Devil’s Warmth

Chapter 2: 2. Sleepy beast


The child has a good recovery ability, and Bei Yao is much better at breakfast.

Zhao Zhilan asked the factory to take care of Bei Yao. She works in a garment factory, and her daily job is to make clothes in front of the sewing machine. She has a monthly salary of 430 yuan, which is a good salary.

Breakfast is a bowl of porridge, a bowl of kimchi, and the whole family only has a fat egg in Beiyao's bowl.

There was a voice coming downstairs from the corridor, and then the woman outside the door shouted in a shrill voice: "Zhao Zhilan!"

Zhao Zhilan replied loudly: "If I don't go to work today, I'm asking for leave, you can go."

The woman muttered, "Say it sooner." Then she twisted her waist and walked away.

Bei Yao raised her head to look at her mother, her mother really calm.

The woman's name was Zhao Xiu, and she was in the same village as Zhao Zhilan. By coincidence, both women later married in City C and became neighbors, working in a garment factory. Two years later, she became pregnant in the same year and gave birth to daughters in August. People around them can't help comparing Zhao Xiu and Zhao Zhilan.

But Zhao Zhilan is nothing compared to Zhao Xiu.

Zhao Zhilan’s husband, Beiyao’s father, works in a brick and tile factory. The work is hard and the salary is not high. Zhao Xiu's husband is an elementary school math teacher, respected, and decent job.

In this way, Zhao Zhilan is not stingy, mainly because of her daughter.

Zhao Xiusheng's daughter is Fang Minjun, who is half a month older than Bei Yao. Fang Minjun's pink is tender and lovely, not as round as her peers, but she is delicate and upright, just like a little girl. Everyone said that this child grew up beautifully!

In comparison, Bei Yao became the crushed one.

The four-year-old Bei Yao had round cheeks and big eyes, but when she was a child, Bei Yao ate a lot. With two small pinches on her head, she was round and cute. Every time Zhao Xiu saw Xiaobeiyao, she covered her mouth and smiled: "What did Yaoyao eat? Little hands are more fleshy than my family's Minmin."

Praise clearly, taunt in secret. Because Zhao Zhilan is fat, she is alluding to genetic problems.

Beiyao sighed slightly when she saw her mother's face was not good.

Her family background has always been very average, and her luck is really incomparable. In her memory, Fang Minjun's family moved out in junior high school and bought a new house. The new house was demolished after two years, so she was divided into two suites. Fang Minjun’s family passed the better, but Beiyao’s family lent money to his uncle and was still poor.

There is only one point, Pei’s complete counterattack—

By the time of the first year of high school, Fang Minjun was crippled, and the "Little Jade Girl" became a mean look.

And Bei Yao, after drawing the stick, seemed to stretch out the tender leaves, and she was thrilling, becoming the school flower of the second middle school of C city.

But Bei Yao couldn't comfort her mother, she would become very attractive in the future, even if Zhao Zhilan said nonsense as a child. Bei Yao stared and stared all night last night, rebirth is too mysterious. She is grateful for everything she has once again, so she intends to obediently be a four-year-old baby girl and stay with her parents to provide for them. Even if she does not marry in this life, she will not cause her parents to be middle-aged for her. Things are exhausted and desperate.

After she finished her meal obediently, Zhao Zhilan wiped her mouth.

Bei Yao's little milk said: "Mom, I'm going to kindergarten."

Zhao Zhilan smiled and said, "You usually don't go out when you rush you. You don't need to go if you are sick today."

Bei Yao was sick, and her voice was soft and soft: "I want to go." Her eyes were earnest and wet.

Zhao Zhilan felt soft and touched her forehead: "Go back that afternoon."

Bei Yao remembered what her father had said in the morning, but Pei Chuan hadn't picked up all night, and felt a little uneasy. However, a four-year-old child can't twist his arms, so he can only listen to Zhao Zhilan's words.

In the afternoon, Bei Yao was sent to the kindergarten smoothly.

There were a few stink trees planted at the entrance of "Evergreen Kindergarten". In the garden, several plum blossoms are planted, which smells fragrant in winter. The equipment in the kindergarten in 1996 was so simple that there would be no such equipment as a slide.

There are only two seesaws made of wooden boards, all alone in the yard.

The weather changes rapidly in summer. As soon as the sun comes out, the hail melts and wets the seesaw, and it can no longer be used for the time being.

Teacher Xiao Zhao is organizing children to play games.

Teacher Xiao Wu will come next week, and Teacher Zhao is very busy alone.

When Zhao Zhilan handed Bei Yao's soft little hand to Teacher Xiao Zhao, Bei Yao looked into the classroom and the children were throwing away the handkerchief. Everyone is clapping their hands and singing, only one person doesn't—

Pei Chuan turned his head and met Bei Yao's eyes.

There was nothing in his eyes.

But for a short while, he turned his head and stopped looking at her.

Pei Chuan was also placed among the children. He is undoubtedly the most special child in the kindergarten because he does not have a pair of legs. Teacher Xiao Zhao felt sorry for him, and the children were afraid that he would hate him again. With such contradictions, he seemed to be a burden to the entire kindergarten.

Therefore, Pei Chuan is incompatible with everyone else.

The children sang songs in their immature voices, and Xiao Zhao smiled and placed Bei Yao among the children. Pei Chuan is opposite Bei Yao.

"Throw it, throw the handkerchief, and gently throw it behind the kid. Don't tell him, please catch him quickly, catch him quickly~"

The handkerchief fell behind Chen Hu. The little fat man did not react. After the children looked at him with a laugh, Chen Hu suddenly turned his head and saw the blue handkerchief behind him, jumping up like a small ball to catch people. As a result, the child in front had already returned to his seat.

