Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 85: Luo Ying's death


Soon, Ye Suikong expressed his willingness to cooperate with the federation, but he needed the other party to send a delegation to Earth to discuss specific matters, and even talked about the specific process of the negotiation in detail, such as when to return the green dragon and when to build the federal base. kind of thing.

Until this time, the federal government hadn't noticed Ye Shattering's conspiracy at all, and they also needed to delay the time to manufacture the spaceship. They were ecstatic that Ye Shattering Sky was willing to express peace talks and showed sincerity. In order for most people to board the spacecraft smoothly, they don't care about the life and death of those delegation members who arrived on Earth.

Originally, the federal government planned to temporarily promote a few ordinary people to important positions in the government, and then let them go to Earth to negotiate, but Ye Suicong named Ouyang Yi in the delegation's candidate requirements.

This made the federal government feel a bit embarrassed. Ouyang Yi held many secrets of the federation, and if he left, there would be no one to replace the regular meeting between Ye Suikong and Qinglong.

But if Ouyang Yi is not allowed to go, Ye Suikong will be angered, and the time he has finally won will be lost.

After weighing the two sides, the federal government finally decided to talk to Ouyang Yi.

After Ouyang Yi knew that Ye Suikong called him to go to Earth, his heart kept beating up and down. He thought about it over and over again, and felt that there would be no return to this trip, not to mention what Ye Suikong would do to him. On Earth, the Federation's spaceship is built, but what should I do if I can't keep up with the spaceship

He firmly believes that it is impossible for the Federation to stop itself just to wait for him alone, so no matter what he says, he must never go to the earth.

He has been jumping up and down in the past two days, looking for all the connections he can find, but he still can't change the federal government's decision.

Not only that, the federal government even made N-number filings based on Ouyang Yi, each for different situations: what to do if Ouyang Yi died; what to do if Ouyang Yi leaked the secret; The worst plan was made, that is, if the night broke the sky and learned the truth, if nuclear weapons were to be used on the moon, then the only option would be to activate the gene bomb.

When the military found Luo Ying again, she was standing alone at the astronomical observatory looking at the starry sky. The blue earth is surrounded by white clouds and hangs in the sky, looking dreamy and blurred, and the stars in the distance are overshadowed by it.

Luo Ying put her hands in her purse, and after listening to the military's request to make a genetic bomb, she nodded calmly: "Okay."

The general who came to talk was a little surprised. He had already heard about Luo Ying's abnormality after learning that he had dissected Qinglong, but he didn't expect that she didn't raise any objections this time.

"We hope that through genetic modification, all the mutants will be under my control." The military put forward the highest expectations.

Luo Ying smiled: "It's impossible, it's not that I don't want to... Maybe, give me time and enough research specimens, I can do it. But within a month, I can't do it."

"Then... kill them all?"

Luo Ying pondered for a while, then still shook her head: "I heard that Ye Suikong's ability is a hundred times higher than that of Qinglong. Even a small-yield nuclear bomb can't kill him. His metabolism should be very fast, and his self-healing ability is too strong, not ordinary. Gene bombs can kill."

The general who came to talk casually kicked the railing next to him. After a while, he said: "If this can't be done, then... can we make them lose their ability to reproduce? Ten years, no, fifty years later, they After death, it will no longer exist, nor will it become a threat to humans. I know that you can do this, and this should be a very simple thing for you."

Luo Ying nodded: "Yes."

"So... will you help?"

Luo Ying turned her head and looked at the general in front of her who had been cooperating with her since Dai Rong left. He was still very young, only in his early thirties. At this moment, there was admiration in this man's eyes. Besides admiration, there was something else more stuff.

Luo Ying said: "There are still fifteen days left, the contract signed at the beginning will expire, right?"

"Yes, you, would you still consider working with us?"

Luo Ying shook her head: "I don't know, who can imagine what will happen in the future? I've been thinking these days, people...why do they exist, and what are they living for?"

"You don't need to be too sad about Qinglong. You are the hope of the Federation, please take care of yourself..."

Luo Ying smiled: "I sometimes think, why am I alive? I used to think that the reason why life exists is to survive. Natural selection, this is the choice and power of nature, no matter what Cruelty is a matter of course. These days, I wonder, in order to survive, to live, to live better, is it right to do what I do?"

" about I contact a psychiatrist for you?"

Luo Ying shook her head: "No need, I was just thinking, a person's life is so short, but why do they have to endure endless suffering? Birth, growth, and finally death."

"Perhaps too many things have happened these days. When we migrate to a new planet, everything here and everything that happened will no longer have any relationship."

