Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2284: Today I also want to make money to support my family 62


No, you have embraced everything, hugged everything, why are you so shy

I've never seen anything like this.

After hugging the person, I didn't react.

Seeing that the other's earlobe was flushed, she couldn't help but let out a low laugh, stretched out her hand, and took his arm softly.

"What's wrong? Are you shy now?"

The little girl's voice was low and soft, and Jiang Misen's body instantly froze when she leaned forward.

Seeing that the other party's beautiful lips moved twice, it seemed that they wanted to say something.

Chu Ci took his time, and first glanced at Reese over there.

He replied, with a casual smile, and looked over with blue eyes.

"For so many years, thanks to you still remembering me."

Feeling that Chu Ci's aura retreated a bit, Jiang Misen glanced sideways at Chu Ci, and the corners of his lips pursed slightly.

I saw the god on the opposite side retreating nervously.

But with a trace of eagerness in his eyes, he looked at Chu Ci.

This kind of gaze makes people very disliked.


Take Chu Ci's gaze away from him.

There was another bang in the sky, as if warning something.

Tiandao: Makes you think so, makes you think so! If I don't hack, I will scare and warn you!

Jiang Misen raised his eyes a little annoyed, he had already realized that point in his heart, but the little thought that he couldn't let go of was finally exposed.

Chu Ci tilted her head and looked at his angry expression.

The god over there was cut off by Tiandao for most of his divine power. Seeing that the two of them were not paying attention to him, he turned around and disappeared as a beam of light.

Chu Ci didn't bother to talk to these self-righteous gods.

After all, it seemed that the weakened power of faith in this continent was stronger than she had imagined, and even the Sunset City, which had not been established much, quickly attracted the attention of these gods.

She felt that she could ignore them. After a while, her faith would naturally decline, and these gods would basically have no way out.

After all, the other party has supernatural power, and it is not good for him to forcibly gather the other party.

Chu Ci thought so, looking forward.

Then a hand stretched out from the side, supported her head, and turned her head upright.

With a light body, he was directly buried in the cold embrace.

Chu Ci froze for a moment, wondering where this guy was shy even to hug him, where did he get the courage to hug him directly.

So he looked up from his arms.

I saw that his face was a little ugly, and the corners of his lips were slightly wrinkled and moved.

"looking at what?"

While talking, he had already walked into the house with Chu Ci in his arms.

Chu Ci blinked her eyes.

With a groan, he buried his head and gently rubbed against his chest.

Just opened the door and came in.

Jiang Misen felt Chu Ci's movement, and his body froze instantly.

Then I heard Chu Ci's muffled laughter resounding from her arms.

Jiang Misen's face darkened.

Chu Ci's strange voice was heard.

Ruan Tian suppressed a smile.

It's just a black hearted white ball.

"How on earth did you manage to be shy while still leaning forward and not letting go?"

And pretending to be serious.

Chu Ci straightened her back slightly, put her hands on his shoulders, and her lips were much closer to his ears.

He said, "Forget about being awkward, Jiangmi Cake."

Jiang Misen froze first, then narrowed his eyes.

So... that pastry made of soft rice is called Jiangmi Cake because of... him