Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 156: Sneak attack


Chen Xuan has been marching towards the interior of the Demon Forest for more than an hour. From time to time, he took out a map in his hand to compare it with. The map has marked which places are not allowed to go, which places are not dangerous, and if he goes wrong, which one is stronger? The monster's territory is over, so the map plays a role.

I don't know who drew this map, but there are even introductions of where powerful monsters are entrenched in the Demon Forest. This also reduces a lot of trouble for people entering the Demon Forest and brings a lot of convenience. Without this map, it is really possible to get lost in the park, after all, I am not a true martial artist.

Split the thorns blocking the front, and continue to go deeper. Chen Xuan has not met anyone until now. It seems that everyone has disappeared, so he can only follow their footsteps. Through the layers of plants, the front appears An open area, hundreds of meters long, without any plants, surrounded by eerily quiet, Chen Xuan immediately became alert, although he did not meet powerful monsters along the way, but also encountered some weak monsters, how did he get here It became so silent that even the sound of insects disappeared, Chen Xuan stopped immediately.

There is a murderous aura, Chen Xuan immediately made a judgment, yes, it is a murderous aura, after countless battles, Chen Xuan has already become sensitive to the murderous aura, and this murderous aura seems to be coming towards him, it seems that someone is already here After waiting for me for a long time, the insects around me were scared away by this murderous aura, that's why they became so quiet. Chen Xuan also found a faint murderous aura wandering around.

Chen Xuan carefully stood on the spot. Without knowing it clearly, Chen Xuan didn't dare to act rashly. One was in the light and the other was in the dark. Yingzang's kung fu is very good, and I still can't figure out where he is hiding.

The moment he came in, Chen Xuan's spiritual sense had already scanned the surrounding area for several kilometers, but he hadn't found anything suspicious. The murderous aura had always existed, which only showed that this person had completely destroyed himself. The shadow is hidden, and even Chen Xuan can't find it. This is the most terrifying thing. I don't know where the enemy is, and I am very passive.

Crack, a palm suddenly appeared on Chen Xuan's right side, and slapped Chen Xuan's head, without any warning or sound, it just appeared on Chen Xuan's right side, without a single sound or sign, As if it appeared out of thin air, the skinny palm was less than a foot away from Chen Xuan. The moment the palm was exposed, the speed suddenly accelerated, and it reached the place less than half a foot away from Chen Xuan's left face in an instant. Chen Xuan's hair was completely blown away.

The right side is the weak point of human beings, and Chen Xuan is no exception. With a knife in his right hand, it is too late to return to defense, so the right side is basically the weakest place of all practitioners. This sneak attacker seems to have figured out Chen Xuan long ago. The direction of the knife, so I chose to make a surprise attack on the right side. I want to succeed in one fell swoop, ruthless, and want to be fatal in one blow, and the power of palm wind can completely destroy a house, let alone Chen Xuan's head, ten deaths in one blow lifeless.

"Dragon Transformation!" Chen Xuan let out a low voice, a dense layer of dragon scales appeared on the arm of his right hand in an instant, and he raised his right hand obliquely, just blocking the palm that wanted to hit Chen Xuan's face, bang, a loud shock The sound of the sky appeared, and Chen Xuan was sent flying thousands of meters by this palm, crushing countless plants to death along the way, and his clothes were also scraped into rags by these plants.

Chen Xuan didn't stop until 1,000 meters away, and a lot of blood flowed out of his mouth. It seemed that this sneak attack had caused a lot of damage to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan got up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The dragon scales have also recovered. If the blow just now was not for his Wanlong real body, he might have died by now. Chen Xuan immediately raised his head and looked at the place where he just attacked him a thousand meters away. A man in black clothes A skinny figure appeared.

"Your Excellency, why did you sneak attack me? We don't seem to know you." Chen Xuan checked the wounds on his body and said to the man in black who was opposite.

"You don't know me, but I know you. I have been following you for three days, Chen Xuan, the inner disciple of Danxuan Sect, the champion of this competition, but it's a pity that I will die in my hands today. "The man in black told Chen Xuan's background and said coldly.

