Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 9: Long voyage


As soon as Wu Xingyun said this, the flashlights flickered on the scene, and the major news reporters who were watching outside immediately prepared their belly drafts. Some gossip magazine reporters were thinking about "Two Men Fighting for Husbands Fiercely Staged", "Crazy Little Three" What are you for?"; magazine reporters who revealed the inside story pondered "The turmoil before the marriage, President Hobbs officially declared war on the Ouyang family", "How much benefit the Ouyang family has swallowed in this peace negotiation", etc.; and some angry military magazines Then he used his keen sense of smell to plan "Is this Ye Suikong's conspiracy to stir up conflicts within the Federation?" ", "Night Demon Army's Peaceful Offensive Attacks Again, Peaceful Evolution Cannot Be Underestimated" and other articles; the wedding was broadcast live, not only all the people in the Federation could see it, but also the Demon Army.

What President Hobbs just promised in public is about to be fulfilled now.

President Hobbs was in a bit of a dilemma. Ouyang Liu, as a candidate for the sending team, was firstly Ye Suikong's intention, secondly Ouyang Liu's own strong will, and thirdly, Vice President Ouyangfeng's support. It doesn't mean that changes can be changed.

But now, in a dilemma, Hobbs was a little speechless.

Ouyang Feng stepped off the rostrum, came to Wu Xingyun, and said in a low voice, "This is the government's decision, you must obey the order!"

Wu Xingyun didn't speak, but used silence to express his persistence.

Hobbs also spoke, and said, "Sergeant, this request is more difficult. Do you have any other requests?"

Wu Xingyun said, "No more, just this one request."

Hobbs discussed with the officials around him in a low voice. Seeing that the night demon army's messenger was coming, if Wu Xingyun didn't want to leave temporarily, he would be in big trouble. He immediately decided to talk to Wu Xingyun in private about this matter. Talk about the problem.

Journalists from major newspapers, tabloid websites, and military newspapers were isolated, unable to see the inside story of this private conversation, and could only continue to make up their minds.

Hobbs, Shi Fei, Ouyang Feng and other senior officials walked across from Wu Xingyun and asked kindly: "Sergeant, why did you make this request? Can you explain it in detail? If it's just for some personal reasons, We cannot agree."

Wu Xingyun stood at attention and saluted, and said: "First of all, I don't think his personal qualities are up to standard. Both his physical and political qualities are not up to standard. The send-off team has to travel through the vast nebula, and after two consecutive time-space jumps, it will take a long time. In the desert, I don't think Ouyang Liu can bear hardships and stand hard work, and return after arriving at the place smoothly; secondly, his shooting results are also unqualified. It will embarrass the Federation; thirdly, and most importantly, I think he has no loyalty to the Federation, groveling to the enemy, seriously affecting the image of the Federation, I doubt his political quality will make him arrive at the Magic Army Afterwards, he committed acts of treason and treason.”

Hobbs said, "Sergeant, would you like to reconsider?"

Wu Xingyun said, "Report, I've thought it through."

Hobbs had nothing to say, so Shi Fei spoke at this time and said, "Xingyun, this is a decision that the government has already made, and... the Night Demon Army also meant the same thing. Well, Ouyang Liu is indeed inappropriate as the captain of the wedding ceremony." , if he must go, demote him three ranks in a row and go as an ordinary soldier. If his behavior does not comply with the regulations, you can deal with it with full authority."

Ouyang Feng blurted out: "How is this possible!"

Shi Fei immediately became irritable, and beat and scolded: "Isn't it the illegitimate child of a woman you engaged in outside? How you spoil yourself at home has nothing to do with us. Don't be so fucking shameless. We have already agreed to this This kind of rubbish going out on behalf of the Federation is enough to give you face, if you are not satisfied, I will shoot this traitor right now!"

Ouyang Feng really didn't expect that Marshal Interstellar dared to scold in front of his face. He wanted to scold back, but when he thought about it, it was too cheap, so he sneered twice, and said in a strange way: "Marshal Shi is very confident. .I don’t know what explanation you plan to give to the failure of the ghost lock soldier plan three months ago. Don’t forget, the military court is still waiting for your report! Heh... don’t be too arrogant, leave some room for everything!”

Shi Fei's hand moved towards his waist, and when he felt it was empty, he remembered that when he went out in the morning, in order to prevent himself from being angry and hurting others, he didn't bring a gun at all.

