Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 61: Mutual understanding


One day after the boarding list was announced, the coalition government announced the departure date, three days later.

At this time, most of the people who stayed at the base had boat tickets, and only a small number refused to leave with a glimmer of hope.

Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun lived in the basement together, Ye Fan slept on the lower bunk, and Wu Xingyun slept on the upper bunk.

On the other bed, the luggage of two people was piled up.

Wu Xingyun was lying on the bed reading a book, Ye Fan secretly stuffed a bottle of lubricating oil he got from Luo Ying into his luggage when Wu Xingyun was not paying attention.

"Yun, give me a kiss!" After packing up his things, Ye Fan stood on the ladder of the bunk bed and moved his head to Wu Xingyun's side.

Wu Xingyun raised his waist and kissed him on the cheek: "Go to bed early, we are going to board the ship tomorrow."

Ye Fan climbed down honestly, lying on the bed and thinking about his future life.

"You said, how long will the spaceship travel in space? Where is the first landing point?"

Wu Xingyun said casually: "Mars, I heard from those physicists that Mars is rich in resources and relatively easy to transform."

Ye Fan said: "Then don't we all become Martians? Will our heads become very big, just like this guy?"

Ye Fan pointed to a poster of "Martians Conquer the Earth" beside his bed and pondered: "This is too ugly!"

Wu Xingyun bent down from the upper bunk, glanced at the poster on Ye Fan's wall, shook his head and said, "Our generation should not be like this."

Ye Fan said: "Then... what about the next generation? Our children won't be like this, right?"

Wu Xingyun's face turned red immediately, and he said, "What child? Who will have a child with you!"

Before Ye Fan had time to speak, Wu Xingyun reprimanded him: "Sleep! If you continue to make noise and disturb my sleep, I will make you look good!"

"Okay." Ye Fan closed his eyes, and the two fell asleep.

When the reveille sounded the next day, the two of them carried their luggage and prepared to board the ship.

Ten huge spaceships parked quietly on the launch pad, with a total capacity of 50,000 people.

Although in the eyes of Wu Xingyun, these spaceships are too backward and their capacity is too small, they are completely incomparable with the kind of mothership of the later generations with one hundred thousand people, but in the eyes of Ye Fan, these spaceships are simply the highest among high-tech. Technology.

The streamlined shape, the gray steel shell, and the huge engine turbine, everything is so unreal.

The people who boarded the ship lined up and walked into the inspection port. After passing the inspection, they could board the spaceship and leave the base forever after one day.

On the ten spaceships, there are still some senior engineers hanging on their safety belts, doing the final inspection outside. All the armed forces have been transported to the spaceships in advance. Those who are responsible for maintaining order on the spot are those selected by the coalition government with the strongest combat effectiveness. of three hundred soldiers.

They are responsible for security and detection at the hatch.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan stood together, carrying their respective luggage, and slowly moved forward with the team.

The order at the scene was orderly, and everyone was talking quietly.

Ye Fan stared at Wu Xingyun, wondering if he could take care of things after boarding the boat today.

As for Wu Xingyun's eyes, he looked around randomly without any purpose, and finally stopped on the passage next door.

About 30 meters away from the two of them, at the passage detection port, a woman was dragged out and not allowed to board the ship.

The woman shouted loudly, but without exception, she was knocked out by Kong Wu's powerful soldiers and could no longer make any sound.

Wu Xingyun turned to Ye Fan and said, "What's going on there?"

Ye Fan also noticed it. He saw that the inspection light at the boarding gate next door was a red warning color, so he said, "Probably that woman brought some contraband, who knows?"

Wu Xingyun let out an oh, and soon, it was the turn of the two to test.

Wu Xingyun stood at the inspection port, X-ray scanned his whole body and luggage, and then a soldier came to search him, and he took out his ticket for verification.

Everything was fine, Wu Xingyun passed, and he turned back to wait for Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's luggage was fine, but when he was detected by the X-ray, the alarm light came on.

Both Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun were stunned, and a soldier stopped Ye Fan: "Sorry, you failed the test and cannot board the ship."