"It turns out that you are the one who has been following me these few days. No wonder I always feel that someone is following me, but have you noticed anything? It seems that I have no grudges with you. Why do you want to ambush here?" Since the other party knows his The origin, maybe this time it was a premeditated assassination, so Chen Xuan also wanted to find out who was going to kill him.

"You don't need to guess, I'll tell you directly, I came to avenge our second young master Bi Shaoqing, today you are still honestly arrested, and come back to Bi's house with me, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood, there is no one in a thousand miles around here People, even if you shout your throat out, no one will come to rescue you today." The man in black directly reported his origin and purpose.

"Bi Shaoqing, are you talking about that trash in Huangcheng who competed with me for an ancient scroll? Is he dead? You want to avenge him, but it's better for such a person to die, so as not to continue to harm others in the world, But what does his death have to do with me, did you make a mistake?" Chen Xuan didn't deny that he knew Bi Shaoqing, but even cursed fiercely.

"Boy, you are looking for death. How dare you say that the second young master's death has nothing to do with you. The second young master disappeared after following you. How could he have nothing to do with you? No matter what you say today, it is useless. The eldest young master has already spoken. If you want me to capture you alive, you should submit obediently." The man in black said angrily.

Chen Xuan saw that today's affairs could no longer be good. The man in black had been following him all the way from Danxuanmen to here. It seemed that he had been under his supervision all the way. Unexpectedly, the Bi family still doubted him. It seems that paper will never be able to contain the fire, as long as you think about it, you can find clues. Although they dare not conclude that Bi Shaoqing killed him, they have nothing to do with them. Maybe they think they know Bi Shaoqing How did he die, so he sent this person to arrest him and ask him back, Chen Xuan immediately figured out the relationship.

"If you want to catch me back, it depends on whether you have the ability." Chen Xuan has already recovered all the damage he suffered just now. Although the endurance of his right arm has increased ten times after transforming into a dragon, after all, he was passive just now, and Chen Xuan From Xuan's point of view, this man in black is at least in the middle stage of Zhenwu.

"Boy, don't think that you can escape from my hand because you can block my blow just now, but it's a pity that you can escape my stealing palm with a half-step real martial arts, but I won't give it to you next time." Any chance." After speaking, the man in black disappeared again.

At the moment when the man in black disappeared, Chen Xuan's hairs stood on end again, and all his consciousness radiated out, trying to find the place where the figure in black was hiding, and the surroundings became quiet again. This time, Chen Xuan Put Xie Mei back into the scabbard, stood there concentrating, and swept the surroundings over and over again, but there was no sign of the man in black around.

"Dragon Transformation!" Chen Xuan directly transformed into a dragon without hesitation this time, his hands, legs and back were covered with dragon scales, and the power immediately spread from his limbs. They are all full of tyrannical power, which is the benefit that Longhua brought to him, both in strength and speed have improved a lot.

"I want to hide, let me see where you can hide." Chen Xuan yelled loudly, stomped his left foot on the ground, the ground began to tremble, the surrounding leaves were shaken, and cracks began to appear under his feet. Cracking in all directions, Chen Xuan's legs now have ten thousand catties of strength. With this kick, the surrounding void is shaken, and the space is unstable.

"I told you to hide!" Chen Xuan's right fist quickly punched towards the front left. When Chen Xuan stomped this kick just now, there was a shock in the void, and ripples appeared on the left side, which means black The man in clothes may be hiding on the left side. Chen Xuan's fist quickly reached the place where the ripples appeared. After the arm has been transformed into a dragon, its strength has already surpassed the early stage of real martial arts. With this punch, the surrounding void began to fluctuate , as if this punch could shatter the space.

A man in black quickly appeared from the space, "I didn't expect you to have the ability to transform into a dragon. It seems that even if you have nothing to do with Bi Shaoqing's death this time, I will take you back." Black The right palm of the man in clothes also struck out, trying to take Chen Xuan's punch hard.