Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 235: arraignment


Chen Batian led thousands of people and walked towards the town, and countless shops opened their doors. To watch this strange scenery, some people who lived in high-rise buildings opened their windows at this time to see Looking at the Chen family on the street.

"What is the Chen family going to do? Why did the whole family come out? Did something happen again?" A man stood leaning against the window and asked.

Some members of the Chen family held a large number of notices and pasted them on the walls on both sides of the street. Immediately, a large number of people walked over to see what the Chen family had posted.

"The Chen family is recruiting construction workers, and the salary is so high. What does the Chen family want to do, and there is no limit to recruiting. As long as there are as many workers as there are, it turns out that one day of work is a hundred pills of Peiyuan pill." A man standing under the posted notice said.

In an instant, this storm spread throughout the streets and alleys, one spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon the whole Hongling Town knew the news, and countless people began to rush to the registration place designated by the Chen family.

Chen Xuan has a lot of Yuanling Pills on him, but these things are already god-level pills in this kind of place, and they may cause a sensation again, so Chen Xuan has already exchanged a lot of Peiyuan Pills in Baicao Hall, Slightly revealing their identities, these people are eager to take out all their stocks, and now almost all the Peiyuan Pills within a thousand miles have been snatched by Chen Xuan.

One Yuanling Pill can be exchanged for tens of thousands of Peiyuan Pills. Chen Xuan spent less than 100,000 Yuanling Pills in exchange for countless Peiyuan Pills. Chen Xuan gave all these pills to his grandfather, although Numerous Peiyuan Pills can maintain the recruitment of these workers, but building materials still require a lot of resources to exchange.

Chen Xuan traveled thousands of miles in one day, and a large amount of materials are ready, but there are still a few materials that are not available nearby. Chen Xuan also has a headache when he comes back. Without these materials, it is difficult to build a huge The Chen family, in such a backward place, wants to build their ideal home, it seems that they have to go out to find it.

In the past few days, the Chen family has been busy recruiting, and a large number of workers have begun to station in the place designated by the Chen family to start building a brand new Chen family.

Chen Xuan was in his grandfather's study right now, and the two sat opposite each other.

"Xuan'er, do you really want to go out and look for these materials this time? Couldn't there be other materials instead." Chen Xuan's grandfather asked.

"The materials I need now are not available nearby. I have to go to a bigger place to find them, and these materials are also the main things for the layout of the Jiugong Bagua Formation. Without these things, the Jiugong Bagua Formation cannot operate at all, so I must personally Look for it and see if you can find it." Chen Xuan also said with a frown.

"What are these things you are talking about, are they really that important?"

"Important, without the two things 'Golden Crow Meteorite' and 'Town Arbor', the formation is not a complete formation at all, so I have to go out to find these two things. On the family side, you carry out the original plan. All you need to do is to come back and set up the big formation, I have already summed up the specific layout, you just need to operate as usual, I will try to come back within three months."


Chen Batian also acquiesced in Chen Xuan's words, "Don't worry about the family, I will urge them to complete the project as soon as possible in the past few months, and I have already put the Wannian stone liquid you gave into the family's well. All the disciples of the family will be allowed to drink it, regardless of age, the whole family is drinking this water now, and the Spirit Gathering Formation you set up, now there are a large number of disciples going in to practice every night, and the current disciples are almost the same every day, every day There are quite a few people who are constantly making breakthroughs. According to this progress, there will be a large number of spiritual martial arts in our Chen family within a year. These are all provided by you. My God, such a big change has taken place." Chen batian laohuai said happily.

"That's good. It's my duty to do something for the family. Grandpa doesn't have to say that. Xuan'er will feel uncomfortable."

"Good boy, if the family didn't have you, the Chen family would have been wiped out two years ago. Even though you are my grandson, even I can't look up to you now. I hope you can lead the Chen family to glory. I'm already old. In the future, the Chen family will still rely on you."

"Grandpa, you are not old at all. As long as you continue to take Wannian Stone Liquid every day, within a year, Grandpa will rejuvenate. At that time, Grandpa will be able to show your majestic appearance and lead the Chen family to a higher height."

