Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 15: The seven products of the day after tomorrow


After Chen Xuan separated from the children of the family, Chen Xuan didn't go looking for the monster again, because Chen Xuan felt that he was about to break through. The battle with the Wu family and the Li family made his true strength show a sign of loosening. If you want to break through the signs, you must find a place for yourself to break through.

Every rank of the Ninth Rank of Acquired Heaven is the difference between heaven and earth. Every time you upgrade a level, your strength will be doubled. Chen Xuan's ability to leapfrog the battle is all due to the soul stone helping him improve his physique, and it has something to do with the skills he practiced. When he was at the fifth rank, his true strength was comparable to that of the sixth rank of Houtian. Now that he has reached the sixth rank of Houtian, he almost swept away those below the seventh rank. Even Chen Xuan of the eighth rank killed one.

The cultivation of the Seven Killing Knife has changed Chen Xuan's mentality, and his vision has become farther. Although Li Lao has never told himself about the outside world, Chen Xuan knows that Li Lao does not want his mentality to affect his cultivation. Now, Chen Xuan is not limited to such a small area of Hongling Town, I want to go out, I want to set foot on the pinnacle of this continent, a domineering force shot out from Chen Xuan's body.

The practice of swallowing the sky gave Chen Xuan a kind of domineering, which is the domineering that despises the world. There is no self in the world, only swallowing the sky.

Chen Xuan could feel the heroism of the person who created this set of exercises in the first place, who "despises the world" and "only respects me"!

Since ancient times, it has been said that man will conquer the sky, and those are all made up by literati to deceive people. If man can really conquer the sky, there will be so many natural and man-made disasters in the world, and how insignificant human beings are in front of the sky.

The weak monsters in the mountains trembled from the arrogance released by Chen Xuan. This is the true meaning of swallowing the sky - "the sky" will also be trampled under my feet.

Mr. Li shook his head in Chen Xuan's mind. This kid has deviated from the track I taught him. He never thought that Tun Tian Jue could produce such a strong domineering aura that even his own confidence was shaken. He has lived thousands of years. My heart has long since been grinded like a rock, and yet an acquired kid makes my soul fear. What kind of power is this

Chen Xuan quickly shuttled through the jungle, and the monsters standing in front trembled from the domineering Chen Xuan's release.

Chen Xuan didn't kill them anymore. In Chen Xuan's spirit ring, there are more than fifty inner alchemy of the seventh rank, and more than a thousand of the sixth and fifth ranks. Chen Xuan doesn't need the inner alchemy anymore. The seventh rank The inner alchemy added to the current Chen Xuan's spiritual power is also negligible.

Breakthrough, only by breaking through yourself can you challenge higher-level monsters faster, and advanced monsters can greatly improve your true strength.

Two seventh-order monsters were fighting, they suddenly stopped and looked ahead.


A figure passed between the two monsters. The two monsters hesitated for a long time and then killed each other. Chen Xuan walked through two mountains and came to a waterfall. There was a cave behind the waterfall. Chen Xuan jumped into it with his strength.

"Roar… "

There was a beast roar from the cave, unexpectedly breaking into someone else's territory, Chen Xuan picked up the steel knife and walked towards the cave, with the faint light, Chen Xuan saw an earth demon bear walking towards him.

The eighth-level monster, the earth demon bear has rough skin and thick flesh, and the eighth-level monster is comparable to the ninth-level monster. Now that Chen Xuan has come, I have no intention of giving up, so I can use your power to help me break through.

The Earth Demon Bear saw that it was a weak human being who broke into his territory, roared up to the sky, and wanted to tear Chen Xuan to pieces.


Chen Xuan's knife slashed at the Earth Demon Bear's body without leaving any wounds. The Demon Bear's paw slapped Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan hurriedly backed away, but was still swept by the Demon Bear's palm, his face A burning pain.

Chen Xuan was relieved after touching his face that there was no injury.

"This big guy's skin is too thick, I can't break through his defense with all my strength!"

