Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 73


Not long after Ye Fan took over Xi'an, he incorporated the first tribe.

After Ye Fan was ordered by Wang Ruoxu to kill the leader of the tribe, there has been a leaderless state, Ye Fan took people out to hunt and recruited them easily.

In the last days, there are many small tribes formed by such mutants, usually a dozen or hundreds.

One is because of the rapid population death, and the other is that communication is inconvenient. These small city-states are separated by regions and it is almost impossible to contact them.

After Ye Fan incorporated the tribe next door, he had the idea of opening a passage between the two. They first organized and killed the most terrifying mutant creatures separated between the two places, and then followed the previous The highway opened up a new small channel. In order to prevent it from being destroyed by wildly growing plants, the channel route they chose was the route formed naturally by some mature plant rhizomes.

And as Ye Fan continued to practice, his strength became stronger and stronger, so he began to promote this cultivation method among the mutants in the headquarters.

The abilities of mutants have greatly increased, and it is no longer a problem to travel through the forest alone.

It took them a whole year to build this passage, followed by encountering more mutants and forming a larger group.

Two years later, the entire city of Xi'an has become the largest concentration place in the Guanzhong area. The mutants here are terrifyingly powerful, and the transportation network has been re-established. A mutant who has the same keen perception but very low combat effectiveness. These mutants were assigned to various contact stations as liaison officers, and they were used to communicate with each other through wireless telegraphy.

Originally, Ye Fan hoped to be able to achieve the same level of information as before the end of the world, but there are no scientists on the earth, and things like global satellite positioning and telecommunications networks spreading all over the world simply cannot be achieved. What they can do is relatively simple radio telegraph technology to communicate with each other.

With these news channels, Ye Fan finally had a general understanding of the outside world.

Since the earth was abandoned, less than one percent of the people who stayed on it survived the baptism of the dense fog of Saar.

After they spontaneously formed small groups, they annexed each other or formed alliances. Up to now, on the land of Asia, most of the land in West Asia and Europe is ruled by a person named Qinglong.

With Xi'an as the center, there is a place called Yeshakong.

There are almost no people in North China and Northeast China, only some small groups that do not make a difference, and Ye Fan has no interest in taking over there.

The island countries floating overseas are estimated to have been completely abandoned, because from the latest news, it is heard that some marine creatures have also begun to evolve and attempt to land. The island country is small and the population is not large, so there is no possibility of development.

As for the American continent on the other side of the ocean, Ye Fan has never heard of any news there.

He and Wu Xingyun had speculated many times, and Ouyang Yi would be mentioned every time.

Because Ouyang Yi came from there, and when he landed on Noah's Ark, there were quite a few people who came from the other side of the ocean.

Ye Fan estimated that there should be no trace of people there, or only a very small number of mutants.

The main reason is that the population base of the American continent is small. After such a big change, even fewer people can stay.

In the past two years, Ye Fan's strength has made breakthroughs almost every day, and Wu Xingyun also had a subversive understanding of the social model formed by mutants.

It proves the saying that productivity determines the relationship of production. Today's mutants, apart from their own strength, are undoubtedly low in productivity. They have almost no modern technology, and they rely entirely on hunting and gathering to survive. They have searched for many plants and tried to grow them like their human ancestors, but they all failed. Failed.

Moreover, Wu Xingyun always believed that mutants were infertile, and the textbooks of the Federation also said so.

But in the past two years, quite a few newborn babies were born, some were children of ordinary people, some were the crystallization of mutants and ordinary people, and some were babies born of mutants and mutants.

"They can reproduce!" When Wu Xingyun saw the birth of the first post-apocalyptic mutant baby, one can imagine the shock in his heart. But at the time he thought it was because he was pregnant before the thick fog of Thrall descended.

But two years after Ye Fan took over the place, there were still mutant babies born.

And it's a year old now!

Therefore, Wu Xingyun had to start wondering about a question—why did Ye Suikong not have the ability to reproduce

When Wu Xingyun pondered this question, he started to fall into a dead end.

Especially when he accompanied Ye Suikong into the forest, looking for more terrifying mutated monsters to practice martial arts, Wu Xingyun had no interest in appreciating the other party's movements and moves, and his head was completely immersed in—Ye Suikong has no children, Is it because of your own reasons? Or he can't do it himself.

Wu Xingyun was a little dazed. When he watched Ye Fan attempt to hunt down the mutated giant python that was as tall as a three-story building, he felt that he couldn't imagine Ye Fan hugging other people and kissing me.

But he immediately felt that two thousand years of loneliness was too cruel for Ye Fan.

Wu Xingyun never thought that he could live for such a long time.

It has been four years since I met Ye Fan. The endless night and thick fog have begun to dissipate slowly a year ago, and the sun has appeared more and more times. The time is basically fixed, and the changes of the four seasons are also obvious. Wu Xingyun feels that this planet is almost exactly the same as some strange planets encountered in the history of human galaxy development.

