Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 18: Tu Jiao (1)


After resting in the cave overnight to restore his true strength, Chen Xuan headed towards the small valley at dawn the next day. All the monsters he encountered along the way were killed by Chen Xuan, and all the inner alchemy was absorbed. The Swallowing Art works faster and faster, and the absorption speed is faster and faster, and it will be sucked clean within a few minutes after being held in the hand.

The atmosphere in the hall was heavy, and the old man sitting at the top asked.

"Lihao, did you see Xuan'er kill more than a dozen members of the Wu family and Li family by himself?"

Hearing the old man's tone, he couldn't believe it!

"Yes, Grandpa. At that time, not only I was on the scene, but other disciples of the family were also there. Brother Xuan killed fourteen of them by himself, seven of them were fatal with one blow, and the remaining one escaped."

A boy standing at the bottom said.

"Xuan'er went out to experience the fifth grade of Houtian and was promoted to the sixth grade so quickly, and the fourth grade of Houtian's seventh grade is no match for him."

The old man looked at the few exercise books in his hand and thought.

"The adventure that Xuan'er said is not small. No one is allowed to inquire about Chen Xuan's adventure when he comes back." The old man said with dignity.

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

"The Wu family did not know where to invite a casual cultivator at the Lingwu Realm to deal with our Chen family. What do you think?" The old man said again.

The dozen or so people sitting at the bottom also frowned.

"In the past, the combination of the Wu family and the Li family only had two spiritual realms, and the Chen family could still handle it. Now they have one more, and it seems that they are going to attack our Chen family." A middle-aged man said.

"Brother, I don't think we can transfer the younger generation of the family out to continue the family blood. If our old generation can't stay here, we will die."

An old man said that the old man who spoke was Chen Xuan's second grandfather, and he was an old man with a fiery temper.

Chen Xuan's father also heard that his son had an adventure and improved his skills. It was originally a happy thing, but now that the family is facing the joint oppression of the Wu family and the Li family, they don't have the heart to think about their own interests at all. children's business.

"Patriarch, can't we also ask for help?"

At this time, a middle-aged man stood up and said.

"Help, do you think I haven't thought about it? Hongling Town has a radius of a hundred miles. Generally, there are no masters at the Lingwu Realm who come here. It's just some low-level acquired warriors who went to the Sunset Mountains to practice before coming to Hongling. Town, I don't know where the Wu family found a Spirit Martial Realm!" Patriarch Chen Batian said.

"For the time being, they don't dare to do anything to us. Their interests haven't been allocated yet. We have to be prepared. Recently, we must strictly control the disciples of the family. If they can't go out, they won't go out. In the past, several families didn't dare to assassinate the other party's disciples in the open. Xuan'er killed more than a dozen of their disciples this time, but he didn't know, but this time he escaped and directly brought the matter to the surface."

After walking for two hours, Chen Xuan finally arrived at the entrance of the small valley. The scenery is still charming, but Chen Xuan is not in the mood to appreciate these scenery now. What Chen Xuan needs now is strength.

The valley is not big, and the front and back together only have a radius of about two kilometers. Concentrating on his aura, Chen Xuan cautiously groped forward. Ninth-level monsters usually have their intelligence activated, and Chen Xuan dared not be careless!

Coming to the back of the small valley, Chen Xuan found a cave, and Chen Xuan could also feel a terrifying aura dormant inside, the ninth-level monster that Mr. Li said should be in this cave.

"Old Li, how do we deal with it next?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Bring him outside, and you won't be able to fully display your strength in the cave."

"How can I lure him out!" Chen Xuan questioned.

"Provocation, Warcraft hates people to provoke him the most."

Chen Xuan came some distance away from the entrance of the cave, and yelled at the cave in a provocative tone.

I only heard a loud roar from the cave, and then heard Xixi Suosuo crawling out like a reptile, Chen Xuan picked up the steel knife and backed away tens of meters.

Chen Xuan saw a huge head protruding from the cave.

"What kind of monster is this? It looks like a python." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

At this moment, Old Li's voice urgently resounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

"Boy, this is Jiao, not something you can deal with now, so withdraw quickly."

"This is a jiao that is about to enter the Spirit Martial Realm. It has a trace of dragon veins in its body. No wonder no one has entered the small valley. There is such a terrifying guy living in it." Old Li urged Chen Xuan to evacuate quickly.

Although Chen Xuan has no problem with the Houtian Ninth Rank, it is still quite difficult to fight against the monsters that are about to enter the Spiritual Martial Realm.

When Chen Xuan heard that he was about to enter the Spirit Martial Realm, he became more energetic and his blood turned green. If he absorbed the inner alchemy of this jiao, I would be able to reach the eighth grade Houtian.

Here Chen Xuan is muttering to himself, while the whole Jiao’s body is poking out over there, Chen Xuan is also surprised when he sees it. The length of the whole Jiao is as long as ten feet, which is as thick as a water tank. Huge, Chen Xuan stood in front of him like an ant.

Fight or retreat, Chen Xuan quickly made an analysis in his mind.

"Fight it, if you quit this time, every time you fight against someone in the future, you will have the idea of quitting, which will leave a shadow on your future practice, and you will have to move forward in practice!"

Jiao saw a weak human standing in front of him, with a bit of contempt in his eyes, it seems that the wisdom of this Jiao is quite high.


Opened his mouth and let out a roar, big chunks of rocks fell down from the mountain, the sound caught up with the sonic power, Chen Xuan covered his ears and stepped back dozens of meters before stopping, resisting the impact of the sound.

"This dragon doesn't mean to hurt you, it's probably because he's trying to drive you away during the critical period of advancement."

Old Li analyzed it to Chen Xuan.

Just because he didn't mean to hurt Chen Xuan doesn't mean that Chen Xuan didn't want to kill him.

With a sound of whoosh, Chen Xuan came to Jiao's side and slashed fiercely at the seven inches of Jiao. The fire splattered, and this knife couldn't even break through the skin. Chen Xuan made a tentative move.

Chen Xuan's overall real strength has increased by nearly three times from the sixth rank to the seventh rank. If Chen Xuan, the devil bear, thought that he could solve it with a single blow, that's why he wanted to fight with Jiao full of confidence.

Jiao suffered pain, although he didn't cut it through, but the impact of the real power also brought him pain.

I wanted to let you, a human being, dare to provoke me.

"Subduing dragon wagging its tail!"

Jiao's tail rolled towards Chen Xuan, if it was caught, it would become Jiao's lunch.

Chen Xuan jumped ten meters high with both feet, and Jiao's tail swept past Chen Xuan's feet.

Taking advantage of the falling posture, Chen Xuan slashed Jiao's waist with a knife. This time, Chen Xuan used 100% of his true strength.


Jiao's skin was pulled open a meter long hole, and blood flowed out along the hole.

Jiao was in pain, roared wildly, swung his tail and swept towards Chen Xuan.

The stones on the ground flew into the sand, and dozens of washbasin-sized stones were rolled up by the dragon and smashed towards Chen Xuan.