Devil’s Political Marriage

Chapter 98: collision


Ye Suikong used his own energy to unfold his unique golden shield, covering himself and Wu Xingyun in it. The moment the white glowing person raised his hand, the white light surged, even with blue-purple electric light, shining dazzlingly in the dark universe.

And the golden shield of Yeshakong is particularly obvious at this moment. The golden energy shield emits a faint light, isolating the white light, and looks like a transparent water ball approaching against the current in the rough sea.

"What is that!" Wen Nuo, who has always been calm, couldn't help shaking his hands. At the moment when the other party emitted a white light, all electronic equipment failed. everything that happened.

"I think that thing just now should be an electromagnetic storm!" The technical officer accompanying the army quickly analyzed with his own brain: "A person! A living person can actually break out an electromagnetic storm! Then... Could there be something even more terrifying?" A mutant appeared?"

All warships are forced to suspend in the universe, their electronic equipment fails, and they can only be restarted manually, but unfortunately, under this electromagnetic storm, most of the warships are vulnerable and their shells are broken , There were screams everywhere, as well as the commander's yelling.

"Get into the escape boat!" The soldiers on the battleship who had been cut off quickly realized that what they encountered was beyond their ability to resist. Killed by the golden mecha fighters who caught up.

In the quiet universe, no sound can be heard, only scenes can be seen, like a silent movie.

Some people desperately turned on the recovered electronic equipment to escape, and some people, in the midst of their busy schedule, turned their heads to look at the thing that just attacked them.

However, they saw a scene that they could never have imagined.

In the center of the golden transparent light sphere, the shadow of a person gradually appeared. The person was wearing a black windbreaker, which made the whole body look more slender. His long hair was flying in the air at this moment, and his hands were raised slightly.

On the perfect face, there was a dignified look, and the long and narrow eyes looked extremely deep.

A golden light was generated around him, illuminating his figure extremely clearly from every direction.

That is, the nightmare of every federal soldier—Yeshakong.

No one has ever seen the battle of the night broken sky. In the long two thousand years of fighting, the federal soldiers who saw the night broken sky battle have all died.

Few people have even seen his real person, but everyone can recognize him at this moment, that person is the once terrible enemy - Night Demon.

The mech fighters who were chasing the lifeboat also turned their heads one after another, and the next moment, they all rushed towards the broken night sky.

Ye Suikong opened his hand slightly, and opened his eyes fiercely. Those mecha fighters were shot down by invisible forces before they approached him, and they were torn to pieces.

And the white light man in the distance is also looking at Ye Suikong at this moment. The man raised his hands above his head, and the electromagnetic storm just broke out again.

At the same moment, Ye Suikong also used exactly the same movement, and the red light passed through the golden barrier and headed towards the opponent.

The two forces emitted a dazzling light in the dark sky. The light that was originally radiating from the center of the circle turned into two beams of light. They collided and bitten in mid-air, as if two giant dragons were fighting.

The Federation battleship that stayed between the two of them was reduced to powder in an instant, but the light did not show signs of shrinking. Instead, it became bigger and bigger, fully illuminating the entire space.

The light was so dazzling, like a star exploding, enough to shock everyone's heart.

The red-purple nebula in the distance seems to be the background of this battle, and the black-haired man in black in the center of the light still has a smile on his face, as if he came from hell, or a god descended from the world.

The soldiers in the lifeboat, seeing this scene in the distance, understood what happened. It was the sudden appearance of Ye Shakong that saved them.

Originally, these people would not feel grateful in their hearts, but instead had vigilance towards the enemy.

However, when they saw Ye Suicong fighting with the Xel'Naga, they completely gave up their vigilance and malice.

That is not a power that humans or technology can contend with. That kind of terrifying light that can illuminate the entire universe comes from the hand of God, a power that only God possesses.

Some soldiers were crying unconsciously, and they didn't even know why they were crying. Maybe it was because the scene was too spectacular, or maybe they felt that their lives were too small.

Someone murmured softly: "That's God! Ye Suikong, who has been fighting us all the time, is God!"

"Man and God cannot fight against each other..."

There are even ordinary soldiers who saw this scene with their own eyes and successfully escaped back, and thus became believers of the Nightmare Army. They not only brought the shock of this day back to the Federation, but even brought their relatives from distant borders, across The entire federal territory defected to Yeshakong. Because, in their hearts, it is the embrace of God.

Wen Nuo was also in the escape boat and saw this scene, and when he appeared in the night sky, he felt something bad.

Ye Shakong rejected his request before, and now he suddenly appeared at the border, and has the same energy as Xel'Naga... What does that mean? Is the night demon army planning to unite with the races of alien galaxies to completely exterminate human beings

Wen Nuo pursed his lips tightly. Even though he had seen some descriptions of the night-shattering sky battle in the federal archives, when he saw it with his own eyes for the first time, he was still very shocked.

That is the power of mutants...

Is it really as the famous biologist said many years ago - natural selection, survival of the fittest. Human beings will be eliminated one day.

Wen Nuo lowered his head deeply, a great sense of powerlessness surged in his heart, but when he managed to escape and appeared on the steps of the Federal Government Office, he rekindled his fighting spirit.

In the federal chamber, the main discussion this time is whether to agree to the three conditions of Yeshakong.

One of the three conditions is more stringent than the other.

