Devil’s Warmth

Chapter 42: 42. Pain relief


At the beginning of November, the weather turned completely cold, and everyone had to wear slightly thicker autumn clothes.

The major event that is going to happen in the community recently is that Officer Pei's house is going to move.

Cao Li and Pei Haobin obtained the certificate for more than a year, and they also lived in the community for a year. This woman is quite good at getting along with people, but there are a few friends in the community.

It’s just that Zhao Zhilan and Pei Haobin’s ex-wife Jiang Wenjuan were able to get along well. This year, facing Cao Li has been embarrassing, so the relationship between the other ladies and Cao Li is not as good.

Speaking of housewarming is also a happy event, Pei Haobin specially found a good day to move over.

Pei Haobin was incorruptible, and all gifts from neighbors were confiscated, and Cao Li was also told not to accept it. Although Cao Li felt a little regretful in her heart, she was able to handle such a major event in her heart, and she responded quickly.

When the Pei family found the moving company and started to move, Pei Haobin hesitated to ask Bai Yutong again.

"He really said he won't come back?"

Bai Yutong's eyes flickered, and he hesitated: "Well, yes."

Pei Haobin sighed long, that slap seemed to be an abyss between him and Pei Chuan. He couldn't speak out and couldn't move forward, and Pei Chuan's character would naturally not compromise.

However, if Pei Chuan does not come back, and one day he finds that his old home is gone, what should he do

Pei's family moved Pei Chunli and Liu Dong also came to congratulate him.

Liu Dong's face was all red: "Big Brother, don't hesitate to tell me what's useful to me. Oh, this is Tongtong, it looks better than last year. My sister-in-law has a better complexion."

Cao Li was happy after hearing the compliment, and quickly poured tea for the couple: "Where is it."

Pei Chunli hesitated to say something but stopped: "Brother, you are moving, Xiaochuan..."

In the festive atmosphere, it was as if a pause button was pressed, and Liu Dong secretly twisted the dull woman.

Pei Chunli felt sad and remembered the lonely teenager guarding Pei Haobin alone more than a year ago. She was afraid that her father would never wake up again. No one would take care of her. Liu Dong, an unscrupulous and flattering man in her family, also refused to adopt Pei Chuan.

Pei Chunli is the aunt of Pei Chuan anyhow, even if the atmosphere is not right, she insisted and said in pain: "Xiao Chuan will only be an adult tomorrow summer. How can he live by himself? Big brother, the child is rebellious, it is not a sin. He will go to university in the future, look for a job, marry a wife, what can he do if he has no family members?"

Liu Dong looked at Pei Haobin's silent face, and said quickly: "Chunli is ignorant, Xiaochuan can bear it, isn't it a good year this year."

Bai Yutong didn't say a word. She naturally didn't want Pei Chuan to come back. The man had a terrible temper, and she felt frightened when she thought of him. However, if I don't want Pei Chuan to come back, it is impossible to say it in the open, even if it is stupid, it is impossible to say it in front of Uncle Pei.

Cao Li smiled and rounded up the field: "Chunli is talking about this, but my family Tongtong went to ask a few days ago, the kid didn't want to come back."

Liu Dong was disdainful, a handicapped person, returning to university, marrying a daughter-in-law, but thinking a lot, which family is willing to marry a girl-in-law, just his mother-in-law has no brains. But in front of Officer Pei, he couldn't teach Pei Chunli, he could only look at Pei Haobin.

Pei Haobin lowered his head and said, "I'm going to ask him after get off work."

After all, he is the head of the family, and his temper is not very different from Pei Chunli. No one dared to object to such a decision.

Pei Haobin came to the third middle school in the evening, and he was a little cramped when he came here for the first time.

The third middle school only started to study late at night, and Pei Haobin went to find the teacher in charge of Peichuan's class.

Pei Chuan's class teacher is a woman about forty years old. After learning about Pei Haobin's intentions, she was surprised: "Are you his father? But his file says that both parents are dead."

Pei Haobin was shocked, angry that this rebellious son even changed the file.

