Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 77: the truth


Ye Fan is usually not so lonely and isolated. Although he is silent, he rarely uses the privileges he has obtained, but this time, it is an exception.

In order to be able to have a good meal without being disturbed, he cleaned up all the forests he frequented, not even a single spider was left, and on the same day he asked mutants to guard the surroundings under the pretext of practicing martial arts.

When doing all this well, Ye Fan finally seized an opportunity and brought Wu Xingyun to the forest he cleared out.

The sun shines leisurely in the forest, and the mottled light and shadow are like algae at the bottom of the river.

Ye Fan fulfilled his wish and ate delicious food for three days and three nights. Wu Xingyun couldn't move because he was made to move. Ye Fan hugged him and sat on the boulder by the river, and the two talked about their parting emotions.

Soon, it talked about Dai Rong saying that he was going to America.

Ye Fan has already shared his thoughts with Dai Rong. Regarding the America, he sent his men to go, but he will not go. He wants to stay by Wu Xingyun's side all the time.

Ye Fan's glasses were shining, he kissed Wu Xingyun, and murmured in a low voice.

Wu Xingyun touched Ye Fan's long hair with his hands. The other's hair was long and smooth, wrapped around his fingertips, giving him an intoxicating feeling.

"Yun, I love you." Ye Fan confessed more than once. He hugged Wu Xingyun, ran half of his body in the moderate temperature stream, and began to imagine the future of the two of them: "We can build a city where everyone can live together. Live in it, just like—before."

Wu Xingyun leaned against Ye Fan, smelling his unique smell, and could feel the temperature of the other's chest.

"There must be a shopping mall, a residential area, a hotel... well, a wedding hotel, if it is built, we will hold the wedding there, okay?"

Wu Xingyun thought of Yuan Xing, who he married Ye Fan back then, and he nodded: "Okay."

A smile appeared on Ye Fan's face: "I also need to prepare a wedding ring, well, let me think about what kind of ring suits you. By the way, if such a city can really be built, where do you want to live?" Woolen cloth?"

Wu Xingyun looked into Ye Fan's eyes, the other's eyes were full of tenderness, and the love flowing out of them was like a vast ocean that would never be cut off.

"A wooden house." Wu Xingyun narrowed his eyes slightly, imagining, "Three stories high, with a garden in front, and a distant view from the balcony, just like the place where Sister Luo lived back then." Wu Xingyun lowered his head. Said loudly, "At that time, on a snowy night, you said..."

"Let's start a formal relationship." Ye Fan took it, he hugged the person in his arms tightly, and said in a low voice, "That's the first time you let me kiss you."

Wu Xingyun smiled and kissed Ye Fan's lips.

The two planned the future endlessly. Most of the time, Ye Fan thought very realistically, as if he would really do it tomorrow.

As for Wu Xingyun, until he couldn't spend much time with Ye Fan, his ideas were more unconstrained, arbitrary, and truly imaginative.

But no matter what Wu Xingyun said, Ye Fan smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's do it like this."

"Okay, let's make a place like this."

"Okay, if we can live forever in the future, we will find a planet full of heart-shaped leaves to settle and live there."

It wasn't until dusk that Ye Fan led Wu Xingyun out of the forest. The mutants guarding outside were calm on the surface, but their hearts were racing - the boss actually worked for four days and three nights, this is an exact record! ! Is it to promote it, or to keep a low profile

Ye Fan was very considerate at first with his arms around Wu Xingyun, but when he saw someone, he let go of his hand and let him walk by his side—although Ye Fan really wanted to announce his exclusive rights all the time, but Wu Xingyun dislike.

The two walked side by side instead, and when they arrived at the city gate, they saw Liu Meng waiting there.

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised. He looked at Ye Fan and thought Liu Meng was looking for him.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows at Liu Meng, but Liu Meng's eyes fell on other places, and the expression on his face became more melancholy.

Wu Xingyun said, "What are you doing here?"

Liu Meng shook his head, he glanced at Ye Fan, and finally mustered up his courage: "Wu Yun, can I... can I talk to you alone?"

