Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 112: The captain wants to have a boo with me 15


Holding the phone, Chu Ci casually flipped through it.

The official blog is always cold and cold. The last news was released almost a month ago, when SJ’s previous mid laner retired, and the others, Xiaoxiang and Zhang Jin, were very skinny, while Gu Xunchuan was a He looks like a serious veteran cadre.

Either it was a reminder of the start of the live broadcast, or it was the Weibo that the club asked the players to repost, and it was a cold fight with the official blog, or the uncle simply didn't bother to talk to others.

Lazy, as if nothing could arouse his interest.

And now the Internet is indeed a bit bombed, not only because SJ did not achieve any good results last season, but also this time even the mid laner c player has not been confirmed yet.

The following on the official blog are all similar. It seems that the national qualifiers are about to begin. Our team doesn't even have all the players. SJ, are you still doing well?

Chu Ci blinked her eyes and looked at her mobile phone, because the original owner had never used Weibo since she opened it, and the name of Weibo had not been changed. After a while, there was a golden V certification under her messy English numbers.

'Against the SJ team's starting mid laner. '

After all, SJ is a relatively strong team. Some people followed the news that Xiaoxiang helped Chuci authenticate earlier, but they couldn't recover from the messy ID.

The onlookers were dumbfounded.

Starting mid laner?

Where did it come from?

Are they blind or is there a system error? Or is it that SJ is already so unconscious that he was so stunned by them that he randomly found someone to do the job

don't! ! !

'Holy shit, shit, where did this guy come from? Does anyone have information on this guy? Is this the first time for this person to participate in a professional league? Or which passerby king, I don't know? SJ is very courageous, people who are unknown to everyone dare to use it. '

'Mom, is SJ's new little brother? I haven't seen it before, what is the ID? It can't be a bunch of garbled characters, right? The little brother is very individual. '

Chu Ci slid down the screen twice with her fingertips, and found that most of the messages below her were asking these questions.

Zhang Jin, who was also browsing Weibo next to him, laughed, "Little brother, filthy little brother..."

Chu Ci glanced at him, tilted her head to think for a while, and interrupted him seriously and obediently, "Let them kneel down and call Dad in the future."

Zhang Jin choked with a smile, and looked in Chu Ci's direction as if he had seen a ghost.

Zhang Jin: ...

Gu Xunchuan also raised his eyelids and looked at Chu Ci.

Where did this little girl learn badly

I saw Chu Ci looking back with her big eyes blinking, with some doubts, "Didn't you say that when you were playing games before?"

Xiaoxiang walked over, heard the conversation between the two from a distance, raised his hand and slapped Zhang Jin on the back of the head, making him groan, covered his head and looked back at Xiaoxiang.

"Let you teach bad children."

"Auxiliary has no human rights? What is e-sports called if there is no talk about e-sports?" Zhang Jin mumbled while covering his head.

Xiaoxiang called Chu Ci to change the name of Weibo, and the official announcement was sent out after the change.

The onlookers on the Internet only watched the string of garbled IDs quickly changed to 'SJ-coco', and then the SJ official blog posted an official announcement.

'SJ Against the League Club: After several months of assessment, the SJ Against the League Club has made the following decision: Warmly welcome Miss @SJ-coco to join the club. In the next league, we will work together to advance hand in hand and strive for Achieve better and more brilliant results in the ninth season of the confrontation league. '