Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 80: strength


After Ye Suikong finished talking with the Federation, he stayed here with Dai Rong. He and Wu Xingyun revisited the old place together, and they couldn't express their feelings. The basement they lived in back then is still there, but it is already dilapidated. Unbearable, after the two cleaned up the place, they lived in again.

Dai Rong smiled and said to the two: "You guys are really nostalgic. There are so many good places you can't live in, but you want to live in this basement."

Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong looked at each other and smiled, both of them felt in their hearts - no matter how bad the place is, as long as there is each other's existence, it will become a paradise.

People on the earth are still living as before, and the living habits they have developed in the last years have not changed them in any way.

But the situation in the Commonwealth is completely different.

At the beginning, 40,000 people came to the moon after a long space voyage, and worked hard on the moon for seven or eight years. Finally, the base here was completed and they were actively mining various minerals on the moon.

If you can look down on her from a place very close to the moon, you can see that most of the craters on the ground have been leveled, semicircular bunker-style buildings are connected one by one, and various mining robots are frantically Workers, search for all metals and resources on this moon.

In the center of the gathering place formed by various bunkers, there is the largest and strongest building. If you get closer, you can see the logo on this building—Roche Research Institute.

The Roche Institute has grown from 7 people ten years ago to more than 70 people now, and almost all human biologists work here.

Because of the strong military background of the institute, it completely defeated the former gene company three years ago. Now the shareholder of the gene company, that is, Ouyang Yi, the ex-husband of the owner of the Roche Institute, is no longer able to undertake any scientific research. Researched.

He also begged his ex-wife in a low voice, hoping to get a considerable position in the research institute, but his ex-wife Luo Ying didn't care about the relationship between husband and wife. Although she was willing to provide a job, she was unwilling to give Luo Shi shares. he.

Ouyang Yi was ashamed and angry, and never stepped into the research room again.

Under the introduction of his current wife, he joined the Federal Government's Expansion Committee as a member of the Outreach Committee.

When the people of the Federation found that the earth was suitable for survival, almost all of them immediately thought of returning to the earth. Only Ouyang Yi thought that this matter was not so easy, and strongly advocated contacting the people on the earth first. Besides.

Now, Ouyang Yi is sitting in the conference room of the Federal Development Department, staring at the man on the screen.

The Federation has watched this video countless times. Some people recognized the young man on the screen who uttered wild words and was not friendly to the Federation. He was an ordinary soldier back then, but more people did not know him.

Everyone is discussing about those words of the night broken sky. Although humans have discovered a new planet suitable for living, it is 20 light years away from the earth, and it is not clear whether there is primitive life on it. Relatively speaking, the earth is still the best choice at present.

After discussion, everyone agreed to send people to the earth to negotiate with Ye Suikong. As for who to send, everyone focused on Ouyang Yi.

Ouyang Yi felt like sitting on pins and needles.

But this is an opportunity. If he can successfully reach an agreement with Ye Shattering Sky to allow humans to return to Earth, then he will make a great contribution to the Federation, and he will never be half-dead like he is now.

Without waiting for others to speak, Ouyang Yi took the initiative to say: "I am willing to go to the earth to negotiate with the night broken sky. Back then, I had a little friendship with him, but you have heard what he said. He hopes that the higher-ups of the Federation will Some people go, but I definitely can’t do it alone.”

Everyone nodded unanimously. This is a major matter for the Federation. Some people even wanted to invite Luo Ying, the most authoritative life scientist in the Federation, to go to Earth, but when Luo Ying heard that Ouyang Yi would go, she said that she was too busy to follow He walks.

This is not Luo Ying's hypocrisy. She is indeed very busy. She is busy studying the biological structure and genetic composition of the new target planet. This is the latest task assigned to her by the military department. She has not left the laboratory for two full months. up.

Luo Ying just wrote a letter when she heard that someone was going to Earth, and asked someone to bring it to Ye Fan, if he was still alive.

Luo Ying didn't know that the person named Ye Suikong was Ye Fan. She thought that Wu Xingyun should be dead, and the possibility of Ye Fan surviving was very small. The Federation would be unable to leave the moon for a while. After the research is over, if Ye Fan is still alive, it won't be too late for her to meet him again. Or... You can take Ye Fan with you ten years later.

Luo Ying always believes that the earth is no longer suitable for human survival, and the future of human beings lies in the vast universe. She was even more disapproving of the idea of humans returning to Earth again, but she was not very interested in these decisions, and after expressing her objections, she plunged into the research room.