Ye Fan took out his ticket from his purse: "Why didn't it pass the test, I have a ticket!"

But those soldiers ignored him, just pulled the bolt and pointed at Ye Fan: "Please leave, or you will be killed."

Wu Xingyun came over and said to the inspectors: "You must have made a mistake, he was with me, there is no problem with his identity."

The matter of the two was stranded because of this, and the people behind became dissatisfied, and some began to curse, and soon, more than a dozen soldiers carried Ye Fan out.

Ye Fan turned his head and said to Wu Xingyun who was trying to run out, "It's okay, there must be some misunderstanding. You go up first, and I will ask Sister Luo later."

Wu Xingyun hesitated for a moment. He looked around and found that Dai Rong was on the same boat as himself, so he ignored Ye Fan and ran straight towards Dai Rong: "General Dai, General Dai!"

Dai Rong turned around, he seemed a little depressed, he stopped and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Wu Xingyun asked: "Ye Fan was stopped. They said he failed the test. What do they mean? What happened to him?"

At this time, another person was blocked from another passage.

Dai Rong took a look at Wu Xingyun and said, "Have you met the standard?"

Wu Xingyun nodded.

Dai Rong said: "That's good... you go on board first, there are some things... Luo Ying will tell you later."

As Dai Rong said, he took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, lit it and smoked.

Seeing Dai Rong smoking in the non-smoking area, Wu Xingyun felt that things had become a little weird. He said to Dai Rong, "General Dai, you will help Ye Fan, right?"

Dai Rong nodded and said: "Yes. Don't worry, I... will stand by his side." After speaking, Dai Rong walked towards the exit. Wu Xingyun saw Dai Rong called Ye Fan and was talking to him He was relieved when he said something, he waited on the spot, but saw Dai Rong and Ye Fan walking farther and farther, and walked out of the boarding hall after a while.

Wu Xingyun was at a loss as to what had happened. Most of the people had already boarded the ship, and the peripheral staff had already started to unchain the ship.

Wu Xingyun waited for a while, but still did not wait for Luo Ying to come.

He had a bad premonition in his heart and wanted to run out, but at this time the entire boarding hall had been sealed off, making it impossible to get in and out.

In the joint government chamber of the main ship, the best scientists and government officials, as well as military representatives, gathered here.

There is a report in front of everyone, with dense data and conclusions written on it, and the signature at the bottom is - XXX Life Science Research Laboratory.

Luo Ying was also in this round table meeting, and Ouyang Yi was sitting opposite her.

"Well, that's the whole thing. According to our calculation, the Saar fog will reach the surface of the earth in a day, which is the best time for us to cross it."

"According to the test report, among the nearly 50,000 people who boarded the ship this time, a total of more than 300 people were infected with Saar substance and mutated. We cannot take these people away." The interim supreme commander of the military said , "They will pose a threat to us."

"What threat? Between us, someone will become stronger, it's a good thing!" Someone objected.

But these words attracted the silence of most people.

Ouyang Yi remained silent. He looked at the list of infected people that was constantly beating on the screen. When he saw Dai Rong's name on it, he felt excited.

So Ouyang Yi stood up and said, "I agree with the Marshal. I am engaged in bioengineering. According to our research on Saar matter, these people have already mutated. When our spaceship passed through the thick fog of Saar, Unsurprisingly, this substance will affect all of us. Our bodies will be changed to varying degrees, but... these mutants will become extremely powerful and terrifying at this moment! They will be stronger than us Dozens of times stronger, hundreds of times stronger! Everyone who sits next, do you want to face a few people who are a hundred times stronger than yourself?"

Everyone stopped talking again.

Luo Ying stared at the list of those who were constantly detected, and the word Ye Fan jumped into her eyes.

Her fingers were intertwined and twisted tightly.

The whispers of government officials entered her ears.

"Most of those people are soldiers, maybe there will be a coup."

"How can this be allowed?" said a newly elected finance official. "They will definitely destroy our established democracy!"