Luo Ying put her elbows on the railing and looked up at the sky: "Tell me, does the Federation regard Ye Suikong as its number one enemy now? In order to deal with him, it will use any means at all. It is said that natural selection, but now there is a rival Our better humans have appeared, but no one is willing to admit this fact, and everyone is unwilling to withdraw from the natural stage.”

"Professor Luo, you think so much because you live alone." The young general said, his hand clenched in his trouser pocket, which contained a ring he had prepared for four or five years. , but never had the courage to hand it out.

Luo Ying gave a soft "hmm": "Maybe, our human life is too short, so short that we can't see what to do. I really want to know, if a person has an endless life, what will he do?" What will his fate be like?"

The general said: "You can definitely do it. After fifteen days, your laboratory can completely study this project independently."

Luo Ying smiled, then shook her head again, she fell into infinite contemplation again, but this kind of contemplation was broken by someone.

The general who was still single knelt on the ground on one knee, and he mustered up the courage to take out his ring: "Ying, I... have liked you for a long time, I want, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, marry How am I? I know you were in an unhappy marriage before, but I will protect you and I swear I will never let anyone…”

Luo Ying interrupted the suitor. She turned around and walked away in silence. Halfway through the walk, she turned her head and shook her head slightly at the disappointed person: "I am seven years older than you. For all of this, I have nothing to worry about." No interest whatsoever. Never thought of getting married again. You're a nice guy, but my life...don't want to waste it on these things."

After finishing speaking, Luo Ying returned to her laboratory. In the laboratory, all the procedures have been completed. After fifteen days, the entire research laboratory will operate independently and maintain its own foundation.

Luo Ying walked to her room, opened the isolation cabin, took out a frozen tube of injection, and injected it into her own blood vessel.

The moment the injection melted into the blood, Luo Ying's face was distorted in pain, and she fell to the ground, almost suffocating in pain.

Half a minute later, Luo Ying stood up from the ground again, her whole body changed, her face was radiant, her energy was boundless, and her brain cells were three times more active than usual.

Luo Ying called her assistant in with a calm voice: "I have already injected the No. 1 injection."

The assistant was stunned, not understanding what happened for a long time.

"I don't have much life left. After the brain cells are active for twenty days, they will die completely. During this period, I will study the gene bomb and send Dai Rong's body here. As for other things, don't use it Excuse me." Luo Ying spoke very fast, and her movements were also extremely fast, and all the instruments were ready in an instant.

"The decay period of the drug's effect will be after sixteen days. I... don't want to live and become an idiot. If I can't die by myself, please help me." After Luo Ying finished speaking, she closed the hatch of the laboratory .

No one is allowed in or out except her assistant.

If, the genetic metabolism of mutants is so fast, if, they can devour the genes of other species, if, they can live forever.

So, Ye Fan, will he know everything he wants to know in his endless life

At the same time that Luo Ying started the last research project in his life, Ouyang Yi, as the head of the delegation, arrived on Earth in a spaceship and met with Ye Shakong again.

The moment Ouyang Yi set foot on the earth, he felt something was wrong. After they were led into the meeting room by Ye Suikong, they immediately confiscated all communication systems, and everyone was isolated and imprisoned.

After these people experienced the most terrifying hour in their lives, one of them couldn't bear it, and explained things like the password, password, and password for contacting the Federation.

Soon, other people expressed their willingness to cooperate one after another, and Ye Suikong didn't make it difficult for them too much. These people were taken away by Wu Xingyun, and later became permanent residents living on the earth.

They continued to discuss cooperation matters with Liu Meng, the representative of the mutants, in the conference room, and broadcast the live broadcast back to the Federation.

As for Ouyang Yi, he was imprisoned in the dark basement and never came out again.

He persisted for three days, and finally told the cause of Dai Rong's death, the Federation's plan, and how he pretended to be Dai Rong.

He originally thought that after he said it, he would be forgiven by Ye Suikong like everyone else, and continue to live on Earth.

But Ye Suikong had no such plan at all.

Ouyang Yi begged bitterly, at first there was still a hint of arrogance of the Federation delegation, but as time passed, in order to be able to see Ye Suikong and say something nice to him, he did not hesitate to sell everything, even crawled to the ground. in the dust.

The mutant David Peng who interrogated him couldn't take it anymore, so he ran to ask Ye Suicong: "Ye, that guy Ouyang Yi has been holding my leg and crying for two full hours, what are you going to do?"

Ye Suikong was still very calm: "However Qinglong died, let him die!"

David Peng snorted and was about to do it, but he took two steps before being stopped by Ye Suicong.

Ye Suikong waved his hand: "Forget it, just kill him."

