Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2291: Today I also want to make money to support my family 69


Don't keep thinking about these things in your mind.

After all, it is too eye-catching, if it is not cleaned up, it will not be quiet.

Chu Ci groaned, tilted her head softly, and looked at the darkened sky.

"Just like me back then."

The little girl's voice was soft, and the light from the light ball beside her fell on the delicate and fair side face.

"Thousands of years ago, I disappeared in accordance with the times, because the slow development of peace can no longer meet the needs of everyone, so I became the party that failed."

There was no emotion in Chu Ci's voice, but it was only natural. Christine was in the same situation as her at that time.

The time when the two gods should decline is when they have the most powerful power of faith, and then the power of faith is slowly lost.

"what about now?"

Jiang Misen lowered his head and lightly rubbed Chu Ci's cheek.

Chu Ci didn't hold back her emotions after all, and couldn't help laughing out of his itching.

Then raise your hand to hit him.

Didn't you hear people talking about things seriously

Can you be more serious

Chu Ci sat up, "Now, if a kind of power reaches an extreme and doesn't know how to restrain it, it will indeed disappear, just like the power of faith that Christine has gradually lost, and what she has now is no longer Such pure power of faith."

Chu Ci looked at him sideways.

The black-haired and green-eyed god had a depraved aura around him, his eyes shone slightly, he was intimate and obedient, as if coquettishly pinching his fingers.

"Then the final conclusion is that there is no need for gods with strong self-awareness in this world."

Chu Ci spoke.

"You don't need a god anymore?"

Jiang Misen couldn't hold back his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, and looked at Chu Ci.

"I said it a long time ago, I am no longer a god."

The power is different, she can no longer be regarded as the god of this continent, but because of her too strong power, she is judged as the strongest god by the Dao of this continent.

At this moment, the enchanting and wild god with long black hair in the cloud slowly appeared.

Holding a red-gold longbow in his hand, with an extremely dangerous aura, he lowered his red eyes and looked at the sunset city below.

Because the light around her was all dimmed, and the world was dark, the light on her body was even more glaring.

Let people know her existence, but dare not look directly at her.

The soldiers who had come to attack Sunset City all knelt down in fear at this moment.

"Those who disobey the gods shall die."

Several managers of Sunset City were already in a hurry, and Fei Jianlan didn't expect that such a weak city would attract the attack of the police.

Suddenly he became the target of public criticism. There were too many people outside, so he didn't dare to open the city gate. There were mostly innocent people in the city. After all, it was just established and the combat effectiveness was not very strong.

But no matter how many people there are, they can't compare to the other party's **.

Inexplicably, he just thought of those emerald green eyes that were always smiling softly.

In the end, there was no delay, and the dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor, letting others continue to discuss countermeasures, and ran to Chu Ci by himself.

It's just that Chu Ci Jiang Misen is happy and quiet.

The place where the two lived was too far from the city center.

Not waiting for Fei Jianlan to reach the destination.

A dazzling fire flashed across the sky.