A sociologist then speculated: "There is no doubt that if these 100 people are really a hundred times stronger than us, we will definitely become their slaves. One year? Half a year? Or within a month?! They Children will be born, will their offspring be stronger? Will we... be eliminated?"

After pondering over the words in her mind, Luo Ying stood up, her voice as calm and rational as possible.

"I don't think these people should be excluded. Their strength allows us to go further. In the space environment, we need such people to do things that ordinary people cannot do. They can be responsible. Transforming new planets, opening up wasteland, and facing the possibility of alien life, I think this is an opportunity that God has given us humans, what we should do is to absorb them, not...repel them!"

As soon as Luo Ying said it, some people agreed.

Ouyang Yi laughed, and he meant something: "Scientist Luo saw that his lover and younger brother are mutants, so he said that! You must have already thought about how to use them to stabilize your body." Status, how can we all be trampled underfoot. I think, in about a month, you will become the queen here!"

Luo Ying's face turned livid at that moment, she said: "Dai Rong and I have no special relationship, I said this from the perspective of the future development of us people, at this time, I think we What should be considered is the future of the entire human race in the future, not the boring feelings of individuals!"

But Luo Ying's words did not attract the attention of others.

The newly elected president said: "Ms. Luo, we invite you here to know whether these reports are true?" Then, the new president raised the report card in his hand: "These mutants are really Will it be ten to twenty times stronger than it is now when the Thrall Mist arrives?"

Luo Ying was silent for a moment, although she didn't want to admit it, it was the truth. Moreover, it is also the joint research result of Roche Research Laboratory and another life engineering research laboratory.

Luo Ying said: "This is under the protection of the spaceship. If we leave these people now and expose them to the thick Saar fog on the surface, they will not be able to evolve at all, but will die instead! These people are right The coalition government has contributed, and we let them die like this, what happened?"

Ouyang Yi laughed, stood up and said, "Isn't there a small number of deaths in the past month? It's ridiculous that Ms. Luo actually told us to be humane. Those famous genetic foods you made can still control Its thinking, let them harvest their own bodies for food, that... the scalper who sells steaks in the restaurant is really... creative and humane!"

Luo Ying said: "These are two different things, and the beef plan was not adopted in the end!"

Ouyang Yi rolled his eyes: "Don't be hypocritical! We are the fire of mankind, this is Noah's Ark! No matter what the reason is, I firmly disagree with bringing some dangerous elements. They may destroy the whole plan! Even if it is just If a person has a ghost in his heart, if he wants to do something, we can't stop it, and the entire human race will be wiped out before it sets sail!"

When Ouyang Yi was talking, there were always assistants pulling his clothes by his side.

But Ouyang Yi didn't pay attention, he finally found a way to let Dai Rong and Ye Fan die, so he won't miss this good opportunity! Anyway... the people present here are all ordinary people, even if it is for their own benefit, they will not allow this kind of threat to exist.

When Ouyang Yi finished speaking, he turned to look at his assistant.

And Ouyang Yi's assistant was pointing to the names on the big screen.

Ouyang Yi looked at the big screen, and then he was a little dumbfounded.

Because, his son and Xiaosan had just been tested to be infected with Saar substance, and their names were impressively on it.

In an instant, Ouyang Yi's heart was shaken, it was like lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

But he soon realized that even if it was his wife and son, he would not allow the other party to be stronger than him and become a threat to him!

Ouyang Yi pointed to the names on the screen and said loudly: "We must consider the interests of the vast majority of people! Look, my wife and my own son have been infected with Saar substance! Am I doing it for myself? I don't Agree to these people boarding the ship! Although, I am heartbroken now, but I stick to my opinion!" Having said this, Ouyang Yi couldn't help his face, and sat down pretending to be helpless and sad. He wanted to squeeze out two tears to brighten the atmosphere, but he really couldn't cry. Instead, he was a little glad that those two people were detected.

The debate went on for a long time, both sides disagreed, and finally everyone voted.

There were 100 people present at the meeting, and 10 people agreed with these people to board the ship, but more than 90 people disagreed.

These mutants were not allowed to board the ship, and the 300 or so vacant places were selected from those who had not yet left the base and performed well.

