Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 209: The actor is my mother fan 49


It's all over your head.

So close now...

His porcelain body is so sweet...

After the little girl ate the puffs in her arms, the sweet and creamy smell in the air was still lingering around.

Yan Chao quietly sniffed the air, trying to distinguish the sweetness of Chu Ci from the sweet smell.

And they are boyfriend and girlfriend, it feels very unreal...

It's the kind where I thought I was babying you all the time, but then I thought about it and found out that I... want to fuck you.

Excited and at a loss, I wanted to send something with my mobile phone, but I didn't know what to send.

Yan Chao lowered his eyes, looked at Chu Ci's hand on the sofa, pursed the corners of his lips slightly, and moved his fingertips towards her little by little.

In the end, the fingertips of the two touched each other. Seeing that Chu Ci didn't react much, Yan Zhao breathed out, and watched the two fingertips touch with half-down eyes.

Chu Ci, who was watching the show next to her, paused slightly at the touch of her fingertips, and turned her head sideways to see Yan Chao's relieved, seemingly satisfied expression, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

This guy is really honest, the whole person is obviously awkward.

Wanting to hold the little hand, but only dared to touch it secretly, with a serious look on his face, and wanted to touch it, but didn't want people to know that he wanted to touch it, so he pretended to touch it accidentally, and he didn't know what to do. What to say about him.

Why are you so awkward, you belonged to Mahua in your last life, right

Chu Ci's fingertips were slightly retracted, and the fingertips of the two separated. Yan Chao's efforts just now were all in vain.

Yan Chao paused, lowered his head, and looked at the separated hands of the two. The pleasant atmosphere around him disappeared instantly. Just looking at his fingertips like this, he seemed a bit annoyed and pitiful.

If he had a tail on the back and ears on top of his head, it would probably all be drooping by now.

A little ridiculous, and a little pathetic.

Thinking of this, Chu Ci clasped his hand behind his back, and under Yan Chao's blank gaze, turned his hand over, slipped his fingertips into his fingers, and clasped it.

After doing all this, he turned his head and raised his eyes to continue looking at the TV in front of him.

'Yan Chao's love value +2, currently 88. '

Yan Chao froze slightly, watching with lowered eyes.

hold hands! The kind with interlocking fingers! ! ! I can't hold back anymore!

Yan Chao finally hooked the corners of his lips, and scratched Chu Ci's back slightly with his thumb.

It was the one who pretended nothing happened and looked at the TV.

Until the end of the show, Yan Chao still watched the TV with a blank expression, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

His hands were very hot, and his fingertips had thin calluses from years of keyboarding and pens. He just unconsciously rubbed against the back of her hand, and his palms seemed to be slightly sweaty due to overheating.

"Senior." Seeing that the ad had been broadcast for a minute, and the person still hadn't responded at all, Chu Ci couldn't help raising his hand and shaking the hands they held together slightly.

It was only then that Yan Chao reacted suddenly, raised his hand to turn off the TV, coughed lightly, glanced at the time and the sky outside, and coughed lightly again as if to cover up, this was quite reluctant Release Chu Ci's hand, "I'll take you back."

Chu Ci nodded.

After the two of them got dressed, the little girl came to him very naturally and took his arm.

Yan Zhao's eyes faltered for a moment, then he got into the car and followed the little girl's instructions to her place to live.