Devil’s Warmth

Chapter 56: 56. In the cabinet


In October, the creeper at Bei Yao's window withered. The little boy bent over and mopped the floor with everyone with the mop.

The classroom is full of dust, and his face is expressionless, unlike other classmates who sweep the floor and fight. He repeated the monotonous movements, quietly silent, as if the extreme and malicious words just now were not what he said to himself, but his own imagination. Zhuo Yingjing felt absurd and terrible.

She finished wiping the window with a pale face, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, trying to verify if it was a bad joke.

Zhuo Yingjing grabbed a female classmate who had gone to the bathroom and asked in a low voice, "Do you know that Pei Chuan in our class has his legs..."

The girl glanced at Zhuo Yingjing in surprise, and remembered that Zhuo Yingjing was Pei Chuan's new tablemate. The girl looked awkward for two seconds, looked at Zhuo Yingjing with sympathy and sigh, and then said in a low voice: "He has no calves, it is said that he has a prosthesis. Look carefully at his walking posture, and it is normal. People are different."

Zhuo Yingjing was struck by lightning, and she never thought that the indifferent and cold boy had such a terrible incompleteness.


There was a basketball court on the way out of the junior high school. When Pei Chuan walked over with his schoolbag on his back, a basketball flew straight over.

He raised his hand to catch the ball that almost hit him.

Several teenagers over there were shocked in a cold sweat, and a teenager who picked up the ball said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! We didn't mean it, are you okay?"


"You are so quick to react, and you have good skills, let's play together when you have time."

It was the first time that Pei Chuan heard such praise, and found it ironic and funny. He didn't reply, and turned out of the basketball court with his schoolbag on his back.

Pei Chuan was very upset.

In fact, he didn't expect that the thing he minded the most would one day be said so radically by himself. However, Pei Chuan was much calmer than he thought. He could almost guess Zhuo Yingjing's psychological journey. She would go to verify with other classmates, and then gradually alienate herself.

If it's serious...

If it is serious, she will apply to the teacher to change the same table.

A few pomegranate flowers bypassed the tortuous path. They have passed the flowering period, and withered somewhat in the autumn.

In the depths of the flower, Bei Yao was sitting on the rock with her knees hugging her schoolbag in her arms.

She was wearing a red and white school uniform, and when she saw Pei Chuan pass by, she quickly followed.

"Pei Chuan." She held her schoolbag, "I didn't understand the last math problem that Teacher Qin said today. Do you know how?"

He was silent, without squinting: "No."

"Then I'll go back to understand and tell you if it's okay."

"No need to."

"are you angry?"


She bit her lip and couldn't help but smiled: "Pei Chuan, you can change your name to'Pei is not happy'."

Pei Chuan was very angry, he couldn't tell what he was angry with, even in her opinion it was naive for no reason. "Pei is not happy" with a cold face, dark eyes glanced at her.

Bei Yao said: "Don't be upset, I'll give you my nine-linked ring, OK?"

She bowed her head and took out an exquisite nine-link chain from her schoolbag, which Bei Licai bought for her specially. Bei Yao is still not willing to play, it is said that it is difficult to unlock.

She smiled and shook the nine series, and it jingled.

Pei Chuan took it over with a cold face, and in her surprised sight, he untied the whole nine chains in less than two minutes.

He pushed it back into her hand and walked forward without saying a word.

Bei Yao held the neatly solved nine-links, froze for a while and followed. The autumn wind blew the boy's black hair. She lowered her head and messed up Jiu Lianhuan as she walked.

Bei Yao solved it by herself, but couldn't solve it.

Bei Yao was not angry at his indifference, she walked beside him, humming softly. She sang Joey Yung's new album "My Pride" in 2003.

"Pride in your eyes

Write a half-life for me..."

Bei Yao's voice is soft and soft, and she sings very well.

