Devil’s Warmth

Chapter 77: 77. Gentle Township


In October, the creeper at Bei Yao's window withered. After the long summer vacation, Pei Chuan's parents finally reached a compromise with each other.

The most suitable age for a child to install a prosthesis is between seven and fourteen years old. The body was too immature and couldn't bear the pain of prosthetic exercises. They finally decided to push this matter until Pei Chuan was nine years old.

When elementary school starts, it is much more lively than pre-kindergarten. In the early autumn of 1997, children in Pre-Kindergarten Class 1 corresponded to the first grade, while children from Class 2 were enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten Class 2.

Bei Yao was surprised to find a miraculous thing-there was quite a clear memory of the fourth grade in her mind.

Two major events happened in the fourth grade—the first was building roads from home to school. Children in Beiyao Community had to go to school by detours every day.

The second case was when my uncle drove into someone in the fourth grade and lost a lot of money. My mother used her savings to fill this bottomless pit while crying.

Beiyao was young and couldn't think about these things clearly. She only knew that two things meant bad.

However, the new head teacher is the new head teacher who can attract the attention of Xiao Xiao. In the first grade, their head teacher was named Hong Guanjing. A woman in her thirties who had a bad temper, Bei Yao remembered that she made a mistake in her homework once and was beaten in the palm of her hand.

She was subconsciously afraid of this unkind Chinese teacher and head teacher.

Bei Yao asked anxiously: "Mom, can I go to the second class of the first grade?"

Zhao Zhilan hugged her and stepped across the puddle: "No, the students in the preschool class can only go to the first grade class."

Bei Yao lay weakly in Zhao Zhilan's arms.

When she signed up, she discovered that the smiling female teacher was not Hong Guanjing, but a thin and intellectual female teacher. It's called Cai Qingyu.

Bei Yao was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered an important thing. In this life, she missed one kindergarten school, so her direction was completely different from before. She was supposed to go to pre-kindergarten now, so the teacher also changed.

This means that everything in the future is unknown.

Bei Yao quietly looked at this strange head teacher with big eyes, Cai Qingyu smiled and registered her, and then praised Zhao Zhilan: "I have seen Bei Yao's grades in the preschool class, very good."

Zhao Zhilan hurriedly said, "Thank you teacher, I will trouble you in the future."

"You are welcome."

Cai Qingyu pondered for a while, glanced at the little girl next to her mother, and asked Zhao Zhilan: "Are you and Pei Chuan in the same community?"


"Okay, it's okay. The children who have signed up will come to school tomorrow. We will distribute textbooks."

Cai Qingyu knew in advance that there would be a hot potato in her class, and she also talked with teacher Yu Qian in the preschool class. She teaches elementary school knowledge. It is not easy to teach for six years in a session. The language and math teachers are all female teachers, but no one can help Pei Chuan who is growing up take off his pants and go to the toilet.

Yu Qian sighed: "He is very sensitive. He never asked me to go to the toilet once in preschool. If possible, please take care of him."

Cai Qingyu was a little surprised inside.

She also knows that the growth path of such a disabled child is a curve, because she pays special attention to the few children who are neighbors in her class and Pei Chuan.

Chen Hu, Fang Minjun, Bei Yao, Li Da.

There are 62 students in the first grade class, and no one will be singled out. This time, Pei Chuan is at the same table.

But I heard from Teacher Yu that this child has no kindness to everyone, and it would be uncomfortable for any child to be at the same table with him.

Pei Chuan came early in the first grade. Teacher Cai waved to him. The child's eyes were silent in the morning light like the sky at dawn. He paused and pushed the wheelchair toward Teacher Cai.

Teacher Cai had known his character, so he didn't say much, and put the four names on the paper in front of him.

Teacher Cai smiled and briskly said: "Pei Chuan, teacher plays a game with you, you point to a name, and he will become your tablemate."

Teacher Cai knew that Pei Chuan, who had only attended preschool, was illiterate. She wanted to use this fair way to get this child to choose a tablemate.

Pei Chuan looked at the four names quietly with dark eyes.

He really didn't know.

Except for Fang Minjun's three-character words, he could guess it was her. The other three names became a multiple choice question in front of him.

He cast his eyes down.

There is a "big" he knows in the word "Da". He also guessed that the name was "Li Da".

There are only two options left.

He couldn't rule it out anymore.

He sat for a long time, Cai Qingyu couldn't help but urge him.

