Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 93: Holy grave


The tomb of the gods was built in the solar system, on Mars close to the earth.

This is already the territory of the night demon army. Some ordinary people live here and are responsible for guarding the tomb of the gods.

Ye Suikong's arrival didn't cause too many disturbances. An old man of the tomb guard just raised his eyelids after seeing Ye Suikong and ignored it.

Ye Suikong explained: "This is the first ordinary person who came to join us after you left. His family committed a crime in the Federation and had no choice but to come to us. At that time, there were still many mutants. ... No one expected that most mutants would be buried here today."

Wu Xingyun followed Ye Suikong's footsteps and walked towards the tomb of God.

The tall stone tablet towering into the sky is engraved with the name of the dead man.

Beside the stele, there are huge statues, and Wu Xingyun can easily identify who it is from these statues.

Each mutant's tombstone is engraved with his deeds during his lifetime. At the beginning, there were not many words on these stone tablets.

But as time passed, stories of one hundred years, five hundred years, and thousands of years were all engraved on the stone tablet, densely packed with words.

Wu Xingyun saw the names of many acquaintances here, including those who once protected him, those who fought with him.

Similarly, he also saw his own tombstone.

No deeds were written on it, only a few words—my love, Yun Tomb.

There is a line of small characters next to it: It is a pity that it was useless back then, and the body could not be retrieved. Every time I think about it, I feel so sad.

Without a signature, the handwriting on the tombstone is already blurred, it should have been engraved thousands of years ago.

Wu Xingyun turned his head slightly, and saw Ye Suikong looking at him.

He stretched out his hand, held Ye Suikong's palm, and looked back at him.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then embraced tightly and kissed deeply.

The storm bulged, and the red dust covered the two, but when another hurricane came, the sand buried on them was blown away.

Ye Suikong let go of the person in his arms. At this moment, both of them felt that time was flying by, and there was still each other in the sand of the long river.

Ye Suikong whispered: "Here will be my final destination. What about you? Would you like to come back here in the end?"

Wu Xingyun was taken aback, and after a while, he understood the meaning of Ye Suikong's words.

When he saw Wen Nuo, Wen Nuo asked him, "Should I choose to stand with the Federation or with Ye Suikong?"

Now, this question was once again placed in front of him.

Wu Xingyun felt at a loss in his heart. At the end of the world, he stood with Ye Suikong without any doubts. He had no choice, and he didn't need to make a choice.

And now

Those ancestors of the Federation, those enemies, have long since died.

What is the ongoing war now

He raised his head slightly, looked at Ye Suicong, and remembered what Wen Nuo once said, "This time, Ye Suicong has treated the civilians in the Federation much better." Is this because of his own reasons

If his own death was the reason why Ye Suikong had been at war with the Federation, then what was it for now

However, how can those things of those years be forgotten? How can forget!

The anger of being abandoned, the pain of being deceived, and the suffering of being tossed and sunk in the fire of hell, and finally unable to be reborn. How can it be written off so easily

Wu Xingyun didn't know, he lowered his head, and after a while, he said, "I want to go home and have a look."

Ye Suikong seemed to understand something, he gently patted Wu Xingyun's head: "If you say no, then... I won't make things difficult for you."

Wu Xingyun said: "It's not what you think, I mean, I want to go back and see my parents and brothers."

Ye Suikong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I planned to go with you. Let's get out of here."

During this voyage, Ye Suikong changed his usual image. In his own territory, he does not need to reach a commercial spaceship at all. He has more spacious space and position to pull his lover to have sex and do things at will, but now, he just Leaning against the porthole, looking at Wu Xingyun's profile.

Wu Xingyun has been standing here for a full two hours, which is very unusual. Ye Suikong has also been leaning against each other for two hours, without changing his posture.

Finally, Ye Suikong couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking?"

Wu Xingyun said: "I was thinking... It would be great if those people from the Federation were still alive."

Ye Suikong laughed: "No one can live forever. I said, no matter what, I won't do anything to embarrass you. Maybe, when he gets home, he will find that all of this is nothing at all. It's not difficult."

Wu Xingyun raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding what Ye Suikong meant.

Ye Suikong didn't speak anymore, he wouldn't push Wu Xingyun into the fiercest battle, and he wouldn't push him into the Federation.

What he has done in the past twenty years is for the hesitation that Wu Xingyun may have now.

After a month and a half of voyage, the spaceship arrived at the six-pointed star where Wu Xingyun's parents were.

Before Wu Xingyun left, Hexagram was still the Judgment Star of the Federation, and he would never forget what happened on this planet.