However, at Luo Ying's insistence, relatives of these people were allowed to go out to say goodbye to their own families.

When Luo Ying found Wu Xingyun, he had already packed his room and Ye Fan's bed.

Seeing Luo Ying coming in, Wu Xingyun quickly let her in and asked, "Sister Luo, what's going on, Ye Fan...why aren't you allowed to board the plane?"

Luo Ying looked tired, she reached out and patted Wu Xingyun's shoulder: "I'm sorry, I... have tried my best."

Luo Ying said the content of the meeting just now: "I... all I can do now is to try my best to keep them alive in the dense fog of Saar. I am going to find them, do you want to come with me?"

Wu Xingyun couldn't believe what he heard, and felt that he was so ridiculous for a moment.

After all the hard work to bring Ye Fan here, he still can't change the history.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you!" He said while repacking his luggage.

Luo Ying said: "Are you crazy? It is impossible for ordinary people to survive the next round of thick Saar fog. You stay here to wait for death! Don't be stupid, Ye Fan will never allow you to stay."

But Wu Xingyun didn't listen, he packed his things, carried his backpack and walked out with Luo Ying.

There were not as many people at the exit as Luo Ying imagined, more than 300 mutants, but only a few dozen people were willing to go out to say goodbye to them.

Luo Ying walked out with Wu Xingyun. As soon as he got out of the boarding gate, he saw many mutants there, and Ye Fan was also there. He was leaning on a railing with a calm expression.

Wu Xingyun and Luo Ying quickly ran towards him.

Ye Fan saw that Wu Xingyun brought out his luggage again, he frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Wu Xingyun was panting: "Ye Fan, I want to stay."

Ye Fan laughed, he had just obtained all the information from Dai Rong, and he knew what was going on.

After Dai Rong learned that he turned out to be a mutant, he was depressed for a while about not being able to board the ship, but he immediately wanted to leave and prepare his nest.

After Luo Ying explained the precautions to Ye Fan, she said, "You guys talk, I'll go find Dai Rong. Also, Xiaoyun, don't stay here, you will die." After finishing speaking, she left in a hurry up.

In the distance, some family members of the mutants were saying goodbye to them, and the sound of crying could be faintly heard.

Ye Fan looked very calm, he said: "It seems... We are destined to have nothing to do with each other... This is also God's will."

Wu Xingyun didn't speak.

Ye Fan said: "I just heard that if I can hide and survive this time, I can live for more than 300 years. Hehe, this is like cultivating immortality. Don't worry about me , I don’t want to see you die in my arms because I stayed.”

Wu Xingyun said: "I may not necessarily die..." but his voice was very small.

Ye Fan reached out, hugged Wu Xingyun, and held him tightly in his arms: "Yun... don't be stupid, I want to see you alive, live well. I will... I won't miss you for too long, I'll... quickly find mutants who live as long as I do, and spend the rest of my days. You... as well."

Wu Xingyun felt tears welling up in his eyes, he believed Ye Fan's words.

He will live for two thousand years, and, in the future, he will really find someone who looks very similar to him.

Was it because of himself that Ye Fan chose that person? Wu Xingyun raised his head slightly and looked at Ye Fan.

He found that the other party's face was flawless, his expression was calm, and his eyes were calm.

Ye Fan gave him a smile: "Let's tell a story. Once upon a time, there were two fish. In a creek that was about to dry up, they lived on the foam they spit out from each other. But... the best ending is not a fish. Another fish died, but they swam back to the rivers and lakes. Even if they can't meet again, but they can have a wider sky."

Wu Xingyun had never heard this sentence before, so Ye Fan kissed Wu Xingyun: "Being fond of each other is like forgetting each other. Go up, and I won't send you away."

Wu Xingyun couldn't leave, but Ye Fan took his hand, pushed him to the hatch, and threw his luggage in.

"We are destined not to be on the same road. If you stay, you will only die. It is best for us to forget each other." Ye Fan said, and then left without looking back.

When he was walking back, he could hear Wu Xingyun calling his name.

