too excited, and then said, "You know, this matter is not up to me as a mere team leader. You write an application, and I'll hand it over for you." Go up. Is there only one spot?"

Luo Ying hesitated for a moment. He remembered what Ye Fan had said about Wu Xingyun. After a while, Luo Ying said, "Can I apply for two?"

"If you are not a blood relative, unless you have made a major contribution yourself. Step up the research on genetic food. What about the food that has been sailing in space for hundreds of years? If you can solve this problem, the higher ups will not be stingy."

Luo Ying didn't speak, and after a while, she nodded: "Then I'll write the application, but don't tell my brother about this, if it doesn't work, I'm afraid he will be even more sad."

In the truck where Wu Xingyun was, he was lying on the bed, his whole body was covered with potion. After a while, Ye Fan reached out to lift the quilt covering Wu Xingyun's body, wanting to see how much his skin had peeled off.

Wu Xingyun only felt that the quilt was lifted and the cold wind was blown just after the heat, and he was so cold that he died of cold, but his throat was so painful that he couldn't speak at all, and he was so uncomfortable that he really couldn't live, he couldn't die.

The most disgusting thing is that due to the lack of manpower, Ye Fan had to solve Wu Xingyun's convenience. He needs to drink water and excrete constantly.

Ye Fan was in a hurry, and what annoyed Wu Xingyun the most was that Ye Fan didn't see enough moulting on his body, so he actually got close to his lower body and carefully checked the moulting situation there.

Wu Xingyun's body was numb and he had no sense of touch, but he could see Ye Fan's eyes.

Ye Fan's eyes are simply the rhythm of worrying about his impotence!