Devil’s Warmth

Chapter 93: 93. Little don't


In October, the creeper at Bei Yao's window withered. Even if the child didn't say anything, her eyes fell on Pei Chuan's legs, and tears suddenly appeared in her eyes. Jiang Wenjuan actually understands why, it must be because of his legs.

She hugged him tenderly, and then smiled: "Mom is going to cook, you can eat in a while, does Xiaochuan have something to eat?"

Pei Chuan shook his head, his black eyes looked at Jiang Wenjuan's busy figure quietly and sensibly.

Pei Haobin didn't go home until late in the evening. He was arresting a drug offender recently, and he was often busy late at night. After he came back, the atmosphere of the whole home was quiet for a second.

Pei Chuan's family has a color TV set in the living room, which was considered a rare thing in 1996. Jiang Wenjuan was watching a singing show with Pei Chuan. Pei Wenjuan did not turn his head, but Pei Haobin took the lead and said, "I'm back."

He first looked at his tired wife, and then touched his son's little head.

Pei Chuan raised his head to look at his father, Ming Che didn't have the slightest hatred in his eyes. Pei Haobin felt a slight pain in his heart.

Jiang Wenjuan blamed him for influencing Pei Chuan, and the two quarreled shortly after each other.

Some time ago, both of them were busy one night. Jiang Wenjuan, the chief surgeon of emergency surgery, and Pei Haobin were still working. They both thought that they had picked up Pei Chuan, but when they came back they realized that neither of them had gone. Jiang Wenjuan cried hysterically all night that night.

Although Jiang Wenjuan and Pei Haobin introduced their marriage, they were very sweet when they first got married. Especially after Pei Chuan was born, this happiness reached its peak, but Pei Chuan broke his leg later, Jiang Wenjuan couldn't help but hate Pei Haobin.

She hated her husband for harming her son because of his work, and let the child be cut off by criminals when he was four years old.

Jiang Wenjuan was heartbroken when he saw Pei Chuan covered in blood.

Pei Haobin found that the kitchen didn't leave him a meal, so he had a meal and finished a bowl of noodles by himself. After eating, he came to talk to Pei Chuan for a while, what did he ask, what did the little boy answer, he was very sensible.

Jiang Wenjuan looked at him coldly. At nine o'clock in the evening, she wiped Pei Chuan's face and told him to go to bed.

The boy's hand grabbed the corner of her dress.

"Mom." He looked up, "I want to take a bath."

"You didn't have much activity, it's not very hot today, and your body isn't dirty. Let's wash it another day."

Pei Chuan pursed his lips: "I want to take a bath."

He didn't tell Jiang Wenjuan the reason for the quarrel with Chen Hu. Jiang Wenjuan curled his eyebrows and boiled water for him after all.

She undressed Pei Chuan and put the thin boy in the tub.

Pei Chuan's black eyes looked at his ugly stump and didn't speak.

Jiang Wenjuan also saw it. It was almost an unbearable pain in her heart. However, she couldn't let her young son wash it herself. She patiently washed him, dried the water, and then took him to sleep.

Jiang Wenjuan still asked before going to bed: "Don't hold back if you want to pee, tell the teacher and mother, do you know?"

"I know." He said softly, "Mom, you can tell me a story."

Jiang Wenjuan just smiled and said okay, someone knocked on the door outside: "Doctor Jiang! Is Doctor Jiang there?"

Pei Chuan watched her mother hurry out and never came back.

He could not hear the story, and turned his gaze calmly to the other side of the wall, where the scale was previously marked with chalk. You can measure the height of a child. In the past, every year he was older, his parents would take him to measure with joy.

Later, Pei Haobin wiped it away with tears, leaving only a vague trace.

Pei Chuan opened his eyes and closed his eyes for a long time.

He understood that he would never grow as tall as his father.


August 3rd is Fang Minjun’s birthday. Teacher Xiao Zhao took the whole kindergarten children to sing her birthday song.

Bei Yao sat in the crowd and sang her little hands. She looked around and found that Pei Chuan hadn't come to school. Of course, Chen Hu hadn't come either. She was very anxious, why didn't Pei Chuan come to kindergarten

Bei Yao asked Teacher Xiao Zhao, and Teacher Xiao Zhao said: "Mother Pei Chuan said that he will not come to kindergarten anymore. In September, she will send him to preschool directly."

Bei Yao was dumbfounded.

In her shallow memory, she knew about this preschool. The preschool is in Yubo Primary School, which is a bit far from the kindergarten and not in the same direction.

Like in his previous life, Pei Chuan failed to finish kindergarten.

Teacher Xiao Zhao sighed, she felt sorry for Pei Chuan, but she also understood that Pei Chuan was not suitable to stay here.

Because all the children in the kindergarten had seen Pei Chuan fighting, there was no color in his dark eyes, pretending to be cold to the world. He bit Chen Hu's madness and frightened all the children.

Xiaobeiyao was very sad.

She was thinking about it on the way Zhao Zhilan took her home. Zhao Xiu knocked on the door in the afternoon, holding a half-slap-sized cake in her hand.

Zhao Xiu had high cheekbones and very thin eyebrows. As soon as she entered the door and handed the cake to Zhao Zhilan, she pinched Bei Yao's small face.