That voice made Ye Fan's heart feel like being stabbed by thousands of sharp blades. Ye Fan felt hot liquid flowing down his cheeks, and he wanted to turn his head and hug that person into his arms.

But he didn't dare, he was afraid that if he showed nostalgia, his beloved would stay here, and that would kill him.

So, he quickened his pace, left here, and went back to his basement. According to the method Luo Ying said, he reinforced the surrounding area and painted some protective metal paint.

From then on, he will spend the rest of his life here.

When he was lying on the bed, he could smell the lingering scent of Wu Xingyun.

"Maybe, if one day, I really can't take it anymore, I will find someone who looks similar to him to live with." Ye Fan thought to himself, but when he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep, he found that he The shadow of Wu Xingyun was shaking back and forth in front of his eyes.

Ye Fan opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock left by Wu Xingyun on the bedside table.

With an hour left before the spacecraft took off, he jumped out of bed and ran towards the take-off point.

He didn't want Wu Xingyun to see his nostalgia and reluctance, but...he wanted to be able to watch that person leave, and watch that person who would never come back disappear into the night sky.

Wu Xingyun sat listlessly in his cabin, and a person was added to the bed opposite him. Coincidentally, it was the physicist who asked him to buy the formula.

The physicist was quite proud: "Little Yunyun, you can't escape from my palm! I changed the room on purpose and came here from a single room. We will live in the same room from now on. Let's study together. Great curved field theory!"

Wu Xingyun didn't care about this neurotic roommate at all, he just stood there in a daze.

He will die if he stays, but Ye Suikong not only has three hundred years of life, he will live for two thousand years.

It seems that history cannot be changed, and everything is still running according to the established track.

So, come back by yourself just to spend the rest of your life squeezed together with a mad doctor

Dr. Madman was very excited. He arranged his bed and went to help Wu Xingyun with luggage.

Since Wu Xingyun boarded the ship, his luggage has been packed all the time, and now that his roommates rummaged through it, he didn't care at all, just dazed.

His head is full of Ye Fan's shadow.

Back then, the domineering Ye Sukong who made all kinds of demands, the person who screamed on the wedding night, the person who hugged her to watch the ebb and flow of the tide, and... the person who told her to get out.

Originally thought that everything would end here, he had a long time to be with that person, without disputes and wars.

But not at all.

Separation may be the final outcome.

Wu Xingyun covered his head, and fell on the bed a little irritated.

"Hey, what is this?" Dr. Madman took out an envelope from Wu Xingyun's backpack, and there were words on the envelope.

Dr. Madman read in substandard Chinese: "Yun, these photos are for you to remember. Ye Fan."

Wu Xingyun was taken aback, he saw his roommate looking at a stack of photos.

He remembered that he didn't have this thing in his luggage, probably just now, Ye Fan stuffed it in.

"Your boyfriend is handsome, but you are a little ugly!" Doctor Madman commented on these photos.

Wu Xingyun suddenly reached out and snatched the stack of photos from his roommate.

When his eyes fell on those photos, he was suddenly stunned.

The little soldier in the photo has a bright smile, bright eyes, and white teeth.

Before he had time to see these photos of David Peng printed out, he had already boarded the spacecraft, so he had no idea that the imprint he left on the photo paper was actually like this.

He turned over one by one, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Although he only got these photos today, but... this is not the first time he has seen these photos.

The first time I saw them was during the wedding, in the empty room at night.

A room full of photos, exactly the same as the ones in my hand.

For no reason, he recalled that the layout of the place where he and Ye Fan lived these days was exactly the same as the layout of that room back then.

Because after getting along for a long time, some things became so natural that I didn't pay attention to them at all.

However, when he thinks about it now, some details keep echoing in his mind.

The background of those photos in the room is every corner of this base.

The person Ye Suikong described appeared in front of him in the last days, when he was most desperate.

For no reason, Wu Xingyun remembered Ye Suikong's words before he died.

"I love you... Actually, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time... I'm here to accompany you, are you happy?"

"Don't touch anything with him!"

"He is more important than anyone and anything in my heart! He is even more important than my parents!"

"I will only love him."

