Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 70: Reverse


When Ye Fan walked halfway, he suddenly heard someone calling him in the grass: "Ye Fan, Ye Fan!"

Ye Fan knew who was calling him without turning his head. He said, "Come out and go back with me. It's okay."

Wu Xingyun was stunned for a moment, and slowly walked out of the grass. He was very confused about what Ye Fan meant by saying this, but he believed him.

Ye Fan stretched out his hand to hold Wu Xingyun's hand, and looked him up and down.

The disgraced little soldier hadn't had enough to eat these days, not to mention he'd lost weight from hunger, his eyes were still red, and the dark circles under his eyes were enough to show that he hadn't slept well these days.

Something must have happened.

Ye Fan held Wu Xingyun's hand in his own, and felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

What happened? After Ye Fan saw the Wang brothers flying towards them in the distance, he had already guessed nine out of ten.

The Wang brothers quickly ran up to Ye Fan, but they didn't know how to speak. Wang Qiang even held the knife in his hand tightly.

In terms of strength, Ye Fan is definitely not Wang Qiang's opponent now, as long as he shows any displeasure, he will be killed by Hui Wang Qiang immediately.

Ye Fan smiled, and slightly raised the head in his hand: "Master Dao, I have already done what you ordered. Does what I promised before departure count?"

Wang Ruoxu winked at the people around him, and someone came up to install the head that Ye Fan brought back.

But no one dared to talk to him, and everyone looked at him with sympathy.

Ye Fan took the initiative to push Wu Xingyun to the front: "I heard what happened in the city, so I came back. This person is just a plaything to me. If you like it, take it."

Both Wang Ruoxu and Wang Qiang were stunned, not understanding the meaning of Ye Fan's words.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows, with a nonchalant smile on his face: "I hope to improve my own strength. In the last days, this is the most important thing. Other things are external things. Daoist, you said But if you want to teach me the exercises, does it still count?"

Wang Ruoxu was stunned for a long while before reacting abruptly—Ye Fan's move was to show his favor to him, and he didn't dare to make himself an enemy.

The moment Wu Xingyun was pushed to Wang Qiang's side, he looked back at Ye Fan and couldn't believe what he heard.

He saw the casual smile on Ye Fan's face, just like when he first met him.

He wanted to say something, but found himself at a loss for words.

Wu Xingyun was caught almost numbly, and then tied up. During this process, he didn't resist at all, but just looked at Ye Fan blankly.

Ye Fan walked beside Wang Ruoxu, while Wu Xingyun was tied up with a rope and dragged behind Wang Qiang.

As Wang Ruoxu walked, he took a look at Wu Xingyun: "Ye Fan, are you really willing? That friend of yours is crying sadly."

Ye Fan said: "I have long felt that he is a burden, but I am too embarrassed to tear my face. I don't have the ability to support him. The Taoist priest is helping me reduce the burden."

Wang Ruoxu chuckled: "So, you have two great achievements today! I'm not trying to take him by force, it's just for practice, and I'll return it to you when it's used up."

Ye Fan said: "I don't care about these things, I only care about cultivation. As long as you have the strength, what kind of person can't you find?"

Wang Ruoxu was very happy: "Okay! This is really a good left and right hand!"

A group of people walked into the garden where Wang Ruoxu usually lived, and Wu Xingyun was thrown into the bathing pool where he escaped again. Someone wanted to come forward to help him wash, but Wu Xingyun resisted extremely fiercely and claimed to see Ye Fan.

Almost everyone understood that Wu Xingyun was angry at being betrayed. When Wang Ruoxu and Ye Fan were chatting, when they mentioned how to kill the leader of another mutant group, they saw Wang Qiang come in: "Ye Fan, go and persuade your friend, he is crying and clamoring to see you."

Ye Fan said, "What's there to see?"

Wang Qiang glanced at Ye Fan warily, he didn't believe that Ye Fan would betray Wu Xingyun for physical improvement.

But he couldn't even imagine the purpose of Ye Fan capturing Wu Xingyun and sending him back.

