Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 68


Wu Xingyun didn't get up, he tried his best to take advantage of the precious time to rest for a while.

When Ye Fan is not around, he may encounter more troubles, but he must learn to solve them by himself.

The first two days were extremely peaceful. Wu Xingyun himself was not a troublemaker. He went to Wang Ruoxu to receive holy water every day to extend his life, and then he worked hard.

On the third day, when Wu Xingyun drank the holy water and was about to leave, Wang Ruoxu stopped him.

"Wu Yun, please stay."

The people in the hall left quickly, and at this moment only the Wang brothers were left.

Wang Qiang stood with his arms folded at the entrance of the main hall, blocking the way. Wang Ruoxu sat cross-legged on the futon, half-closed his eyes, and looked Wu Xingyun up and down.

Wu Xingyun sensed a strange atmosphere and a dangerous atmosphere, and his vigilance immediately increased.

"Do you have anything to do?" Wu Xingyun asked.

Wang Ruoxu twirled his goatee, and made a sophisticated look: "I am practicing a profound kung fu, and I still need a guide to help me. I want to ask you for help."

Wu Xingyun was already observing the way around when Wang Ruoxu was speaking.

Wang Qiang is the most powerful mutant here. He blocked the door, blocking his escape.

The place where Wang Ruoxu is located is a good exit, and the other party is an ordinary person, it is a good choice to capture him as a hostage when necessary. But Wu Xingyun had never seen Wang Ruoxu's true strength. He was very worried that the opponent's force value was higher than his own. If he couldn't hit him with one blow, he would cause a lot of trouble.

Wu Xingyun decided to check the situation first, and he said, "Yes, if I can help, I will definitely help."

Wang Ruoxu chuckled twice, and said: "Okay, have fun. Then, let Qiangzi tell you, I'll prepare first."

Wu Xingyun saw Wang Ruoxu standing up and walking through the main hall towards the flowing glass room inside, feeling that this matter was too weird.

Wang Qiang stepped in front of Wu Xingyun, put his hands on his hips, and said, "That's the case. My brother practiced the miraculous skills passed down from ancient times, and it was also for the benefit of all of us. He wants to go further. I need your cooperation. If you are obedient Do as you want, our brothers will treat you well in the future, at least better than that kid Ye Fan."

Hearing Wang Qiang's tone, Wu Xingyun knew what might be embarrassing for him. Moreover, Ye Fan was left behind as an ordinary person when he traveled far away. Maybe everything was a conspiracy of these two brothers.

Wu Xingyun said: "I will work hard to cooperate. What do you want me to do?"

Wang Qiang said: "My brother's practice requires collecting yin and nourishing yang. He calculated the birthdays of all the people in the city, and your birth date is the most yin. So, if you help him, the benefits afterwards will be indispensable to you."

Wu Xingyun didn't quite understand the Taoist term "harvesting yin and nourishing yang", but he told Wang Ruoxu that his birthday was just a random talk at the time, and it was impossible to meet the other party's request.

Wu Xingyun said: "It's not that I don't help, but my birthday... is recorded in a different way..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Wang Qiang's face shudder, so he realized that what he said now was useless, Simply change your words: "How can I help him?"

Wang Qiang chuckled, circled around Wu Xingyun, sized him up presumptuously, and finally stopped on Wu Xingyun's buttocks, and said, "You really don't understand, or are you just pretending not to? Just do that Son, usually Ye Fan has done a lot with you, right?"

Wu Xingyun was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, he couldn't help but feel his chrysanthemum tighten.

To be honest, he didn't understand at all, he really looks very ordinary, there is no color at all, the women Wang Ruoxu usually sleeps with are pretty, why would he suddenly make up his mind? Or, this is actually aimed at Ye Fan

A bunch of questions came to Wu Xingyun's mind, but he didn't have time to think too much. Seeing that Wang Qiang was about to get rough, he immediately said, "This... I don't care, I'm just worried that Ye Fan will be unhappy when he comes back."

Wang Qiang snorted and said, "You don't have to worry about him, just talk about yourself, if you want, then come with me and wash the back clean."

Wang Qiang walked in while talking, Wu Xingyun knew that the other party was walking ahead and did not turn back, but the strength of the two sides was far apart, and he must not be able to outrun him, and now Wu Xingyun was even more worried about Ye Fan's safety.

He followed Wang Qiang nervously, and was taken to a bathhouse. There was a bathtub in it, and the water was still warm.

Wu Xingyun walked in very honestly, saw Wang Qiang following him all the time, and said, "I'm really not used to being watched by others, so I can wash it myself. Don't worry, Daoist Wang is also my savior, and it's also the same to repay my benefactor." It should." After thinking about it for a while, he continued, "I... can I order some fresh vegetables and meat after I'm done? It's been mushy after eating for many days."

Seeing that Wu Xingyun has always been very honest, Wang Qiang didn't even show any reluctance, and now he is taking the initiative to seek benefits from him, so he feels more at ease. After calling two mutants to guard the door, he went to Wang Ruoxu's room first.

