Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 95: Xel'Naga reappears


When the two went downstairs, they saw Wen Nuo standing downstairs. He looked much older than the two of them, and some of his hair had turned white. There was no surprise when he saw the two of them coming down together. , just nodded to Ye Suikong as a greeting.

Ye Suikong said: "This is my territory, you are so arrogant when you come here like this!"

Wen Nuo said: "I came here to talk to Xingyun about something, I didn't expect you to be here, it surprised me."

Ye Suikong embraced Wu Xingyun, and when he was about to speak, Wu Xingyun interrupted him: "Company commander, are you reinstated!?"

The federal military uniform that Wen Nuo was wearing was impossible to avoid. Some people were already looking at it, but no one dared to stop.

Wen Nuo decided to get straight to the point: "Xingyun, I came to you this time because I hope you can come to the Federation with me."

Before Wu Xingyun could answer, Ye Suikong said, "Impossible!"

Wen Nuo looked at Ye Suikong, and Ye Suikong looked back.

The eyes of the two met for a moment, and Wen Nuo sighed: "Forget it, seeing you here, I know... Wu Xingyun can't leave with me. Then, let's find a convenient place to talk."

The three of them soon arrived at the trial court of that year by car. Today, the trial court has been converted into a meeting hall, where the chief mutants of the night demon army are here to discuss affairs.

Liu Meng and Peng Dawei were also here. When they saw Wu Xingyun coming, they all stood up one after another: "Brother Yun is here! Brother Yun, sit down!"

Wen Nuo watched these mutants occupying the once dark Tribunal, and felt absurd in his heart.

Twenty years ago, he defeated Ouyang Feng here and successfully obtained the leadership of the army.

Immediately, also here, he was dispatched to the frontier and farmed for twenty years.

Now, when standing here again, there are already demons dancing around.

Especially, when he saw Wu Xingyun greeting those mutants very familiarly, and holding Ye Suikong's hand naturally, he felt even more absurd in his heart.

Those are federal soldiers! How could it be so close to the enemy...

Wen Nuo turned his head away from looking at Wu Xingyun, and sat in the seat assigned to him by Ye Suikong very calmly.

"I think there must be something special about your visit this time, right?" Ye Suikong asked condescendingly.

Wen Nuo felt a sense of coercion when facing Ye Suikong's questioning. He didn't like this feeling very much, but when he remembered the task assigned to him by the federal president, he still bit the bullet.

"Yes, I don't have any malicious intentions, otherwise I wouldn't have come here alone." Wen Nuo said, "I didn't intend to meet formally at first, I just wanted to come here... Forget it, since the leaders of your night demon army are all here , then I'll just say it."

Ye Suikong casually turned his head and chatted with Liu Meng beside him, saying that he planned to take Wu Xingyun to the Federal Archives, and asked him to quickly take down the planet where the Federal Archives was located.

"I have been farming on the border of the Milky Way for twenty years. Just a month ago, I saw new alien creatures invade the Milky Way. I think they are not friendly creatures, and they are extremely hostile to humans... So... "

Ye Suikong interrupted Wen Nuo and said, "General Wen has always been a die-hard fighter, why do you suddenly want to negotiate a peace?"

"For...against a common enemy," Wenno said.

Ye Suikong snorted: "It's nice to say, who destroyed the original agreement? Who first provoked the dispute, and who personally threw the person who symbolized the peace into the nuclear explosion?"

Embarrassment appeared on Wen Nuo's face, and Wu Xingyun couldn't stand it anymore, so he glanced at Ye Suikong, which meant that you should accept it as soon as you see it, and make things difficult for my old company commander!

Ye Suikong stared back at Wu Xingyun, and the meaning was obvious: why should you be polite to your ruthless love rival

The two exchanged eyebrows, and the mutants present took it for granted, but Wen Nuo lowered his head slightly, a feeling of soreness flowed through his heart.

