Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 256: Destroy the enemy with one move


More than a dozen people began to surround Chen Xuan in the middle, and the huge momentum instantly blocked Chen Xuan's front, back, left, and right sides, not giving Chen Xuan a trace of retreat.

"Quickly tell me, who sent you to infiltrate the Yinshan Sect, and dared to infiltrate the space on the sixth floor. I think you are impatient, and you should be arrested honestly." Elder Wu said again.

"Who am I, you are not qualified to know, because you people still want to stop my footsteps." Chen Xuan sneered twice.

"Looking for death, since you don't tell who sent you here, then we'll capture you alive, and then we'll see if it's your mouth or my fist." Elder Wu was also completely irritated by Chen Xuan.

Rubbing in front of the body, it suddenly rose from the ground. When the huge sleeve robe was rolled up, a wave of air was generated. The huge wave of air rolled in, like a chariot of ten powerful horses rushing towards Chen Xuan, and the violent impact sound shook the surrounding people. The air and the void flickered in bursts.

This Elder Wu fights as soon as he says he wants to fight. He also saw that Chen Xuan's strength is at most the early stage of the Yuanwu realm. It looks so simple.

The oppressive air wave came overwhelmingly, the power of the devil, the cold breath, seemed to be the call of hell, this Elder Wu did not know what kind of magic skill he was practicing, exuding an extremely cold breath, the wide sleeve robe rolled and moved, The body flew quickly.

Chen Xuan stood on the spot without making a move, just like watching a clown perform. The shadow of this Elder Wu kept enlarging in Chen Xuan's eyes, that is to say, the closer Elder Wu was to Chen Xuan, getting closer.

The force of oppression instantly increased. Chen Xuan was wearing a brocade gown, and was blown continuously by the force of oppression. The other dozen people didn't make a move, but seeing Chen Xuan's calm look, they all muttered to themselves, " Is this person crazy? How dare he ignore Elder Wu's attack."

The power of the world began to rush back and forth in Chen Xuan's body, and that mysterious original power also merged into the "power of the world", and the violent power rushed into Chen Xuan's whole body in an instant. Any part of the body can be used as a sharp weapon for attack.

Layers of the world's original power covered Chen Xuan's single fist. The brilliance flowed, and the four colors kept exchanging. With the power of the world, his feet have already sunk into the ground.

After Chen Xuan absorbed the power of the earth, he felt an inexplicable sense of belonging to the earth. He felt that under the earth, there was also a power of the earth that was transmitted up and blessed him. This is the benefit brought by the earth soul orb.

The Earth Soul Orb is a condensed substance of the earth, which contains the artistic conception of the earth. Chen Xuan absorbed the Earth Soul Orb and also inherited the will of the earth, so the earth continued to support Chen Xuan.

The wind is howling, the ground is sinking, dozens of people around are terrified, the person in front of him has deeply stimulated the nerves of everyone present, what kind of power is it that can make the space on the sixth floor appear Instability, and even a feeling of facing collapse.

Elder Wu's body also felt Chen Xuan's change in mid-air, but he had to strike with the sword in his hand. At this time, the fists hidden under his sleeves had already prepared for a strong blow, which could no longer be retracted. His body changed again, The rapid impact also reached five meters away from Chen Xuan in the blink of an eye.

The pair of fists appeared in the air, and the body quickly pressed down. The thick vitality covered Elder Wu's fists, and the cold aura appeared again, and the icy aura of a ten thousand-year-old cold sculpture exuded from the pair of fists.

The icy air instantly froze the surrounding air, and a layer of hoarfrost appeared around Chen Xuan. The icy air continued to spread, as if he had come to a world of ice and snow.

"Boy, die, let you know how powerful my 'Yin Demon Art' is."

"Yin Demon drinking blood!"

Elder Wu's fists suddenly changed, and a phantom of Yin Demon appeared. It was a demon god, a demon god wearing the skin of hell. Sternly, the red letter spit out from the mouth of the Demon God. It was a tongue full of sin, with layers of flesh and blood on it.

I saw Elder Wu's body constantly changing with the demon god, the phantom began to growl, and the ten-foot-long fangs exuded a blood-stained aura, which was the aura of a demon.

"Endless perdition, the gates of hell are open for you at any time, entrust everything to the demon god of hell, sacrifice your flesh and blood..."

Elder Wu seemed to be chanting some incantation, and saw the illusory phantom start to solidify, and a huge demon god began to appear in front of Chen Xuan. What a strange place.

Layers of blood and light began to spread around, and the demonic demon god began to walk towards Chen Xuan, and the sound of huge footsteps resounded throughout the space on the sixth floor. Behind the demon god, Elder Wu kept chanting Move the spell.