The head teacher said: "Since you are his father, it has been a year or two. Why did you never show up? The parents' meeting did not come and you did not ask him about his situation. Originally, we saw that he was the person who brought him here. We expected a lot. Yes, but he is followed by those rich second-generation generations in his class, and we can’t control it. You parent, I didn’t even think about it.”

Pei Haobin felt cold afterwards.

The one between him and Pei Chuan was never divorced with Jiang Wenjuan. And those broken legs, midnight dreaming back of the nightmare he and Jiang Wenjuan shared, and the medal stained with blood by his son.

Both parents are dead.

This is Pei Chuan's cognition and choice.

Pei Haobin didn't know how he got out of the school. He was still tall and straight. After all, he was only forty years old this year, but his heart seemed to be crushed by a heavy stone, which made people breathless.

The Pei family finally moved out, and there was one less family in the community.

Pei Haobin's family took a lot of things away, but in the end no one called Pei Chuan.


Zhao Zhilan said: "Although Officer Pei is a good person, I always feel that he is missing a streak in the case of Pei Chuan. Alas, it sounds angry."

However, household chores in other people's homes are at most talks before and after dinner.

As soon as autumn passed, winter came quickly, and Beckham was one year older after the military year. Last year's old quilted jacket could not be worn, and he was at the age of preschool.

Zhao Zhilan was under a lot of pressure. She missed a year of work when she gave birth to her second child. The two children are a huge burden for the family.

Not to mention that every family has difficult sutras, the hardest sutras in her family are her own brothers. Bei Yao and Bei Jun’s uncle used to drove into someone and spent a lot of money to fish him out. All of the Bei family’s savings went in.

Zhao Xing didn't live up to it. In the next few years, he was abandoned at home. The money was not enough, and he became a bottomless pit.

Zhao Zhilan felt very sorry for her husband and children.

Although I won't borrow a penny from Zhao Xing anymore, the money I already borrowed is gone if I don't have it, I can't hack someone to death, right? The most uncomfortable thing is Bei Yao's grandmother. After all, Zhao Xing is the only son of grandmother. At that time, the patriarchal thought was too serious.

It’s almost 2008, Zhao Xiu’s family is getting better and better, Pei’s family has also moved, even Chen Hu’s family has been pretty good these two years, it is their family, because of Zhao Xing’s affairs, life is very difficult .

Zhao Zhilan simply put Bei Yao's childhood clothes on Bei Jun: "Anyway, it's not like your sister Shui Ling, and everything is the same. This year, it will be the same."

Bei Jun was dressed in women's clothing, and he didn't mind holding a small sword, Hu Tianhudi.

Children of this age don't have that much face.

It's just that Bei Yao couldn't laugh or cry when she saw it, a little bit distressed for her brother.

Zhao Zhilan said: "Yaoyao has to buy new clothes. It will be seventeen next year. My mother saw a winter dress in the store two days ago and said that the little girl wears the best look."

Bei Yao hasn't refused yet, Bei Jun said: "Good! Buy something nice for my sister!"

Zhao Zhilan thought, fortunately, this son was not born in vain. Know that I love the only girl at home.

In December C, the first snowfall of the year started. Zhao Zhilan and Bei Licai both went to work. Bei Jun said: "Sister, I really want to go to the city to play. I heard that there are bright lights in the city during the Chinese New Year. Some people built snowmen, and Xiaogang's guns were bought in the city."

The Beiyao school is in the city. She is familiar with the terrain, glanced at her brother's nondescript dress, then went back to the room and took out the money she had saved: "Let's go, sister will take you to buy clothes."

No matter what clothes Bei Jun is or not, he is so happy that he can go out.

Bei Yao hugged Bei Jun to the car, and not long after, a decadent man walked out of the corner. He watched Bei Yao's sister and brother walk away and knocked on the door: "Sister, brother-in-law!"

No one answered.

Zhao Xing rubbed his hands anxiously, remembering his wife's divorce, and chasing after the place where the brothers and sisters left.


Although it is snowing in city C in winter, it is not particularly cold.