Although Wu Xingyun speculated that Wang Ruoxu might have ulterior motives for this move, but he really thought too much.

The reason why Wang Ruoxu made such a big detour to get Ye Fan away and called Wu Xingyun here was exactly the same as what he said.

He was a Taoist priest before the end of the world, and there are many classics. At the end of the world, he fled all the way and met his younger brother on the way, so he took up the place in Xi'an.

From then on, he began to practice the classics brought out from the Taoist temple. Some of them were written very profoundly. Wang Ruoxu didn't like to read books before, and he couldn't understand those classical Chinese and traditional characters at all.

After the end of the world, he knew that it was a useful thing, but unfortunately, his education level was not high, and he couldn't find a teacher if he wanted to study.

He refused to show these things to others, so he could only ponder over them with his younger brother Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang's culture is not that high, and he can't understand it. The two brothers are basically guessing and groping, and they have made some progress.

Just a few days ago, Wang Ruoxu finally caught a college student in the Chinese Department and translated these things for him.

The other books that Wang Ruoxu brought out were all ordinary Taoist classics, such as "Baopuzi", "Tao Te Ching" and so on, but there was only one book, which was an isolated book from the previous Taoist temple, and it used profound and obscure language. , wrote some weird cultivation methods, and even mentioned the words "Saar Dense Fog" as if the prophet had mentioned it.

The college student in the Chinese Department was a junior mutant, and he had only translated two pages before he was murdered and silenced by Wang Ruoxu for being dishonest.

But even if only two pages were translated, Wang Ruoxu benefited a lot. He and Wang Qiang began to practice the things in this ancient book, and felt that the value of force had improved by leaps and bounds. Very dark lettering.

Wang Ruoxu thought that this "yin" was not a woman, but a man with a yang in the yin. A set of mysterious and mysterious theories made Wang Ruoxu dizzy. He took out all the birth date records of everyone in the city, and pressed the calculator for a long time before he calculated Wu Xingyun's birth date, which was exactly in line with Ji Yin's statement.

At that time, Wang Ruoxu wanted to attack Wu Xingyun, but he was afraid of Ye Fan.

When Ye Fan went hunting several times, his skill and strength should not be underestimated.

So Wang Qiang came up with such an idea for Wang Ruoxu, to send Ye Fan away and leave Wu Xingyun here, an ordinary person, isn't it just a matter of choice

Wang Ruoxu felt a little guilty: "In case Ye Fan comes back..."

Wang Qiang has been dissatisfied with Ye Fan for a long time. Because the other party is familiar with the mutants and works properly, especially because of his strength, he has some faint prestige among the mutants. Wang Qiang feels that the other party is a threat to him, and he does not want Ye Fan Anyone who stays here just wants to get rid of it.

But Wang Ruoxu seemed to value Ye Fan very much, and he would definitely not drive Ye Fan away, so - there was only a detour. When Ye Fan comes back and discovers this scene, he will definitely conflict with the two brothers. At that time, Wang Ruoxu will no longer speak for Ye Fan.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang said, "Brother, why are you afraid of Ye Fan? It will take at least half a month for him to retrieve the head and come back. Our two brothers start practicing today, and within half a month we will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. When Ye Fan comes back, If he knows the current affairs, he will let Wu Yun continue to practice for us! If he doesn't know the current affairs, are we still afraid of him? Is the cultivation method in this book more valuable, or Ye Fan is more valuable?"

So Wang Ruoxu stopped worrying about Ye Fan's affairs.

Wang Qiang continued to persuade: "I told Wu Yun about the matter today. He seemed very happy, and he probably understood that following Ye Fan did not follow our brothers. There is a future for the two brothers. In this world, the strong are respected?"

Wang Ruoxu nodded vigorously, feeling that what his brother said made sense: "Okay, then he will come later, I will go first, and you will come later."

Wang Qiang didn't want to have sex with men at all, but after thinking about it, as long as it is really beneficial to cultivation, if he can really do what the book says, he can have an indestructible body like a diamond, and he can clearly see thousands of miles away. It is also worth it.

The two brothers were thinking beautifully here, but after waiting for a while, before Wu Xingyun came over, Wang Qiang said, "I'll go and see, why hasn't he come yet, why does it take so long to wash my ass!"

But before he walked out of the door of the glass room, he saw two mutants running towards this side in the distance, and ran to him with a panicked expression: "No, it's not good... Wu Yun, it's gone!"

When Wang Qiang first heard the news, he felt that his legs were weak, and Wu Yun disappeared, which meant that he was not willing to let his two brothers go up at all, and he would definitely sue Ye Fan. Moreover, without Wu Yun, it would be difficult for him to cultivate successfully. At that time, don't make chickens fly and eggs be beaten, and the bamboo basket will be empty.

Wang Ruoxu asked from behind, "Qiangzi, why hasn't that young man come yet?"

Wang Qiang stomped his feet: "Brother! He ran away!"

"What!!" Wang Ruoxu was taken aback, the two brothers glanced at each other, and said in unison: "Search the whole city, search for me, and definitely catch him!"