What was torn apart in that blocking battle was not only his body, but also his heart.

He remembered that when he was captured by Ye Suikong and fled here, the place was covered in ashes and ruins, but now, when he set foot on this star again, he was surprised to find that the original ruins had long since disappeared. On the street, a special product of the six-pointed star-heart leaf tree is planted.

"I remember you said that you hope to live in a place full of heart-shaped leaves in the future." Ye Suicong said, "Do you want to go home first, or do you want to go shopping?"

Wu Xingyun hesitated for a moment, then said, "I go shopping by myself."

"Okay!" Ye Suikong said, "Then I will wait for you at your house, and I will always wait for you."

Last time, when Ye Suikong said these words, it was the moment when the two parted.

But this time, Ye Suikong watched Wu Xingyun whose body gradually became transparent in the air and finally disappeared, the corners of Ye Suikong's mouth curled up slightly.

"I believe, you won't hesitate any longer." Ye Suicong murmured, humming a song, walking slowly on the street alone, towards Wu Xingyun's house.

The first place Wu Xingyun arrived at was the bookstore.

Before that, his understanding of the occupied area was deeply rooted in his mind as a very terrifying place.

So when Wen Nuo said that this is an occupied area, although he was not worried about his parents and relatives, he was a little worried about other common people in the Federation.

But now, he found that all these worries were unnecessary.

Here is no different from when it was ruled by the Federation.

In the alleys of the back streets, there are still old women selling vegetables, and the prices have not increased much.

Some young people gathered at the entrance of the former Federal Tribunal to demonstrate and demanded that the government raise wages; some came and went numbly.

It was the same as Wu Xingyun remembered, even the screen in the central square remained unchanged.

It displays the latest news, including the latest live broadcast of the battle between the Federation and the Daredevil Army.

The newly elected female president of the Federation is calling on the residents of the occupied areas to rise up against the rule of Ye Suicong; while Liu Meng is calling on everyone to join the army and fight against the Federation under the cover of mutants.

There are even established federal troops who have defected and are making a lot of publicity. Under the screen, a little girl selling roses ran up to Wu Xingyun: "Uncle, let's buy a flower!"

Everything here looks like a normal society. It has nothing to do with the terrible hardships of the occupied areas that the Federation has advertised.

Soon, time reality on the big screen reached prime time.

The "Big Shattering Space Series" that everyone loves to hear is still broadcast as before, the stories are still the same, and even the characters have not changed.

With the sound of "Hahaha, I'm back!", many passers-by stopped and began to watch this brain-dead drama that had never ended since childhood.

Wu Xingyun walked towards the house, and came to the elevator incognito.

The old woman he met when he came back with Ye Suikong last time was now gray-haired and lost all her teeth.

The old woman bragged to her grandson: "Speaking of which, Ye Suikong and I have built the same elevator! The real person is better than the one on TV."

Ding, the elevator stopped on the first floor where Wu Xingyun's house is. Wu Xingyun was a little strange, he didn't press the button himself, who pressed the button outside

The elevator door slid open slowly, and a slender figure appeared outside with a gentle smile on his face.

The old lady in the elevator said: "Look, Ye Suikong looks just like this guy, and he's even more handsome..."

His grandson nodded: "It's not like the Dashakong in the cartoon at all..."

Wu Xingyun took advantage of this gap to get out of the elevator, the elevator door closed again, and the corridor was empty.

Wu Xingyun circulated the energy in his brain and gradually became visible.

Ye Suikong took a step forward and took his hand: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, let's go in together."

Wu Xingyun was a little puzzled: "You've been waiting here? Why didn't you go in first?"

Ye Suikong smiled: "I'm afraid of Master Taishan, I dare not come to the door alone. Only when you come, can I have the courage to go in."

Wu Xingyun tilted his head to look at Ye Suikong.

Ye Suikong said: "When he sees me, he will think of how you died. The old man is old, so it's not easy to make him angry every day... I usually just send someone to take care of me secretly, and try not to show up."

Wu Xingyun nodded, raised his hand and pressed the doorbell.

The door was pulled open, and it was Wu's mother who opened the door.

Mother Wu saw Wu Xingyun, but before she could react, she skipped Wu Xingyun and stared at Ye Suikong behind him.

After a second, Mother Wu finally understood what had happened.

"Xingyun...?" Mother Wu asked tentatively, "Is... is that you?"

Wu Xingyun couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed to hug his mother, his voice choked up: "'s me, I'm back!"