Finally, the Federation decided to send a delegation headed by the Vice President to the Earth.

There were five people in the delegation, the vice president of the Federation Liddell, Ouyang Yi, a member of the External Relations Department, an interpreter, and two soldiers.

Ten days later, the mission returned to Earth for the first time in a small spacecraft.

That day, Wu Xingyun, Ye Suikong, Dai Rong and other mutants all gathered in the square, looking up at the sky.

The spaceship descended from the sky dragging a blue flame light, like a shooting star.

People can't help but have mixed feelings in their hearts.

That spaceship is more beautiful than any spaceship seen on Earth before, with a silver-gray appearance, a streamlined shape, and a light blue energy shield all over its body, exactly like the ones in science fiction movies.

On the other hand, the earth is devastated, technology is stagnant, regressed, and it is wild everywhere. Human beings live in some small cities, and even large-scale power stations cannot be built, let alone the manufacture of aircraft.

The spaceship slowly stopped at the square it left that year, the hatch slid open, and the five-member delegation of the Federation came out of the spaceship one by one.

Ye Suikong's hand was still in his trouser pocket, but he felt a dull pain in his heart.

This spaceship, and the people who got off the spaceship, were out of tune with the dilapidated environment around them.

He spotted Ouyang Yi in the delegation at a glance, but Ouyang Yi didn't see him until he walked in front of Ye Suicong.

Federation Vice President Liddell first extended his hand to Ye Suikong: "Hello."

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Suikong stretched out his hand and held both hands together: "Hello."

Several people started to discuss the details in Dai Rong's conference hall.

The conference hall was built ten years ago, and it is a bit more dilapidated than when the federation left. There are not many busy staff coming and going, and there are no high-end electronic equipment such as projections.

The federation's negotiating delegation is confident: "It seems that you need our help very much. After we come back, we can build the place where you live better."

Dai Rong and Ye Suikong didn't speak, and Wu Xingyun was also silent.

The other party continued: "You people can receive government subsidies, and some of them who are physically strong can also join the army and enjoy government guarantees for life."

"We will quickly develop these places. The apocalypse is over, and cooperation with the federal government is the best way out."

After saying this, Liddell looked down at the rest of the people with a condescending look, and asked as if asking for advice: "What do you think?"

Ye Suikong smiled slightly. Dai Rong's temper has calmed down a lot these years, and he raised the most important question: "Then, if the federal government can rebuild and stop destroying the environment like before, what will we do?" I can designate an area for you to live in." After finishing speaking, Dai Rong turned to look at Ye Suikong: "What do you think about giving Jianghuai City to them?"

Ye Suikong shrugged: "Yes, but the sea beasts there are more powerful, at least we have to pay for the protection personnel we sent."

Li De was stunned, and Ouyang Yi's face changed even more. Ouyang Yi, who hadn't spoken much, couldn't bear to ask at this moment: "What are you? Collecting protection money from the government! It's ridiculous."

Ye Suikong smiled slightly, and said casually: "Then you can solve it yourself. Mr. Ouyang's genetic company is so powerful, I think the sea beast should be easy for you to solve."

It's good that Ye Suikong didn't mention this matter, but when it was mentioned, Ouyang Yi became angry from embarrassment.

His genetic company has been out of business for a long time, and now he heard Ye Suikong say this, and sneered: "Gene company? Heh, the Roche Institute is the most popular now! Why, you finally regret it? Helped that woman so much, but was finally abandoned on earth, living a terrible life, and still not repenting!"

Ye Suikong raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Dai Rong didn't want to say anything.

Before Li Deer came, he did some homework and knew the grievances and grievances between several people, so he quickly stopped Ouyang Yi, still maintaining his usual diplomatic attitude, and said: "Don't mind, I think human beings still have to rely on technology. It's not easy for you to live on the earth these years. Now the mutant monsters are very scary, and the plants are hard to eat. Life is very hard. Our return is also a win-win situation, and we can improve each other's living environment. Well, for the leader of the mutants, the federal government Give preferential treatment and give you a certain number of seats in Congress. As for other mutants, if they can live together, they will live together. If they don’t want to live together, we can also build several mutant cities and let them live there.”

Wu Xingyun couldn't help interjecting and asked, "Congress seats? How much?"

Liddell wondered for a moment, and said, "Ten, no more."

