Devouring Heaven Chant

Chapter 45: Kill three wolves


The night passed quickly, and after a brief tidying up, Chen Xuan walked out of the cave. I feel that I am about to break through to the Spirit Martial Realm, but my Yuan Ling Pill is not enough for the time being. If the breakthrough spirit is not enough, The light ones will lead to a drop to a level, and it will be difficult to improve, and the severe ones will lead to madness.

You have to find a way to get more Yuan Ling Pills, unless you can find the spiritual veins. This is what Chen Xuan knows from the "Miscellaneous Notes". There are several spiritual veins in the Danxuan Sect, but they are all cultivated by the core disciples. In other places, even inner disciples can only rely on the periphery of the spiritual veins to cultivate.

Forget about it, go out today to kill some demons, change some more mission points, so that I can also go to the Xuanhuang Pagoda to practice, at least the time inside is longer than the outside, I don’t know what the state of cultivation in the Xuanhuang Pagoda is, I am really look forward to!

Chen Xuan headed east all the way, and when he met a lone human demon, he punched them out with one punch, sucking up all the blood, killing and sucking all the way, killing more than a hundred human demons, and the demons in the ring became more and more More and more, the sense of swelling in the dantian is getting more and more serious, as if it is about to be promoted to the spiritual realm at any time.

"No, I can't inhale any more. If I inhale my dantian again, it will explode."

"Why do I feel that there are always people behind me!"

Chen Xuan was vigilant.

"It seems that I have been targeted as a prey again. I don't know who is blind and wants to die."

Chen Xuan jumped onto a big tree and hid his figure.

After a cup of tea, three men sneaked out from behind Chen Xuan.

"Brother, we just saw that this kid disappeared here." A man said.

"This kid is too slippery, and his qinggong and body skills are too fast, so we can only chase after him."

The oldest man said.

This way Chen Xuan used the Nine Transformations of Phantom to hurry, no wonder they couldn't catch up. The Nine Transformations of Phantom is a heaven-level martial skill, how could they catch up.

It turned out that it was the three wolves who were looking for me in the teleportation array. I didn't look for you. Today I will finish you all here, Chen Xuan said ruthlessly on the tree.

"Brother, we lost track, what to do, how to explain to Mr. Ling when we go back."

As soon as the man finished speaking, Chen Xuan jumped down from the tree.

"The three of you have been following me for the past few days." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"I didn't expect you kid didn't choose to run away. That's right. Today I'll let you know what happens when you offend people who shouldn't be offended. Don't be so arrogant in your next life, kid. Know that there are some people you can't provoke."

"Really? You must be sure to kill me. If you can't kill me, you are not afraid that I will come back and sue you for killing my fellow disciples." Chen Xuan joked.

"Boy, when you're about to die, you're still sharp-tongued. You have no chance to return to the sect. Today is the day of your burial. Disciples die every day on the Tianmo battlefield. Even if you die, the sect will not investigate. Do you kill yourself or we do it, you can still get a whole body if you kill yourself, if we do it, we will tear you apart."

The youngest man said.

"I didn't expect you to be sent up to die by yourself. I didn't plan to find you. Since you are all sent to my door, then I can only send you a ride. In the next life, I will find a good master. There will be no one who offends me." A good end." Chen Xuan completely reversed what the man said just now.

"Boy, you're not ashamed. We three Houtian Jiupin can't deal with you alone. Brothers, stop talking nonsense and solve it together." After speaking, the three of them shot at Chen Xuan at the same time.


Chen Xuan came in front of the youngest man, pinched his neck with one hand, and powerful real power poured into the opponent's body, controlling the opponent's body in one fell swoop.

"Tell me if I can kill you all."

Chen Xuan smiled strangely at him.


The neck snapped.

Chen Xuan's strength has changed day by day since absorbing the blood essence of the demons. Now his strength has increased by four or five times compared to the day before yesterday. He had already strangled his neck, threw away the corpse in his hands, and looked back at the remaining two people.

"Didn't you just ask me to kill yourself? Now I want you to kill yourself. It's best not to do it yourself." Chen Xuan said.

The remaining two people looked at each other, their faces were full of fear, they were no longer as aggressive as before, they didn't expect that the three of them would attack at the same time, and one of them would be killed if they didn't get a move.

"Boy, your strength is not at all the postnatal ninth grade. If you let us go, we will do anything for you in the future. We don't know Taishan, so please forgive me, sir." The older man said with fear.

"Now I know I'm afraid, it's too late, you said it yourself, many disciples die every day on the Tianmo battlefield, and the sect won't go after them. Since I have already killed one of you, I have to kill all of you anyway." Die, or if you go back to the sect and reveal that I killed the disciples of the same sect, then I will be punished by the sect."

"Mr. Chen, we will not reveal your secret, we swear to God." The big man was still unwilling.