Beiyao blinked her big eyes and shouted, "Aunt Xiu."

Zhao Xiu smiled and said, "Yaoyao still feels comfortable on her face. Come and show her to her aunt. I heard that you were ill before, and you haven't gotten thinner. This small face is round and you are blessed at first sight."

Bei Yao looked at her mother subconsciously.

Zhao Zhilan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, but Zhao Xiu continued: "Oh, unlike my Minmin, she doesn't grow meat. Although everyone says she looks like Chang Xue, she looks good when she grows up, but I look at Yao. Yao looks cute."

Zhao Zhilan smiled and said, "Just kidding, your family Minmin looks very good."

Zhao Xiu left with satisfaction after receiving the praise of Minjun from the other side.

Chang Xue is a well-known Hong Kong star this year and has made many movies. When Beiyao was in elementary school, she still liked this comedy movie of a good-looking actress. In 1996, Chang Xue was called the "Jade Girl", and Fang Minjun, whose eyebrows and the seven-pointed image of Chang Xue, was called the "Little Jade Girl."

Bei Yao faintly felt that something was wrong, but her memory stopped in the third grade, and she couldn't remember what was wrong.

She thought with frustration, she is so fleshy, Fang Minjun's child is indeed light and beautiful.

Zhao Zhilan was even more angry. She herself was slightly fat, so she was afraid of being said that Zhao Xiu used a soft knife every time she was born. What happened to having a daughter like Chang Xue! It's not really Chang Xue, the kid, it's her Yaoyao who looks cute and cute.

Bei Yao stepped on tiptoe to get the cake on the table. Zhao Zhilan said, "I just ate the cake. If I eat the cake, I can't digest it, and I will have a stomachache."

That cake is a hard butter cake, also called a margarine cake. Zhao Zhilan was reluctant to buy it, and their family had to support the young and old. Most of Baiyao’s birthday is to buy a pack of fruit candy and cook a bowl of syrupy eggs.

Although Bei Yao was a little greedy, she shook her head and smiled like two crescent moons: "Separate two, mother eat one, and one for Pei Chuan."

Zhao Zhilan froze for a long time when she made a cutting gesture with her little hand. Finally nodded affirmatively: "Yes, get some for that kid."

Zhao Zhilan cut open, looking at her daughter who is not as high as the table, soft-hearted and funny: "Mom doesn't like eating, keep it for you. Go, let's take it to Pei Chuan first."

Bypassing the green shades of the community, there are still a few households that will plant a few vegetables in the green bushes circled in front of the community.

Pei Chuan's house was opposite, and the mother and daughter went upstairs from the other side and knocked on the door on the fourth floor.

The heavy footsteps sounded, and Pei Haobin's determined face appeared in the next moment. The man is a criminal policeman and he is upright. He recognized them carefully, and found that the mother and daughter were familiar. They seemed to belong to the same community, and it was embarrassing to forget their names.

Zhao Zhilan smiled understandingly: "My surname is Zhao, police officer Pei is good. My daughter Yaoyao and Xiaochuan are classmates, come and give him cakes."

Pei Haobin lowered his head and saw a little girl with two buds pierced. The girl had big watery eyes and white skin. The eyelashes are long and curled, like a soft new year doll.

Nianhua was a little afraid of life, and under Zhao Zhilan's instructions, she called to her uncle with milk and milk.

Rao is Pei Haobin, who is also softened by the cuteness. He smiled kindly: "Xiaochuan is in the room, Yaoyao will come over and see him. Xiao Zhao, come in and sit down if you don't dislike it, and I will pour you water."

"No need, just send a cake, Officer Pei, you are busy with you, Yaoyao will go to see Xiaochuan, and come out after delivery."

Baiyao got the instructions, carefully carrying the cake and following Pei Haobin to Pei Chuan's room.

Pei Haobin opened the door, and a little boy writing upright sat in front of the desk.

He is preparing for entering preschool.

"Ogawa, the kid is here."

Bei Yao looked at Pei Chuan nervously. His room is larger than hers, the design is simple, and the things are neatly arranged, unlike her mother's joke that her room is a kitten nest.

Pei Chuan turned his head and saw the immature female doll through his father's tall figure with dark eyes.

She was holding the half-slap-sized cake of an adult, and seeing him look over, she didn't know whether to smile for a moment, and approached him a little timidly.

She held her hands high: "Pei Chuan, I'll eat it for you."

He looked at her silently.

This is a girl who is not afraid of setbacks.

The first time she gave him a paper airplane, he tore it and hit her in the hand.

The second time was the most brilliant lotus in summer, and he threw it on the table.

This time it was a cake, the kind with incomplete flowers on the cream.

She looked at him nervously, her eyes clear and soft.

He remembered that she was so young, more than a year younger than him, and she estimated that she would go to kindergarten for another year. And he will go to preschool next month, and may not see her for a long, long time.

He stretched out his hand and took the cake she cherished.

The little girl Myolie’s eyes were bright as if she had crushed a crystal. She told him with her eyes that this terrible-looking cake was delicious, at least her beloved.

Pei Chuan still didn't say a word to her.

Even if it's a thank you.

However, Bei Yao was very happy, her small round face was soggy, and she was about to follow Uncle Pei out.

The collar was pulled behind him.