Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 187: Stone melee


The scene fell into an embarrassing situation for a while, no one took the initiative to make a move first, and they were all waiting. In this way, a stick of incense passed, everyone looked at each other, and finally a small alliance appeared, and a dozen people unexpectedly A coalition was temporarily formed, and the leader was a middle-aged man in Yuan Wujing who was around forty.

This man has joined forces with more than a dozen people in the real martial arts realm to deal with these stone men and pass through these boulders. Since someone has already formed the first alliance, there will be a second, a third, and there will be an instant A coalition of four or five emerged.

"Brother, I think the strength of the two of you is not bad, why don't you join our gang, everyone has a support." A man extended an invitation to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan found out that this man was also at the peak of the true martial arts realm, and there was no malice in his expression, Chen Xuan hesitated for a while but agreed.

"Okay!" Chen Xuan replied quickly.

Originally, Chen Xuan didn't want to agree, Xiaoxiang and Mr. Wu haven't arrived yet, and I don't know if they have entered the fifth floor, or they haven't rushed over, but now Chen Xuan can't wait anymore, if they wait any longer, these people will all enter Go in, leaving yourself and Feiyan really hard to get out of this strange stone formation.

Even with the absorption of the Heaven Swallowing Furnace, the danger is still huge. The stones here are too big, and there are a lot of them. The absorption speed of the sky furnace is limited, and the attack speed of these stone men is extremely fast, so Chen Xuan chose to join them.

Besides, Xiaoxiang is accompanied by his grandpa in the Yuanwu realm, and Chen Xuan is more at ease. Wu Lao is the pinnacle of the Yuanwu realm. These stone men should not cause any danger to the two of them. When Chen Xuan entered the fourth floor, he would He crushed the sound transmission symbol, but did not receive any reply from Xiaoxiang.

Four or five teams have been organized, and the team of the forty-something man actually has about twenty people. It seems that everyone knows that this man is at the Yuan Wujing, so everyone actively joined the team. The others were about a dozen people, and the group Chen Xuan joined was only a dozen people, and the man with the best level was the man he invited to join, who was at the peak of true martial arts.

Hundreds of people formed a team, and about 40 men led more than 20 people into the strange stone formation first. As soon as they stepped into the range of these strange stone formations, these stone men began to attack actively. The giant in front of him raised his fist and threw it at the dozens of people below. The move was simple but very practical.

"Let's attack the same place in one place. Don't attack too widely. It won't be effective. Everyone follow my orders. All attacks will hit the stone man's legs." The middle-aged man shouted to everyone.

Scattered attacks are of no use to these stone men. Every way to defeat the stone men is to keep attacking in one place. Only in this way can they have a chance to break these stone men.

Dozens of people shot at the same time, and all the attacks reached the stone man's legs under the command of the man.

Kacha, the stone man was unbearable to the continuous attacks of these twenty people, one of the stone legs was severely interrupted, the whole body of the stone man fell sideways, and his fist also missed. A good start, defeating a stone man standing in the front.

Immediately afterwards, the twenty or so people who entered first continued to move forward, followed by the following waves of teams. The space inside was getting bigger and bigger, and these people would directly deal with any single stone man. up.

After breaking up dozens of stone figures along the way, a huge open space appeared in front of them. Dozens of stone figures were parked in the open space. These stone figures were even taller than the stone figures outside.

Everyone's face changed drastically. This one stone man is equivalent to a Yuanwu realm. There are fifty or sixty heads here, that is fifty or sixty Yuanwu realm powerhouses, and there is only one Yuanwu realm man on the human side. The middle-aged man in the middle-aged man, everyone present saw despair, even Chen Xuan felt great pressure.

After these hundreds of people entered this open space, the fifty or sixty stone men began to move, surrounding these hundreds of people, surrounded by stone men, it was impossible to retreat now , Only by defeating these stone men can you get out from here.

"Everyone, don't panic. We need to be united and put aside all conflicts for the time being. Now we can only pass through these strange stone formations if we all work together. Otherwise, we will all be left here." The middle-aged man in Yuan Wujing The man gave orders to everyone a little bit.