His gaze shifted slightly away and calmly settled on the pre-kindergarten grades spread out on the table. One is 50, one is 99. He took a look, then withdrew his gaze, this time he knew which name was Chen Hu and which name was Bei Yao.

The first lesson taught him in preschool is that if he doesn't fight, he will have nothing.

Life is not good for him, the selfish talents in this world will usher in the dawn. His finger skipped the first name on the paper and landed on the third name.


Bei Yao and Pei Chuan were at the same table again. She was extremely happy, and Xing'er had clear eyes, like water grapes.

Her little milk said glutinously: "Pei Chuan, shall I bring the stick together tomorrow?" Although her memory is a few years earlier, her mind is limited by this body, her childlike innocence is lovely and fresh.

Pei Chuan still didn't speak, he pursed his lips.

Everyone in the class has his own tablemate again, and he is not a good person. It deprived her of three-quarters of the probability that she would not be at the same table with him, and only in exchange for the next six years.

Because the tablemate became Pei Chuan again, Bei Yao was extremely happy. She took the thin colored sticks bought by her mother into her schoolbag and played with Pei Chuan after class.

The small stick was originally a tool used by the first-grade math teacher to teach addition and subtraction and counting, but Bei Yao knew that there was another game called picking up the small stick. Hold all the hands first, and then loosen it suddenly. The sticks will be scattered around the table, and then picked up one by one, but in the process, the other sticks should not be disturbed. Whoever picks more will win.

In the age of material scarcity, this is a game that all children love to play, just like the popular jumping ball in the second and third grades.

She handed him the stick: "You first."

Those who come first will have an advantage. Every child wants to fight for the first place. He looked at the innocent and clear eyes around him, and reached out to take it.

He played such a game with a little girl for the first time.

However, he was not as calm as a child. Her hands are clumsy, but he can pick it up calmly.

In the end, there were fifty sticks in total, 43 for him and 7 for Bei Yao.

Pei Chuan had a lot of colorful sticks in his hand. He looked at her, and she blinked cutely, looking at the lonely Qigen in her hand, knowing for the first time that playing with Pei Chuan was not fun at all.

His expressionless face can make her have no gaming experience.

The young Pei Chuan didn't know how to give in. He was like a young bamboo standing tenaciously in the hail in 1996, facing the wind, rain and beatings, but in the end he could only be broken by the wind.

Bei Yao grinned, showing her small deciduous teeth: "Pei Chuan is really amazing."

Bei Yao continued to play with him and was abused by him all the way.

He didn't let her. After playing this game and teaching simple addition and subtraction in mathematics, she still couldn't pick up more than ten.

She is immature and soft, with a child's greatest tolerance to contain his coldness.

However, the second hot summer, when the second grade came, Pei Chuan, who never drinks water at school, would bring an extra glass of water. Crossing the 38th line, the water cup will finally appear on Xiaobeiyao's table.


Fang Minjun was very broken.

In the final grade of the first grade, her Chinese and Mathematics scores were 93 and 94 respectively. And Bei Yao is 95, 100. So she was studying with her heart in her second grade.

What broke her even more was that the number one in the class with double percentage points was Pei Chuan, who had no double legs.

Fang Minjun almost cried, and finally Zhao Xiu asked. She cried and said: "Beiyao peeked at Pei Chuan's paper, but Pei Chuan didn't cover it."

Zhao Xiu thought to herself, Zhao Zhilan's daughter is good at cheating at a young age.

After she figured it out, she comforted Minjun below: "It's okay, after the third grade, I will change seats for the exam. I don't believe that she can copy others."

As for the number one, Pei Chuan, smart is smart, and his brain is good, but he is disabled in the end. It is estimated that finding a job and marrying a wife is a problem. Which family is willing to marry a girl to such a person.

As for Chen Hu, the bottom level in the entire community has been stable, and every time he took the exam, he ranked first from the bottom.


Pei Chuan hates two subjects the most.

Music and sports.

This is a class that all children like except him. The music class will teach singing. In the sunset, the female teacher steps on the organ to teach the children to sing songs from the music book.

This music class sings "Snail and Oriole".

He was seven years old and was changing his teeth. Two of the front teeth are missing, and I rarely speak at home. The strong self-esteem and shame made Pei Chuan listen in silence.

His little deskmate has a clear voice, like a cheerful little bird on a branch in the morning.