"Isn't it because I was worried that after we met, we would fall in love with each other, so I couldn't bear to give him to us?" Wang Qiang said, he couldn't understand Ye Fan's way of fawning on his brother, and he also hated his brother Wang Ruoxu's ignorance , This is clearly a white-eyed wolf. If he can betray his lover today, he can betray his two brothers tomorrow. If Wang Ruoxu didn't stop him, Wang Qiang would like to kill Ye Fan now. Anyway - with his current strength, killing Ye Fan is a breeze.

Ye Fan glanced at Wang Qiang, and smiled slightly: "It seems that Brother Qiang doesn't like me very much. I told you when I first met you, as long as you like it, I don't mind. It's been like this from the beginning until now. .”

Wang Qiang snorted and stared at Ye Fan warily.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows: "Then I will try to persuade Wu Yun, no matter how stubborn he is, he will still listen to me. Don't worry, I will... make him obedient."

When they said the last sentence, the Wang brothers inexplicably felt the murderous aura emanating from Ye Fan.

After Ye Fan left, Wang Qiang said: "Brother, I don't think Ye Fan is sincere. He is just afraid of me, so he dare not disobey. After tonight, this person can't stay, it's a future trouble!"

Wang Ruoxu twirled his beard and shook his head: "No way? I usually treat him very well. I think he is repaying my kindness to him. Besides, I don't think he has any feelings for that Wu Yun... Husband and wife still When the disaster is imminent, they will fly separately, besides, he really needs to curry favor with me."

Wang Qiang snorted heavily: "Forget it, if you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do. When Wu Yun comes, you can do it yourself. I'll watch for you outside, just in case anything happens."

After speaking, Wang Qiang walked out of the room.

He is not like an ordinary person like Wang Ruoxu. As a mutant, he still has some vague sixth sense.

He felt uneasy in his heart, but he didn't know where the uneasiness came from.

Wang Qiang checked his equipment and weapons, and recalled Ye Fan's strength. He couldn't think of any threat Ye Fan would pose to him. So, did he bring Wu Xingyun back just to curry favor with his brother? ? Maybe I was thinking too much, Ye Fan just wanted to climb up in the last days

In the bathroom, Ye Fan squatted in front of Wu Xingyun and reached out to untie the rope on his hand.

Those ropes were tied so tightly that Wu Xingyun's hands and feet were bloodstained.

Ye Fan helped Wu Xingyun rub his wrists and ankles.

He originally thought that when he came in, he would be scolded by Wu Xingyun, questioned, or beaten.

But what he didn't expect was that Wu Xingyun had been silent all the time. When the rope that bound him was untied, Wu Xingyun hugged Ye Fan tightly, his whole body trembling with fear.

Ye Fan opened his arms and embraced Wu Xingyun. He wanted to explain to him what would happen tonight when he saw Wu Xingyun for the first time, but he was afraid that the explanation would reveal flaws and be spotted by the Wang brothers.

But now, when the two hug each other tightly, they already have the same mind, and there is no need for any explanation.

Moreover, Wu Xingyun not only understood what Ye Fan wanted to do, but also cooperated very well and even helped in acting.

After a while, Wu Xingyun said, "Why did you bring me back?"

Ye Fan smiled slightly: "There are mutant beasts in the wild, I'm afraid you will be in danger."

Wu Xingyun hummed, although he was still a little dissatisfied with Ye Fan's words like "it's just a plaything", but now is not the time to argue with him about these things. He whispered: "It's okay if you can't succeed. You... don't be brave, at worst we will run away from here."

Ye Fan lowered his head slightly, and kissed Wu Xingyun's lips: "Don't worry, I'm sure. You rest here for a while, no one will disturb you, and I will finish soon."

Wu Xingyun hummed, he really felt very tired, an uncontrollable fatigue surged up, his eyelids gradually closed, and he fell into a dream.

Ye Fan hugged Wu Xingyun in the dry corner of the bathroom, looked at the sleeping man, and felt extremely heart-wrenching pain and hatred that could not be suppressed no matter how hard he tried. That beautiful face gradually became distorted, revealing a ferocious expression, as if the god of death had come again.

"They must die!" Ye Fan said in a low voice, gritting his teeth.