That afternoon, the man who made the whole universe tremble locked himself in a small room, and let out a heart-piercing cry.

When being attacked, the other party always protects himself in front of his chest, even when he is betrayed and hurt by him.

That day, when facing the engulfing black hole, Ye Suikong would rather die than let go of his hand.

That person... the person he has never forgotten for two thousand years... turned out to be...

Wu Xingyun felt dizzy for a while.

He stood up and walked straight outside.

He walked faster and faster, and finally ran up to the exit of the spaceship.

There was a transparent glass window, Wu Xingyun looked out from there, and saw that lonely and lonely shadow in the empty square.

His figure was hidden in the darkness, with infinite nostalgia in his eyes, but he didn't say a word.

The person who once said "I won't come to see you off" is now standing alone in the square, watching him leave.

The person who said "I will quickly find someone who suits me, and will try my best to forget you" has never forgotten it before or after two years.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun felt that he was extremely stupid. He ran towards the exit, but was stopped at the door: "Sorry, the spaceship is about to take off, we can't..."

With a bang, Wu Xingyun knocked down the guard who blocked him, and jumped out of the closing door of the spaceship.

The gangway was put away, he climbed down the scaffolding and ran towards Ye Fan.

The hatch of the spaceship has been closed, and the time for takeoff will not be stopped because of Wu Xingyun, an insignificant soldier.

The thrusters of the spaceship were already warming up, the ground began to vibrate slightly, countless dusts were flying up at this moment, Wu Xingyun ran towards the person standing on the square.

Soon, Ye Fan saw the person who ran down from the spaceship, he looked at that person in disbelief, and couldn't believe what he saw. He froze in place, completely unaware of what had happened.

It wasn't until Wu Xingyun threw himself into his arms that Ye Fan realized it and hugged him tightly.

"Idiot, you are so stupid!" Ye Fan kept kissing the person in his arms, "Why don't you go! Those who stay behind will die!"

Wu Xingyun kissed each other back, and pressed against each other's body tightly, and the two hugged each other tightly.

"I came here to leave with you!"

"We agreed to never part."

"Even if I die soon, I... want to be with you."

Ye Fan kissed the person in his arms deeply, and in the square under the street lights, the shadows of the two were stretched infinitely long.

Ten spaceships lifted off slowly behind the two of them, and the huge waves knocked them to the ground.

Ye Fan tightly protected Wu Xingyun in his arms. At this moment, he felt the person in his arms trembling non-stop.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan looked up together. The ten spaceships, like ten stars rushing into the sky, crossed endless orbits in the sky and sank into the night sky.

Ye Fan tightly hugged the person in his arms. At this moment, he could hear the person's heartbeat.

"From now on, if we... can live for one day, we will be together for one day. We will be together forever and never be separated again."

Ye Fan buried Wu Xingyun's head on his shoulder. At this moment, he felt a burst of sadness in his heart, but also possessed infinite sweetness.

Countless mutants left behind, at this moment, either hid in their own rooms, or began to snatch the remaining food, or looked up, watching the spaceship leaving in the sky.

Everyone knows that they have been abandoned.

Everyone understands better - from then on, there will be no more order in this world, nor will there be any technology or civilization.

The earth, the homeland where human beings have survived for hundreds of thousands of years, has now entered a barbaric era, a world without hope and future, forever in darkness.

For some, the end times just got worse and scarier.

But for those mutants, the Great Nirvana has only just begun.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan almost trotted all the way to the basement, and with a bang, the door closed behind them.

Ye Fan pushed Wu Xingyun against the door and kissed him.

And Wu Xingyun responded enthusiastically to Ye Fan like never before.

The two began to take off their clothes and belts, and finally got entangled and rolled onto the bed.

"Yun, you... are so stupid!" Ye Fan said while kissing him, breathing heavily.

Wu Xingyun was taking off Ye Fan's pants, he said: "Time is running out, I think... I won't live long, don't talk nonsense. I don't want to be a virgin when I die!"

Ye Fan held on to the other's lips, licked and sucked, as if he wanted to swallow the other person alive, and swallowing the other party's compound could ease his feelings.