But in the end, Ye Suikong still decided to listen to his wife's words. He accepted it when he saw a good deal, and didn't embarrass Wen Nuo any more. He stood up, walked towards Wen Nuo, stretched out his hand to show friendship: "General Wen dared to come to us alone, I admire your courage and guts; but you did something to my husband and wife back then." I will never forgive you. Some things, I don’t think you can decide. I understand what you mean, go back and tell the federal government, ten days later, I will formally meet with them to talk about what you said today Son."

Wen Nuo didn't shake hands with Ye Suikong, he took a step back: "I will not shake hands with my enemies! Personally, I... would like to fight to the death with the Night Demon Army!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. Ye Suikong didn't care too much. When Wen Nuo walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Wu Xingyun.

There are complex emotions in the eyes, reluctance, disappointment, pity, and pain. All these emotions were entangled together, which made him finally say something irrational: "I came here to look for you, can you...can you have a few words with me alone?"

Ye Suikong was a little unhappy, he watched Wu Xingyun follow Wen Nuo out of the hall with some depression, and regretted that he actually went to shake hands with Wen Nuo to show friendship!

Liu Meng gloated at the side: "Ye, I really hope that Brother Yun and Wen Nuo get along well and dump you!"

Ye Suikong's mood got even worse, and Liu Meng continued to add fuel to the fire: "In this way, you will be able to taste how I was in that mood!"

"Get out!" Ye Suicong lost his temper, and all the people left the hall with a smile without saying a word, and went to arrange work by themselves without Ye Suicong's instructions.

In the corridor outside the hall, Wen Nuo lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled a puff of smoke rings. He didn't know what to say, but just smoked one puff after another.

Wu Xingyun said: "General, don't smoke too much, it's bad for your health."

Wen Nuo said "Oh", put out the cigarette butt, and after a while, he asked, "Is he... treating you well?"

Wu Xingyun laughed, just like before, showing a mouthful of white teeth: "It's pretty good."

"Oh, that's... that's good..."

Wen Nuo didn't know what to say after saying this.

Wu Xingyun took the initiative to find a topic: "General, are you married? I have a chance another day. I'll go see my sister-in-law."

Wen Nuo glanced at Wu Xingyun, then shook his head: "No... I... have always been single."

Then Wu Xingyun realized that he really wasn't good at finding topics to chat with, it was like picking up whatever pot was out of order.

Then Wen Nuo also found that the atmosphere was very dull, so he chose a light topic: "Is your parents okay? I have been asking Marshal Shi Fei to take care of them. Later, this place fell, and the two old people didn't have time to leave."

Wu Xingyun said: "My parents are gone, I just went there two days ago... By the way, where is Marshal Shi? I've been reading new articles these days, but I haven't seen him yet?"


The two fell into silence again, Wen Nuo was smoking, and Wu Xingyun was beside him.

I don't know how long it took before Wen Nuo said: "I came to you this time... just to ask you what you mean. I think... about the invasion of alien systems, you go and talk to Ye Suikong, he may tell you listen."

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised: "What you just said is true? I thought..."

"Why do you still think? Am I talking nonsense?"

Wu Xingyun hurriedly explained: "'s not. I just... it's nothing, I said too much and it's wrong, so I just don't say it." Wu Xingyun hasn't recovered from all the actions of the Federation in the last days, and he can't believe the text. No words of any kind. But when he saw the indignation on Wen Nuo's face, he felt that it was better not to say anything.

Wen Nuo sighed, and turned to look at Wu Xingyun: "You are still the same as before, stupid and stupid, beware of being deceived by Ye Suikong!"

Wu Xingyun smiled brightly when he mentioned Ye Suikong: "He won't lie to me, really!"

Wen Nuo felt even more depressed. He had prepared a lot of things to say to Wu Xingyun. He was the one who asked the federal government for this mission to test the night sky, but now he felt that those words were not enough. It is necessary to say.

He put out the cigarette in his hand, threw it into the trash can, then turned around and walked out, never looking back.

Wu Xingyun kept looking at Wen Nuo's back, a little dazed. Is the federation really coming to an end? Or... do you want to negotiate a peace again

No matter what kind of choice it was, Wu Xingyun didn't like it.

