Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 226: Site selection


After Chen Xuan came out of the teahouse, he walked towards the gate of Hongling Town. With a long shadow behind him, Chen Xuan walked to the gate at the east gate. Many of his followers went out to hunt monsters, and there were still many things to do. The merchants who bought and sold left Hongling Town together.

After stepping out of Hongling Town, Chen Xuan moved forward quickly when there was no one there. In a few breaths, he was tens of thousands of meters away from the town. A lush green forest appeared in front of Chen Xuan. This was the only place in Hongling Town. A mountain range closest to the town is full of small monsters, all of which are first- and second-grade acquired, and cannot pose any threat to humans.

Chen Xuan kept surveying the surrounding area, sometimes flying up into the air, and sometimes falling into the woods, Chen Xuan kept circling back and forth on this small mountain range, not knowing what he was looking for, or something else.

"I chose this place. This time I will come back to expand the family house. The development in the town is limited, and the address and location are not good. The area inside is too small. No matter how much it develops, it will not be able to form a big family. I must also The Chen family has been built into a huge family, so the Chen family has to choose another address now, but it is definitely inconvenient for the family to move back and forth in a distant place. Besides, if other places are occupied by people, there will be rampant monsters, Hongling Town It is also the ancestral property of the Chen family, even if I find a good place, the members of the family will not agree to move the whole family, after all, this is the root."

It turned out that Chen Xuan wanted to re-open a large family in this place, and wanted to turn the entire mountain range into his own family land. It seems that Chen Xuan had planned for a long time, and it may be for this reason when he came back this time. Who would have thought that it would be God's will to catch up with the family matter by accident.

It wasn't until the sunset that Chen Xuan returned to the town from this small mountain range, and walked towards his family. Chen Xuan already knew what happened, relaxed his mood, and returned to his home pretending as if nothing had happened.

In the evening, I had a good meal with my parents. Chen Xuan didn't say anything, but my parents simply asked me where I went during the day. Chen Xuan passed away vaguely. After dinner, Chen Xuan Xuan returned to his room and began to prepare for the next thing.

This time the Chen family encountered an attack by a strong Yuan Wujing, which may have something to do with me, but I still don't know who is coming. I can deal with ordinary Yuan Wujing, but once it is a powerful Yuan Wujing, I can even Deal with it, but I am also afraid that the other party will jump over the wall in a hurry to hurt my family, and I am already at my limit to deal with a Yuan Wujing. If the other party is not alone, my family will still be in danger. How can the family's immediate crisis be resolved with rapid operation.

It seems that I have to make preparations. There are still a few days left, and I still have time. No matter who comes, as long as they dare to harm the Chen family, they will not let them go. I took off my clothes and went back to bed. I didn't meditate and practiced. It was rare to enjoy a quiet sleep. Home is always the warmest place.

Dawn came on time, and when the first ray of sunlight hit Chen Xuan's yard, Chen Xuan had already practiced Tai Chi in his previous life in his yard. Leaning forward, a semicircular air wave constantly changed in the air with Chen Xuan's hands.

Did a breath of foul air come out of Chen Xuan's mouth? A white arrow of air flew out, finished his work, went back to the house to tidy up, and stepped out of the family gate again. This time, Chen Xuan did not go to town, but came to the place yesterday.

Chen Xuan flew into the air, recorded all the geographical locations around him, and then fell to the ground. A lot of spirit stones appeared, and there were tens of thousands of earth spirit stones piled up on the ground. It seems that Chen Xuan wanted to arrange something big It's been a long time.

Thousands of spirit stones swished and were thrown into the air. Chen Xuan kept changing his hands, and handprints appeared one after another. Wherever the handprints went, the spirit stones arrived at the designated position, and the spirit stones Then submerged into the ground, Chen Xuan kept forming handprints in the air, with flashes of brilliance, and every time there was a flash, a spirit stone was buried in the ground.

The entire mountain range is not too big, but it is hundreds of miles long. If you hit tens of thousands of spirit stones, it will be a drop in the bucket, and you can't see anything. Immediately, Chen Xuan took out thousands of spirit weapons, He also flew the spiritual weapons in all directions, the sky was covered by the spiritual weapons, and the overwhelming spiritual weapons were all submerged in the ground.

At this time, Hongling Town was already in turmoil. Everyone was standing on the street, looking at the mountains ten thousand meters away, they could see the sky constantly changing, and the light curtains flickering continuously.

"What happened in the east of the city? Why did such a strange thing happen? Could it be that some treasure was born? Do we need to go and have a look?" Some people began to discuss.

"Hurry up, or the treasures will be snatched away." There was a commotion in the crowd, and crowds of people rushed towards the east of the city. Even the Chen family, the largest family in the town, was alarmed, and a large number of disciples came from the Chen family. Go out, and walk out of the city with this large army.

The distance of tens of thousands of meters means that ordinary warriors will arrive in ten minutes. The team of tens of thousands of people rushed towards the glowing mountains. Chen Xuan's spiritual sense also knew the changes nearby. faster.