In fact, everyone knows that at this time, even if these people had grievances and grievances before, they will abandon their previous suspicions and work together to help each other. They all took out their spiritual weapons. The weapon, suddenly there was a burst of energy fluctuations on the field.


Many people shouted, "It seems that we are saved this time. Yuan Qi can increase the attack power of warriors by 30%. It is a pity that I don't have Yuan Qi. If I have Yuan Qi, I can fight against Yuan Wujing." Said the young man named the peak of true martial arts.

Chen Xuan has also seen Yuan Qi. It was when he saw the peak master leading these people back to Lianshan Peak with his Yuan Qi flying carpet, but the flying carpet did not have a lot of vitality fluctuations. It doesn't have much attack effect, and the long sword in this man's hand exudes a lot of vitality fluctuations, and the air around him is messed up by the long sword.

During these few breaths, these stone men came roaring towards these people.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the entire island swayed. Everyone wanted to fly to the sky and attack these stone men in the air, but at this moment, everyone couldn't fly anymore, as if this square was imprisoned by some formation up.

"Oops, I can't fly anymore." Others also noticed that when they arrived at this square, they seemed to be restricted by something.

"The space is imprisoned. This space has already been imprisoned. It is impossible for us to fly out from here. Let's all work together to defeat these stone men."

This time, everyone present took the initiative to attack. When these people were still a thousand meters away in the stone man, these people had already taken the initiative to meet them.

"Feiyan, stand behind me, don't stay too far away from me." Chen Xuan instructed again.

Chen Xuan also pulled out Xie Mei, a red light flashed, and Xie Mei's saber energy pierced the legs of a stone man obliquely. The body of the stone man was too high, and the upper parts were difficult to attack, so everyone chose to attack the stone man. human legs.

Chen Xuan's saber slashed directly across the legs of one of the stone men. The large stone was cut off by Chen Xuan's knife, and the stone man's legs became thinner. Although this knife did not completely solve the stone man's , but Chen Xuan's fighting spirit was hooked at this time. Although the stone man's speed was very slow, it was still equivalent to the strength of Yuan Wujing.

Chen Xuan is now eager to find someone to fight. This stone man happened to be the most suitable target for Chen Xuan to fight. After this saber qi, Chen Xuan followed up with more than a dozen saber techniques. Even bigger.

Boom, Chen Xuan's evil spirit slashed at the stone man who was cut by Chen Xuan just now. This time, the stone man was cut more by this knife, but the stone man still did not fall down, and continued to move forward.

Chen Xuan's few knives just now have already achieved seven points of strength, so they can't cause serious damage to the stone man. Chen Xuan also felt the danger of the stone man.

The stone man who has been attacked by Chen Xuan has no intention of stopping. This time the stone man seems to have a clear goal. He dragged his stone steps towards Chen Xuan, and the sound of booming kept ringing on the island.

And some broken stones on the ground began to fly to the stone man's legs again. The countless stone cuts from Chen Xuan just now caused the stone man's legs to become thinner, but now the stone man's legs have recovered original appearance.

These stone men can reassemble their bodies. What kind of realm can they do this? The stone men attacked by Chen Xuan returned to their original shape, and their legs became extremely thick again.

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't kill you." Chen Xuan also played a real fire, and the battle he just did not even cause any damage to the stone man.

The surrounding battles are going on non-stop. Stone men fall down every moment, but there are also human beings who die in the hands of these stone men. As long as one of them can't dodge in time, they will be crushed by the stone man's fist. The corpses were nowhere to be found, and they turned into meat sauce. Some Feiyans were disgusted when they looked at Feiyan. Chen Xuan had already experienced the battlefield, and these pictures had no effect on Chen Xuan.

Dozens of stone men have been wiped out four or five heads, and this middle-aged man in the Yuanwu realm smashed three stone men by himself.

Chen Xuan saw his sword go out to sea like a dragon, and every time he stabbed the sword, it was earth-shattering, and a large number of stones scattered from the stone man.

The long sword is covered with a thick layer of origin force, which is much purer than Chen Xuan's. From strength to Yuanli, the True Martial Realm Dao Yuan Martial Realm is the change of quality plus quantity, not only the quality is better, but also the quantity is huge, and the Yuan Martial Realm can already travel through the void.