Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 96: The beginning and end of Thrall Fog


The Federation Archives is located on the central planet during the Federation's heyday, but over the years, the Night Demon Army has expanded its territory and conquered many planets. In addition, it has changed its previous combat strategy, causing the Federation to retreat steadily.

The battle line between the two sides, from dividing the galaxy equally, has become a corner of the federation.

Because Yeshakong said in advance that he wanted to obtain the information of the Federal Archives, so the Night Demon Army bypassed the solidly defended frontier planet, and the Raiders stood out, occupying the planet with the archives.

The night demon army was so fast that the federal government had no time to evacuate, so it had to leave these seemingly useless files and evacuate quickly.

When Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong set foot on this land, David Peng was taking over here. He was commanding the newly recruited ordinary captives, cleaning the streets, and starting to reorganize the planet's parliament and army.

The arrival of Ye Suikong and Wu Xingyun made David Peng very excited. He used to follow Dai Xu. Although he had been comrades-in-arms with Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong for a year at the end of the world, his relationship was always stronger than others. Keep a little distance, and when I saw Wu Xingyun coming, I went up to meet him and said, "Brother Yun, I've already arranged a place for you, should you rest first or..."

Ye Suicong said, "Don't bother, you guys are busy with your work, I'll come and take a look at the archives."

Soon, the federal government archives were emptied, leaving only an elderly administrator to lead the way.

After Ye Suikong said his request, the administrator took the two of them to those databases back then. Some of the materials were audio-visual, and some were saved on paper. The inside was full of dust, and it seemed that no one had visited for a long time. pass.

The administrators all regretted: "The archives here are not the most complete... Alas, many important materials have been taken away by the Roche Research Institute. This is only a part of it. If you need anything, please contact me."

Ye Suikong nodded, and the elderly administrator walked out. In the entire archives, only Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong were left.

The two split up and began to look at the information, and soon, they found what they wanted.

These are all top-secret materials, even scientists like Luo Ying back then may not be able to see these things.

What Wu Xingyun found was a report on the cause of Saar's thick fog. As Luo Yaoguo said back then, the sudden appearance of the thick fog of Saar caused the mutation of life on Earth. However, the use of nuclear weapons accelerated this mutation and multiplied it exponentially.

After humans landed on the moon, many scientists witnessed the thick fog of Saar descending on the earth and then dissipating.

There are even those who venture to gather Thrall Mist.

At that time, Ye Suikong was fighting with the Wang brothers and had no idea what was happening in outer space.

After analyzing the dense fog of Saar, scientists believe that such a thing cannot appear in the adjacent space. This kind of substance can change the natural environment of the planet, and even change the air structure and the radiation intensity of objects. Where do these things come from? What about

Some people think that this is a new substance that exists in the Milky Way itself, but some people boldly speculate that the arrival of the thick Saar fog on the earth is caused by aliens!

But as time passed, the dense fog of Thrall disappeared, and the moon was destroyed during the battle on the moon. Human beings fled far away from the earth, while the mutants kept practicing.

In the process of human beings pioneering and colonizing the universe, we have seen a lot of strange alien life forms, but there are very few life forms with advanced intelligence.

The dense Saar fog that descended on the earth that year has never appeared again, and this has become a mystery.

As time passed, all human research and development centers were focused on how to deal with the night demon army.

And Ye Suikong's focus was on how to deal with the Federation.

No one is interested in the thick fog that broke in two thousand years ago. Most people agree that the mutation of life on earth overnight is due to the mutation of human genes.

But because the scientists in the Federation didn't have the corpses of the mutants, it was impossible to study them, so all of this, even the research on the genes of the mutants, was cut off in Luo Ying's era.

Ye Suikong collected the data from the measurement of Saar's thick fog back then. He always felt that the newly discovered species was named Sarnaga for a reason.

There must be some kind of connection between the two. After hearing the Federation's description of Xel'Naga, he even wanted to go and see it himself.

Before heading to the federal border though...

Ye Suikong saw Wu Xingyun who was sitting on the ground flipping through the materials, thinking hard. Sunlight leaked through the windows, forming beams of light.

Dust dances in these light beams, and the empty archives, with no one there, have a different kind of silence.

And the man with short and shattered hair, sitting on the ground like that, contemplating, made people obsessed to the point of madness.

