Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 182: The lizard is dead


Chen Xuan carefully watched the surroundings, fearing that there would be another sudden attack by the lizard beast. The eyes of the lizard beast in front of him were shining, and the scales on its body were shining, and the scales covered the back of the lizard beast one by one, just like fish scales. But these scales are not fish scales, each one is as hard as iron, and it is difficult for ordinary spirit weapons to break through these scales.

The lizard beast began to crawl towards Chen Xuan, and its four claws left a trail on the sand. The huge body of the lizard beast didn't feel bulky at all, but it was still quite nimble, moving quickly on the sand dunes. Chen Xuan saw this The head lizard beast thought of the desert spirit snake. There is a kind of snake in the desert that swims very fast.

This lizard beast is comparable to the desert spirit snake in terms of swimming speed and sensitivity. With a puff, the lizard beast's big tail swept towards Chen Xuan, bringing up a piece of yellow sand, which covered the scene in front of Chen Xuan's eyes. Now, Chen Xuan couldn't see where the lizard was at all, and there was nothing but yellow sand in front of his eyes.

Although the line of sight was blocked by the yellow sand, Chen Xuan's ears were so sensitive that he could catch the movement track of the lizard beast by watching the sound of the wind and listening to the air current.

Chen Xuan swiped his body and snatched it to the right. Xie Mei attacked from the side. This is a monster at the real martial arts level. Chen Xuan didn't dare to be careless in one step, and kept vigilant at all times. But the situation here is different from outside, no one knows what will happen next.

The tail of the lizard beast swept the yellow sand to cover the sky, and the surrounding area was covered by the yellow sand. Chen Xuan was completely submerged in the yellow sand, but Chen Xuan could feel the direction of the lizard beast's attack by virtue of his perception. Using the Nine Transformations of Phantom, Chen Xuan turned into a phantom and broke away from the yellow sand, followed by the evil sword light.

Puchi, Xiemei's sword light slashed on the lizard beast's neck, sparks splashed everywhere, Chen Xuan's sword qi slashed on the lizard beast's scales, the sword qi was blocked by the scales, Chen Xuan's knife was completely There is no lethality, but it stimulates the viciousness of the lizard beast even more.

The lizard beast didn't hit Chen Xuan with this blow, and was slashed on its body by Chen Xuan's knife. It was furious immediately. The monsters at the real martial arts level are equivalent to the wisdom of adults, and even some high-level monsters at the real martial arts level He can speak human words, but this lizard beast at the real martial arts level is still unable to speak human words, but this does not mean that his intelligence is low.

The lizard beast saw that Chen Xuan was approaching behind him, and then turned around. A beam of anger rushed towards Chen Xuan, transforming into a form of energy, and the lizard turned into a beam of energy to burn Chen Xuan The scorching heat wave quickly surrounded Chen Xuan.

"I won't give you some color to see, you don't know how powerful I am." Chen Xuan's phantom moved continuously, frequently dodging the attacks of anger, and the lizard beast controlled a large amount of vitality to create this anger. After this burst of anger, Chen Xuan felt like he was going to be roasted sweet potatoes.

"Zhankong!" Chen Xuan finally attacked. After evading several rounds of attacks from the lizard beast, Xiemei drew an arc, and the saber aura soared to the sky. The red light from the saber aura dyed the desert red, and it was golden The color of the desert was changed by Chen Xuan's knife.

Seeing Chen Xuan's knife, the lizard beast suddenly felt a little danger, and gave up the attack. It swiped all over its body, and its whole body sank into the ground again, disappearing. The desert opened a chasm more than ten miles long.

With the sudden disappearance of the lizard beast, Chen Xuan's consciousness immediately followed the disappearing lizard beast. Chen Xuan's consciousness is so huge. After being transformed by the soul stone, the current soul has already surpassed the real martial arts realm, and the consciousness is firmly locked lizard beast.

Chen Xuan suddenly changed his right hand to hold the knife in both hands, Xie Mei turned around, with the tip of the knife pointing down, Xie Mei made a semicircle in mid-air, with the tip of Xie Mei's knife facing the ground, Chen Xuan stabbed straight at his feet, and his figure followed Hit high.


A miserable voice came from the place where Chen Xuanxie was stabbed, and then a blood arrow shot out, and a huge figure appeared from the ground again, it was the lizard beast just now, who wanted to fight Chen Xuan carried out a sneak attack, but Chen Xuan's spiritual sense had already locked him in. Before he could attack, Chen Xuan's evil spirit had already stabbed him.