In the dark night, Ye Fan's figure perfectly melted into the shadows.

When he came to Wang Qiang's place, Wang Qiang had fallen asleep as expected.

Ye Fan didn't say a word to him, and he didn't need to explain everything he had arranged, and he didn't need to explain what kind of hardships he had gone through to get into the camp of hostile mutants, specifically to target Wang Qiang's drug. He also didn't want the other party to understand clearly, and told the other party how he had just released the drug while talking to the two brothers, and he didn't even bother to say that he had blocked his nostrils in advance.

He has no interest in chatting with Wang Qiang before he dies. He has prepared this plan for a long time. Although he wants to see Wang Qiang's face begging for mercy before he dies, and listen to his begging for mercy, but now, he must do his best to be safe and not give the other party any trouble. any chance.

Therefore, Ye Fan simply picked up the knife that Wang Qiang had left beside him, and then raised the knife and cut his throat.

Then, with more force in his hand, he chopped off his head with a single blow.

Ye Fan walked into the glass room where Wang Ruoxu was staying, carrying the head that was covered in flesh and now stained with blood.

The glass door didn't open, Ye Fan kicked it, the glass door was kicked into pieces, and sharp glass shards splashed everywhere.

Wang Ruoxu is an ordinary person. He was already drowsy, but he was awakened by such a big movement. He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a man covered in blood coming out of the darkness with a human head in his hand.

The man's face was terrifying, with a hint of ferocity, as if he had just stepped out of hell.

With a bang, a round human head rolled down in front of Wang Ruoxu.

Ye Fan asked simply: "Where are the training books? Don't tell me, you are just like your younger brother!"

Wang Ruoxu suddenly found that the head rolled in his arms belonged to Wang Qiang, and he shouted in fright: "Help... someone!!!"

Ye Fan looked at him coldly, and cut straight down, one of Wang Ruoxu's arms was gone: "I don't have the patience to chat with you, if you don't tell me, I can find it!"

Wang Ruoxu screamed, looked at his severed arm in disbelief, fell to the ground in pain, and crawled towards his arm unwillingly, leaving a bloodstain on the ground. He yelled as he crawled, "Come on, come on! Where are all the people dead!"

Ye Fan swung the knife again, and Wang Ruoxu's other arm was also cut off. Ye Fan raised his chin slightly, and squatted in front of Wang Ruoxu who was lying on the ground: "Except for Wang Qiang whose head was cut off by me, no one is my opponent here. ! Let me ask you again, where are the training books? If you don’t tell me, I’ll send you to die!”

Wang Ruoxu was frightened crazy, he finally believed that Ye Fan was a white-eyed wolf, and he would really kill himself!

He was so painful that he almost fainted, but he couldn't faint at all. He could only say tremblingly, "It's in the secret room under this house... don't, don't kill me... I'm always good to you... you bring me back to life... I Here's the key... You said it, and you won't let me die if you say it... The key is only valid if I'm alive... "

But Ye Fan stretched out his foot, stepped on Wang Ruoxu's head, and cut his neck with another sharp knife.

Ye Fan's voice didn't fluctuate, and seemed unusually calm: "I've said it, and I'll send you to die too."

Wang Ruoxu died with regret.

Ye Fan kicked Wang Ruoxu's body aside, opened the blood-stained futon in the center, and saw the so-called secret room.

It was a small space about one cubic meter sealed by glass, and it was locked.

Ye Fan sneered, he didn't have a key, but he didn't want to ask for any keys either.

Bang, Ye Fan punched the secret room, and the glass was shattered by him.

Ye Fan easily took out those books that Wang Ruoxu regarded as treasures from inside, put them into his backpack, and went back to the bathroom to find Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun fell asleep just now because he smelled the drug on Ye Fan's body, but now he has woken up. Seeing Ye Fan covered in blood and the smell of killing someone just now, he couldn't help being a little startled , asking: "Are we going to run away?"

But Ye Fan took a step forward, took Wu Xingyun's hand, held it tightly, and said firmly: "I plan to take over this place. From today on, no one will dare to bully you again! Anyone who disrespects you I will cut off their heads!"