Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 101: Dabi (nine)


The sixth round of the competition also ended very quickly. As expected, all the senior brothers of Gefeng advanced to the next round, including four people from Sitang, who all entered the next round of knockout rounds, and one person attracted Chen Xuan's gaze, Xuanyuan Li, Chen Xuan spotted this young man at a glance, this year's general election this young man was ranked first, this time he also came to participate in this big competition, Chen Xuan also watched his match In the competition, the saber technique was fierce, wide opening and closing, which was worse than his own Seven Killing Saber. Maybe his Seven Killing Saber had not been practiced to the highest level and could not exert its true power. This Xuanyuan Li must have been overrated. With someone's guidance, it is very difficult for him to practice sword skills to such a level with his strength in the spiritual realm. Chen Xuan has come to this point because he has an old Li to guide him at any time, so that his martial arts can advance by leaps and bounds, so Chen Xuan speculates that there must be someone with expert advice behind this young man.

After this round of competition, there are only nearly 600 people left, and there are less than 20 people left in Lianshan Peak, each of whom is at the peak of Lingwu. Chen Xuan also watched Liu Hang's battle, and he also It's simple and neat. If you haven't given your full strength in each game, I'm afraid you can only show your final hole card in the next round, Chen Xuan thought.

The time has come to noon, and the six rounds of competition have ended, and there are still six rounds to fight, but each of these six rounds will be a tough battle. After six rounds, half of the people will be eliminated, and only the remaining More than one hundred people will enter tomorrow's knockout round, and they will stand out among the two thousand people. Each of them has outstanding strength and is a genius who can leapfrog challenges.

The middle-aged man looked at the remaining 600 or so disciples and continued: "The rest of the competition is the real cruel elimination. Maybe you think it's unfair. Your strength is not low, but you meet someone who is stronger than yourself. High opponents can enter the next round, but they can only be eliminated in advance. This is the cultivation world, there are no rules like you think, and strength is the rule. As long as your strength is strong enough, you can go further. Luck is also one of them. A cultivator does not have good luck. I can only tell you that your cultivation will soon come to an end. Only with good luck and some adventures will your cultivation be smooth sailing. The achievements will be higher, this is my explanation to you, the next will be today's second knockout match, the rules are the same as above, today only 150 people can enter tomorrow's competition, and now I will issue number plates again. "

The middle-aged man threw out a number plate of 600 each. The disciples of Gefeng received one, and Chen Xuan also received one. The number 300 was against the number 600. This time it was his last turn. After a round of appearances, 600 people will be eliminated in three games, and 300 people will be eliminated. After three games, they will be eliminated to 150 people, until only 150 people are left, and they will continue to participate in the competition tomorrow.

"Ring number one, number one against number six hundred, ring number two, number two against five hundred and ninety-nine." The middle-aged man quickly reported the numbers of the one hundred rings, and the one hundred rings quickly stopped. Their two disciples confronted each other, and the battle started very quickly. Each of them did not save any strength at this point, and all used their strongest moves, various moves and martial arts in the arena off the court. There are endless, this time the game is much more exciting than the previous ones.

But Chen Xuan didn't care much about these matches. What Chen Xuan cared about now was the dozen or so people. Every time the dozen or so people fought, Chen Xuan would figure it out and absorb experience from their battles to supplement his own deficiencies. The round ended quickly, and one hundred disciples were eliminated in this way. The disciples who did not advance all walked out dejectedly, while the one hundred disciples who passed the test returned to their high platform excitedly, and every step forward , his own ranking will also be high, although there are more than 2,000 people participating in this big competition, but at this point, he can basically have his own reputation in the Northern Territory.

Although only the top ten are rewarded for the competition of inner disciples, many disciples still come to participate every year.

The first round of the competition ended on time, and the second round of the competition began to register again. Every time a number was called, a disciple flew down. Only once, Ye Yun was also called down, and Liu Hang was also called to the number. The one-hundred-seat arena was soon over. Chen Xuan brought Ye Yun's arena with his eyes. Chen Xuan has always been interested in Ye Yun's strength. He thinks that Ye Yun is not easy. There will definitely be someone in the top ten this year. qualifications.