Chen Hu depressedly became the person who lost the handkerchief in the next round, sang a nursery rhyme taught by the teacher as punishment, and then continued the game.

Four or five-year-old children in a circle clapped their hands: "Throw it away, throw away the handkerchief~"

In the children's immature singing, the little fat man rolled his eyes and looked at Pei Chuan in the wheelchair. Bei Yao's heart jumped. She had never been to kindergarten this day in her previous life, but after the next day, Pei Chuan never spoke, and even refused to come to kindergarten, completely becoming a taciturn boy.

So what did he experience

As the song continued to sing, Chen Hu Xiaopangdun'er dropped his handkerchief behind Pei Chuan. At this time, Teacher Xiao Zhao took a child with a stomachache to the toilet.

The audience suddenly fell silent, even if it was a child, he knew with emotion that Pei Chuan had no legs and he couldn't catch anyone.

Pei Chuan turned his head and lowered his eyes to see the handkerchief behind him.

Chen Hu made a proud face at him, and the children giggled at his funny appearance.

Xiao Pei Chuan gritted his teeth, leaned on the low wheelchair with one hand, and bent down hard at the same time.

Chen Hu pointed at him and laughed.

Bei Yao's heartbeat is fast, don't pick it up... Don't pick it up...

In summer, cicadas croak on the chrysanthemum tree.

Pei Chuan bit his lip hard and picked up his handkerchief with difficulty. His eyes were dark and heavy, like an abyss of silence.

Amid the laughter of all the children, his thin arms began to force the wheelchair forward.

It's a pity that he broke his leg when he was five years old, and he is not familiar with wheelchairs.

Every step that the wheelchair pushes is like a snail crawling.

The children's exclamation drove him forward. He didn't look at anyone. With the blue handkerchief on his mutilated leg, he chased Chen Hu in front of him.

Know the sound one after another.

Chen Hu deliberately ran very slowly, clutching his stomach and laughing.

Pei Chuan twisted the direction.

He can't control the direction of the wheelchair, and doesn't know how to use force.

In the summer of five years old, he was like a sleepy beast. He was irritable and desperate, driving the wheelchair to chase. Stubbornly refused to admit defeat.

The ignorant children were laughing at him.

With tears in his eyes, he wanted to grab something. So adjust the wheelchair over and over again.

Bei Yao stared at him blankly with Xing'er eyes open.

The more she grows up, she will forget many things in her childhood. In her memory, Pei Chuan was a disabled year without legs, but that was all. There is no place for him in her life. If he had not become a "devil" and had protected her expressionlessly, she might not pay much attention to him for the rest of her life.

He is the devil of the world, but he is Be Yao's benefactor.

I secretly liked her as a darling for a lifetime.

She realized that she had to do something.

When Chen Hu jumped and ran over, Bei Yao turned awkwardly and hugged Chen Hu's leg.

Chen Hu shouted, "Bei Yao, let go, what are you doing?" The little fat man beat his chest and feet, and wanted to throw Bei Yao away.

The four-year-old girl has no strength, and the little fat man is like a savage bull. When she was in a hurry, Bei Yao almost couldn't hold him.

Baiyao blinked, like a piece of brown candy, half-prone on the ground and tightly holding the little fat man's leg to prevent him from leaving. No matter how strong the five-year-old fat man is, it is impossible to run laps with "calf candies".

The kindergarten suddenly became a group.

In the hot summer of July, Bei Yao wore a pair of bean-green cloth shorts, which was knee-length long, and her bare calves were about to be rubbed red by the ground.

The child's skin was delicate and tender, and her Xing'er had a carelessly delicate look in her eyes, and she was almost lying on the ground.

Because she still had a fever, Bei Yao's little milk voice was a little dumb: "Don't go!"

Chen Hu couldn't make it away, he was going crazy, and finally cried with a "wow".

Bei Yao was stunned.

She looked up at the little fat man who was howling and crying blankly, then turned her head to Pei Chuan who couldn't see far away. He, why couldn't he come to catch.

What if she made Xiao Chenhu cry

Pei Chuan took the blue handkerchief and looked down at her. She just raised her eyes. With a pair of Xing'er eyes that were so brilliant in the summer sun, she looked up at him blankly and bewildered.

Chen Hu cried loudly, with a high-pitched voice, like a plucked rooster, crying with nasal bubbles.

Pei Chuan looked at her wet eyes and Chen Hu who was trapped by her and jumped.

He pursed his lips, dropped his handkerchief on the ground, stopped looking at them, and pushed the wheelchair to the door laboriously.

The handkerchief fell in front of Bei Yao. She was still lying on her stomach, keeping a posture of trapping Chen Hu, not knowing whether to let go.

Chen Hu cried loudly, and the young children in the kindergarten also cried. Teacher Xiao Zhao saw this sight as soon as she walked in, and she hurried forward to hug Xiao Bei Yao.

Pei Chuan has reached the door.

There was the voice of Teacher Xiao Zhao coaxing Little Fatty.

He looked at the door, it was already the next afternoon, and his father and mother still hadn't come.

Behind him, there was a commotion.

Pei Chuan never looked back. Although he never speaks, he knows many things. For example, the most popular children in the kindergarten are Chen Hu and Fang Minjun.

Because Chen Hu would be funny and would take everyone to play, Fang Minjun looked good and dressed beautifully.

For another example, the little girl who just looked at him with bright eyes is the youngest girl in the kindergarten. She was sent to the kindergarten early this month and lives in the same community as his family.

Crying, squeamish, easy to get sick.

They all call her Yaoyao.