Beiyao took his younger brother. The children were easy to get hungry. Beiyao glanced at the money in his pocket and took him to KFC, which Beiyao had never eaten in his life.

Pei Jun walked out of the KFC store, and did not forget to suck his fingers: "Sister, this'German chicken' is really delicious."

Bei Yao wiped his mouth: "Children can't eat more. If they eat too much, they won't grow up."

She was afraid that her brother would be worried, but Bei Jun thought for a while: "If there is this'German Chicken' to eat, it doesn't matter if it grows tall."


At the end of 2007.

The heavy snow flies, Bei Yao is holding her younger brother, her face is white, and she looks even better than ice sculptures. People on the street couldn't help but look at her, even if they were in a hurry.

Bei Yao remembered that she took her brother to buy a cotton jacket. She was not strong enough to hold him all the time, so she led him away.

The country’s successful bid for the Olympics, the streets are full of prosperity, 2008 must be a good year.

She bought new clothes for Bei Jun, and took her brother into the car home.

Zhao Xing followed all the way, but didn't find a good time. His niece looked good, and she was eye-catching wherever she went. He was anxious and had to be patient. Zhao Zhilan's sister was no longer willing to lend him any more money, so he had no choice but to make a move.

But if you wait any longer, Bei Yao will take Bei Jun home.

Zhao Xing couldn't control that much anymore, it was his nephew anyway. He rushed over, picked up the Beijun and ran.

Bei Jun pulled her sister, was frightened when she was picked up, and never let go: "Sister! Sister!"

Bei Yao was also taken aback. After seeing the visitor, she had a bad feeling in her heart: "Uncle."

"Let go of Bei Yao! I just took Bei Jun to play for two days."

Where can Beiyao let go, she immediately shouted: "Someone abducts a child!"

The crowd looked over, and Zhao Xing's face flushed red: "What nonsense are you talking about, I'm your uncle!"

He gritted his teeth, pushed Bei Yao hard, then picked up Bei Jun and walked away. Bei Yao didn't let go, but the child had fragile bones. If she didn't let go, Bei Jun's arm might be broken.

Zhao Xing doesn't care about this, she can't care about it.

Bei Yao looked around, her eyes flushed with anxiety: "Please, everyone, he is a trafficker!"

Bei Jun cried bitterly, and someone felt compassionate and came over to stop Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing's eyes were fierce: "Don't come over, don't come over!" He actually took out a folding knife and held it against Bei Jun, "I am the uncle of this child, I will not hurt him, go away, you all go away."

Someone has quietly called the police, and this move almost collapsed Zhao Xing's already tense nerves: "Don't call the police!"


When Pei Chuan ran down, Jin Yang and the others didn't react.

The newly opened shopping mall in this area is the property of Ji Wei's family. Who knows that there is a lot of excitement below, and who originally wanted to see the excitement, who would have thought that Pei Chuan's face suddenly changed.

Zhao Xing's nose and tears flowed down his face, and his body twitched a little. The Beijun in his arms was frightened and cried loudly.

Zhao Xing couldn't hold him steady, and Bei Jun fell off.

Bei Yao pushed everyone away and stepped forward to hug her younger brother.

Zhao Xing's eyes were red: "No robbing, no robbing!" He was out of reason and stabbed him with a knife.

Snow fell on her eyelids, Bei Yao tightly closed her eyes.

Bei Jun cried so loudly, and the next moment a warm embrace hugged them together.

He held the knife with a sharp point and pierced his palm across it.

Pei Chuan got up and hit Zhao Xing's face with a punch.

For seven years of boxing, if he beats someone, no one can stop him.

When Jin Jinyang and the others came down, the man named Zhao Xing curled up on the ground with blood on his face besides tears and nose.

Ji Wei was shocked, and some didn't dare to look at it.

Pei Chuan seemed to be mad, punching and punching, but with three punches, Zhao Xing was so angry. The knife, if it either pierced his palm, or pierced Bei Yao.

Bei Yao said loudly: "Pei Chuan!"

Pei Chuan's arms swelled with blue veins, he shocked and let go of Zhao Xing. Someone in the crowd has already called the police.