The lizard beast's entire body was exposed. There was a deep knife cut on its back, and a piece of scale armor was pierced. However, the knife didn't seem to have caused any damage to him, only his skin.

At the moment the lizard beast was exposed to the ground, Chen Xuan's evil charm rose against the wind, and the huge knife pierced through the void, and slashed at the lizard beast directly. The lizard beast had no time to dodge when it came out, and the lizard beast was a bulky monster. The beast was obviously not as fast as Chen Xuan, so the lizard beast couldn't dodge Chen Xuan's sword at all.


The lizard beast directly resisted Chen Xuan's knife, bouncing and bouncing, the lizard beast was blown away by this blow, its huge body flew up, its entire belly was exposed, its snow-white belly was like a piece of white paper , very slippery and soft.

"Go to hell!" Chen Xuan had just landed the first knife, and the second knife was also shot, and the figure followed.


There was a sound of skin and flesh being pulled apart. Chen Xuan's Xiemei cut towards the mid-air lizard beast's stomach, and his intestines immediately flooded the ground. The lizard beast's scales could not protect his stomach at all. The stomach is the lizard beast's deathbed. If Chen Xuan wanted to defeat this lizard beast, he had to find his weakness. Chen Xuan thought that his scale armor could not break through his defense at all.

This knife has no magnificence, a simple move, even acquired warriors can use this move, but it is just this ordinary move that ended the life of the lizard beast, one of the internal organs of the lizard beast, and finally the huge His body fell down with a bang, splashed a burst of yellow sand, struggled a few times on the ground and died completely.

Hoo hoo, Chen Xuan quickly sacrificed the Heaven Swallowing Furnace, and the Lizard Beast was directly sucked in by the Swallowing Sky Furnace. Now that the Lizard Beast's spiritual energy has not dissipated, it can decompose a large amount of spiritual energy after absorbing it. This is a monster in the Real Martial Realm. It contains a lot of vitality, what Chen Xuan needs now is vitality, as long as there is enough vitality, Chen Xuan will be promoted to the real martial arts realm faster.

After the lizard beast was sucked into the Tuntian Furnace by Chen Xuan, Tuntian completely decomposed his body, even the scales were decomposed, and a large amount of material flowed into Chen Xuan's body again. The substance, Chen Xuan's body began to absorb this substance, the dragon scale hidden under Chen Xuan's skin was like a baby sucking milk, a large amount of substance was sucked by the dragon scale, and Chen Xuan got nothing at all.

After the dragon scale absorbed these substances, it also began to emit a trace of light, and became more shiny, but it was difficult to detect with the naked eye, but could Chen Xuan feel the change of the dragon scale? This time, after Wanlong's true body absorbs these scales, it will be more powerful, and it will be more confident when defending.

A few minutes later, Chen Xuan completely absorbed the material structure of these scales, and the dragon scales on his body became thicker, and seemed to have grown a bit. Does my Wanlong real body still need to grow? Chen Xuan wondered to himself.

What Chen Xuan said is correct, the true body of Wanlong really needs to grow. Chen Xuan's current dragon scale is actually like a baby dragon, which can only be regarded as a young dragon. That is, the whole body will be covered with dragon scales, and the dragon scales will be thick and hard. Now the dragon scales on Chen Xuan's body are pitifully small, but after absorbing the scales of the lizard beast this time, they have grown a lot.

The surroundings returned to calm again. Everyone had a chance to meet on the third floor. Chen Xuan knew it when he came in again, and quickly crushed the two communication symbols in his hand. One of them was crushed at the moment Chen Xuan crushed. Suddenly, the communication talisman sent an anxious message, piercing Chen Xuan's forehead.

"Feiyan is in trouble!" Chen Xuan immediately understood the meaning of the communication talisman. Judging from the direction from which the communication talisman came, Feiyan was probably not far away from him, only about a thousand miles away.

Chen Xuan immediately floated forward, and saw Chen Xuan's feet running away from the ground. After his body absorbed these scales, Chen Xuan also benefited more or less. He felt that he could enter the Real Martial Realm at any time. Dan is enough to break through the True Martial Realm by himself. Chen Xuan made a plan. After meeting Feiyan, Chen Xuan wanted to break through the True Martial Realm and enter the fourth floor.

The fourth level is the strength corresponding to Yuan Wujing. Although he can instantly kill the real Wujing, he has no chance of winning against the Shangyuan Wujing. Only when he breaks through to the real Wujing can he have the power to protect himself.