Pei Chuan slowed down and walked side by side with her. The girl's footsteps are brisk, it is obviously autumn, but with the tenderness and vigor of spring.

"Pei Chuan, do you think the Chinese teacher looks good?"

Pei Chuan paused: "It doesn't look good."

"Oh." Bei Yao was a little disappointed. The Chinese teacher is a pure and moving woman. In Bei Yao's memory, she was almost like this when she lost weight in her second year. Then Pei Chuan must also feel that he will not look good in the future.

"Pei Chuan, let's make up."

He pursed his lips.

"The new puppy from Grandma Zhou's house keeps barking when she sees me. I'm scared when I go home these days."

Pei Chuan suddenly turned around and looked at her with his eyes down. He paused every word: "So, my role is to drive the dog for you."

Her Myolie’s eyes reflected his appearance at the moment, and then those eyes slowly bend, like the most moving peach blossoms that once filled the sky: "No, I will not be afraid if you are here, if it rushes over, I will protect you."

The bulging balloon in his heart seemed to be pierced by a needle, and he was suddenly discouraged.

When he got home, she hesitantly asked him: "Pei Chuan, are we reconciled?"

He said, "Shut up and go home."

Bei Yao understood what he meant and smiled happily.


Pei Chuan felt that he was particularly unbelievable. He obviously didn't intend to forgive Bei Yao so easily, but he was inexplicably reconciled.

Zhuo Yingjing went to the teacher and asked to change her seat, but she couldn't say why, so she didn't change her seat.

In the spring of the first semester, a major event happened to the children in the community—Fang Minjun’s family bought a house in the center of the city. After the Chinese New Year, the family will move out of the community. This is exactly the same as Bei Yao’s memory, Fang Minjun The family will gradually become rich, because house prices will rise in the next two years.

A large group of teenagers watched Fang Minjun get on the motorcycle reluctantly, and Bei Yao also went to see her off.

Baiyao in the first grade is not very tall, so she can only stand behind the crowd. She saved a month's pocket money and bought a little rabbit coin purse for Fang Minjun.

The arrogant Fang Minjun accepted everyone's gifts, then nodded with his chin raised.

Pei Chuan looked at him coldly from a distance, seemingly out of tune with them. Bei Yao saved pocket money and he knew that she hadn't bought a candy or any bottle of drink in a month.

Bei Yao waved her hand vigorously: "Minmin, come back to play!"

Fang Minjun looked at the young girls behind him, apart from the joy of moving to a new house, he finally felt a little melancholy. She held her change purse and looked at Bei Yao with a complicated expression. Fang Minjun and Bei Yao have been compared for ten years. She doesn't like Bei Yao, but there is no way to hate her.

Bei Yao is like a soft little moon, without any sharp edges.

However, looking at Bei Yao's delicate but fat facial features, Fang Minjun almost subconsciously aroused a sense of crisis in his heart.

Now Bei Yao looks like a cute child, what if one day she becomes a beautiful girl? Then the only thing that can compare to Bei Yao is gone.

"It doesn't matter, I still go to a school with you." Fang Minjun waved, got in the car and left.

At the end of the spring, Chen Hu and Li Da were digging out ant dens. Pei Chuan went downstairs to throw rubbish and passed the corner.

Li Da smiled and said, "Chen Hu, you are not happy these few days, did Fang Minjun leave?"


"Don't lie to me, do you like her?"

Chen Hu's ears were red: "Fart, fart, it's not."

"If you like her, go and tell her, or take her home after school."

Chen Hu said dully, "I think too, but my cousin said,'distance produces beauty.' Girls don't like slimy boys. People will treat you as an older brother if you get too close. When I become tall and tall Shuai, I'll go find Minmin."

Pei Chuan squeezed the plastic bag tightly, and when they left, he went out and threw the trash away.

After school the next day, Bei Yao found out that Pei Chuan, who had been reconciled, had not waited for her, and left alone.