The police car arrived first, then the ambulance.

Bei Jun cried: "Sister, my hand hurts."

Pei Chuan stood quietly and turned to leave.

Bei Yao was worried and had a headache. Zhao Xing must be sent to the hospital under police surveillance. Bei Jun also had to go to the hospital to see. Bei Yao put him in the ambulance and asked the nurse to say: "You can help me see my brother, please wait for me."

She ran in the snow, and before Pei Chuan walked to Jinyang and them, she reached out and held his uninjured hand.

Pei Chuan frowned and turned back, his voice a little dumb: "What's the matter?"

"You go to the hospital with me." She raised her eyes, and his appearance was reflected in her.

Pei Chuan pursed his lips and said, "Don't go."

He raised his hand to shake off Bei Yao's hand. The other injured hand was so painful and bloody that it was difficult for him to speak nonchalantly.

Ji Wei whispered behind him: "Brother Chuan, or go..."

"Shut up!"

Ji Wei shut up honestly.

Bei Yao was so angry that she had no choice but to take the stubborn Pei Chuan since she was a child. What is he going to do? To reject the hospital so much, do you have to wait until his own personal doctor comes over and deal with it hastily

Pei Chuan has already broken away from her hand. After all, with Bei Yao's strength, if he really wants to break away, it will be easy.

Bei Yao was angry and scared, and added unspeakable sadness.

Why are you so worried and annoying!

She burst into tears, sobbing and crying.

Seeing her sister crying not far away, Bei Jun cried harder with a wow, Pei Chuan frowned, glanced at Bei Yao, and then at Bei Jun whose magic sound pierced his ears.

Pei Chuan paused when the little boy wore Bei Yao's pink, tender and tender clothes when he was a child.

Both sisters and brothers were so embarrassed that they cried.

Pei Chuan was very upset: "Let's go."

In the end, he followed them to the hospital. The doctor said, “The kid’s hands are fine, his fingers were scratched by his nails, but you...” He pointed to Pei Chuan, “It’s such a big blood hole, you think you are Guan Gong."

Sterilize, sew, and bandage. It took a long time to finish the series, but fortunately it didn't hurt the bones.

Bei Jun's hands were disinfected with alcohol and cried loudly. After the disinfection, Bei Yao gave him a blow, and he cried and fell asleep.

Pei Chuan is next door, she put down her brother and went to see him.

The young man said nothing, terribly frightened.

Just gritted his teeth tightly.

When Bei Yao passed by, the doctor had already bandaged and went out.

It was dusk outside the window, and there was heavy snow with goose feathers, and it was very beautiful. Pei Chuan got up and was about to leave, and happened to meet Bei Yao at the door.

Her eyes were filled with the purity of ice and snow, and she whispered: "I'm sorry...Thank you."

His hands were still sore, and his voice hoarse: "It's okay, let me give you a hand."

In the end, what Bai Yutong said that day was still like a thorn, making him want to suppress his feelings from hibernation all winter.

Poor, you are so pitiful.

Bei Yao looked at the pale and indifferent face of the teenager, and suddenly remembered what she had searched that night, she said softly: "Uh... My brother also had pain just now. He said there is a way to stop the pain."

He frowned. how is this possible.

Beiyao turned her heart to give it a try. Her cheeks were powdered and she looked at Pei Chuan who was much taller than herself: "Sit down."

He didn't want to play mischief with her, but it was a long time since he saw her. From early autumn to snowing, as soon as Pei Haobin moved away, he only saw her from a distance.

He sat down in silence.

The tips of Baiyao's ears were reddish, and his dark pupils looked over.

Her heart was pounding, and December snow flew outside the window. It is said that Christmas is approaching, and every child has a gift.

She closed her butterfly wing and long eyelashes, bent down slightly, her cherry lips were very light and light, and she kissed the boy's side face.

Just touch it.

She flushed with panic and ran out. He sat there, his heart exploded.

In the world of Pei Chuan, the snow stopped for a moment.

Where did she hear about pain relief. Oh shit…