Severely punishing war criminals means denying one's former heroes, even Ouyang Yi, who has been dead for two thousand years.

The reorganization of the federal army means surrendering military power, and the federation will never truly have its own army.

As for the establishment of a new federal government, the candidate must be approved by Ye Suicong. This is undoubtedly a puppet government.

This request is no different from destroying the Federation.

When Wen Nuo was standing outside the meeting room, he heard the discussion inside. He was absolutely sure that the official who had been supporting the federal government to accept these conditions was the spy sent by Ye Shakong!

When Wen Nuo heard this kind of remarks, he felt angry in his heart, but he was no longer the bratty boy he was twenty years ago.

There was no special expression on his face. He pushed open the door of the meeting room and said simply: "Hi everyone, Ye Shakong appeared at the border of the Galactic Federation. I think...he suddenly appeared there, There is only one reason. That is - he and the Xel'Naga are of the same race, he cannot be regarded as a human being at all, and he will definitely bring huge disasters to mankind!"

President Alex raised his eyebrows: "How?"

Wen Nuo slowly talked about his experiences, including what he saw with his own eyes, Ye Suikong's every move, and the terrifying power he emitted during the battle.

Wennuo should be the first commander in the federation who was so close to the broken night sky in thousands of years and was able to come back alive. Although he told himself to calm down, his voice still couldn't help trembling slightly when he told the story: "I After looking carefully, their moves and strengths are exactly the same. I don’t think he is our friend! Moreover, if Xel’Naga is our friend, we don’t need to unite with Yeshakukong at all.”

But his voice didn't change everyone's minds. After he finished speaking, more people were convinced of one thing - they could at least live by taking refuge in Yeshakong. And if he was caught by Xel'Naga, he would definitely die.

Alex was silent for a while, and said: "So, General Wen. We humans are so helpless and weak. If the enemy is not as powerful as us at all, what do you think we should do?"

"Choose Yeshakong," Wen Nuo said. His remarks immediately aroused the sigh of a group of people.

"But it's definitely not unconditionally agreeing to his excessive demands! If cooperation is necessary, I agree to choose the night broken sky to cooperate. But it is definitely not to establish a puppet government and hand over all our troops to him. ways to work together. I think we should maintain our independence, at least... find a way to do so."

"There is also the matter of severely punishing war criminals. We absolutely can't do it!" Wen Nuo's voice slowly regained his composure, and he cleared his mind. "That is our hero, the spiritual belief that the Federation exists. They serve the Federation Contributing to a whole life, even life, is worthy of admiration, not... dragging them out to flog their corpses."

"I think Ye Suikong has that kind of ability. If he really wants to kill us completely, it can be said that it is not difficult, especially with his ability today, he can destroy the Federation without any effort at all. But he Didn't do that, why? Because he was kind?"

"No, it's because We have what he wants in our hands."

Alex was thoughtful: "You mean, high-end technology?"

"Yes!" Wen Nuo tugged at his collar, "Despite the victories of the night demon army, we still have the most core technology. Moreover, our bioengineering is also extremely developed. I heard that after the night broken sky captured the planet , the first ones to find were biologists from the local planet to help him solve the problem that mutants cannot reproduce. But the best biologists are on our side.”

"I don't think it is necessary for us to lower our profile, let alone lower ourselves into the dust." Wen Nuo summed up his words, "As a force that cannot be underestimated, our Federation should have an equal dialogue with him instead of being servile. What's more, don't forget about Ye Suikong's performance over the past two thousand years. He has always regarded human beings as his enemy, until recently he suddenly changed his strategy. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. If we hand over everything we have, and He suddenly changed again, what should we do?"

This remark moved most of the people present, and soon, the Federation readjusted the new terms of the agreement based on the content of the meeting.

Including being willing to open the technology system to the Night Demon Army, willing to fight side by side with the Night Demon Army, and provide firepower and weapon support, but it requires the independence of the army and the government.

When the diplomats of the Federation arrived at the border of the Night Demon Army, hoping to have an interview with Ye Suikong, they were received by another person.

Liu Meng, who is in charge of the logistics of the Night Demon Army.

Liu Meng didn't seem interested in talking about this with the Federation people, he just met them briefly, and then said - Ye Suikong is not at home, either follow what he said before, or talk about it after he comes back.

But when the Federation asked when Ye Suikong would come back, the mutant impatiently drove him out.

"It's too arrogant!" Wen Nuo slammed his fist on the table. The original battle has been over for half a year now. Even if Ye Suikong died, he deserved to come back!

In the past six months, although there have been no Xel'Naga soldiers on the border of the Milky Way, there have been many Xel'Naga detectors.

The Federation is under attack from both sides, but Ye Suikong, who used to live on the same earth, wants to take advantage of the fire and say that he is not at home, which is simply a posturing!

Although Wen Nuo was angry in his heart, he had no other good way at all. To make matters worse, after that battle, the surviving federal soldiers have been publicizing the magnificent and great miracles they saw that day, and they have acted to shake the morale of the soldiers. Military law punishment is also useless.

"Could it be... are we really finished?" Wen Nuo lowered his head slightly and sighed, "If there is a god, then please don't let the Night Demon's plot succeed, please bless us."

Wen Nuo, who has never believed in ghosts and gods, couldn't help praying.