Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 66: settle down


The smile on Wang Qiang's face disappeared suddenly, showing resentment.

Ye Fan is blatantly provoking his own authority!

The flesh on Wang Qiang's face trembled, and he stared at Ye Fan viciously.

Ye Fan still smiled casually.

The two looked at each other, one furious and the other smiling.

"Okay, you have guts! I decided to keep you and torture you slowly!" Wang Qiang not only said so, but also thought so in his heart.

When he said this, he glanced at Wu Xingyun again.

He would definitely not be interested in a man, and if the other man was extremely attractive, he might consider it. If Ye Fan was really nervous about the people around him, maybe he would force himself to sleep all night just to make Ye Fan sad.

But it was obvious that Ye Fan didn't care about the people around him, and talking in front of the other people was ugly. It seemed that embarrassing the little black soldier would be difficult to achieve his goal.

Since the end of the world, he has been used to being flattered and flattered. He was extremely angry at Ye Fan's provocative behavior, and originally wanted to beat him up and drive him away.

But when he saw that Ye Fan had been provoking with a smile all the time, the annoyance in his heart became even worse.

If you beat him up and drive him away, I'm afraid he won't be able to hurt his bones. It's better to keep him and torture him slowly, so that he can really taste the pain.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang waved his hand and said, "Come with me to see my brother. Whether you can stay or not, I don't care, I want my brother to speak."

So Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun followed behind Wang Qiang, passed through the main hall, the back garden, and came to a glass house.

This is a glass flowing water house, surrounded by flowers and trees. The flowing water trickles down from the roof along the glass wall and flows into the pool around the house.

A small bamboo bridge is erected over the pool to form a passage.

Wang Qiang went in first, and after a while, he came out and said to the two, "Fortunately for you, my brother let you two go in."

Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun walked up the bamboo bridge together and entered the room.

When they were outside just now, because of the barrier of running water, they could only see the shadows in the room, but now they are standing in the room, and they can clearly see the furnishings in the room.

Because there is nothing in the room...

There is only one futon and one incense burner.

A Taoist priest with a goatee and sunken eyes sat on a futon and meditated. It was Wang Ruoxu.

Ye Fan could tell at a glance that Wang Ruoxu was an ordinary person, the reason was simple, he had scars on his body.

Ever since Ye Fan mutated, he has hardly left any scars on his body, and even the scars from his early years have disappeared.

The other mutants he came into contact with were like this, even Wang Qiang, although his face was full of flesh, had no scars.

As for Wang Ruoxu, there were shallow scratches on his cheeks, which looked like they were scratched by nails. Ye Fan judged that such a level of scars would usually heal within ten minutes for mutants.

As for the scratch on Wang Ruoxu's face, according to the healing condition, it was at least three days ago.

Seeing the two coming, Wang Ruoxu raised his eyes and looked at them. He didn't pay much attention to Wu Xingyun, but his eyes wandered around Ye Fan.

Ye Fan felt uncomfortable being watched by Wang Ruoxu, he took a step forward, because he didn't know how to greet the Taoist priest, so he could only bow politely: "Hello, my name is Ye Fan, this is my friend, Wu cloud."

Wang Ruoxu's eyes kept falling on Ye Fan's face, making Ye Fan feel that the other party was rude, but he held back and did not show any impatient look.

After Ye Fan introduced himself, Wang Ruoxu woke up from a dream, hurriedly stood up, and said, "Hello, hello. My name is Wang Ruoxu, and the one outside is my younger brother Wang Qiang. Come, do you need me for something?" help?"

Ye Fan didn't have a good impression of Wang Ruoxu at first, because he saw dark circles under his eyes and puffy eyes, and he looked like he was overindulgent. And the scratches on his face looked like they were left by a woman's nails. Reminiscent of what Wang Qiang said just now, "Whoever comes here, the women's family members have to send them to spend the night first", he speculated that Wang Qiang would not only enjoy that night alone.

But when he heard that Wang Ruoxu spoke kindly, he secretly made up his mind that as long as the other party didn't make trouble for him, he wouldn't meddle in his business.

Ye Fan said: "Yes, I heard that you have a set of exercises that can keep ordinary people alive in the last days. We are here for this."

Wang Ruoxu was very friendly and hurriedly said, "Sit down and talk, sit down and talk. Qiangzi, go get some tea!"

Wang Qiang groaned outside, walked in reluctantly, and went to the next room to find water to make tea.

After a while the tea came, Ye Fan took a sip, it was old Biluochun.

In the last days, it is not easy to have such a good place to live and to be able to get tea.

Ye Fan was very vigilant, but he also began to believe that Wang Ruoxu could help Wu Xingyun.

He explained his reason for coming here in detail, and Wang Ruoxu only heard that the government and the army had left the earth before, and now he got the exact news from Ye Fan, and he seemed quite excited.

When Ye Fan expressed his request, Wang Ruoxu said it was easy to handle.

"It's simple. Do you want him to take off the outer protective gown? I'll just teach him a breathing method later. However, there are rules for us to stay here."

