Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 97: Light governs


This time, Ye Suikong and Wu Xingyun went out together, and the contact person behind was still Liu Meng. He had already prepared all the itinerary and weapons, but when he faced Wu Xingyun, he was a little confused.

"Brother Yun, do you... want to go with me too?" Liu Meng was a little reluctant, and tried his best to persuade Wu Xingyun to stay by his side: "Let Ye go by himself, he won't die anyway. You promised me to help I celebrated my eighteenth birthday, even though it has been two thousand years, I still have to honor it!"

Ye Suikong looked at Liu Meng very tangled, sometimes, he really wanted to strangle this guy to death, if not for the fact that there are too few mutants.

When the two were talking, Wu Xingyun had already selected equipment in the warehouse. He looked at it for a long time, but he still couldn't find the right one.

Originally, he planned to wear the protective clothing of the ghost lock soldier, but that thing was torn to pieces by the night sky as early as the wedding night, and the other combat uniforms were very ordinary, and there was no need for them.

As for the federal military uniform, Wu Xingyun picked it up and put it down, put it down and picked it up again, hesitated hundreds of times, finally put it down, and chose a set of ordinary T-shirt + jeans.

Ye Suikong was still dressed in his usual pretense of B, and the two of them walked together very uncoordinated, one was mysterious and stern, tall and fearsome, the other was foolish and serious.

Dressed like this, when the two boarded the commercial spaceship, they both received different treatment.

Ye Suikong was also wearing a hat and sunglasses, both of which were passed directly.

However, Wu Xingyun was searched to check whether he had brought any prohibited items, which made Wu Xingyun extremely depressed.

"It's fine for them to check me, this is the rule. But why didn't they check you!!" Wu Xingyun was indignant.

Ye Suikong smiled: "Because your man is evil, charming and mad, showing his arrogance!"

Wu Xingyun wanted to strangle Ye Suicong to death. Of course, he couldn't be strangled to death. In the end, Ye Suicong killed him.

Soon, the commercial spacecraft crossed the territory of the Daredevil Army and passed through the federal control zone.

The ship makes three stops along the way to restock.

Wu Xingyun originally thought that the Federation, which was being chased and attacked by the night demon army, was now dilapidated, but to his surprise, the planets under the Federation's rule were also very orderly, and there was no sign of a catastrophe imminent look.

After strolling around the port, even Ye Suikong couldn't help sighing: "The federal government is not completely useless. It has developed for more than two thousand years, and it still has its own advantages in ruling a huge population."

Wu Xingyun said: "However, I see that your newly added area is also managed very well!"

Ye Suikong smiled, and there is nothing more intoxicating than hearing a lover's praise.

"It will be better in the future, it will be!" Wu Xingyun was extremely confident, "At least you will fight to get back the corpse of your companion, instead of handing over your hero to the enemy for disposal."

Ye Suikong reached out and rubbed Wu Xingyun's head: "I like their style... because, no matter what, they sent you to my side."

During the next voyage, Wu Xingyun once again realized that it was better for him to talk less, otherwise, sex would come unexpectedly.

A month later, the spacecraft stopped near the federal border, and the commercial spacecraft refused to go any further, because they heard that there were some strange things haunting the front. Although the federal government never officially admitted it, rumors were already flying everywhere, saying that the front was The domain of gods cannot be surpassed by human beings.

The two sneaked into the federal base, got a small spaceship, and continued on their way. They originally planned to land on the red sandstorm planet where Wu Xingyun first appeared, but when they got closer, they realized that they couldn't get in at all.

Within a distance of 300 light years from the edge of the Milky Way, everything has been blocked, and the jumping spacecraft must have a federal permit to pass through the checkpoint.

Ye Suikong didn't want to conflict with these people, but neither of them could travel faster than the speed of light, let alone sail within a distance of three hundred light years.

They had no choice but to abandon their spaceship. Wu Xingyun took Ye Suikong's hand and stopped using his energy. Stay in the repair room.

Every spacecraft has the ability to jump, but each jump requires a lot of energy, so the distance and number of jumps these spacecraft can jump have great limitations, unlike special jump points, which can jump thousands of times at a time. light years away.

After jumping twice, the spaceship entered the real edge of the Milky Way. Soon, it slid a perfect arc in the air, and was called back to the team, becoming one of hundreds of spaceships.

Because Ye Suikong and Wu Xingyun can be invisible, no detectors or people can see them. Sometimes they will come to the command room of this spaceship, look at the situation outside through the porthole, and talk with body language , or go to a place where there is no one to talk.

When the spacecraft returned to the team, Ye Suikong and Wu Xingyun came to the command room again, and they could easily see the orders and signals from the final commander on the huge screen, as well as , that strange, never-before-seen thing that appeared.