Shi Fei snorted, turned around and walked out.

Hobbs still looked kindly: "Sergeant, this matter is settled like this. As the temporary chief of this operation, you have the right to deal with all actions of subordinates."

Wu Xingyun wanted to say something else, but Hobbs said, "This is an order, sergeant, obey the order."

Wu Xingyun could only stand at attention: "Yes!"

The short episode ended here, Ouyang Liu went to the end of the procession, and stood alone behind the phalanx. Hobbs personally issued the presidential decree, and Shi Fei also represented the military, giving Wu Xingyun temporary decision-making power .

On October 1, 2014 in the federal calendar, at ten o'clock in the morning, the Daredevil Army's welcoming team arrived in mid-air on time.

Because of the special relationship between the two parties, the Night Demon Army only sent a representative to greet them. The representative piloted a small spaceship with wings, hovered above the square, and was ordered to make a difficult flight in midair.

The red gas used for display was discharged from the tail of the spaceship, and then following the trajectory of the spaceship, a heart shape was drawn with red smoke in the air to express the welcome of Lord Mozun to the man and wife.

The military band played music, various ribbons fluttered in the air, and countless rose petals were sprinkled. Wu Xingyun walked in the front, and a phalanx of one hundred and one people walked behind him and entered his spaceship.

Then, the wings-spreading spaceship of the night demon army led the way, and the spaceship of the Federation, the dowry team, and various transport ships loaded with dowries followed, and drove to the sky in a mighty way, and then quickly disappeared into A small dot, just gone.

The citizens of the tens of thousands of planets owned by the Federation saw this scene in the live broadcast. Wu Xingyun's parents and three older brothers also gathered together to watch the broadcast.

Seeing that the spaceship Wu Xingyun was on disappeared, the whole family hugged each other sadly and cried bitterly.

Thus, Wu Xingyun stepped into the vast starry sky and started the first step on his long-distance marriage journey.

The spaceship Wu Xingyun was in was the largest in the entire wedding procession, accommodating 200 people, but there were only about a dozen people in it. They were Wu Xingyun's dowry team and two female biologists.

Surrounding the main spaceship are twenty escort spaceships.

These escort boats are opened by the sending team, with five people aboard, to protect the main boat, and are ready to fight at any time in the face of various adverse situations.

Ouyang Liu was also in these escort ships. Because he was added temporarily, the spaceship he was in seemed a bit crowded, and the soldiers ignored him, and he just stood at the porthole and looked out at the scenery.

The nebula outside is unpredictable, showing red, blue, and green. The stars are twinkling in the nebula, decorating the dangerous universe everywhere in a dreamy and beautiful way.

Ouyang Liu felt a burst of humiliation when he thought of how hard it was for him to convince his father to let him join the procession. The family relationship between father and son can't move Ouyang Feng at all, only benefits can move him.

Ouyang Liu assured his father that he would get the support of Demon Lord Ye Suikong to bring Ye Suikong and Ouyang Feng's private transaction to a successful conclusion. When necessary, they can even borrow the Night Demon Army to overthrow the federal government and allow Ouyang Feng to rebuild the empire.

After Ouyang Liu made repeated promises, Ouyang Feng finally agreed to let the illegitimate son go for a try.

Ouyang Liu looked at his own face reflected on the porthole glass, imagining that his father would succeed in seizing power in the future, and he would naturally become the son of the empire.

Only the marriage between the son of the empire and the demon can bring true peace, and only oneself is worthy of the demon.

As for an ordinary second-level non-commissioned officer, Ouyang Liu sneered in his heart. He couldn't forget the humiliation this non-commissioned officer gave him, and he vowed to find a way to get back. Even when he was in the Federation, with the support of the military and the president, it was impossible for him to go too far, but when he arrived at the territory of the Night Demon Army, Lord Mozun would definitely support him, and that would be Wu Xingyun's death.

A large number of spaceships quickly arrived at the jumping point of the Federation, and each jumping point can jump a distance of 500 light years.

The spaceships flew into the jump point one after another, and the space-time jump began to move forward. After the first jump, they came to the real front line of both sides, and it was also a place where they could contact the night demon army in large numbers.

The feeling of loneliness in the previous space voyage is gone. There are several times more warships here than near the supply star Detano. At this moment, they have heard the news, lined up and lined up to see off the departure of the peace team.