Ye Fan was wearing a short suit in the forest, riding on the giant python and smashing it to death.

After practicing, Ye Fan's fingers were invincible. With his fingers closed, he could tear the tough skin of a scaled boa constrictor with a loud shout.

It's not much different from the action of tearing up the battleship with bare hands in those posters.

The giant python was quickly subdued by Ye Fan, and the severe pain made its body shrink into a ball. Ye Fan jumped off the snake, and the giant python was about to escape.

But Ye Fan didn't just let go of his practice object.

He opened his hands slightly, and stared at the giant python with both eyes.

The escaping python suddenly couldn't move anymore, his body was slowly suspended in the air, the curled body of the snake was elongated, some parts were covered by the forest and the thin white mist, looming, like a giant dragon body of.

Ye Fan continued to use stronger mental power to control the living creature. The giant python's body began to slash in mid-air, and changed into another shape after a while. Finally, Ye Fan couldn't control it well. The python's spine was broken, and finally fell to the ground, completely dead.

Ye Fan was very happy with his progress. He first ran to the corpse of the giant python, carefully checked the damage he had caused, and judged what level his strength and ability had reached, and then returned to Wu Xingyun who was still in a daze. Beside him, he said: "Yun, today I can finally control living things with my spiritual power!"

What Wu Xingyun was thinking in his head was—is Ye Fan unable to have children, or is he unwilling? Has the federation been getting this thing wrong

Seeing Wu Xingyun ignoring him, Ye Fan was a little unhappy, so he decided to act coquettishly to attract Brother Yun's attention: "Aren't I handsome just now?" He said while sticking to Wu Xingyun.

After being pushed away by Wu Xingyun, he continued to stick to it persistently.

Wu Xingyun's thoughts were finally interrupted, he said, "Have you finished your practice?"

Ye Fan nodded, he didn't want anyone to know his true strength, except Wu Xingyun.

It takes him three to four days to practice almost every time, and the longest time is ten days. Although it has been two years since Wang Ruoxu's incident, Ye Fan is very worried about what accidents will happen if he leaves his lover for a long time.

So every time he practiced martial arts, he would bring Wu Xingyun by his side, whether the other party wanted it or not.

Wu Xingyun is willing most of the time, but a small part of the time feels that Ye Fan is too cautious-it is really unnecessary to accompany him when he goes out for half an hour.

Moreover, with Ye Fan's keen perception, it is impossible to hide from him what happened half an hour away.

Ye Fan said: "What are you thinking? I see that you have been in a daze these days, do you have something on your mind?"

Wu Xingyun pondered in his heart for a long time, and finally said: "I was wondering why you don't have children."

Ye Fan blinked his eyes, and his heart beat faster. Is this - the other party is teasing him

Then Ye Fan quickly accepted this kind of teasing, he started to act, first he kissed, then took off his clothes, and finally did it vigorously.

Wu Xingyun didn't know that his words had offended Ye Fan again. The person who was pressing on him seemed to be very enthusiastic today, and he came over and over again, as if he was completely tireless. From the time when the sun was shining until the sun was setting, Wu Xingyun finally couldn't take it anymore. After moving to countless places on the grass, on the trees, and by the river, Ye Fan still showed no signs of giving up. And with the improvement of the opponent's force value, that aspect has gradually become terrifying, evolving from Qijiro one night to the king who will not fail for three days and three nights. Wu Xingyun's waist was sore and his back was hurting. He felt that his legs couldn't close together, and his whole body was falling apart. He couldn't do this anymore! Wu Xingyun strongly protested: "When will it end? I can't do it... um..."

Ye Fan was in high spirits, and he didn't want to stop at all. He just changed a position that made Wu Xingyun more comfortable, and went deeper. His voice was hoarse and low: "Do are pregnant and have a baby."

Wu Xingyun's head was full of black lines. He finally understood what it means to dig his own grave. It seems that the words that misfortune comes from his mouth are really old sayings, so he must keep them in mind.

Fortunately, Ye Fan didn't really keep his word in this kind of matter. In the middle of the night, when he was full, he took the person in his arms to wash in the stream.

A year ago, Ye Fan didn't dare to get close to this river, but now, he has already cleaned up all the mutant species in the river, and there is not even a single shrimp left.

Wu Xingyun had no strength to move at all, he let the other party play around, after the two washed up, they were not in a hurry to go ashore, but leaned against a smooth boulder in the river, and the snugglers said meaningless words to each other, and occasionally Ye Fan would kiss Wu Xingyun and sometimes rub him.

Finally, Ye Fan let out a sigh: "I really want to be like this forever."

Wu Xingyun smiled, turned his head slightly, and kissed Ye Fan's lips: "We will always be like this."

"Yun, you just asked the child... do you want a child?"

Wu Xingyun smiled: "We are two big men, how can we have a baby? You... you want?"

Ye Fan shook his head: "I only want you."