Ye Fan grabbed Wu Xingyun's hand, and after a while, he felt that his behavior was very funny. Why are you arguing with a ten-year-old child? Then let go.

Liu Meng walked along with Wu Xingyun, while Ye Fan stood where he was.

The two walked thousands of meters, but before they stopped, Wu Xingyun said, "What are you doing?!"

Liu Meng said, "Go further away, it will be better."

But Wu Xingyun refused to leave. He stopped and looked at Liu Meng: "What are you going to say? Ye Suikong can't hear you here."

Liu Meng looked at Wu Xingyun for a while, then suddenly said in a low voice, "You don't want to be with Ye Suikong, can you?"

Wu Xingyun didn't understand what he meant. In the past half month, Liu Meng had grown a lot, and she no longer looked thin, but her immature face still often showed a melancholy look that adults never had.

Wu Xingyun asked, "Why?"

Liu Meng lowered his head and said after a while, "I like you."

He slowly squatted down, took a branch, and drew a circle on the ground: "I didn't expect that you two are in that kind of relationship... I wondered a few days ago, why do you sleep together every day... I, I feel very sad , you actually stayed with him... and did it for a few days and nights... "

Wu Xingyun was a little dumbfounded, is this... being confessed by a ten-year-old child? Wu Xingyun said: "Don't talk nonsense, kid, go back to sleep, where did you learn your homework?"

Liu Meng raised his head slightly and looked at Wu Xingyun: "Do you think I'm joking? No, I will grow up, and soon, I will grow up. I can stand by your side, and he will never have the kindness I have for you. A feeling. It will never be possible…”

Wu Xingyun was speechless, he wanted to reach out and touch Liu Meng's head, but Liu Meng avoided it, with a trace of anger: "Don't treat me like a child!"

Wu Xingyun was helpless, he said: "You are still young, you are really young, and you will know how ridiculous your words are in the future..."

"No!" Liu Meng interrupted Wu Xingyun, "I have thought so for a long time! As early as four years ago... when I first met you..."

Wu Xingyun was stunned.

Liu Meng lowered her head slightly: "In that tunnel, my mother was killed by Ye Suikong."

Wu Xingyun remembered the crowded tunnel back then, and Ye Fan's appearance when he walked out for the first time in a daze.

"I saw him kill my mother with my own eyes, and I swore to take revenge. At that time, I also stole a gun, and I had to use all my strength to hold it with both hands... But when I just walked up to him, I just Pushed to the ground by him, if, if you hadn't picked me up and put me in someone else's hands, I would have died. Everyone was running, everyone was looking after their own lives, no one would help me this kid , except you. At that time, I had secretly sworn that I would do two things. One, I want to be with you, take good care of you, love you; two, kill the person who killed my mother. "

Wu Xingyun couldn't remember who he had saved at the time. He and Ye Fan had been shocked by the monitor lizard at that time, and couldn't think about anything other than fleeing for their lives and running away.

Wu Xingyun thinks that Liu Meng's hatred for Ye Suicong is probably a misunderstanding.

Or maybe it's not a misunderstanding.

But what could that mean? I am afraid that even Ye Fan himself will not remember these things.

Wu Xingyun wanted to say something nice for Ye Fan, but he didn't know how to say it.

Liu Meng looked straight at Wu Xingyun, and said with certainty, "I'm not stupid, and I'm not an ordinary child. I will grow up soon, and I will be stronger, smarter, and love you more than Ye Suikong. He He is a selfish person who kills others for his own survival. One day, he will betray you for some inexplicable reasons. But I will not do that... I... You are a benefactor and a lover in my heart. You Being with him will not be happy, you and me, wait for me to grow up... "

"I will defeat him, I will!" Liu Meng stared at Wu Xingyun's back and said firmly.

Wu Xingyun could hear footsteps behind him, and he knew who was standing behind him.

"Really?" Ye Suikong's deep voice came from behind Wu Xingyun, with a trace of disdain, "It's up to you? You have no right to argue with me."

