Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 2310: There is a string of data that always wants to tease me 14


It's just that buying these things is a little troublesome, and some small tasks need to be done.

If it hadn't been premeditated, it would be impossible to join other guilds immediately after quitting the guild.

The complexions of several people are quite bad.

Then Chu Ci clicked on the forum and took a look at today's hot posts.

It was the anonymous post before. After Qingfeng Yimeng quit the guild, she finally showed up and announced her identity.

And he exposed a series of 'unjust' things he had experienced in Xiamanlou during this period of time.

Why is there no appeal in the guild? There is only one lucky value in the Xiamanlou guild, that is Chu Ci. As for the recruits later, those who are close to Qingfeng Yimeng have slightly higher luck values Yes, it can't reach the level of Chu Ci.

And Chu Ci brushes the dungeon a fixed number of times a day, basically only with Nuan Nuan Jiaren's team, this time the new dungeon is with Nuan Nuan Jiaren, and the new task does not agree to form a team.

After forming a team with Nuannuanjiaren, the treasures and equipment they brought were basically not suitable for her. That is to say, the dungeon that Chu Ci went to basically did not match her profession too much.

So the grievances have been accumulated for a long time.

In addition to Chu Ci's refusal this time, a new map was opened, and the new map could allow guilds to enter.

If it is stationed, it is much better than simply rubbing other people's luck.

So, the other party directly left Xia Manlou and went to Jiuzhong.

Kunou's president still posted all kinds of compliments and regrets on the forum with Qingfeng Yimeng over there.

The two sang together, pushing the atmosphere to a climax. All of a sudden, it seemed that it was all Xia Manlou's fault.

There are a lot of people who eat melons, and they also echo this wave of rhythm.

Nuan Nuan Jia Ren almost dropped the communicator in her hand.

I saw Chu Ci fiddling over there, sending something out, and then lowered her eyes, not knowing what to look at.

Nuan Nuan Jia took a look.

I almost laughed out loud.

Chu Ci never went to the forum before, so everyone automatically ignored Chu Ci in the forum.

It's rare to come out, so I just dumped a paragraph and a few pictures.

Those pictures are her most recent dungeon records.

It can be seen that a while ago I spent a lot of time in dungeons with Qingfeng Yimeng, but now I'm with Nuannuanjiaren, and it's the same in Xia Manlou for such a long time.

Followed by a screenshot of the task.

Some key information is roughly blurred.

After Nuan Nuan Jiaren turned to this picture, her smile froze.

Everyone:? ? ? ?

Before, I just felt that slapping the other party in the face was a bit enjoyable, but now, who will tell them what is going on with this full task list

And it's not a daily quest, it's a list of adventure quests, without exception, they are full, so the other party can't take any more quests.

And that achievement...

Chu Ci added a sentence later: The achievement was obtained yesterday, and the right to visit has been opened. If you don't believe me, you can go to my personal information plane to see it.

Nuan Nuan Jiaren blankly opened Chu Ci's personal information plane.

Seeing that there was a dazzling achievement trophy on the originally empty display stand.

The above time and the general requirements for acquisition are clearly written.

Don't be afraid that others will say that it is a p picture of Chu porcelain.

Nuannuanjiaren actually thought a lot about Chu Ci's reason for not accepting the new mission.