The moment Ye Fan entered, both of them let out a comfortable muffled groan at the same time.

The feeling of being invaded by a foreign object for the first time made Wu Xingyun feel uncomfortable, and even felt a little nauseous.

But he endured it silently, compared to his physical discomfort, his heart was full.

Ye Fan started to move slightly, the two of them clasped their hands tightly, and kissed deeply with their lips.

Wave after wave of enthusiasm hit directly, the hot skin was tightly pressed together, Ye Fan rampaged in it, and the two bodies collided with each other making a crackling sound.

"Yun, I love you..."

Ye Fan kept talking, he hugged the other party in his arms, and used his own way to penetrate the deepest and possess the most complete.

Wu Xingyun hugged Ye Fan's head and kissed it lightly: "I love you too..."

The two of them gushed out, and the groin was sticky and wet, but they were unwilling to separate.

Ye Fan still stayed in the opponent's body, he hugged Wu Xingyun, leaned against the head of the bed, and kissed his cheek and neck.

"You know, when you left, I... really felt like I was going to die."

"Then you still say that kind of thing? Why will you find someone who suits you in the future? Why forget each other in the rivers and lakes?"

Ye Fan hugged the person in his arms tightly: "I'm afraid that you will stay, that you...will not leave."

Wu Xingyun turned his head and stared blankly at the man in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration, nostalgia and pity.

"Now, are you still afraid?"

Ye Fan shook his head slightly: "No... Anyway, the worst thing has happened... I don't know if I can survive. But no matter what, we will live and die together."

"Okay..." Wu Xingyun stretched out his hand and held the other's palm.

"Yun... you... will you regret it?"


"Then... what do you think of me?"

"That's good, otherwise why would I stay?"

"You know, I didn't mean that... it was... that..." Ye Fan's waist moved forward slightly, and the thing he shot just now became hard before it was completely soft.

"My bottom hurts...don't insert seems to be bleeding."

Ye Fan was startled, and quickly backed out, saying, "Turn around, I'll take a look."

Wu Xingyun was a little awkward, but turned around meekly.

"Raise your butt up a bit, I can't see clearly." Ye Fan had already seen it clearly, but he wanted to see something else more.

"It doesn't look like it's hurt on the outside, can I... stretch it in and have a look?"

Wu Xingyun felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what to say.

So he didn't object, and then he heard a pop, something seemed to have invaded behind him.

"Is it uncomfortable here?" Ye Fan stretched his finger in and touched it slowly.

Wu Xingyun shook his head.

"Then, is this here?" His fingers circled inside.

"Well... you... don't touch there..." The person who was touched at a certain point felt a tremor all over his body.

"Where don't you touch? Is it here... or... here?"

Ye Fan walked in and out of it with malicious intentions, his whole body overwhelmed the other person, and his other hand moved towards Wu Xingyun's front: "Yes, don't you touch this place?"

"Hmm... ah... I can't do it... I can't..." Wu Xingyun, who was found to be weak by the other party, began to tremble as he spoke.

Ye Fan leaned into his ear and whispered, "Time is short, don't waste it... I know you feel comfortable."

Ye Fan withdrew his hand, and he stepped forward, the sound of puffing water was heard again, sometimes mixed with muffled hums and intermittent kisses.

"Are you comfortable?" Ye Fan asked in a low voice when he saw the other party's eyes were absent-minded and his lips were slightly parted, "Don't be so shy, they're all fucked anyway."

"It's... not bad..." Wu Xingyun's head was a little blank, and he didn't expect the other party to be so thick-skinned in this kind of matter.

Ye Fan's waist sank slightly, just as he wished, seeing the bewildered eyes of the other party and the request made in the unconscious state.

"Deeper... more... harder... ah..."

"Okay." Ye Fan kissed Wu Xingyun's lips, his voice was hoarse, and he moved to a deeper place, using more strength, piercing the other person's body, and buried himself in the other person's body, the deepest and deepest place.

Even if there is no tomorrow, no future, nothing, but at least at this moment, they have each other.