After Ouyang Yi's death, Ye Suikong once again appeared on the big screen in the Federation Chamber. His face has recently become synonymous with demons, and every time he appears, it will make the Federation feel terrified.

"Murder pays for life, it has been like this since ancient times." Ye Suikong's voice was very calm, "Ouyang Yi, who made this plan at the beginning, has been killed by me. For other accomplices, let them say goodbye to their relatives and commit suicide. Don’t pursue this matter any longer.”

The president ignored Ye Shakong, he just turned his head and asked his assistant: "When will the jump ship be built?"

"It will take five more days. And after it is built, it will be tested. It will be at least fifteen days before the official departure..."

"Oh my God! Ouyang Yi's death is so worthless, no matter how long he delays... Forget it, what about the genetic bomb in the military legend?"

The assistant took out his notepad: "This... it seems... they said, is it today?"

"Today? Can you kill mutants?" The president was very concerned about the results of the gene bomb.

"I'm afraid it's... no, the legend can only achieve the loss of reproductive ability, this is a long-term strategy..."

At this moment, the assistant's communicator rang, he connected the phone, and immediately nodded: "Okay, okay, that's great!!"

When the communication was over, the assistant immediately whispered in the president's ear: "The scientists of University Luo are so powerful that they made a gene bomb specifically targeting mutants, saying that it can make their genes decay, that is... as long as it is detonated, the earth's environment will not be affected in any way." influence, but all mutants will be paralyzed for at least a month!"

The president's confidence immediately became stronger, and he sneered at Ye Suikong: "Oh, who do you think you are? You killed our hero, and the one who should pay for it is you!"

"Finally, I warn you, if you still try to provoke the Federation, the Federation is not afraid to go to war with you monsters!"

When Luo Ying walked out of the laboratory, she was ten years older and still in good spirits. Her decay period will begin tomorrow. At the last moment, she still came to the place she liked, looking through the glass window, looking at the earth in the distance.

Her shadow was reflected in the glass window.

She was no longer that young figure, her hair was all white, her eyes were almost red, and she was very thin, even the wrinkles on her neck and the corners of her eyes had crawled up.

In the reflection of the glass window, she saw someone walking towards her. It was the supreme commander of the military, the Interstellar Marshal.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Marshal asked, "This time, the Federation and the Nightshattering talk have collapsed. Gene bombs and nuclear bombs will fall on the earth together, and mutants will die."

Luo Ying has already seen the huge light ignited on the earth in the distance, which is the hometown of human beings, but now it is destroyed by human beings.

"The location of the explosion is the location of the detected earth nuclear bomb." The marshal said, "Don't worry, the mutants will never have a chance to make a comeback. They will not be our opponents in our long interstellar voyage in the future. "

Luo Ying sighed in her heart, she foresaw some things, but there were more things she didn't foresee.

She did not expect that in order to ensure lethality, the military would use the developed genetic bomb together with the few remaining nuclear bombs to deal with unknown life in the universe, and use it against its own compatriots.

Under the dual effects of gene bombs and nuclear radiation, Luo Ying didn't know what would happen, and she didn't even know whether the mutant's mutation direction would go in the direction she designed.

However, she is very clear about one thing, under the gene bomb, ordinary people may survive, but with the double bomb, ordinary people on the earth will not be able to return.

Luo Ying felt something sticking out of her nostril, and she wiped it with her hand, it was nosebleed.

Then, she fell limply to the ground. The marshal was terrified, and quickly reached out to support her, shouting: "Military doctor, military doctor!"

Luo Ying shook her head: "It's useless. In order to study the gene bomb, I injected a super-stimulant. I... will die soon. Before I die, I only hope that the military will see that I have done so much , to maintain the independence of the Roche Institute, this is my last request."

But the military didn't listen to Luo Ying's request. They sent her to the ward, and even got a special ward for her on the spaceship.

But three nights later, gunshots rang out in the ward, and when people arrived, Luo Ying's brain had already been pierced by a large-caliber pistol and could not be saved.

She left a suicide note, and no one has ever understood the true meaning of that suicide note.

"In the story of Sleeping Beauty, there is a witch who cast a curse, and a fairy who undoes the curse. Which one am I?"

Everyone believed that Luo Ying's death was due to guilt, because she killed Qinglong and developed a weapon to deal with Ye Suikong, but she couldn't bear the huge psychological pressure and died.

Although Luo Ying has made great contributions to the Federation, the Federation will not leave a place for a corpse on the jump ship.

Luo Ying's body was cast into a coffin made of titanium alloy, and then exiled into the universe, sleeping in the stars forever.

Many years later, someone tried to find her body, but the records at that time had long been annihilated. No one could calculate the trajectory of her body, let alone where her body drifted to in the vast universe.