The remaining thousands of spiritual tools disappeared into the ground in an instant, and an invisible light curtain appeared, covering the entire mountain range. The brilliance disappeared, and the scene returned to its original state. Chen Xuan's figure also flew out into the distance.

When everyone rushed to the place, everything disappeared, and tens of thousands of people stood there in a daze. Could it be that there are no treasures, that's impossible!

"There must be treasures. If it doesn't work, we'll dig it out. We'll dig three feet into the ground." A group of people has already started to walk towards the mountains, holding digging tools in their hands.

A group of people rushed into the mountains quickly, but the people who rushed into the mountains quickly lost their way and could not see the road behind. There were only rows of trees left in front of them. Everyone panicked and kept going. Running back and forth in the woods, trying to find a way out.

Those who hadn't entered immediately stopped, and saw the people who had entered just now circling in circles inside, as if a ghost was hitting a wall, and everyone backed up a few steps, no one went in again, and a shadow enveloped them. all around the sky.

Standing at a high altitude in the distance, Chen Xuan looked at the people below with a smile on his face, "It seems that the big formation I arranged has already worked. This time, tens of thousands of spirit stones and thousands of spirit stones were used. The equipment was used to arrange this large formation."

Seeing that the people running inside were already exhausted, and some of them were already lying on the ground panting non-stop, Chen Xuan made a handprint in the air, and suddenly a row of trees gave way, and a voice came out from it, " From now on, this mountain range will be a forbidden area, no one is allowed to step into it again, and the cold voice has no trace of emotion." The people sitting on the ground quickly got up, and walked out of the forest with faces full of horror I came out, but this time I didn't go in circles, and I returned safely to the entrance.

Many people still didn't give up and didn't leave. When these people came out, everyone gathered around them, "What happened just now, why are you constantly spinning around inside?" The group of people kept asking Ask your own questions.

The people who came out were all dejected, and briefly explained the situation inside. The faces of those who didn't go in became very surprised, "Could it be that there is a ecstasy array planted here by a strong man? When did our Hongling Town change? It is so popular, and strong people keep coming, it seems that there are no treasures in it, let's go back."

Tens of thousands of troops returned to Hongling Town in a mighty manner. The people who entered were basically carried out, and their physical strength had already been exhausted inside. This was also a small punishment for them by Chen Xuan , at least no one will come in in the future.

In the next few days, the rumors in the whole town were all about what happened a few days ago. Some said that there was a treasure that was occupied by a strong man, and some said that a certain strong man wanted to establish his own power here... all kinds of things They spread like wildfire.

Various legends kept spreading from Hongling Town to the surrounding area. Even some nearby towns were overtaken by a large number of people. Within two days, Hongling Town had tens of thousands of warriors stationed there. A few experts from the Spiritual Martial Realm also arrived in the town.

These days, almost every inn is full. They all want to see what is so special about this mountain range. Some bold people continue to enter the mountain range regardless of the threat, but they are all dizzy inside. Every time there will be A warning voice appeared, but I didn’t go in once, and the crimes I suffered were different. From the beginning, I went in circles, and then I was attacked for no reason, but these attacks did not cause any harm, only caused physical injuries. recovered.

On the third day, no one went in again, and a few people in the Lingwu realm also entered, but the ending was the same, but the injuries were several times those of the day after tomorrow, and each of them came out with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

But everyone still didn't give up and didn't intend to leave. They all stayed in Hongling Town. There was another reason, because tomorrow was the last chance for the Chen family to be given by the Yuan Wujing powerhouse, and they all wanted to see the excitement. It seems that the Chen family also wants to get a piece of the pie. Once the Chen family is destroyed, they intend to monopolize the resources of Hongling Town.

Chen Xuan was still sitting in his home honestly at this time, drinking tea and chatting with Linger in the yard, "Young master, why did the master tell you to go back to the sect, why didn't you go back, such a small place is not for the young master to stay in." place." Linger asked.

"When it's time to go back, I will naturally go back. It's hard to come back. I want to stay for a while. I'm going to grandpa's place now. You don't need to clean up here. I will continue to drink tea when I come back later."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he walked towards the place where his grandfather lived. After Chen Xuan left, Ling'er sighed inadvertently.

But the hall of the Chen family was full of turmoil at this time, everyone was full of sadness, a group of people sat on the stools, feeling restless, some people had already come to the hall to walk back and forth.

"Why doesn't the Patriarch come out yet? Tomorrow is the appointed day. Are we just sitting there waiting to die?" An old man said impatiently.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. The Patriarch will come out and explain to everyone in a while. Please wait a little longer." The housekeeper of the Chen family said.

"We can't wait any longer. If things go on like this, we don't even have time to transfer. We have to give an answer today. Is it a deadly battle or a family relocation to avoid this disaster."

A handsome figure shuttled quickly, and soon came to the courtyard where the owner lived. It was still the same scene as before. As soon as Chen Xuan stepped into the courtyard, he saw his grandfather was about to go out.

"Xuan'er, did you come to see me for something? I have something urgent right now, so I'll talk about it tonight." Chen Batian said softly.