Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2268: Today I also want to make money to support my family 46


It's okay to recruit him to work for her.

The little girl asked for so much more.

I just don't think he's tired enough.

Chu Ci felt her little face being pinched slightly.

The round green eyes widened, and with a groan, the little head shrank back.

"what you do?"

This is offensive to the goddess, you know that? !

If it wasn't for her protection, you would have been condemned by God just now!

But obviously, the other party didn't know.

Jiang Misen pinched the little girl's cheeks with his fingertips, then withdrew his hand, feeling soft and greasy all over his fingertips.

Not a good touch.

Jiang Misen's eyes darkened slightly, and he stared at Chu Ci's little face again.

Fei Jianlan was stunned for a moment at the intimacy between the two.

Then he quickly looked away a little helplessly.

He's still young, he hasn't found a wife yet, and now he feels like he's been gagged.

"But it's delicious."

Chu Ci muttered something, her gaze fell on the empty glass cup.

Looking at the little girl's expression, Jiang Misen moved his eyes a little awkwardly, coughed lightly, raised his hand, and took the glass away.

Yes, this is not the cup that a poor and white goddess who has been struggling for thousands of years can have, but the treasure of a former chief magician.

In this age when materials are scarce and many people can't eat enough, this kind of handicraft products is undoubtedly the top luxury.

Only princes and nobles can have it, and this glass cup was also sent by the previous king of the Remis Kingdom to please him.

It's just that he has always been not interested in this kind of thing, so he just put it aside and didn't think about it until recently.

I feel that the little girl's white hands and the cups and chopsticks made of rough pottery are a bit out of place in her hands.

That's why I found it.

In many places, it is used to worship the gods, or to be offered as a family heirloom.

Now it is used to hold drinks for little girls.

Put the cup in your hand back into your own storage space.

Jiang Misen couldn't hold back and spoke first, still in that irritable and impatient tone, but he said, "It's okay to do it for you once in a while."

Although the trouble is a bit troublesome.

The fruit is also hard to pick.

But it seems to make the little girl smile, this kind of thing... makes him feel more important.

Indescribable... important.

Seeing Chu Ci's eyes light up, he gave him a soft smile.

Jiang Misen looked away awkwardly again.

'Jiang Misen's love value is +4, currently 75. '

The corners of the lips curled up secretly.

"Then the money..."

Chu Ci looked over and pointed at the table.

"Build roads, strengthen the defense of the city, it would be even better if we can build a school, the location here is very good, there are places where you can practice everywhere, students from various schools plus mercenaries will come here, Originally, this place could be used as a place for them to rest, but how to build it depends on you."

Although the location of Sunset City is remote, it also has the advantage of being biased.

As long as the defense of Sunset City is in place, the war in the country will not affect here.

And here is because it is too poor, there are not all kinds of things that a city should have, and it can't keep capable people, and the ones left are those who have no other abilities.

That's why Sunset City fell into such an unembarrassing position.