Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 62


In the dim light of the basement, the two hugged each other and lay down. Although this was their usual way of sleeping, this day, there was something different.

The legs of the two were stacked together, breathing intertwined. The short-haired young man with dark skin was pillowed in the shoulder socket of a beautiful man, and the breath he exhaled formed into a cloud of white mist. Sometimes the two would talk in a low voice, sometimes they would show a knowing smile, and sometimes they would cover up the quilt and make the bed board creak.

When Wu Xingyun fell asleep, Ye Fan hugged him quietly and looked down at the person sleeping next to him.

The legs of the two are still entangled, and the body temperature of the other can be transmitted to the bottom of the heart through the skin.

The sleeping person, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, looks a little childish, but very warm.

Although Ye Fan often imagined the arrival of this day, when it really happened, it made him feel like he was in a dream, and he couldn't believe it for a while, it was real.

He lowered his head and kissed the other party's lips, the sensuality was very realistic, the warm and soft lips plucked the most tender strings in his heart, playing a melodious and peaceful movement.

The two have been here many times just now, and they are already exhausted, and Ye Fan's desire has long been relieved, but the feeling of love in his heart has gradually surfaced, which cannot be broken.

Ye Fan was reluctant to fall asleep, so he kept looking at the person in his arms until the other person opened his eyes.

Wu Xingyun hasn't realized what he did until now. His decision yesterday was completely made with the belief that he must die, and with a dazed brain.

Now, when he woke up and saw Ye Fan close at hand, Mu Mu's blank head finally had something more.

Wu Xingyun's face was a little feverish. He didn't forget how crazy things he did after he ran down from the spaceship yesterday, and he didn't forget how he was played over and over again by the other party on the bed after he did it.

Thinking of those times, Wu Xingyun's heart beat fast, especially when he found himself entangled with Ye Fan naked, he wanted to find a hole to drill down.

Yesterday, he thought that he would not survive that night, but now, when he opened his eyes, he found that he was still alive.

Not only alive, but also... Woke up in a very obscene way.

Seeing Wu Xingyun woke up, Ye Fan smiled at him.

Wu Xingyun smiled back awkwardly, and was kissed again.

Ye Fan's hands tightly wrapped around the arm that was trying to resist, and his thigh pressed the opponent's thigh, prying open the teeth that refused to cooperate, and penetrated into the hot and humid mouth, and conquered the city in it.

It wasn't until Wu Xingyun was about to suffocate that Ye Fan let go of his hand and said in a low voice, "Morning."

Wu Xingyun blushed, and said vaguely, "What time is it?"

"Seven o'clock." Ye Fan said, "Are you hungry, I'll get you something to eat."

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised. He felt that he had messed with Ye Fan many times yesterday and slept for a long time. How could it be only seven o'clock in the morning

He said: "No, I can do it myself..." Just as he was about to get up from the bed, he felt a pain in his back, and there was still some pain underneath, so he completely recalled that this was caused by Ye Fan. Are you out of bed

Ye Fan got up and covered Wu Xingyun with the quilt: "You... don't move around, I have stored food next door."

Ye Fan walked outside while putting on his pants.

Wu Xingyun looked at the alarm clock beside the bed, it turned out that it was seven o'clock in the evening. The two actually engaged in a day and a night!

This cognition made Wu Xingyun a little surprised. Moreover, he remembered that according to what Luo Ying said, the thick fog of Saar had descended on the earth now. As an ordinary person, he should be dead.

But he is still alive, what's going on

But Ye Fan came back after a while, holding a box of canned food in his hand.

"This is what Sister Luo left for me. It's enough for me to eat for more than ten days." Ye Fan said, sitting on the head of the bed, half-embracing Wu Xingyun in his arms, and took a spoon, ready to feed.

Wu Xingyun said: "I don't need your help, I can eat it myself." As he spoke, he was about to snatch the can from Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan raised his hand to avoid it, and Ye Fan said: "I want to feed you. If you don't let me feed you with a spoon, then I will have to feed you with something else. You can't beat me are... Want me to mouth feed you?"

