Devilish Dream Boy Pampers Me to the Sky

Chapter 57: Others practice immortality, I raise animals 4


The white fingertips were stained with the scorched wood dust and soil, and the extreme contrast between black and white made Wen Jing's nose twitch slightly.

"I see that you are all alone, as if you have nothing, why not..." The little girl smiled and rolled her eyes, "Just pay with your flesh."

Wen Jing's body froze slightly, his golden-red eyes were dazed, and he looked suspiciously at the limp little girl in front of him, the meaning of what he said just now was not soft and cute at all.

The little girl is wearing a pink dress, the skirt has been scratched by the branches, and the corners of the skirt are also stained with dust, dirt and traces of charcoal, but she doesn't seem to care at all, just sitting on the ground like this, Like an elf between heaven and earth, those filthy things attached to her seemed to have changed in a different way.

The voice is also sweet and soft, coupled with her cute and cute bun face, and there are traces of crying nose on her face, she looks soft and easy to bully.

Wen Jing returned to his senses slightly, a trace of irritability and indifference appeared in his eyes.

She's just a nasty dirty girl.

Saying so, he took two steps back again, and fiery spiritual power emanated faintly from his body, with a scorching breath.

Threatening Chu Ci not to continue to approach.

Chu Ci ignored the spiritual power around him, leaned over and pulled him into his arms.

Wen Jing only felt a pain in his front paw, and his reaction was a bit slow because of the serious injury, and he didn't expect that this little girl could completely ignore the spiritual power around him and just hug him like this, and when he recovered, he fell into the In a soft embrace with a sweet taste.

Chu Ci's hands were slightly reddened by Wen Jing's spiritual energy. She frowned, hugged him tightly, stood up, and looked down at Wen Jing.

It was probably the first time for him to be hugged in such a way. His golden red eyes were a little dazed, and he looked up at her with his small head up. He looked a little dazed, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

There is a handful of white hairs on his lower jaw, which are slightly longer than the fiery red soft hairs on other parts. It is only a handful, and now Chu Ci saw it, and subconsciously raised his hand along Wen Jing's hair. The chin scratched.

Wen Jing shrank back slightly, and was suddenly brought back to his senses by that crisp, numb and somewhat strange comfortable feeling, a fierce irritability flashed across his eyes, and he wanted to jump out of Chu Ci's arms.

"I'll cure you. Be good, okay?" Chu Ci calmly pressed Wen Jing, who had just popped out of a small head, back into his arms amidst Cha Bai's gasp. Following Wen Jing, he lifted his foot and walked out.

Being pushed back into Chu Ci's arms with his head pressed, this was the first time Wen Jing was treated like this, and he was really a little confused.

Then the body was lifted up, and a pair of bulging golden-red fox eyes met the little girl's clear black eyes. The little cute thing that was lifted in mid-air was somewhat dirty, with its front paws drooping, The big fluffy tail curled up slightly, and the big ears trembled slightly, vaguely wanting to struggle.

Chu Ci carefully avoided his injury, held him in the air and shook slightly, tilted his head, "Now you are mine, don't be afraid."

is hers? Not afraid

A sarcasm flashed across Wen Jing's eyes.

A little girl who talks to herself.

If you want to heal your wounds quietly, you can't be quiet.