The Yin Demon began to open its huge fangs and mouth, wanting to eat Chen Xuan completely in one bite. The bloody breath kept rushing in front of Chen Xuan's body, but it was blocked by the Yuanli shield arranged by Chen Xuan. .

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of Demon God's footsteps was like ringing the death bell, constantly resounding through the hearts of everyone present, because everyone knew the result at this time.

That is, Chen Xuan will be completely eaten by the Yin Demon, and become the food in the belly of the Yin Demon. Chen Xuan's pupils shrink, and his body moves rapidly. His body is like a butterfly, shuttles and dances on the mountain.

Chen Xuan was able to use the Nine Transformations of the Phantom to the fourth transformation, and his current speed has already disappeared. Even if Chen Xuan disappeared in place, these people would not be able to find it, but Chen Xuan's body did not disappear, but was moving rapidly. advance.

In a thousandth of an instant, Chen Xuan's right fist covering the "power of the world" has been taken out of his sleeve robe, and a wave of righteousness with the power of the underworld god is continuously generated, as if to show that With the unity of the world, the mysterious source began to flow into Chen Xuan's body in the dark void.

Chen Xuan's power at this time is like a volcano waiting to erupt, which can ignite the trigger of the explosion at any time, and the sky and the earth begin to change color, because Chen Xuan kicked his feet just now, and the entire mountain peak dropped several meters.

And the locked space on the sixth floor is also declared broken. Chen Xuan's step already contains the power of rules. These powers can move mountains and fill seas, and are enough to destroy everything. This is the power of the world. Maybe these People don't know what the power of the world is, so they don't know how Chen Xuan did it.

The huge mountain peak can be stepped down four or five meters by Chen Xuan. This is obviously the realm of the earth spirit. Could this person be a strong earth spirit? It was about to attack Chen Xuan.

"Come and go for indecent assault, and you will punch me too."

A destructive force was generated in Chen Xuan's hands, strong wind, heavy rain, lightning and thunder, and a violent breath shot out from Chen Xuan's body.

It is an invincible power, enough to destroy the world, as if announcing the end of the world is coming, Chen Xuan actually perfectly integrated the three moves of Di Liuquan, sending out such a tremor that the earth can tremble breath.

A destructive fist began to fly out above Chen Xuan's single fist. The violent power was enough to destroy the world. How could the little demon god stop it? Dozens of people have already flown into the air at this time.

Seeing the power to destroy everything in Chen Xuan's hands, his eyes were horrified, and huge waves surged in his heart. Layers of ripples centered on Chen Xuan and began to disperse to the surroundings, like ripples and roars of the sea. Constantly growling.

The bloody mouth of the demon god controlled by Elder Wu was also fixed in the sky at this time, and his body could not move forward again. He was forced to stand in place by Chen Xuan's fist, and his thick fangs appeared Very ferocious and terrifying.

"Emperor Fist!"

The wind of Chen Xuan's fist suddenly moved, and the "power of the world" came out, and Chen Xuan also poured the source of the earth into this fist. The strong wind passed through the border, overwhelming everything, and the trees around the mountain began to grow. The roots were uprooted, and the huge trees began to fly into the air, and were knocked down again by more than a dozen people in the sky.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Countless trees fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

And Chen Xuan's fist was only a few meters away from the demon god on the opposite side. After Chen Xuan made this move, the demon god's face changed, as if he saw the devil king of hell. Only the devil king of hell can rule all the demon gods .

The summoning of the god of death has stopped, and the cold demon god is not moving forward, but how can Chen Xuan spare him, the fist moves, the body is moving, the body bounces on the spot, and the single punch is printed on the Yin demon controlled by Elder Wu. over the shadows.


The "power of the world" played by Chen Xuan was finally imprinted on this demon god, and the power to destroy everything also instantly destroyed this demon god, but Elder Wu, who was hiding behind the demon god, was lifted like a chicken by Chen Xuan's eagle , was mentioned by Chen Xuan.

A surge of Yuan force blocked Elder Wu's whole body, and his body immediately went limp.

The phantom of the demon god began to scatter. After all, this is not the real demon god, and it is just a phantom summoned by the elder Wu. It doesn't even have one ten-thousandth of the power of the real demon god. Xuan is definitely not an opponent, unless he can break through the real martial arts realm.

Chen Xuan's Diliu punch hit the demon god's chest, and the gloomy aura rushed towards his face, but it couldn't stop Chen Xuan from completely destroying the target.

The demon god began to dissipate, and the "power of the world" that Chen Xuan played was also taken back. At this time, there was no trace of demonic energy in the sky, leaving only dozens of people terrified in the sky, but Chen Xuan's hands at this time But there was an elder with a very old qualification.