Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 181: lizard beast


The surrounding white elephants were taken away by Chen Xuan, and finally turned into pure aura, nourishing the inner space of the Tuntian Furnace. Chen Xuan does not need the feedback of the Tuntian Furnace for the time being, and these auras remain inside the Tuntian Furnace , A large amount of spiritual energy poured into the fairy tree.

The fairy tree began to grow new branches and leaves slowly, the previously withered branches began to fall off, and new branches grew again, and the fairy tree began to exude vitality again.

The monsters on the second floor were emptied by Chen Xuan, and the rest is to find the space channel to the third floor. I don’t know how Feiyan and Xiaoxiang are doing now. Xiaoxiang can almost protect himself, but Feiyan is better than Xiaoxiang. Thinking that I still have shortcomings, this time I am afraid it will be dangerous, but now even the spiritual consciousness is restricted here, and the spiritual consciousness cannot be released at all, and even the sound transmission talisman is invalid. It seems that the space inside is blocked by something. restricted.

In another space on the second floor, a woman with a frosty face was surrounded by a group of monsters wearing green cat wolves, streams of light flew, and each stream of light took away a cat wolf. Life, but there are thousands of cat wolves around, no matter how you kill them, you can't see them. The encirclement of cat wolves is getting smaller and smaller, and the surrounded woman has an anxious look on her face.

"Why are there so many monsters here? It's hard to kill them all by myself. Even if I kill them all, I'll be exhausted." The woman murmured.

"Ice Formation!" The woman shot out thousands of ice cones, forming a large formation around her. Some cats and wolves trapped in the formation began to bump back and forth in the formation, and were finally directly crushed by huge icebergs. It was crushed to death. When this iceberg fell, hundreds of cat wolves were crushed to death. There was a river of blood.

However, the formation also lost its aura to support all the ice cones and broke directly. The formation was self-defeating, and the cat wolves marched in more fiercely. It was a scene of death squads. Taking a step back, the encirclement has shrunk to only a dozen meters. These cat wolves began to show their red and green eyes, stretched out their sharp claws with four sharp swords, and kept pawing on the ground.

"Is my Feiyan going to die here?" The woman surrounded by the circle sighed.

"I won't die so easily!" Feiyan's body began to erupt with momentum, and the surrounding cats and wolves immediately backed up a few steps, Feiyan's momentum began to climb, and the streamer flew out directly, swipe around After passing an arc and finally turning a circle, all the cats and wolves closest to Feiyan were killed.

After Feiyan's blow, her spiritual power suddenly felt like it was going to be exhausted. After fighting for a long time, Feiyan's spiritual power had already been consumed by half. Just now, she used a big formation, and now she made a big move. There was obviously a shortage of spiritual power, and he was facing spiritual exhaustion at any time.

The cat wolf who took a few steps back saw that the surrounded woman did not send out the flying shuttle again, and then moved forward. Feiyan really didn't have the spiritual power to perform any big moves anymore, and watched the cat wolf getting closer and closer to him. As he got closer, his beautiful eyes were full of helplessness, "Chen Xuan, are we going to be separated from each other in the future?"

Feiyan was still not reconciled, with the only remaining spiritual power in the dantian everywhere, the flowing light shuttle flew up again, bringing out a bloody light again, and many cats and wolves died under the light shuttle.

After finishing this move, Feiyan's eyes became dizzy for a while, her head became light and her body became heavy, even her feet seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and she didn't even have the strength to lift her feet.

The cat wolf paused for more than a dozen breaths, and then slowly moved towards Feiyan, ten meters, eight meters... Although cat food belongs to the cat family, this kind of cat wolf has a hint of wolf nature. The cat's body, the wolf's teeth, and the cat wolf's flying swallow are getting closer and closer, and some cat wolves are ready to move, wanting to pounce on Feiyan and bite Feiyan.

After Feiyan's dantian's spiritual power was wasted, a little bit of aura began to pour into Feiyan's dantian. The first breath was very slow, and at the fifth breath, all the surrounding aura suddenly poured in. Around Feiyan, Feiyan's body began to float, and her feet began to leave the ground.

Seeing this situation, the surrounding cats and wolves took another step back. Feiyan's body rose to a height of five meters, and a large amount of spiritual energy entered Feiyan's body. At this time, Feiyan also understood what was going on. what happened.