In the vast and dark universe, the dots of stars are like shining crystals adorning the sky, while the large nebula in the distance presents a psychedelic purple-red color.

It was in such a silent world that a team suddenly appeared on the other side of the world.

It was a spaceship, and about 20 things similar to mech warriors. The spaceship had a golden color and a light blue halo on the outside. The whole shape looked extremely perfect, as if it was a skill of God.

The spaceship stopped about tens of thousands of meters away, and slowly unfolded, the fuselage slowly stretched, and finally formed a golden lotus-shaped thing, radiating a large white dust mist like water vapor.

Others were not very familiar with this kind of white mist, but Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong, who saw this scene with their own eyes, were greatly shocked in their hearts!

This strange white mist is exactly the same as the thick Saar fog that was on Earth back then!

Those things that were similar to mecha warriors quickly entered the white mist. In an instant, those things suddenly became several times larger, and the speed was terrifying. In an instant, they covered a distance of tens of thousands of meters. , right in front of those warships.

Every soldier has a light blue light knife in his hand. Those mecha warriors waved the light knife, and the battleship was easily cut open, exploded, shattered into dust, and drifted in the universe.

Only less than 20 such fighters destroyed hundreds of battleships in the blink of an eye. The speed and strength are astonishing!

"What is that!!" The commander of the battleship where Ye Suikong was located couldn't help screaming, "Is it something from the Night Demon Army?"

The computer adjutant answered him: "No... The indicators of the night demon army are not the same as these new things."

"Ah!" From the intercom in the command room, there were screams and buzzing from other spaceships from time to time.

The entire hall was in chaos, and no one noticed Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong's low-pitched conversation.

"Ye Fan, that thing... looks so weird, tell me, do they have life?"

Ye Suikong shook his head, and after a while, he pointed to a white bright spot in the distance: "Look, what is that?"

The two of them stared into the distance, but they could only see that it was a spot of light. The distance was too far, so they couldn't see what it was.

But according to the distance calculation, it should be - a luminous body about the height of a person.

As soon as the luminous body appeared, all the golden mecha soldiers who were still fighting immediately stopped fighting and worshiped the light point, as if that thing was the leader of these mecha soldiers.

The moment these things paused their attack, a voice that calmed everyone came from the loudspeaker: "Attention all warships, approach the center, hit with all firepower, and shoot and kill the enemy at the 13:50 position."

Wu Xingyun and Ye Suikong glanced at each other, it was Wen Nuo's voice!

Soon, Wen Nuo's face appeared on the screen in the command room.

That face is very calm, after years of polishing, it has more vicissitudes, but it is more trustworthy.

"Don't be afraid of these things. It's just twenty enemies and one point of light. We have fought against the night demon army for many years, and the night broken sky is a hundred times more terrifying than these things. We have never flinched. Now, there is nothing to be afraid of! We can Defeating Night Demon will surely defeat these things!"

Wu Xingyun glanced at the air beside him, and said in a low voice, "It seems that your enemies think highly of you."

There was a small wave of air flow in the air beside him, Wu Xingyun could only judge that Ye Suiekong made a movement based on this, but he didn't know exactly what movement he made.

All the warships fired at the point Wen Nuo asked for, and those monsters who were worshiping did not respond at all. Soon, the golden mecha soldier who was targeted for attack was smashed into powder.

Not to mention that this situation surprised Wen Nuo, even Ye Suikong was also shocked by this situation. He never thought that when those things worshiped towards the white light spot, they could even ignore their own life and death.

The white light spot was getting closer and brighter, and the spaceship where Wu Xingyun was on was ordered to rush to the front, so Ye Broken Sky was the first to see the white light spot clearly. A glowing figure about five kilometers away.

The face of the man was indistinguishable, but his body was almost naked, showing a perfect structure of strength and beauty.

"God, that... turned out to be a person... Yes, a person who navigates in the universe..." Wu Xingyun whispered, and he turned his head to look at Ye Suikong.

Ye Suikong, isn't he such a person

Ye Suikong whispered: "I want to go out, let's take a closer look."

Wu Xingyun nodded, and the two quickly left the spaceship, went out from the side cabin, moved forward invisibly, and flew towards the white light man.

But at this moment, the man raised his hands slightly, and Ye Suikong could see clearly that some white electric currents were generated between the man's hands.

"Hiss~~~~" A strange voice came straight to the bottom of Ye Suikong's heart. Although he couldn't understand what it meant, he was very clear about what that glowing person wanted to do.

That kind of movement, that kind of sound, is the exact movement and sound that Ye Shattering Kong uses every time he uses his unique trick, the gamma ray burst.

At this moment, Ye Suikong was extremely certain - the white mist two thousand years ago, and the booklet he cultivated all came from this newly discovered race - Xel'Naga.