Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2281: Today I also want to make money to support my family 59


Those two gods obviously didn't expect Jiang Misen to be so difficult.

Frowning, he shot decisively.

The powerful divine power will inevitably have an impact on the surroundings.

But because Jiang Misen was too tricky, neither of the two gods noticed at the moment, and everything around them was not affected by their divine power in the slightest.

Jiang Misen noticed it sensitively.

He frowned with some doubts, which didn't match the various descriptions of gods he had learned in books before.

Because human history doesn't record that far back.

Therefore, at the beginning of human records, the gods were divided into two waves.

One wave is the tolerant and moderate faction headed by the god of love, and the other wave is the radical revolutionary faction headed by the god of war.

The two sides are constantly fighting.

According to the records, the power of the God of Love is not very strong, and it has withered without sustaining it for too long.

Now the only remaining gods on the mainland are those from the wave of God of War.

The gods on the side of God of War are powerful in fighting power, and their divine power is also extremely aggressive, which will affect and cause damage to the surrounding environment.

And these people and countries who believe in the God of War are always caught in the war, but everyone feels that without the belief in the gods, they cannot live.

In the end, the mainland was full of wars, so he was irritable and hid in this small place.

But it was also the first time he saw a god.

It was his first time seeing a god, let alone who wrote these books.

It is estimated that imagination is too much.

After all, these two gods... except for the power that made him a little uncomfortable.

In other respects it is really weak.

Jiang Misen lowered his eyes and thought.

The power and existence of gods depend on human belief.

But because most people in the mainland are full of despair now, even if people in the whole continent believe in the God of War and its subordinate gods, the power of faith is still too weak, and it is quite impure, mixed with despair and helpless.

In a place like Sunset City, such pure power of faith is really fascinating.

But there was really nothing he could do about Jiang Misen.

Suddenly the sky darkened.

Chu Ci in the room straightened up slightly.

Then he stood up from the chair and stretched his waist.

He muttered to Chabai in a low voice, "It's fine for two gods to deal with my dog man, why are they coming one after another?" Do we look easy to bully? '

Cha Bai paused for a while and said, 'Do you want to tell the truth? '

Chu Ci blinked her eyes, a smile formed on the corner of her lips, her blue eyes were bright, she raised her feet and walked towards the door, "Of course not. '

Chabai, who was choked back, groaned for a while and didn't speak anymore.

As for the truth, of course it looks easy to bully. The newly developed Sunset City and Land of No Man are simply the sweet pastry in the eyes of the gods.

As for Chu Ci's current appearance, she hides her aura, looks like an ordinary little girl, soft and cute with a bit of baby fat on her face, at most she looks too delicate, so delicate that she has a bewitching aura kind of.

It seems that it is really easy to bully.

Jiang Misen felt the incoming power, and frowned instantly.

The strength of the opponent is comparable to his own. Although it is not impossible to deal with three-on-one, but because the opponent has divine power, it is inevitable that he will have some troubles.