Breaking through, I didn't expect Feiyan to break through half a step of real martial arts at this critical moment, and reached the real martial arts realm. Feiyan took out hundreds of thousands of Yuanling pills from the ring and crushed them all, and finally the Yuanling pills turned into pure All the spiritual energy was absorbed by Feiyan. Feiyan didn't have the Heaven Swallowing Furnace. When Chen Xuan broke through, he used the Swallowing Heaven Furnace to absorb the Yuanling Pill and feed it back to himself. Feiyan could only take out the Yuanling Pill and crush it into pieces. For aura, the speed of reabsorption is much slower, and the quality is not as good as Chen Xuan's.

Feiyan's body was getting higher and higher from the ground, and finally rose to a height of several tens of meters. The spiritual power of Feiyan's dantian had fully recovered, and it was still rapidly transforming the original force. Only the spiritual power was fully converted into the original force , Feiyan completely entered the Real Martial Realm.

The time of a stick of incense passed quietly, Feiyan's speed of absorbing spiritual energy slowed down, and the surrounding spiritual energy began to restore calm again, and did not rush towards Feiyan again. Feiyan's beautiful eyes slowly opened, and her feet stepped into the void. , looking up at the densely packed cats and wolves below.

"Finally reached the real martial arts realm, standing in the air, this is an ability that only the true martial arts realm has. I didn't expect that I would break through at such a critical moment. The next step is to kill, you beasts, die to me." Fei Yan Tens of thousands of ice picks were shot directly in mid-air, surrounding all the cats and wolves around them.

All the cat wolves were trapped in the big formation, and countless ice cones were directly inserted in the center of the big formation. One by one, the cat wolves were mercilessly slaughtered, and soon there were four to five hundred dead cat wolves lying on the ground. In the end, the formation evolved into a mountain that volleyed down, and the remaining cats and wolves were all wiped out. At this time, Feiyan withdrew from the formation, and her body also fell down.

After Feiyan killed all the cat wolves, a sky ladder appeared directly in front of her. Feiyan ran towards the sky ladder without any hesitation. The next step is the third floor. What kind of monsters will she face there? , Feiyan does not know.

On a small hill thousands of miles away from Feiyan, there is also a beautiful woman fighting hundreds of rhinoceros with her bare hands. Each rhinoceros has a pair of pointed horns. Being bombarded and killed by this woman, the woman showed no mercy. Every punch and palm would take away the life of a rhinoceros. In the effort of a cup of tea, hundreds of rhinoceros were all killed.

The beautiful woman clapped her hands, not knowing how Brother Chen was doing, and then rushed forward, because an illusory ladder appeared in front of her, and finally the beautiful woman disappeared at the top of the ladder, and it seemed that she had entered the third floor.

After Chen Xuan killed hundreds of white elephants, he also rushed towards the outskirts of the jungle. After walking for less than a stick of incense, another ladder appeared. Chen Xuan climbed directly without any hesitation. He could only get out of trouble on the fifth floor, so Chen Xuan boarded the third floor without hesitation.

The scene on the third floor changed again. The desert, the silver-yellow sand dunes were stepped on by Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan's feet could feel the soft sand. Monster beasts with extreme strength, even if they are not careful, they can fall down by themselves. Although they have the Tiantun Furnace, the Tiantian Furnace is not omnipotent. Once a powerful monster appears, the Tiantian Furnace may not be able to absorb it.

Chen Xuan didn't choose to walk briskly, but moved forward in a leisurely manner. The evil Chen Xuan never left his hand, and kept holding it tightly in his right hand.

Suddenly Chen Xuan rushed forward with a stride, his body suddenly raised four or five meters, and jumped forward. At the place where Chen Xuan jumped, suddenly his huge head opened and his mouth stretched out from the sand dune. Chen Xuan found out in time, otherwise he would have been bitten alive by this lizard.

Chen Xuan jumped tens of meters to escape the attack of the lizard beast this time. He did not expect the attack of the monster beast to be completely concealed this time. Fortunately, his sensitivity is high, otherwise he would have been unable to escape the sudden attack of the lizard beast just now. .

The lizard beast didn't bite Chen Xuan, and its whole body began to emerge from the sand dune. Its four paws radiated green light. It seemed that the lizard beast's claws were highly poisonous. Sweeping back and forth, the mouth looks like a crocodile, with a long mouth and pointed teeth.

Why is there only one monster this time, don't dare to be careless, pay attention to the changes around you, for fear that there will be another lizard attacking you, so you don't mind.