Just when he was in a daze, someone asked in his ear: "What are you thinking?"

Wu Xingyun didn't need to turn his head to know that it was the night broken sky. He said honestly: "I was wondering if what he said was true. Is the invasion of that alien system really terrible?" Wu Xingyun turned his head. , looking at Ye Suikong: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Suikong smiled slightly: "If the federation is willing to negotiate a peace, it will save me some effort. However, I don't think they will agree to my conditions, so don't think about it, you just now, But it's been a long time with him!"

"So what?" Wu Xingyun asked back, "Can't you?"

"I'm jealous!" Ye Suikong began to rub against Wu Xingyun's body, "A kiss can soothe my wounded heart."

So Wu Xingyun kissed him.

"One more kiss!"

Wu Xingyun kissed again.

"not enough!"

continue kissing...

Ten days later, during the talks with the Federation, the Federation offered to negotiate a peace, and Ye Shattering Kong did not object.

Especially when Federation President Alex mentioned that the "symbol of peace" Wu Xingyun was still alive and returned again, Ye Suicong showed a sweet look on his face.

Alex was keenly aware of the emotional changes in the night broken sky, and took the opportunity to put forward his own request: I hope that the two sides can resolve their prejudices, cease the war, and work together to deal with the invasion of alien systems.

Ye Suikong smiled slightly, and threw out his own conditions.

His tone was very casual: "Although I have sufficient strength and sufficient confidence, I can completely destroy the Federation in the near future. should I put it, as you said, they are all human beings, two thousand years I used to live together on the earth before, and now I am in a crisis, and I should unite to deal with the enemy. Therefore, I can also agree to a truce. My conditions are very simple, and there are only three. First, severely punish the war criminals who have fought against the night army over the years; Two, change the federal army and put it under my control; three, establish a new federal government, and the candidates must be approved by me."

When talking about this, Ye Suikong paused for a moment, and then said with a smile: "After all, the purpose of this time is not a truce, but a joint fight against a common enemy. I have to be sure of the reliability of my allies, right? And... I don't lack this ally either."

The expressions of the officials of the federation immediately changed. When they heard that Ye Suikong agreed to negotiate a peace, they thought that maybe he just proposed a harsher condition, just like when they were married back then, they asked for technology or scientists or something. But unexpectedly, he actually planned to form a puppet government!

Alex's face, which was originally smiling in diplomatic negotiations, was immediately covered with a layer of black mist. She snorted heavily, cut off the video, and the negotiation broke down.

"It's too much! Who does he think he is? What are you talking about severely punishing war criminals? Do you want us to dig out all the buried combat heroes?!"

"Damn it! Although the Night Demon Army is currently stronger than us, it is not strong enough to destroy the Federation overnight. Why is he so arrogant?"

"But... if Ye Shattering Sky doesn't help, how are we going to face the colonists on the border?"

Everyone fell into silence.

On the other side, looking at the latest information obtained from the federation, Ye Broken Somersault became very interested in this new species.

"When it appeared, was it filled with white mist?" Ye Suikong tapped the information on the table with his fingers, thinking carefully.

Wu Xingyun was beside him, looking through those things, adding from time to time: "Yes, the new species can also emit electromagnetic interference. Isn't this... similar to your situation?"

"The species on the local planet show signs of mutation. The main component in the air is... gram particles?" Ye Suicong fell into deep thought.

How similar this scene was to what happened on Earth two thousand years ago.

Is it a coincidence, or premeditated

"Ye Fan, look, they named this new species Sarnaga! Do you still remember when Uncle Luo said, what is the name of that white mist?" Wu Xingyun tilted his head, looking at the name. Although the words are different, the pronunciation is the same.

The two looked at each other, and said in unison: "Sar...Sar thick fog, Xel Naga?"

Ye Suikong stood up abruptly, already determined his next step, he pulled Wu Xingyun up as well: "Let's go, let's... go and occupy the federal archives! Look at how those scientists treated Thal Fog back then. Defined!"