Bei Yao has a sense of crisis recently, because in her memory, Pei Chuan's parents had divorced in junior high school, but they seem to have not yet.

It is about to usher in the second year of the second year, and many important things will happen in the second year.

For example, Pei Chuan's personality will change drastically.

For example, Fang Minjun's appearance began to change, and Hong Kong star Chang Xue fell off the altar because of her involvement in other people's families.

And Bei Yao... finally she has the memories of her freshman year.

She looked at her white and soft face in the mirror.

In the memory, once this winter... she will begin to transform like a butterfly out of a cocoon.

The memory is too vague and long, Bei Yao even doubts, will she really become that amazing school girl in high school

Teacher Xiao Zhao was busy changing his pants for the boy in the corner. The little boy looked at the yellow urine on his pants and under the wheelchair without saying a word.

Seeing that the ignorant dolls outside the classroom picked up the hail, Teacher Xiao Zhao was afraid that he would be killed, and he didn't care that the black-haired boy had half of his pants off, so he hurried to bring the children back outside.

Only four little boys remained in the classroom, and a little girl in the front row who was sleeping with a fever.

Among the little boys, there was a chubby boy named Chen Hu. Like the name, he had a tiger-headed and a tiger-headed head and was exceptionally healthy. There were two groups of plateau red on his white and chubby cheeks, which was a circle larger than the other children.

Chen Hu rolled his eyes and was looking at hail that he hadn't seen outside. Who knew he was so close, he smelled the urine. He shook his nose and turned his head. Pei Chuan in the wheelchair was lifting his pants by himself.

It's a pity that he was empty below his knees, and he couldn't even take advantage of it.

For a long time, I could barely pull up the pants with urine, which covered the male sexual organs.

Chen Hu looked at the urine on the ground, and said in the child's sharp and unbelievable tone: "Look! Pei Chuan is peeing on his pants! It's all over the place."

Several boys in the classroom turned back and covered their mouths.

"He's so dirty!"

"I just saw it, Teacher Zhao is changing his pants!"

"He's still wearing those trousers, look at where he pee, hey!"

Pei Chuan's pale and thin face was stained with a red tide of shame. Biting his lip, he yanked down the picture book to block the drenched place. Shaking, he looked at the teacher outside the kindergarten.

Teacher Xiao Zhao came in with the last child in his arms and scolded the children: "That's called hail, don't you know that you are not allowed to eat it! The teacher will inform your parents to pick you up in a while!"

Fearing that the children would not be obedient, he said sternly: "The little baby will never grow taller after eating hail!"

As soon as this remark came out, several children immediately turned pale, with tears in their eyes, crying loudly.

"Teacher, am I not growing taller anymore..."

Teacher Xiao Zhao said: "Of course not, I'll be fine if I go back tonight and eat more rice."

The innocent children burst into laughter.

But innocence is sometimes the cruelest. The little fat man turned his finger at Pei Chuan: "Mr. Zhao, Pei Chuan is peeing on his pants!"

As soon as these words came out, Teacher Xiao Zhao remembered that the child's pants in the corner had only taken off half. However, the little fat man yelled loudly, and everyone in the class heard him.

Pei Chuan was shaking, tears falling down. He didn't mean it, he didn't mean it...

Suddenly the children's immature discussions sounded.

"I won't pee my pants at the age of three!"

"Mom said it was a dirty child who peeed his pants."

"Pei Chuan has no legs, he is still peeing his pants, we will not play with him in the future!"

"Playing with him will piss your pants!"

The voice of twitter finally awakened the little girl in the front row who had a fever.

Her cheeks flushed, her long eyelashes trembled, and she opened her steamy eyes.

The violent wind blew her two croissants, and Bei Yao blinked sluggishly, breathing hot. This immature body has no strength, she clearly remembers that she is dead, how could she...

She lowered her eyes, straightened up from the small round table, and looked at her soft and tender little hands with white and tender flesh.