Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 34: intercept


"Then what are the items for participating in the general election?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

"There are three hurdles to participate in the general election. For you, you have already passed the first two hurdles. For the first hurdle, the participants must be under the age of 18, and their true strength must be at least the seventh rank in the day after tomorrow. You have already met this condition. Well, the second level is to pass the level, everyone will be fighting with puppets of the same level as themselves, and only by defeating the opponent can they pass the second level, you should have no problem with this."

"The so-called puppet is the wooden man made by the sect itself. Most of its strength is between the seventh and ninth ranks. If you have reached the Lingwu Realm, you can directly enter the third level without participating in the first two levels. The difficulty is relatively high, and the challenge is a level higher than myself. There are too many people who are screened out on this every year. As long as the players can persist in ten tricks, they can pass, but every difference is a difference between heaven and earth, so I can join Dan Xuanmen's qualifications are all top choices."

Pei Wenliang roughly explained to Chen Xuan all the precautions for participating in the general election of Zongmen. Chen Xuan also had a general understanding of the general election. However, Chen Xuan only now knows why only the sects of the four heavenly kingdoms are the most powerful, because they would rather lack than abuse, and only in this way can the sects remain the most powerful.

"I haven't introduced our situation to you yet. The four of us are from Lianshan Peak, and all four of us are inner disciples. Only when we reach the Spirit Martial Realm will we be automatically promoted to inner disciples. The treatment we enjoy is different from that of outer disciples. The venue is different, and you will understand everything when you join the sect."

Several people went back to their own rooms after eating, and Chen Xuan took a hot bath in the room, feeling comfortable all over. In the next time, Chen Xuan wanted to practice hard, and he was almost on the road this month. With no time to practice at all, Chen Xuan felt that the real power in his dantian might be completely transformed into spiritual power at any time.

The whole night was spent in boring practice.

At dawn the next day, several people hurried on the road again, but not as anxious as before, talking and laughing along the way.

"There are sounds of fighting ahead."

Several people stopped suddenly.

"Let's go over and see, who dares to fight privately here already in the territory of Danxuanmen."

Several people began to approach.

Chen Xuan saw two gangs fighting, one side was all in black, and the other side was a group of teenagers, the biggest one was around seventeen or eighteen.

"Are you really going to kill them all?"

A young man said.

"As long as you give up joining Danxuanmen, we won't make things difficult for you. You must persist in your obsession and kill them all."

A leader in black said.

"Why do you want to prevent us from joining Danxuanmen? If Danxuanmen finds out, will they let you go?"

The boy had a trembling tone.

"Stop talking nonsense, brat. You can choose your own two paths. You can either choose to quit or choose to die." The man in black threatened.

"We quit."

Several younger ones quickly chose to quit, and they were about to walk to the periphery after speaking.

"Wait a minute."

With a loud roar, Shi Yuanshang stood out from the hidden bushes.

"Where are you, you dare to attack the Danxuan sect."

After speaking, several other people also stood up from the tree and flew to the man in black.

"Who are you and why do you want to prevent Danxuanmen from recruiting disciples?"

Pei Wenliang said angrily.


The leader of the men in black shouted, and a dozen men in black quickly fled in all directions.

"It's not that easy to leave."

The four rushed towards the man in black in four directions.

Chen Xuan took a look at the highest level of the man in black, which was the ninth grade of Houtian, and the four killed seven or eight men in black without any effort.

"Tell me, who sent you to intercept the disciples who joined the Danxuan Sect."

The faces of these people are very strange, this time it should be an action against Danxuanmen.

"Tell me, who sent you here?"

The remaining four people glanced at each other, firmed their eyes, and fell to each other, with black blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

"They killed themselves."

"I didn't expect their organization to be so strict. They didn't even say a word about death. We have quickened our pace and reported the matter to the sect."

"Then what about these people." Wang Yuqing looked at a group of teenagers and said.

"Let's see it this way. I'll go back and report to the sect first. You guys will lead the group of youngsters to follow, in case there is another sneak attack." Pei Wenliang said.

"Let's do it like this. Go back and report to the sect quickly, and strengthen the inspection range of thousands of miles around, so as to avoid another sneak attack. We will arrive later."

"Then I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Pei Wenliang performed lightness kung fu and disappeared. Among these few people, Pei Wenliang's lightness kung fu was the best, so they all agreed to let him go back and report first.

This is how many people turned their heads to look at the dozen teenagers.

"Where did you come from, and how did you meet the man in black?"

"We came here from Lincheng, so we don't know how they got their attention." After a teenager finished speaking, he also looked at the man in black.

"Are you all here to participate in the one-year apprentice selection meeting of Danxuanmen?"

"Yes, we knew that the Danxuanmen Opening Mountain Gate Disciple Selection Conference would be held soon, so we rushed over here as a group, to try our luck, we also met on the way."

"Since you are going to participate in the sect's apprentice selection meeting, then come with us. We are the inner disciples of the Danxuan sect, and we will keep you safe along the way."

More than a dozen teenagers cheered and jumped up. Just now, they were still planning for life and death. Now they can meet the disciples of Danxuanmen. How can they not be happy.

"Don't be too happy too early. Whether you can join the sect or not depends on you. We can only protect the mission and complete it. Everything else is up to you."

After simply cleaning up the mess, a group of people went on the road again.

"Are you also here to attend the conference?"

An older boy said to Chen Xuan.


Chen Xuan responded.

"My name is Xi Yunsheng. I'm just eighteen years old this year. What's your name?"

"Chen Xuan, fourteen years old."

Chen Xuan sized up the boy who was talking to him, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, his actual age was about twenty years old.

"Where do you come from? I'm from Lincheng. We'll be brothers from now on. We'll take care of each other." Xi Yunsheng said again.

"To each other, I come from Hongling Town, a small place."

Everyone talked and laughed along the way, and the relationship with each other has also become closer.

A group of people rushed towards Danxuan's direction quickly.