"You child, you still make fun of your grandpa. Grandpa is almost a hundred years old. If it is an ordinary acquired martial artist, it is now a rare year. How can there be such a majestic appearance? However, my body has gone through the ten thousand years you gave me. After the stone liquid is changed, I feel that I can break through to the peak of Lingwu in three months at the earliest." Chen batian swept away the old state just now.

"And grandpa, before I leave, I will tell you the operation method of the big formation in the east of the city. Once a strong enemy comes again, you just need to open the big formation and lead all the family members in. This is a The sound transmission talisman, if it is very urgent, you just need to crush this talisman paper, I can receive it even if I am thousands of miles away, and I will go back with all my strength when the time comes." Chen Xuan took out a sound transmission talisman and handed it to the in the hands of his grandfather.

Chen Batian took the talisman paper and put it in the spirit ring on his hand. Chen Xuan had hundreds of empty spirit rings on his body this time, and now the family elders have one, even the one who grew up with Chen Xuan Several buddies now have spirit rings in their hands.

"And grandpa, tomorrow morning I will go to interrogate the few people who came to invade our Chen family, and I will be able to find out the slightest clues at that time, I want to see who is planning the Chen family's idea, the family's affairs I will leave it to Grandpa, and after the interrogation, I will leave temporarily, hoping to find these two things when I go out this time."

Immediately, Chen Xuan shot out a wave of divine consciousness and entered into Chen Batian's soul sea. A complex message rushed into Chen Batian's soul sea. Countless symbols began to circulate, and in an instant a large formation was formed. The shape of the formation was deeply imprinted in Ke Ke's soul sea.

Chen Batian felt dizzy for a while, and countless information was constantly entangled in his mind. He closed his eyes and thought for nearly an hour before digesting it. After sorting out the huge formation in his mind, Chen Batian looked at Chen Xuan There was a hint of awe in their eyes.

"Xuan'er, is this the big formation you set up in the east of the city? How could it be so complicated, and it actually contained thousands of top-grade spiritual weapons. If this is said, it would be terrifying." Chen Batian opened his eyes. Said with big eyes.

In the past few days, Chen batian has come into contact with a lot of spiritual weapons, and he also knows how precious each one is. Chen Xuan used thousands of them at a time, what kind of handwriting is this.

"It is true that I have spent countless materials on this large formation, but it is only a large defensive formation that cannot actively attack. I also added some small confusion formations, but compared with the Jiugong Bagua formation, this formation It's not in the mainstream anymore. The Jiugong Bagua Formation is not only a protective formation, but also a large formation that can actively attack. This is why I went out to find these two things. Without these two things, the large formation is not perfect. It can’t even keep up with the large formation that is currently arranged.”

Chen Batian's vision has also broadened a lot in the past two days. He was not stunned by the things in front of him. Looking at the large formation mode of his soul sea, there is no strong impact now. Maybe it is numb. In a few days, Chen Xuan brought a family with too much impact. Seeing countless materials being transported into Chen's house, everyone's eyes were wide open. Even the workers who went to Chen's house to build did not dare Believe it, when will the Chen family have such financial resources.

In the past few days, materials have been continuously entering the Chen family's big warehouse. These are all necessary things for building a new family. Chen Xuan spent millions of Yuanling Pills to purchase all of them.

On the morning of the third day, Chen Xuan came to the dungeon of the Chen family early in the morning. This is the place used by the Chen family as unworthy disciples of the family. Now there are two people imprisoned in the prison, one with all the meridians locked, and the other. One of his arms was gone, and he was lying dying in a corner of the prison.

Pushing open the heavy stone prison door, Chen Xuan walked down the steps. The two disciples guarding the prison saw that it was Chen Xuan who came in, and quickly got up, "Hello, elder, what is the order of the elder?" A 20-year-old Youth Road.

"It's nothing. I came here today to interrogate the two of them. You open the prison." Chen Xuan said.


A disciple quickly took out the key and opened the cell where the two were locked. Chen Xuan lowered his head and walked in. When the two of them saw someone coming in, they both showed hatred and vicious eyes. Stabbed at Chen Xuan.