As he spoke, he kissed, licked and sucked Wu Xingyun's earlobe, making half of Wu Xingyun's body numb.

Wu Xingyun could only give up resistance, and Ye Fan fed him spoonfuls. After eating the whole can, Ye Fan became hard again, and he did not avoid Wu Xingyun's waist, but continued to tease him.

In the end, Wu Xingyun was pressed down on the bed again, panting and trembling.

Afterwards, Ye Fan used the cold water stored next door to help Wu Xingyun wash his back. When he saw the slightly red and swollen chrysanthemum leaking out of the ambiguous liquid, he wanted to come again.

Ye Fan asked for sex, but Wu Xingyun refused. In the end, the two negotiated and helped him solve it with his hands.

Then it was scrubbing again. During the cleaning process, Ye Fan would want to do it again, so he came again.

At first, Wu Xingyun would look at his watch, but later on, he simply didn't bother to look at it, and just lay down on the bed, tossing about Ye Fan casually.

After an unknown amount of time, the two of them finally cleaned themselves up and leaned against the head of the bed to talk.

Wu Xingyun leaned on Ye Fan's arm and said, "Sar's dense fog should have descended, right? Do you feel any strange feeling?"

Ye Fan held Wu Xingyun in his arms, and felt the sound of blood flowing where the skin of the two touched. He thought of the feeling of ecstasy just now, and wanted to fuck again.

So he said: "Nothing particularly strange, just... want to fuck you!"

Wu Xingyun blushed, and said: "It's been... three days and three nights, still thinking? You are too vigorous."

Ye Fan nodded seriously: "Because... that person is you. Because, I love you. Because... you are very good."

Wu Xingyun did not resist the sweet-talking attack. After being kissed for a long time, he disarmed and surrendered. He gave up resistance again, but he did not agree with the other party's proposal to change his position, and insisted on covering the missionary in the dark.

On the tenth day, the food stored by the two of them was finally eaten, and the thick Saar fog predicted by the scientists had already reached the limit that the mutants could bear.

Ye Fan hardly ate much these days, and he provided Wu Xingyun for everything.

Although it was still dangerous outside, the two of them could no longer hide in the basement and had to go out to find food.

Wu Xingyun was surprised that he was still alive, and Ye Fan was even more thankful that neither of them died.

After the two got dressed, Ye Fan took his weapon and was ready to go hunting and try his luck.

And Wu Xingyun could only stay in the basement because the situation outside was unknown.

When Ye Fan was about to leave, Wu Xingyun told him: "Don't run too far, the main thing is to see what's going on outside. I'll wait for you for eight hours, and if you don't come back after eight hours, I'll go out and find you."

Ye Fan said: "Okay." The two kissed goodbye.

Wu Xingyun stayed in the basement, washed the crumpled sheets that the two of them had made these days, and cleaned the room, feeling bored.

He was very surprised that he was still alive, because according to Luo Ying, he should have died ten nights ago.

With Ye Fan here before, Wu Xingyun felt that time passed quickly, but now that he is not here, Wu Xingyun feels like his days are like years.

At first, he was bored sitting by the table and watching the clock. He found that it was still early, but he was anxious, so he hung an iron bar from the ceiling and did pull-ups, then squats, sit-ups, push-ups, and boxing.

It took only four hours to practice one punch.

Wu Xingyun rested for a while, and started to do housework again. After doing the inside and outside again, he found that it had been seven hours since Ye Fan left.

Before Ye Fan came back, Wu Xingyun began to worry. He put on all the clothes he had just taken off during the exercise, went next door, and picked out a rifle from among the weapons Ye Fan had stored.

Take the gun apart, take it apart.

Twenty minutes to eight hours.

Wu Xingyun couldn't sit still anymore, he walked to the gate with his weapon.

The gate is a tight iron gate, and Ye Fan has pasted gauze tapes around it, and also coated filter substances, in order to minimize the concentration of Saar substances entering the basement.

Wu Xingyun was sitting at the gate waiting for someone. For a while, he was worried that there were monsters outside, and there would be no bones left after eating Ye Fan.

But he immediately comforted himself that Ye Shattering Kong could harm thousands of years, so he wouldn't die so easily.

