Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 217: distribute


Chen Xuan's words just now were powerful, with a soul power effect in his tone, and Chen Xuan also added a trace of Shura's aura, these words have already planted an irresistible shadow in these people's hearts, He would not have any resistance to Chen Xuan at all. This is what Chen Xuan wanted, and he had to be a deterrent when he came up. Otherwise, it would be difficult for these people to lead them by themselves in the future, and now the shadow of invincibility has been planted in their hearts.

Among them, the faces of the few who led Chen Xuan into the door were not good-looking, but they also put down their airs. The cultivation world respects the strong. Now Chen Xuan's status is already an attitude they look up to. This time Chen Xuan asked them to come in. With a trace of gratitude in his heart, since Chen Xuan called them in, naturally he would not treat them badly.

Chen Xuan glanced at everyone's expressions, and his expression eased, and then said to everyone present: "Everyone sit down and talk, I am here this time to discuss with you the future operation mode of Heaven Killing, if you have any opinions, suggestions You can bring it up now, and we can discuss it with each other.”

Several people glanced at each other, I have some ideas, let me say it first, at this time Huang Biao stood up and glanced at the people present.

"We can follow the operation model of other core disciples. If we want to grow and develop, we must have a foundation. What we lack now is the foundation. After all, we have only been established recently, so the most urgent thing is to find a foundation first. I personally suggest that now we can set up a main hall on the mountain of the hall master, and then we will set up various strongholds on each mountain peak for future communication, and then it will be much more convenient for us to operate in the future." Huang Biao said .

"I also thought about this problem. Brother Xi also reflected it to me at the first time. Your suggestion can be adopted. The few of you are now considered to be the veterans of the heaven. You can start to deal with this matter now. This is the address of my mountain, you can lead people to develop this mountain, I don't care about the specific operation, you can discuss it yourself, when you need me, I will come out naturally." Chen Xuan threw out a map.

"Now that the stronghold is settled, the next step is the operation mode of Heavenly Killer in the future. We can't just sit back and eat. It is difficult to maintain the operation of Heavenly Killer with the training resources of the hall master. Since everyone has joined in, it must be a guarantee. Now everyone can say whatever suggestions they have." Xi Yunsheng also had a hint of general demeanor at the beginning.

"I have an opinion that I can provide for reference. Now we have nearly 200 members so far, and we can divide them into many groups. Each group has four to five people. We are equipped with a uniform For sound transmission symbols, each group must have at least one peak spirit martial artist, or even a half-step true martial artist. These disciples will be able to go to the Heavenly Demon Battlefield to kill the Heavenly Demon in the future, thereby obtaining a large amount of training resources. This will greatly increase the chance of survival. At that time, resources All will be handed over, and will be distributed by the general hall, and paid according to work." Pei Wenliang stood up and said.

"Well, Senior Brother Pei's opinion is good, we can adopt it, but there must still be many problems in the actual operation, so everyone will communicate more in the future, do you have any suggestions?" Chen Xuan didn't understand these things, so he could only listen Everyone's opinions, besides, it is impossible for Chen Xuan to put his energy here, only strength is king, without strength, everything is nonsense.

"I also have a suggestion. We can also go to some small families to do some simple tasks. Many disciples go out to do some escort tasks for some small families, and get a lot of resources from them. We can also do this way Development and development, but now the most important thing is our reputation. There are too many sects among the inner disciples of Danxuanmen, and there are too many factions. We want to develop for a long time, and there is still a long way to go. If we want to leave, I suggest that we can announce the hall master's name, and then many families will come to us on their own initiative, so we don't need to run around." Kelly, who had been silent all this time, stood up and said.

This group of people has been discussing with each other about the future operation mode. A day has passed, and they have basically discussed a general idea. Now it is just waiting for the implementation. The basic frame has been formed. In the end, it was Chen Xuan who made the decision for everyone present. position and future division of labor.

As the manager, Xi Yunsheng will arrange all liaison matters. Except for major decisions, other decisions can be made, but they must be agreed by everyone present. Wang Yuqing and Lu Feiyu are in charge of logistics, and all future cultivation resources It was assigned by Wang Yuqing. Wang Biao and Pei Wenliang were responsible for the affairs of the Heavenly Demon Battlefield, Kelly and Shi Yuanshang were responsible for the affairs of the small peripheral families, and the remaining few were responsible for recruiting other disciples. Simple blueprints have emerged.

"The next thing is the question of your strength. I look at your overall strength. Except for Wang Biao and Kelly who are half-step real martial arts, the others are still around the middle stage of Lingwu, and only a few people are in the late stage of Lingwu. In the future, it will be very difficult for the sect to carry out killing heaven. Once a few masters come to kick the hall, it will be difficult for you to deal with it. In the next two days, I will improve your strength again. You go out first Arrange for me, call everyone to gather at my mountain in two days, you guys will follow me to my mountain today, and I will give you a new boost in strength." Chen Xuan arranged.

When a few people heard that there was such a good thing, all of them had stayed in this realm for several years, especially the few who led Chen Xuan into the door, they didn't expect such a good thing at all. Guaranteed, besides, Chen Xuan is also someone they know, but no one thought that he could help them improve their strength. No one could have imagined such a good thing, only Xi Yunsheng smiled and said nothing.

After that, more than a dozen people came out of the cave, went out to arrange these people in the square, and Chen Xuan also flew back to his own mountain, waiting for the arrival of these people.

The matter of killing heaven has basically come to an end, the remaining thing is to improve the strength of these dozen people, and then he should go home and have a look. Chen Xuan stood on his own mountain and looked at the Kaiyuan Kingdom in the distance.

After waiting for an hour or so, more than a dozen people appeared from the foot of the mountain, and hurried towards the peak of the mountain. Everyone was as fast as a shooting star. It seemed that these people were also competing with each other to see who would arrive first. It's a bit of a struggle.

It took more than a dozen breaths for Huang Biao and Kelly to reach the peak first, and they deserved to be in the half-step real martial arts realm. Among these few people, these two had the highest strength, and the others also arrived a few steps later.

"A dozen of you follow me into the attic, and you can arrange other positions on the mountain in the attic by yourself. This mountain will be used as the main hall of the Heaven of Killing in the future. At that time, I will arrange a large formation on the entire mountain. Outsiders will not Maybe come in, I will tell you the secret of the formation, you set up a few checkpoints, only the core members can enter the formation, and other members can only be around the mountain." Chen Xuan said while walking.

Several people glanced at each other, with deep admiration in their eyes. Not only did they cultivate monsters at such a young age, they became core disciples in just a few years. Everyone was rejoicing in their hearts.

More than a dozen people came to the attic on the top of the peak. Looking at the huge attic, everyone couldn't imagine it. On the cliff, and the mountain peak is full of aura, which is several times better than the place where their inner disciples practice.

"From now on, this will be the main hall of the Heavenly Killing Heaven. Starting today, the Heavenly Killing Heaven will be established. For the establishment of the Heavenly Killing Heaven today, the first thing I will do as the head of the hall today is to raise your strength. In the future, you will go out to do business. It's also more convenient, and I'll rely on you to take care of Heaven Killing in the future." Chen Xuan said passionately.

"Thank you hall master!"

Everyone said in unison.

"Okay, come one by one now, whoever of you will follow me into the house first."

More than a dozen people glanced at each other, none of them rushing up first, "I'll come first!" Shi Yuanshang said first.