Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 83: cheat


The expression on the federal president's face changed, and he couldn't believe what he heard: "What did you say!! Didn't you say at the beginning that you just need to trick him and get some cells? How did you develop to this point?"

Ouyang Yi spread his hands, showing an annoyed expression: "The military did it, probably because Dai Rong offended the Star Marshal before? I heard that they used to scold each other before the end of the world...but..."

Of course, the low-pitched conversation between the two could not be hidden from the people around them, and soon someone sneaked up to ask what happened, and within half a minute, everyone in the conference hall knew about it.

Some people were very surprised, pointing at Ouyang Yi's nose and cursing: "Didn't it mean that Qinglong is not with us, all this is Ye Suikong's slander and excuses?!"

Others were even more worried: "It's over, it's over, if this news is known by Ye Suikong..."

Everyone was not in the mood to discuss, and began to whisper, some glanced at Ouyang Yi, and even began to discuss with the people around, whether it would be better to hand over the relevant people to Ye Suikong in exchange for their own safety.

Ouyang Yi obviously also heard this voice, he is not usually popular, he thought he could make a great contribution by tricking Dai Rong over, but he did not expect the military and Luo Ying to do things eager for quick success and quick profit.

He felt that his crisis was coming again, so he stood up, cleared his throat, and said to everyone: "Everyone, it is useless to say these things now! People are dead, and we can only delay the time other than keeping secrets. Otherwise, we can still How about it?"

"Of course, I also know that some of you will say, hand over Ouyang Yi, and everything will be peaceful! But have you ever thought that Ye Suikong's anger will stop here? He is simply an unreasonable Devil, since we contacted the mutants, we have also sent some spies to inquire about information, if you don't mind, I think you should look at the history of Yeshakong and what he has done!"

Ouyang Yi's words immediately attracted the attention of other people in the hall.

The three-dimensional imaging machine in the lobby showed the history of the night broken sky that Ouyang Yi found someone to make temporarily.

"I think, before we leave, there is nothing to say. Ye Suikong is just an ordinary soldier. Because he was infected, he couldn't board the ship, so he held a grudge." Ouyang Yi skipped everything before Ye Suikong in one sentence. , directly from what he inquired about.

"This man was once kindly taken in by a mutant in Xi'an. According to legend, that mutant named Wang Ruoxu relied heavily on Ye Suikong. But what did he do to his friends and benefactors? He killed all the Wang brothers, Just to get the leadership position of hundreds of people in the city of Xi'an!"

"He entered the nuclear-exploded Xichuan area and killed the last remaining army on the earth! That army lasted for four years, with the last hope, thinking that a savior was ushered in, but its leader arrived in Xi'an when he was killed."

"Ye Suikong also used various bloody methods to maintain his rule. Anyone who is slightly dissatisfied with him will be killed by him immediately!"

The three-dimensional image immediately showed a picture of Ye Suicong with bloody hands and cruel eyes. The corpses around him were piled up like mountains, and he was standing on the top of the hill, holding the enemy's head in his hand.

"His most common method is to kill the leader of the mutants and take over the rule there."

With the animation of many mutants crawling and struggling, Ye Suicong stood in the blood wearing a black robe, looking hideous and terrifying.

"Qinglong is the last mutant force on earth that can compete with Yeshakong, but for some ulterior purpose, he used the Qinglong incident to direct the hatred of all mutants at us."

"We are the elite of mankind and the hope of mankind. A dictatorship like Ye Suikong, bloody and brutal, is not worthy of being our friend!"

"Do you think it's useful to compromise with him? Hand me over. If it can exchange for the demise of Ye Suikong's ambition, why should I be afraid of death? But he won't be satisfied. The entire military is involved in this matter, Roche The research institute, and everyone who is working on it. The lunatic Ye Suikong, the murderer, a careerist with ulterior motives, is trying to rule the entire human race, trying to make us crawl under his feet like those mutants. Hand over one or two Individuals, can you get everything you want in exchange?"

Ouyang Yi gave a speech at the top of his lungs, and cooperated with various gestures, which successfully shocked everyone present.

But the fear in those people's hearts is still indelible. Everyone knows that Ye Shattering Kong now has the ability to drop nuclear bombs directly on the moon. If he is not happy, he can turn the Federation into ashes.

What should I do?

The people in the hall were about to collapse, and they whispered to each other, feeling that they were really desperate.

Finally someone couldn't help but said: "How about... we tell Ye Suikong the truth and pray for his forgiveness..."