Even though he has done it many times and enjoyed it every time, at this moment, Ye Suikong still felt the unstoppable hardness beneath him.

I really want to be here, in a quiet place full of books, hug my lover and enjoy the afternoon sunshine.

Moreover, there is a large and strong wooden desk in the center of the reference room.

Ye Suikong bent slightly, ready to act.

Wu Xingyun was also sitting on the ground. He always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something during the development of all these things, but he couldn't remember what it was.

It wasn't until Ye Suikong kissed him, trying to press him against the thick document, that he suddenly thought of it.

Wu Xingyun reached out and touched Ye Suikong's arms, but there was nothing inside.

Ye Suikong bit open the button of Wu Xingyun's shirt with his teeth, once again exposed the familiar skin in front of his eyes, with the dredging that had not faded from the previous pleasure, it was his own imprint.

Ye Suikong kissed the imprint, but was interrupted by Wu Xingyun.

"Ye Fan, do you still remember the cheat book you got from Wang Ruoxu back then?" Ye Suikong was taken aback.

"The star map above!! The star map above is the star map of the Andromeda galaxy." Wu Xingyun said, "I felt strange at the time, and... do you still keep that book?"

Ye Suikong was stunned: "No, after so many years, it is impossible to keep a booklet. Besides, I have been nuclear bombed so many times..."

Wu Xingyun was a little depressed and asked, " you still remember what was written on it?"

Ye Suikong could only temporarily put aside the needs of his lower body and think with his brain. He said: "I remember very clearly that there was a preface written on it."

"If you don't survive, thousands of years later, the shaman will return, and the world will be wiped out. I can't bear to see this extinction, so I spend my whole life, the method of cultivation, and hope that future generations will know it. The crime of treason is a great crime." , When I think about it, the shaman must know. Sigh sadly, is it right or wrong? Who knows me!" This passage is familiar to Ye Suikong, and now he said it casually.

At that time, both of them thought that "Thousands of years later, the shaman will return, and the world will die." It refers to the coming of the end of the world, but now it seems that... that is not the meaning.

At that time, the two had never understood the meaning of "the crime of treason is a great crime. When I think about it, the shaman will know." What does it mean? The ancient gods in many ethnic groups are called shamans, and the two just thought that this It must be the worry of a senior.

But looking at these words now, it seems that the whole thing has brightened up.

Ye Suikong began to discuss these words with Wu Xingyun slowly, and soon, the two had a guess: the cover of the booklet depicted the Andromeda galaxy. It is very possible that the owner of this booklet is not from the Milky Way, but from the Andromeda Galaxy.

He arrived on Earth a few years ago with some kind of mission on his shoulders.

That kind of mission is likely to be a mission that spans a thousand years, maybe it is to clear the way for the tribe, or it may be something else, so he can say with certainty, "After a thousand years, the shaman will return, and you will not exist."

Wu Xingyun guessed that the owner of this booklet knew very well that when his people came, all human beings would perish, and he developed some kind of pity-like feelings in getting along with human beings, so he couldn't bear to see human beings perish, so After exhausting his life experience, he wrote this booklet, hoping that future generations can cultivate according to the method and get rid of the fate of extinction.

As for where the owner of this booklet is now, Ye Suicong guessed that he should be dead, because it said very clearly - the shaman must know as soon as I think about it.

The owner of the booklet betrayed his own race, so he will definitely be punished by his own race.

This booklet seems to be written in vertical traditional Chinese characters. It has a long history, and the sentences in it are not very standard classical Chinese. It seems that this person does not know much about ancient Chinese language, so some words and sentences are not fluent.

At that time, this booklet was not known to whom, but it is certain that after a long time, in the last days, Ye Suikong got it, and practiced according to the above method, and finally became today's, powerful The irresistible Nightmare.

If the guess is correct, the owner of this booklet is from the Andromeda galaxy, and his people are called shamans.

So—now appearing on the border of the Galactic Federation, a new species called the Xel'Naga from the Andromeda galaxy is the shaman.

Thousands of years ago, there were already plans for today, and they came prepared.

Well, all of this, when the dense fog of Saar descended on the earth and formed the end of the world, it was definitely not a coincidence, but premeditated.

Thinking of this, Ye Suikong had no intention of having sex with Wu Xingyun here. They packed up their bags, thinking about one thing—go to the border of the Milky Way in person, and meet the legendary Xel Naga for a while. .