Devil’s Warmth

Chapter 66: 66. In revision


In October, the creeper in front of Beiyao's window withered. Pei Chuan helped the desk to stand up, and when everyone was gone, he walked slowly outside the school alone.

He is carrying a black schoolbag. There is no other cartoon fighters on the schoolbag. What he has is just plain black. Pei Chuan's walking posture is a bit strange. He walks slowly, just like a snail climbing a green branch, working hard at every point.

Bei Yao poked out her head quietly, put her schoolbag on her back, and trot to follow.

When he reached him, the nearly ten-year-old boy turned his head sharply.

She stopped in her footsteps and looked at him through the cold October rain.

Pei Chuan's eyes were cold, Bei Yao hurriedly lowered her head and walked past him.

After she had walked out for a while, Pei Chuan continued to move forward.

This section of the way home has not been repaired yet, so they can only take a small path. The trail is farther, and it takes 30 minutes to walk. It took Pei Chuan longer, not long before he put on the prosthesis, and the place where the stump touched the limb would be a little painful if he walked for a long time. Pei Chuan could only walk for a while and rest for a while.

He doesn't like the people he knows to see him walking home so strenuously, so he usually waits for all his classmates to finish before he gets up and goes home slowly.

Pei Chuan looked at the back of the girl in front of him disappearing, and his heart was slightly more annoyed.

What does she mean? Did you stay here deliberately to watch him joke? Just curious about how the disabled walk

The sparrow leaped up to the branch, her lovely back, farther and farther away.


Ding Wenxiang in the sixth grade is playing in the sand.

The road hasn't been repaired yet, and the road is full of concrete river sand. He and three sixth-grade boys are playing in the sand.

He is the leader of this group of people, and his grades are poor. His mother said that if he doesn't work hard, he won't study for him in junior high school.

Ding Wenxiang knew that his mother was frightening him, but his life was already ruined, so he didn't care if he still went to school. He heard from Brother Qiang that part-time job can also make a lot of money.

Sand leaked through his fingers, and there was no ring finger or little finger on his right hand.

This is because the grandmother in the countryside didn't take good care of him when he was young, and was cut off by the hogweed knife.

Twelve-year-old Ding Wenxiang was much taller than the other three boys. Someone pushed down the sand wall and talked about new things: "Ding Wenxiang, do you know that there is a boy in the fourth grade in our school who has no legs?"

Of course Ding Wenxiang knew, he clapped his hands: "I have seen it, in a wheelchair."

"Yes, but I heard two days ago that he has legs again and he can walk."

Ding Wenxiang's eyes widened.

"Really, if you don't lie to you, you can go. He has walked home during this period. Did you think he had a prosthetic leg? How can the prosthetic leg walk like a real leg?"

"Prosthetic leg?" Ding Wenxiang looked at his mutilated right hand, "I must go and see it."

He immediately disappeared from the sand. A sixth-grade boy said: "I know, he walks that path very slowly after school, like a turtle crawling, I will take you there."

Ding Wenxiang and a group of people walked around the road, their schoolbags draped on their shoulders, and they walked towards the small road in a hurry.

Pei Chuan walked slowly but steadily step by step. His eyes were dark, he stopped, and looked at the few big boys who came in front of him.

He didn't know them, so he paused and continued to move on.

Ding Wenxiang stared at his leg without blinking, and stretched out his hand to hold Pei Chuan's collar: "Boy, don't go, show me your prosthetic leg."

Pei Chuan's pupils were pitch black, and he stretched out his hand to break that hand without a word.

Ding Wenxiang originally thought that the disability, who looked weak and was two years younger than him, was not a threat. He didn't expect that the twisted hand would make his left hand hurt. Ding Wenxiang was forced to let go, but he became even more angry.

Twelve-year-old children have infinite destructive power, and they also start to save face. Ding Wenxiang said: "Hold people down!"

Several children swarmed up and pressed Pei Chuan to the ground.

"Go away!" Pei Chuan was also angry, but no matter how strong his arm was, he couldn't reach a group of young people two or three years older than him.

The path was full of mud, and his prosthesis was not proficient at all. After the center of gravity shifted, he was pressed on the ground, with dirty muddy water next to his cheeks. On the rainy road, the stench of the soil penetrated into the nasal cavity.

They held down his cheeks and arms, Pei Chuan knew what they were going to do, the peace on his face disappeared, and he struggled like a crazy little beast: "Let go of me! You let me go!"

Ding Wenxiang's hand was still hurting. He kicked Pei Chuan and followed his mother's curse: "Little beast."

Ding Wenxiang squatted down to untie Pei Chuan's shoelaces. Pei Chuan's shoelaces were very long, and after a few laps, they were tied to the outside of the trouser legs-he didn't want to show the prosthesis with abnormal colors.

The shoelaces were untied, and if Pei Chuan's trouser legs were opened again, there would be artificial legs without the slightest temperature inside.

This time is the peak of school.

The third grade and the first and second grades were playing around on the small road. Many people saw this scene, and then someone whispered: "That's Ding Wenxiang from the sixth grade."

Ding Wenxiang was very muddled at school.

The children in twos and threes opened their eyes wide and no one dared to step forward.