After seeing that his steel knife was all stamped, he had to be skillful to beat him, and he couldn't beat him with brute force, Chen Xuan wandered around the Earth Demon Bear, occasionally stabbing him, harassing him, slowly Look for his weaknesses.

After beating for half an hour, the devil bear seemed to be a little impatient, and he struck out frequently, causing the stones in the cave to rustle down.

Now Chen Xuan has a better way to deal with him only by angering the devil bear first, making him angry and losing his mind.

"Boom boom boom."

There were bursts of roaring sounds in the cave, and the devil bear's slap hit the cave wall.

"The opportunity is here!"

With a whoosh, Chen Xuan came to the front of the devil bear, and stabbed the devil bear's two eyes blind with a swish.

The damage to the devil bear's eyes completely stimulated his ferocity. No matter where Chen Xuan was, he slapped Li in the cave. Chen Xuan had already hid at the entrance of the cave. Xuan had no choice but to hide in the cave entrance.

The devil bear waved its bear paw, and probably had no strength left, and sat on the ground with its mouth open and gasped for breath.

"It's now!"

Chen Xuan quickly came to the devil bear from the entrance of the cave, inserted a knife into the devil bear's mouth, directly broke the devil bear's throat, and then retreated quickly.

I saw a bloody arrow shot out of the devil bear's mouth, and there was a hey sound from the throat. After a cup of tea, the devil bear finally fell down unwillingly.

When the devil bear was out of breath, Chen Xuan stepped into the cave again. The devil bear's horse was a good thing. After the devil bear died, its skin softened. Chen Xuan picked up the steel knife and gave the devil bear's horse little by little. Picked it off.


After plucking the horse, Chen Xuan also took out the inner alchemy and compared it with the seventh-order one. The inner alchemy of the earth demon bear is more pure and has more spiritual energy than the inner alchemy of the seventh-level monster.

Put the inner alchemy into the spirit ring, deal with the cave briefly, find a place, and sit cross-legged. The battle just now made the signs of his true strength loosen more obvious.

Running the Swallowing Art again, the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy surged towards Chen Xuan, and the real power circulated in the tendons over and over again. With each cycle, the real power increased by one point. When the dantian was saturated, it was time to break through.

There is a feeling of expansion in the dantian, which means that the real power has reached the saturation of the dantian, and it can no longer be contained. Chen Xuan once read a novel in his previous life, the real power can be compressed, if I compress my real energy.

Chen Xuan separated his consciousness from the first floor and came to his dantian to watch the changes in his dantian. He operated Tuntianjue to bring out the true energy in his dantian, compressing it over and over again. Chen Xuan's real power started to become sticky bit by bit. transition to a solid state.

Mr. Li felt Chen Xuan's actions in the brain river, "What is the boy going to do, if he doesn't make a good breakthrough, why should he compress his true strength? Doesn't he know that the more you compress, the more difficult it will be to break through? But the power will also increase exponentially!"

When the real power was not being compressed, Chen Xuan began to prepare for a breakthrough. The quality of the real power doubled before it was compressed, and Chen Xuan's consciousness sensed the real power energy of Dantian.

After the real power was compressed, the dantian seemed to be relatively empty. Chen Xuan took out the demon bear inner alchemy he had just killed, put it in the palm of his hand, and absorbed the spiritual energy inside, and the dantian swelled again. The true strength of the body is overwhelming, the blood in the veins is like a torrential river, and the flood is flooding.


There was a ringing in the ears, and a roar came from Chen Xuan's body. It was just an internal ringing and could not be heard outside, but Chen Xuan's first-floor consciousness remained in his body, and he was dizzy from the blast.

The seventh rank of the acquired day, finally reached the seventh rank of the acquired day, and the seventh rank of the acquired day is a hurdle for a practitioner. Only after breaking through the seventh rank of the acquired day before the age of twenty can one have a chance to reach the Lingwu realm. This is what Li Lao told himself. After attaining the seventh grade of the day after tomorrow, at most the spirit martial state will come to an end.