"Are you afraid? If you knew who I am back then, you wouldn't have dared to bring me back! Now... you must not dare to let me live." Liu Meng said.

Ye Suikong shrugged his shoulders: "Why don't you dare? I heard what you said just now. If I really killed your mother... In that case, I can only say sorry. But there is one thing Thing, I have to tell you, I love Yun, more than anyone else. And he loves me too. Don't say you are just a child now, even if you are an eighteen-year-old boy, a twenty-eight-year-old young man in his prime , he will love me, and will only love me!"

Ye Suikong put his arm around Wu Xingyun's shoulder, and put his other hand in his trouser pocket: "Do you dare to bet with me? When you are eighteen, if you still like Yun, I accept your challenge! Now, You are just a child, and children should not disturb adults."

Liu Meng stared at Ye Suikong, several Ye Suikong appeared in his head. The person who pushed his mother into the tunnel and trampled on it, the person who pushed himself when everyone broke through the power grid and ran away, the person who broke through the siege and rushed to the underground fortification among the lizards in the sky, and rescued himself walking people.

Liu Meng didn't believe in Ye Suikong, this man who walked out of the night, was covered in murder.

He turned his head to look at Wu Yun beside Ye Suikong. What that person gave was warmth and security. Although he had experienced the end of the world, he still had a pair of black and white eyes.

He stretched out his hand and handed it to Ye Suikong: "Yes, if you are afraid that I will grow up all these years, you can kill me."

Ye Suikong smiled contemptuously, and patted Liu Meng's palm: "If you dare to challenge me on your eighteenth birthday, I will kill you! Before that, I will do what I promised Master Liu's matter, take good care of you."

After finishing speaking, Ye Suikong took Wu Xingyun and left. The two stumbled. Wu Xingyun was a little worried that Liu Meng's child was in the suburbs, but Ye Suikong said maliciously: "Although it is easy for the mutant beast to hate that I will eat it up with my little child! If you are so young, you are playing against my wife! If I hadn’t promised Mr. Liu to take care of his son, I would have killed him right now.”

Wu Xingyun slapped Ye Fan helplessly: "Are you serious with a child? He can't tell what love is and what gratitude is."

Ye Suikong smiled, suddenly felt a little melancholy, and walked slowly with his head down.

When walking halfway, Ye Suikong suddenly hugged Wu Xingyun in his arms and kissed him vigorously.

Wu Xingyun was almost suffocated by the kiss, and asked while panting, "What's wrong?"

Ye Suikong said: "It's just that after listening to Liu Meng's words, I suddenly thought of myself... If, the situation when I met you was different, if you hadn't saved me in the snowstorm... Would I still love you like I do now? ?”

Wu Xingyun stretched out his arms to hug Ye Suicong, and put his head on his shoulder.

Ye Suikong rubbed Wu Xingyun's head, and said: "I was thinking about this just now, and later, I realized that even if you never saved me, even if we met in completely different circumstances, I would still fall in love with you. From this point alone, I am the one who loves you the most in this world. Because I love you, not... something else. "

Wu Xingyun laughed, and Ye Suicong said, "What? You don't believe me, you think I'm still competing with children?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head and looked at the other party. After a while, he said, "I believe it."

Even after two thousand years, the two met in completely different ways, but Ye Suikong still loves him. At the most dangerous moment, he refused to let go...

He stretched out his hand to hold Ye Suikong's hand, the other's palm was very smooth and delicate, but warm, with distinct and strong knuckles.

Wu Xingyun intersected the palms of the two, and then clasped his fingers tightly. For the first time, he dragged Ye Suikong and ran towards his residence quickly. For the first time, I took the initiative to press Ye Suicong on the bed and kiss him.

"I believe that even in different time and space, different ways of meeting, different status and relationship, I... believe that you will love me." Wu Xingyun put his arms around Ye Suicong's neck, and entered deeper into the other party. At that time, he whispered in his ear, as if raving, "And I will love you. Even if the world changes."