Bei Yao hasn't faded yet. Going to the little milky sound, there are still two flower buds wrapped with ribbons on her head. The teacher taught a sentence, and she sang a sentence: "The snail is carrying that heavy shell, climbing up step by step~"

She also started to change teeth, sing and talk, but she was very good, what the teacher taught her to sing. The children sang along with their crisp voices.

Music teacher Zhu frowned and looked at Pei Chuan by the third row of windows.

She stopped stepping on the organ and frowned: "Pei Chuan, why don't you sing with everyone?"

Pei Chuan's black pupil quietly looked at the teacher.

This child has no other children's fear of the teacher, his eyes are like stagnant water. He didn't even answer Teacher Zhu's words.

Teacher Zhu felt shameless, and there was no reason to loathe his cold and gloomy existence.

She said: "You have bad legs, but you can sing but you can't. Do you know if you don't respect the teacher like this?"

Pei Chuan remained silent.

Teacher Zhu was so angry that she used her teacher's coercion: "From now on, I will sing a sentence, and you will sing it along!"

The early spring in April comes at the end of late March.

The peach blossoms are full of branches, and the willow branches in spring are slender and verdant, gently swaying as the wind blows. The peach blossoms on the small road opened all the way, the petals kept falling, Bei Yao raised her small face, and the petals fell in her hair.

When she went out in the morning, Bei Yao had washed her hair, and now her soft hair was still loose. She stood in front of the classmates, raising her hand to tie up the dried hair.

The six-year class is divided into two queues, one for boys and one for girls.

Hua Ting was not happy all the way, she was short, standing first in the girls queue, Fang Minjun behind, and Bei Yao standing third.

Fang Minjun and Bei Yao are the youngest children in the first class of the sixth grade, and it is understandable that they are shorter. But Hua Ting is not young anymore. She entered school at an average age, but she never grows tall. However, she is not long, but growing elsewhere. She developed earlier than other children, and now she has a girlish curve in front of her chest.

Early development is not a good thing. Hua Ting feels that occasionally boys and girls in the class are extremely ashamed to look at her curiously. She tried to hold her breasts as much as possible, so as not to let people look at her full breasts.

Hua Ting walked with her head down, extremely depressed.

In 2002, a comedy film by Hong Kong Star Chang Xue became popular all over the country. The beauty of ice and snow sculptures is well-known, which also brought the fame of "Little Jade Girl" Fang Minjun to a climax.

Eleven-year-old Fang Minjun, with the arrogance of a little girl, was wearing a white skirt, and many people in the boys' queue were secretly watching her.

Hua Ting stood next to Fang Minjun, very uncomfortable. She always felt that those eyes that admired the amazing shifted to her, and they became curious about her premature breast development. Hua Ting plucked up the courage: "Fang Minjun, can I change positions with you?" She wanted to talk to her good friend Bei Yao.

"No, according to the height, the teacher arranges it." Fang Minjun refused, so she didn't want to stand in the front.

So Hua Ting had a hard time walking all the way, and finally reached the Peach Blossom Forest, where the students could freely move around and eat lunch, she was relieved and sat down beside Bei Yao.

"I don't like Fang Minjun at all." Hua Ting sighed, "What's the'Little Jade Girl'? It's not Chang Xue himself."

Bei Yao smiled comfortingly and nodded, giving her candies.

She is also eleven years old now, with a white belt on the back of her neck, but she hasn't developed as early as Hua Ting, and now only has a slightly different curvature.

"You have to keep your back straight when you walk." Bei Yao whispered in Hua Ting's ear, "My mother said that a stooped back would not look good. It is normal for girls to develop, so don't feel ashamed."

Hua Ting blushed and nodded, finally relaxed. The two girls shared their meals and finished their meal. Hua Ting was very close to Bei Yao, and she suddenly asked in surprise, "Huh? Bei Yao."

Hua Ting stretched out her hand and gently pinched Bei Yao's cheek: "I just found out that your features are very beautiful."

Bei Yao was taken aback.

Hua Ting half-squinted her eyes and looked carefully. Eleven-year-old Bei Yao has bright eyes, a straight nose, pink and tender cherry lips, and her lips are round and cute.

Bei Yao hasn't "pulled a strip" yet, with a shallow baby fat on her cheeks, not the kind of stunning beauty at a glance, but a kind of cuteness that wants to be rubbed by people. However, because Class One has a famous "Little Girl", no matter how cute and well-behaved girls are, there is no shine.