Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2271: Today I also want to make money to support my family 49


"Over there! This is the territory of Sunset City, please explain your identity and origin, otherwise it will be treated as an invasion!"

Accompanied by this sound, a low roar of a ferocious beast sounded at the same time.

"what's going on??"

Didn't Warcraft invade Sunset City

The behemoth seen from a distance approached instantly.

Everyone is vigilant.

Then he watched the huge figure approaching.

The other party was a handsome and tall... wolfhound

With firm eyes, he stopped ten meters away from them, then opened his mouth aggressively at them, and let out a cry.

Everyone: ... ? ?

"Yeah, Heifeng, didn't I tell you to slow down?"

Then the voice just now sounded again, sounding a little embarrassed, and then suddenly, a person fell off the big wolfhound.

The man got up in a bit of a mess, and he looked like an ordinary resident, holding his buttocks that hurt from the fall, sucking in a low breath, his body was a little bit of a mess, and his hair was blown into a mess.

The expression looks a little naive, trying to stand up.

There seemed to be a trace of disgust in the eyes of the big wolfhound, but he still lowered his head, slightly arched the man, made him stand upright, and then proudly raised his chin, showing that he was an arrogant gatekeeper. dog.

Everyone: ...

"Haha, it's just a little impatient." The tall and thick man scratched his head and smiled, "Because our Sunset City has been doing well recently, it always attracts some people's envy. I got annoyed once or twice, so I called Heifeng, and then we took turns to change shifts. Looking at your clothes, you are students of Lanmiu College, right? Some of your students came to Sunset City a few years ago, I recognize them Your school uniform."


"Wait a minute... Sunset City, there is a magician now?"

And this is Warcraft, right?

Looking at the arrogant look of the big wolf dog called Heifeng by this man.

Everyone fell into deep confusion.

I've never heard of Warcraft being able to be tamed...

"Yes, the master magicians in our city are amazing. Our Sunset City has been completely repaired now. Those two adults have also taught us a lot, saying that they are working hard to make our city a prosperous city. Now It’s almost fixed, but the reputation hasn’t spread,” the man continued to smile, his eyes lit up, and he looked at several people.

Most of the people who came here before were malicious. They all remembered what the magician said. They drove out the bad people first, and then brought in the passers-by.

But this place is too remote, and the surrounding countries are seriously affected, and usually no one would think of coming to Sunset City.

So obviously the city of sunset has changed so much, but this reputation has never been spread.

Look at the small group of people in front of you, the injured, the embarrassed, and the innocent passers-by with blank faces all over their faces.

The words 'Urgent need to rest' were written all over his body.

The man coughed lightly and laughed foolishly.

"It's a good time for you to come."

The big wolfdog squatting next to him also groaned, wagging its tail, full of airs.

Everyone: ...

That's enough, stop laughing, your back is a little chilly, and you're panicking.

After roughly checking the ID cards of several people, the man led them to Sunset City.