But... Ye Fan's current ability is much worse than that of two thousand years later, will there be... an accident

Wu Xingyun was fidgeting, he stared at the hands on the alarm clock.

Half a minute to eight hours.

ten seconds.

five seconds.

Wu Xingyun put his hand on the door railing, ready to go out, but at this moment, the door opened from the outside.

A white mist with a fishy smell drifted in, quickly filling the entire space.

Wu Xingyun hurriedly backed away, subconsciously covering his mouth and nose, but saw that familiar figure rushing in together wrapped in thick fog.

Before Wu Xingyun had time to look outside, he quickly closed the iron gate.

When he turned his head, he saw Ye Fan lying on the ground covered in blood and gasping for breath. His face was bruised and his clothes were torn. He seemed to have fought desperately with someone.

Wu Xingyun helped him up, but Ye Fan was about to lose his balance, Wu Xingyun had no choice but to hug Ye Fan and put him on the bed.

He got the last bucket of clean water from the next door, untied Ye Fan's clothes, and prepared to wash him.

A warm object fell out of Ye Fan's arms and rolled on the ground with a gurgling sound. Wu Xingyun bent down to pick it up, and when he opened it, it was a large piece of cooked meat.

Ye Fan smiled at Wu Xingyun on the bed: "Yun, you haven't eaten all day, you must be hungry? Eat something while it's hot."

Wu Xingyun said yes, and didn't go to eat, but wiped Ye Fan's body first.

He found that Ye Fan had been slashed at least a dozen times, his left rib was hit by a bullet, and blood was continuously oozing out. Wu Xingyun was taken aback.

Ye Fan whispered: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all... There are scalpels and pliers in the drawer, just help me take out this bullet."

The light in the room was dim, and Wu Xingyun couldn't see clearly. He took a mirror to reflect the light, but it had little effect.

So he could only operate blindly. When the bullet fell to the ground with a ding, Ye Fan finally couldn't help moaning in pain.

Wu Xingyun quickly pressed his wound with gauze, but Ye Fan didn't prepare much gauze, and it was all soaked in red soon.

Wu Xingyun felt that his hands were covered with blood. He looked at Ye Fan. Ye Fan's forehead was covered with sweat, and his voice was weak: "I'm fine... I'm fine. Don't worry too much."

Wu Xingyun slowly let go of his hand, and found that the blood had coagulated, so he washed it with water again, but after washing with water, there was no water to drink.

So he could only give up cleaning Ye Fan's wound, and could only accompany him silently.

Ye Fan's eyes were closed, and he rested for about an hour before opening. He looked much better. Wu Xingyun noticed that most of the knife wounds on his body had healed, not even leaving a scar.

"How did you become like this? What's going on outside?" Wu Xingyun asked.

Ye Fan pointed to the cooked meat on the table: "We talked while eating. This thing rots very quickly, so we must eat it quickly."

So Wu Xingyun tore open the meat, fed most of it to Ye Fan, and ate a small part by himself.

After eating he felt thirsty for a while, so he took the last water and shared it between them.

After Ye Fan took a breath, he began to talk about the appearance outside.

"It's all messed up. They kill people when they see them, and they shoot without asking. There are more than 1,000 people left in the base, and 300 mutants. I went out and walked around, and most of the ordinary people were around ten They died a few days ago, when the dense fog of Thrall descended, and a small number escaped by chance, and were also killed by those mutants."

"White mist is everywhere, and I can't see who is on the opposite side. I searched for a long time, but I couldn't find anything to eat. I was stabbed a few times, but I couldn't come back empty-handed. In the end, my nose worked, and I smelled barbecue. The smell, grabbed a piece back."

"I don't know what they eat without meat, and I can't control that much. Anyway... I want to live."

"No one cares about us anymore. There is no order here. I heard that those mutants have formed small gangs and are vying for leadership. It's a mess. You must not go out."

"I'm fine. You stay here in the future, and I'll go out."

Ye Fan talked for a while, rested for a while, and finally said: "I found that our place is the best place in the entire base, and we must not be found here, Yun, don't worry about me, I will get better soon."