Ouyang Yi immediately retorted, he knew very well that maybe others could get Ye Suikong's forgiveness, but it was absolutely impossible for him.

The two sides began to quarrel, but at this moment, a young staff member broke into the conference hall.

Not many people participated in this meeting, less than a hundred people. Everything discussed so far is absolutely confidential. When faced with the young staff who broke in suddenly, those who had been arguing fiercely just now all chose to shut up, and the hall was suddenly quiet.

The staff member didn't know why the conference hall was so noisy, he just danced with excitement on his face: "Big news, big news!"

The news that everyone has received in the past two days is already exciting enough, and they don't want any more excitement.

The president was even more worried: "What news?"

The staff member almost yelled: "Curve force field theory formula! The great Asperger, after ten months of continuous struggle, finally confirmed the correctness of the formula, and the experiment has been successful! I heard that the experiment was done three days ago. The space jump spacecraft used has successfully brought back cosmic dust ten light-years away!"

Everyone in the hall was stunned, and after half a minute, everyone entered a state of yelling and carnival.

The correctness of the curved field theory and the success of the experiment may mean many things to scientists. But for others, it only means one thing, and that is-the space jump is successful, you can completely get rid of the night sky, and you don't need to be trapped on the moon anymore!

In the universe, there are countless planets, and the environment similar to the earth is countless.

There, there is no Ye Suikong with whom they have a deep grievance, and there are no bloody and brutal mutants, and there is no need to face the death of Qinglong.

The president was very excited, and led the crowd towards the physicist's laboratory, asking as he walked, "Why are you here? Where are the Aspergers?"

The staff replied excitedly: "He saw that the experiment was successful, and he passed out of excitement, and he still hasn't woken up yet."

But everyone's joy, after the physicist woke up excitedly, turned into worry again.

The Federation convened the planning committee and the manufacturing department to conduct calculations. To build a spaceship for people to take, the fastest and fastest, it would take a month for all the people to do it.

And the limited time given by Ye Suikong is only two hours.

"For now, there are only two strategies... procrastination and cheating!" After discussing, everyone agreed. However, Ye Suikong is going to meet Dai Rong tonight, so he can't show him a dead body, can he

"I suggest that the presidential filing system be activated." After participating in the talks, the senior military officials proposed this way: "The three-dimensional imaging system we have developed in the past few years will look different on the spot, but it will be exactly the same through electronic equipment. .”

"We just need to find someone who is familiar with Qinglong, imitate his tone of voice and posture, and then let the technicians modify the relevant physical parameters, and travel back to the earth through the video. Maybe we can deceive the night broken sky for a while."

"That's the only way to go, but who is going to do this? Who in our place is familiar with Qinglong's way of speaking and habits?"

The military immediately recruited people who had worked with Dai Rong for a while before the end of the world.

But those people are not familiar with Dai Rong, they cannot be imitated. And the technicians also encountered difficulties, because there is no data on Dai Rong's appearance, and the three-dimensional virtual person made by relying on the description and some photos is not very similar.

Ouyang Yi stood up again: "Go to the Roche Research Institute and ask them to give us the corpse, and let the recovery experts restore the corpse. As for... imitating Dai Rong. I think that we are most familiar with Dai Rong, except for Luo Ying, there is no one else !"

When Luo Ying was recombining the genes of the research subjects, she was called out to talk.

The content of the conversation made Luo Ying almost collapsed, and she almost came out trembling. Now, Luo Ying is sitting in her research room, watching the military people coming and going, and when taking some research materials, there is a certain belief in her heart. A broken feeling.

Ten years, before that, she hoped with full confidence that the ten-year service period will expire in two months, and after that, she will be able to independently study what she wants to study, and she even conceived, returning to the After the earth, let Ye Suicong get her a super research institute, and she will develop food suitable for mutants in exchange.

But now, looking at the corpse in the nutrient solution, Luo Ying felt for the first time that everything she had done was so sinful.

The nutrient solution was being released slowly, and the corpse that had already been hollowed out had its heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys hollowed out, and its head was exposed with white bones.

It's not that she didn't doubt or guess, but when the key to reveal the secret of mutants was in front of her, Luo Ying chose to paralyze herself. She even thought over and over again what the military said back then, "This is the enemy of the night broken sky", to shield the occasional doubt in her heart.

But now, when she knew everything and the truth came to light, she fell down on the chair as slumped as if in a puddle of mud.