Ye Fan thought that Wang Ruoxu was going to talk about Chu Yequan again, so his face darkened.

Wang Ruoxu said: "Are you a mutant? We have many cases like yours. I can help your family members, but what will you repay? I can't waste my energy, right? I'll teach you later. Your friend has a set of breathing methods that can allow him to resist the invasion of the dense fog of Thrall, so that he will not die suddenly on the spot, but I also said ugly things before, I will not teach him all, so he has to come to me every day to report , I can continue to live only if I teach the exercises. During this period, you help me work, if you do well, I will reward you, if you don’t do well, I’m sorry, and I won’t save your friend again.”

Ye Fan glanced at Wu Xingyun. Since then, wouldn't he and Wu Xingyun have to be under the control of Wang Ruoxu brothers

Wang Ruoxu seemed to see through Ye Fan's mind, he smiled and said: "But don't worry, I have the same agreement with everyone, sometimes I need your help with some special things, help me finish it, It counts as a merit; if you do it well, it counts as a merit. As long as you can accumulate ten merits, I will pass on the whole set of exercises to your friend. So that he can live without any obstacles and nourish himself like me? How about it, it’s a good deal, right? There are two people in the city who have already completed ten merits, you can inquire about it, I mean what I say. So, they are all willing to work for me.”

Ye Fan weighed it in his heart, if what Wang Ruoxu said is true, it is not impossible to help him with ten things.

As long as he works hard, Wu Xingyun can live a good life, which is worth it. Although he doesn't like Wang Ruoxu's use of the word "merit" to address him, it sounds as if he is a god and Buddha and he is just an ant.

Ye Fan pondered for a while, and said, "I won't help you rob women."

Wang Ruoxu was stunned for a moment, then recalled it immediately, and said, "Don't worry, you can choose to do or not to do what I ask you to do. I don't force it, fair business is all voluntary."

Ye Fan no longer had any doubts, he nodded and said, "Okay."

Wang Ruoxu was very happy that Ye Fan could stay, he asked Wang Qiang to take Ye Fan out, and left Wu Xingyun to teach breathing methods.

After Ye Fan received the number plate code from Wang Qiang, and went to see his residence, he was informed that he could come to pick up Wu Xingyun.

He hurried towards the glass room, but he was not allowed to enter again, because the other party said it was confidential and no peeking was allowed.

Wang Qiang has something to go out, so he is not here. There are two mutants guarding the gate here.

Ye Fan didn't think of the conflict, he just waited quietly outside, pricked up his ears to listen, and used his sixth sense to feel the surroundings. He didn't hear any uncomfortable voice from Wu Xingyun, and he didn't feel anything threatening him.

Instead, what Ye Fan heard was Wu Xingyun's long and steady breathing.

After a while, Wu Xingyun walked out of the glass water room. At this moment, Ye Fan felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Wu Xingyun slowly walked out of the white mist, still wearing the military uniform of the base, his hands hanging by his legs, and his steps were standard. Although his face is thinner, he looks very energetic. The most important thing is that he doesn't have a protective suit on him, and he can breathe freely in the thick fog of Thrall.

Ye Fan rushed up and held Wu Xingyun in his arms with open arms.

Wu Xingyun said: "It's very useful, and what he teaches is also very simple. I feel very good."

Ye Fan felt really excited.

As long as he could see Wu Xingyun standing beside him like this, he felt that even ten times the hard work would be worth it.

At this moment, he sincerely said to Wang Ruoxu in the glass room: "Thank you, thank you!"

On the same day, he led Wu Xingyun to stay in the small room assigned to him.

There is only one bed in the room, but for the relationship between two people, a bed is more convenient.

After Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun ate the small half bowl of sticky and black food they were allocated, they decided to visit those ordinary people and their families that Wang Ruoxu said had become completely independent and free.

It is easy to inquire about this matter, almost everyone in the city knows it, and Ye Fan will know it just by asking.

And when those mutants mentioned this matter, they all seemed full of hope and longing. Some said that I could make my family heal soon, and some said that they planned to work harder.

But at the same time, the two of them also knew that the so-called merit that Wang Ruoxu said was not such an easy thing.

He doesn't easily order people to do things. Once he speaks, it will be very difficult and extremely dangerous.

But on the other hand, Ye Fan also confirmed one thing, that is—Wang Ruoxu really keeps his word, and, as he himself said, helping to do the kind of "merit" things is entirely voluntary, not demand.

Ye Fan finally felt relieved, took Wu Xingyun's hand and walked towards his room.

He has been trekking in the deep forest these days, and has not eaten meat for more than a month.

Today, the two of them finally have a place to live, have a head, and a small room to live in. Does it mean that they can have a good meal

When Ye Fan turned his head and looked at Wu Xingyun, he felt that his lower body was starting to harden.

But Ye Fan never expected that when he was looking forward to eating meat, Wu Xingyun was depressed because of Ye Fan's words during the day.

It's the phrase "As long as you can sleep, I don't mind letting him sleep with you."