At this moment, the particle cannon capable of emitting a huge beam of light was launched upwards, and the blue focused light went straight into the depths of the universe, and then exploded at the apex, like fireworks blooming in the universe.

As the marriage team moved forward, the universe of the night was like a feast, and the fireworks bloomed one by one, until they came to the front of the Night Demon Army.

The Night Demon Army also has a large number of spaceships, but the equipment is generally much worse than that of the Federation. In these years of war, the Night Demon Army is not only composed of mutants, but also some ordinary people who defected to them and Federation prisoners. The magic army collected these captives to form an ordinary army, but the number was always small, and it was not until recent years that there was a tendency to increase.

Most of the mutants of the night demon army only wear ordinary protective equipment, and a power system is installed on the back to facilitate space navigation.

The night demon army who came to meet the marriage team was composed of a mutant and about thousands of ordinary troops.

The mutant started the power system on his back, flew forward, came to the front of the marriage team, and was hovering in front of the porthole of the main ship where Wu Xingyun was.

Through the transparent porthole, Wu Xingyun could clearly see the appearance of this mutant.

I don't know if it's because of the mutation. This mutant is a male, and he is also very beautiful.

Different from Ye Suikong's lazy and perfect appearance, this mutant has a slender figure, compact waist, and well-proportioned muscles on his exposed left arm, with a delicate beauty.

The man's chin was slightly pointed, and there was a melancholy temperament between his brows. His long silver hair was floating in the air, and the white robe he was wearing showed his temperament to the extreme.

The man bowed slightly to Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun stood at attention and gave him a military salute.

The man's lips opened and closed, and his voice came from the spacecraft's communicator immediately.

After Wu Xingyun studied for a period of time, he could tell that the man spoke one of the ancient languages on the earth, which was the same as Ye Suikong's mother tongue, Chinese.

The man's voice was extremely magnetic, like a lover's whisper: "Dear Your Excellency Wu Xingyun, welcome to our free and independent state. My name is Liu Meng. On behalf of Ye Suicong, the leader of the Independent Alliance, I extend my highest regards to you." respect and warmest welcome."

When Liu Meng said this, his eyes were slightly melancholy, looking at Wu Xingyun.

Although his etiquette was thoughtful, Wu Xingyun still felt that this mutant named Liu Meng was looking him up and down, and his eyes stayed on his face for a long time.

Although Wu Xingyun felt uncomfortable and was a little uncomfortable with the Night Demon Army claiming to be "Freedom and Independence Alliance", he had already undergone sufficient training before coming here, and he knew that "Demon Lord", "Night Demon", "Night Demon Army" "Demon Realm" and other titles are just the federation's name for the area ruled by Yeshakong, and they don't call themselves that. And the mutant Liu Meng who came to receive him is not a combatant, but just a logistics manager. This person is not strong in combat, but he is very careful in doing things. Demonstrating the sincerity of the Demon Lord.

Wu Xingyun bowed to Liu Meng according to Moyu's etiquette, and said, "Thank you for your hospitality, I am flattered."

Wu Xingyun had practiced this set of words many times, so he wasn't too nervous.

Then, Liu Meng smiled at Wu Xingyun, turned around and left, the wedding fleet lined up, leading the way, and the wedding team followed behind.

Ouyang Liu also met this mutant named Liu Meng in the frigate. In fact, what Liu Meng just said was heard in every battleship. Ouyang Liu was shocked by Liu Meng's beauty. Although he knew who this person was and had seen this person in some reports, he saw him floating in the sea of stars, melancholy and elegant, as if from a fairy world, which made Ouyang Liu A little ashamed of himself, he began to worry that with such a beautiful and refined person beside Ye Suikong, would he be able to win Ye Suikong's heart.

The mighty fleet entered the Demon Realm, and after a dimensional jump, it has gradually arrived at the home planet of the Demon Race—the source planet where Ye Suikong is located.

Leaning against the porthole, Wu Xingyun could already see the blue planet near a small star in the distance, but he also knew very well that in space travel, it seemed very close, but it was actually very far away.

The vicinity of this star seems to be empty, and the lonely planet orbiting the lonely star is very conspicuous.

There should be a month away, so I can take a good rest.

Wu Xingyun thought so in his heart, but before he had time to sit on the chair, the spaceship suddenly sounded a rapid siren.