"Dead people are the safest. They will never leak out. Go to hell."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he rushed towards the big man, and pinched the big man's neck with one hand again, I will fight with you, and the remaining one picked up the knife in his hand and rushed over to Chen Xuan.

"Overestimate one's abilities, separate shadows."

Two Chen Xuans appeared and punched the remaining big man with both fists. Suddenly, three identical Chen Xuans appeared on the field of "Red Flame Thousand Miles". , to be able to send out split shadows with offensive power, his eyes are straight, and the three of us have kicked such an iron plate. This time we three wolves are all planted. The eyes of the choked man are full of despair, and the aura in his body Being blocked by Chen Xuan, he couldn't exert any strength on his body.

I can only watch my second brother being punched in the chest by two Chen Xuans. Chen Xuan's own strength has improved, and now even Fenying's strength has also improved a lot.

With a bang, the dust flew up, and the big man who rushed up was repelled heavily by Chen Xuan's shadow and flew back for more than 20 meters. He was lying on the ground with blood gushing from his mouth, and the color of the two shadows also dimmed, but It hasn't dissipated yet, as long as the split shadows sent out before are attacked once, the split shadows will dissipate. It seems that my strength has improved, and the strength of the split shadows has also increased a lot.

Chen Xuan manipulated two split shadows to walk towards the big man lying on the ground. The split shadows were like Chen Xuan's hands and feet. As soon as he moved his mind, the split shadows would act according to Chen Xuan's thoughts. One of them picked up the big man and dropped it on the ground The steel knife walked up to the big man.

"Be a good person in your next life."

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, Chen Xuan took the two shadows back into his body.

"The choked big man's eyes were furious, little bastard, you actually killed my second and third younger brothers, and you and I are at odds with each other." The big man roared.

"Don't worry, I will send you on the road together in a while. I won't make you three brothers lonely. Tell me who arranged for you to kill me. I will give you a happy ending. Otherwise, I will let you know what life is better than death." !"

Although Chen Xuan guessed that Ling Feng sent them here, he still needed to confirm it.

"Little bastard, we three wolves are planted in your hands today. You can kill or cut casually. Don't try to reveal a word from my mouth. If you have the guts, you will kill me with one knife. Do you think I will frown? Many people have died at our hands over the years, but I didn't expect to fall into the hands of a yellow-haired kid today." The big man said unwillingly.

"You wouldn't say it without letting you taste the pain, would you?"

Chen Xuan sent the real power into the big man's body again, and the chaotic real power flowed backwards and forwards in the big man's meridians. The big man's body trembled constantly, and the expression on his face was more fearful than that of a demon.

"Little bastard, kill me with a knife." The big man forced a few words out of his mouth.

"If you want to die, it's not that easy. Tell me who ordered you to kill me. Tell me, and I will give you a good time."

"Little bastard, I think you are not pleasing to the eyes, so I want to kill you. No one ordered us to do this. I didn't expect that we would be pecked by eagles today after hunting eagles every day. You can kill me with one knife."

"The mouth is quite stiff. I don't know what benefits the person who ordered you has given you, but he defends him like this."

Chen Xuan once again increased his strength and rushed towards the big man's body.

"Quickly tell me who ordered you to kill me." Chen Xuan said angrily.

"Yes... yes... yes... Young Master Ling Feng of Dou Lingfeng."

The big man couldn't take it anymore, blood kept flowing from the seven holes, and he struggled to utter a few words from his mouth.

"Isn't it over already? Still suffering so much pain."

Chen Xuan has never been merciful to the enemy. With a click, the big man's head collapsed, his neck was cut off by Chen Xuan, and he threw the big man's body aside. It seems that this Ling Feng really wants to control himself to death. Refusing to allow him to join Dou Lingfeng brought such a lot of hatred. He dared to kill himself. It seems that human life is too worthless in their hands. One day I will let him kneel in front of me and say goodbye to him. I beg for mercy.

Let's deal with the battlefield first. Although killing the same sect violated the sect's rules, but no one knew it would be like that. He took off the storage rings from several people's hands, and dug a big pit to bury all three of them.

After cleaning the battlefield where Chen Xuan left, he performed Nine Changes of Phantom and returned to the cave where he lived last night. He took out the rings of the three of them and opened the restriction set by the three of them. After death, the restriction weakened. All the things were poured out, and the rings of the three fell to the ground again with a rattling noise. The things accumulated by these three people were more than the sum of those disciples.

It seems that these few people have beaten other disciples a lot these years, and now they have taken advantage of me. Killing people and stealing goods is indeed the best way to make a fortune. People do not make money without external wealth, and horses do not get fat without weeds. This old saying is not false at all what!

Quickly separated the belongings of several people, now that I sent it, Chen Xuan couldn't close his mouth with a smile, and now the Yuanling Pill that he broke through the Spiritual Martial Realm has been found, I am very grateful to these few people, without this How can I get 10,000 Yuanling Pills from a few people at once.


There was a burst of laughter from the cave.