Ye Yun landed on the 15th ring, and the opponent on the opposite side seemed to know Ye Yun, so he greeted Ye Yun as soon as he came up... "I didn't expect that today's opponent would be you. I heard that your Daze swordsmanship has been mastered." The three-point sword intent has already begun to touch the four-point sword intent, it seems that you have worked hard this year, and you want to achieve good results this year." The young man opposite said.

"You're not bad either. Your Rising Sun Swordsmanship has also reached the fifth level. It seems that you have improved a lot this year." Ye Yun said.

"You're right, my Rising Sun swordsmanship has indeed reached the fifth level, but unfortunately my swordsmanship is at the lower level of the prefecture level, and your Daze swordsmanship is at the middle level of the prefecture level, but I will also do it in today's battle." Do your best." The young man on the opposite side was full of fighting spirit, and his body began to entangle with traces of sword intent.

Ye Yun is also full of fighting spirit. When he meets his opponent, he will meet a good talent. Both of them are masters of swordsmanship. Each of them has extraordinary attainments in the way of swordsmanship. Each took a step back. Before fighting, the sword intents from the two had already collided once, and they were evenly divided.

Ye Yun slowly drew out his long sword, and chose the day under the sky, Ye Yun gave a low drink, and the long sword drew a bright color, like a long rainbow hanging on the sun, the sword was fierce, the whole sword energy was like a big net, completely covering the whole arena.

The face of the young man on the opposite side tightened, and the long sword in his hand was also raised high. The sun was rising, the young man gave a low shout, and the long sword went down. A white light immediately covered everyone's eyes, and the ring became radiant. It was as if a big sun was shining on the entire arena, and the dazzling light blinded the disciples around them, but the powerful disciples could still see what was going on inside.

With a bang, two powerful sword qi collided together, creating a huge crash. A figure retreated from the arena, forced out by the strong sword qi. When the light dissipated, only There was only one person left, and Ye Yun stood proudly. The move just now had defeated his opponent, and also preserved his dignity as a big brother. If he was eliminated now, it would be difficult for Lian Shanfeng to raise his head. The senior brothers of each mountain peak represent their dignity in the end. Ye Yun returned to his high platform, and the battle below has come to an end, and another hundred disciples have been eliminated.

The third round of reporting started again. This time Chen Xuan was the first to be called, and Chen Xuan jumped to the ring he had designated. When Chen Xuan fell, a person fell on the opposite side.

"Junior Brother invites you." The young man on the opposite side spoke first.

When Chen Xuan came up, he recognized Deng Chao the year before last, Kuaisword Sheng Gang, who had defeated the left-handed sword. Chopping the wind, it's not called chopping the wind anymore, it's just a word of fast, and of course fast martial arts are also powerful, but it also depends on the quality of the performer.

"Didn't Junior Brother draw out his weapon when he fought with me?" Sheng Gang said.

"No need." Chen Xuan said two words directly.

"Then I'm not going to be polite, don't blame me if you get hurt, you are the first one who didn't draw out your weapon when you fought against Sheng Gang, I will let you know the feeling of wandering between life and death, how dare you ignore my sword As a punishment for you, I will torture you severely." Sheng Gang said angrily.

This was the first time someone dared not even draw out their weapons in front of him, and Sheng Gang was furious.

"This Chen Xuan is too shameless. Who does he think he is, to fight the fast sword Sheng Gang with his bare hands. Does he want to die? It's good that this Sheng Gang tortures him well, and let him be more honest in the future." A disciple said.

"I don't think it's easy. This Chen Xuan won't be defeated so easily. Since he dared to deal with Sheng Gang with his bare hands, he must have some cards. Judging from what he has done recently, he is definitely not a person who does things without thinking. He is a person with a careful mind, and he never does anything if he is not sure about it, do you think he has suffered a loss so far?" A disciple replied.