Pei Chuan dug his fingers into the muddy water. For the first time he had the idea of wanting everyone to die. If they had died, they would have died!

The shoelace of Pei Chuan's right leg was untied, and Ding Wenxiang blew an unbalanced whistle. He went to lift the boy's trouser legs.

Ding Wenxiang screamed with a severe pain in his back, and he turned his head back viciously.

A little girl in a green coat, holding a three-fingered tree branch, hit him on the back again.

Bei Yao was terrified. In her limited memory, she had never had a fight in her two lifetimes.

Ding Wenxiang glared at her, her hands were shaking, but she still clenched the branch and stood in front of Pei Chuan.

"You let him go." She hit the hands that held Pei Chuan one by one.

The sixth-grade children screamed in pain, and someone kicked Bei Yao.

She also cried.

She was so painful, Bei Yao bit her lip and still refused to lose that branch.

Half of Pei Chuan's face was in the muddy water, and he looked up at all this indifferently.

It was the first time that he saw Bei Yao crying. While crying, she waved a thick branch and hit the group of people. She said: "I want to tell us Teacher Cai and also tell my uncle that my uncle is a policeman and let him take you all away!"

Ding Wenxiang cursed, and then said, "If it wasn't for you to be a girl, I would kill you today!" He turned his head to look at the students who were scared by the'police', "Go, what are you doing while standing!" "

They are all gone.

Those in the lower grades who dared not come over also returned home one step at a time.

When there was no one on the small road, Bei Yao cried out sobbing.

She remembered this scene.

The memory is exactly the same, except that she was one of those lower-grade children in her previous life. Pei Chuan's trouser legs were finally lifted, and she saw a cold prosthesis that was different from the normal legs.

All the children showed timidity and surprise, and she was pulled back by a good friend. A good friend said: "That fake leg is so scary."

He was in the mud, looking at her with pitch-black eyes, and slowly fell silent.

Since then, Bei Yao never saw Pei Chuan wearing a prosthesis again, and he got back into a wheelchair.

She ran back in this life.

Bei Yao held a heavy branch, stepped on it for several years, squatted down beside him, tears on her white and soft cheeks.


Pei Chuan's silent eyes moved and turned to look at her.

She lost the tree branch, her body trembled, and she seemed to be more scared than him. Pei Chuan frowned and sat up with his arms supporting his body.

His clothes were wet with mud and water, and his original decent cleanness was completely gone.

Pei Chuan was expressionless, gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

The weeds on the roadside cut the skin of his palm.

He lowered his head, Bei Yao's apricot eyes were full of tears, and she was sobbing, at a loss. Such a little girl may only fight this kind of fight once in her life.

Pei Chuan walked forward slowly.

After walking many steps, she couldn't help but turned her head back, she was still squatting there.

"Bei Yao." He called her name for the first time, and said calmly, "Go home."

Bei Yao turned her head, her big eyes were red, like a little rabbit. She sobbed: "Oh."

Then she tried to stand up tremblingly, and followed him.

The late sunset showed half of his face. He didn't comfort him or wiped her tears, listening to her crying all the way.

"Pei Chuan, I'm a little scared."


"Will I be notified and criticized?"

"… Will not."

"I feel a little pain."


She wiped her eyes with the soft back of her hand, "Shall we walk home together tomorrow?"

He was silent for a long time: "Okay."

This year Bei Yao didn't know that the indifferent boy next to her would replace the tolerance and warmth of her childhood with the love and madness of her life, and return it in multiples.

The autumn leaves swirled and fell.

Bei Yao's long soft hair gradually grew, from the initial shoulder-length to the shoulder blades. Her hair is yellowish, with shallow curls, hanging in front of her chest. Because the hair is thinner than other little girls, it is extremely soft.

Tongyin does not distinguish between men and women, but Bei Yao's little milk voice hasn't really faded.

From the fourth to the sixth grade, Pei Chuan used prostheses in school. At first, he moved slowly, but in the end he could walk as fast as a normal teenager. He no longer stays at home during winter and summer vacations, he put on his gloves and started to learn boxing.

In the first month of the sixth grade, I heard that Ding Wenxiang, who had been promoted to the second year of junior high, was admitted to the hospital by a group of gangsters.

This matter didn't cause any disturbances. After two days of chatting as gossip before and after the tea and dinner, it was forgotten in the memories of the teenagers.

In April of the next semester of the sixth grade, Teacher Cai suddenly informed: "Pear and peach blossoms are in bloom, and our class will go out for a spring outing tomorrow."

A series of activities such as spring outings have not been banned this year.

The classroom was stunned for a moment, and bursts of cheers suddenly burst out.

Li Da said, "Let's go find Minmin."

Chen Hu thought for a while: "Catch the birds and shoot the cannons, don't play with girls." However, after thinking about Fang Minjun's beautiful and noble appearance, he agreed, "Well, let's go find her."

All the boys in the old quarter are here, except for Pei Chuan. The building here is very old and has special features. It is a bit like a large courtyard, but the floor will be higher.

The wall on the south side will be overgrown with creepers in summer, and now it has formed a layer of ice crystals.

It's very easy for them to find someone. They just stand downstairs and let go of their voices and shout: "Fang Minjun—"