Ye Suikong smiled, and Dai Rong stopped talking. Wu Xingyun was more honest, and said: "Ten? Too few. As far as I know, there are more than one hundred seats in Congress, and even ten votes can't decide anything..."

Liddell said: "A lot, some bills were vetoed by one vote, or I went back to discuss with them, discussing everything slowly..."

Ye Suikong stood up impatiently, interrupted Liddell, his eyes slowly swept across the several delegation members in front of him, his expression was cold, and his voice was indifferent: "It seems that there is still one thing you haven't figured out. .”

"What's the matter?" Liddell asked subconsciously, who intuitively felt that something was wrong.

Ye Suikong raised his hand slightly, and hooked his fingers towards the distance.

boom! The steel frame 100 meters away suddenly collapsed, and a short and thick iron rod flew in the air with fierce momentum towards the broken night sky, piercing the air at a high speed, with a whoosh sound.

Bang, the iron rod was firmly held in Ye Suikong's hand.

The two soldiers accompanying the delegation became tense, and Qi Qi pulled the bolt, aiming the dark muzzle at Ye Sui Kong.

Ye Suikong raised his eyebrows: "Shoot."

Boom! The two soldiers did not pull the trigger, but Ouyang Yi fired first.

But Ye Suikong stood there firmly, without moving, not even shaking his figure.

The people in the Federation were stunned. Several people glared at Ouyang Yi, but Ouyang Yi's hands were shaking slightly.

Wu Xingyun and Dai Rong looked relaxed, and when the large-caliber gun was pointed at Ye Suikong, both of them looked extremely relaxed.

Ye Suikong sighed slightly, and tilted his head. The barrels of the large-caliber shotguns in the hands of the two soldiers were bent and twisted.

The two soldiers were terrified. Thinking of the sound of bumping, they didn't dare to hold the guns in their hands, and threw them to the ground one after another. Looking at the guns made of hard metal on the moon, they could even shoot in space. At this moment, under the control of Ye Suikong's mental power, it twisted into a ball.

Several people were stunned, and Ouyang Yi looked at Ye Suicong and stretched out his hand in a daze.

In the smooth and white palm is a bullet.

Ye Suikong picked up the bullet with his fingers and squeezed it lightly.

The bullet was crushed like it was made of paper with a puff.

"Don't talk like a charity!" Ye Suikong's voice was sharp, "Who did the earth look like this? When you left, you took all the resources with you, whether it was scientists, advanced technology, or even all kinds of resources. Minerals! What is left? Nothing! Do you know how we survived? We are struggling with life and death every day, and we are worrying about losing our heads every day in our dreams. Countless people have died, standing on the corpses and blood survived!"

"It's a hard life? You know that this kind of life is very hard, so who caused all this?! After stabbing someone with a knife, can you just hand him a bottle of red medicine?"

"I'm just an ordinary one among the many mutants! Our current strength, after experiencing such an apocalypse, is no longer what it used to be."

"The end of the world is only for you. How have you ever tasted the taste of the end of the world? When the thick fog fell, you were well protected and left the earth. Have you ever starved for a day? And you are worried that your head will be destroyed by monsters." Did you chew it? Did you hear the screams of your companions in the dark? Did you fight against the whole city for a steamed bun or a bowl of rice? If not, what can it be called the end of the world?"

"Perhaps, for you, that is the end of the world. It is terrible, but those of us who have been abandoned have survived. For us, it cannot be called destruction, but Nirvana."

"Rebirth from the ashes, resurrection from Nirvana. He is no longer the person who can be manipulated by others and can be abandoned at will."

"Now, do you understand? It's not that we need the federation, but... the desperate federation, come to ask for forgiveness. Don't treat these people you once abandoned with that superior and arrogant attitude. Don't say anything anymore As a last resort, what is natural selection. If you don’t even have such an attitude, and you have never even suffered conscience condemnation, and you take those things for granted. Then... I will tell you very clearly. Those who have been abandoned, stay The people on Earth were reborn from Nirvana and became strong."

"If someone has to be superior, it must be me!"

"If you have to talk about the strong eating the weak, then I am the one who eats the food!"

"If you still want to say who is attached to whom, who should be ruled by whom, whoever has strength can speak, then it's me!"

"If you are not clear about this, I will make it clearer to you! Or, everyone should get along with each other equally. If you have to distinguish between high and low, then, the person who stands tall and can give orders, I think you should be very clear. Who."